Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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'· OBm ~CB EJ [ l ) CO· !l!JD@ ~@@cfJ 5J[{j]5J \j(J . Off ml~ @@!JD@@(J!JD@ o r1 ~ [{j]@1]@@f?@~~ John Ra un Wood has been nam ed 200 3 Rick y Grah am A MA U .S . Fl a t AMA Pro Racing has released its schedule for the 2004 AMA Chevy Trucks U.S. Motocross Champion ship. Once again. the championship incl udes 12 events. and : new for 2004 - the series will conclude at Glen Helen Raceway in Southern California. AMA Pro Racing CEO Scott Hollingsworth said AMA Pro Racing worked collaboratively with key promoters to accom plish several impor - Track Rookie o f the Year. W ood , 23, o f I ,... D ub lin, Pennsyl vania. scored poin t s in s ix ro u n ds o f t he A MA Pr o g r e s s iv e tant changes to the series. "We had a couple of fundamental objecti ves for 2004 , and we're delighted we were able to achieve them : said Hollin gsworth in a press release. "One of our goals was to build in a break at the conclusion of the AMA Supercross season before the teams had to jump right into motocross. This was something that both riders and team managers had said was important to them, so we worked hard to make it happen. An additional benefit to that change is that everyone now has Mother's Day off." Hollingsworth added that the 2004 schedule is also more favorable to the teams' travel patterns. "The logistics involved with transporti ng moto rcycles, equipment and personnel from event to event is a major undertaking, " said Hollingsworth, "Now, after the opening round at Hangtown in Sacramento, California, the teams have a weekend off to get to and prepare for round two at High Point Raceway in Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, This break, particularly at the beginning of the season, when teams are adj usting to the new series. is advantageous. There's also benefit to beginning and ending the championship on the West Coast, because ' that' s where most of the teams are based." ' Lori Yarnell, general manager of Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, California, echoes that sentiment. "We're excited about the motocross season wrapping up at Glen Helen next year: said Yarnell. "We're already talking about our event internally and plan to give it a festival-like atmosphere. Southern California is the heart of the motocross industry . so it makes sense to have the championship finale right here." The 2004 AMA Chevy Trucks U.S, Motocross Champio nship schedule is as follows: May 16 - Hangtown Classic, Sacramento, California May 30 - High Point Raceway, Mount Morris, Pennsylvania J une 13 - Motocross 338 , Southwick , Massachusetts J une 20 • Budds Creek Motocro ss Park , Budds Creek, Maryland Ju ly 4 - Red Bud Track -Pi-Trail , Buchanan, Michigan Ju ly 18 - Unadilla Valley Sports Center. New Berlin. New York Jul y 25 - Kenworthy's Motocross Park, Troy. Ohio Aug. I • Washougal Motocross Park. Washougal. Washington Aug. 15 - Spring Creek Motocross Park, Mill ville, Minnesota Aug. 22 . Broome-Tioga Sports Center, Binghamton, New York Sept. 5 - Steel City Raceway. Delmont, Pennsylvania Sept. 12 • Glen Helen Raceway Park. San Bernardino. Californi a Ins urance U .S, Flat Track Championship ~I this ye ar. He scored thr ee top- t 0 fini sh;=::- es . all o n sho rt t racks . W oo d fini sh ed the season ranked 20t h in the final AMA >=< :=::: LJ ,..... U Grand Nat ion al poi nt standings . W oo d start ed t he yea r o ff with a nint h-place finish in th e Dayt ona Beach Short Trac k National during Bik e W eek in M arch. He moved up ano t her notch at th e end of M ay w hen he sco red an ei gh th at t he O s ho rt -track event in C hilli co t he , O hio . H is ot he r to p - 10 re su lt ca me at the ' I Hal e s C orn er Spee dw ay Sh o rt T rac k ?=< ra c e i n Aug u s t. W o o d also sc o r e d I nat io nal p oint s at the s ho r t track in >=< Haubstadt. Indiania, on t he half-miles at U Sharon Speedw ay in Hartford , Ohi o. and th e St ate Fair Speedway in Sedalia, M issouri, " It' s cool." said W ood, the 2001 b O o o Pro Spo rt 60 0cc and 505 cc Hot Sh o e Champi on . " I didn 't eve n know I was in Britain in Jul y , The Au st ralian w as previ- Powersp o rt s , a mu lt ibrand dea lership could. and he said he wa sn 't go ing to let and dire c tor of c o mmunicatio ns Ker me go unless he go t it at least o kay , " Ch an dl e r s aid he ' s o ut f or th e ne xt round in Dallas , in tw o week s' tim e. and Graeb er con fi r me d th at th e s h ow i inte nded to look different from traditiona M agny -C ours. The Hon da C BR6 00 RR O o se rie s, AMA Pro Racing vice presiden has pro ven successful eve n beyond our miles. so I'm st ill getting used to th e bigger t racks. " W ood is back ed by S cott at the lifesty les o f top race rs fro m th was th ere t r ie d t o se t it t he be st he t o o ffe r B ro c t he ch anc e o f a rid e at O Th ey took X-ray s , and th e d octor th at titles secure , w e felt the ti ming w as right rode half-miles as an Am ateur and never erage as well as behind -the-scenes look points standings . Team manager Ronald ten Kat e comme nted: "W ith th e W or ld O mat and will feature extensive racing cov ankle, because it shifted out to th e left . He is currently 12th in the championship c all him) adm itted hi s strong s ui t is short- track racing. " I grew up racing on little clay short t rac ks . " he said. " I rarely show wi ll be pre se nted in ep isodic for ral. and I t hink that' s w hat w renche d my Marino W orl d Supersp ort rou nd in June. W o od, wh o goe s by hi s mid dl e nam e Rau n (or " John Raun , " as his b udd ies W est Coast). As announced earlier, th released. "I tw ist ed it. kind of like a spi- a be st finish of th ird pl ace at t he Sa n ni ght' s s ho r t tra ck a t Sprin gfi el d . " his hot el roo m aft er bein g treat ed and ously with the BKM tea m and recorded co nte nti on for the awa rd unt il Sat urday po s si bl y fo r t he y ea r. " I'd be luc ky, I lo ok at e v ery t hing i nv o lved with t hi racing coverage , " W e 've taken a fres own expectat ion s. and it's excit ing to be Berry . W ood becomes th e 3 3rd recipient o f th e A MA U .S. Flat Track Rooki e of t he Y e ar A w ar d , Numerou s AMA c hamp io ns hip series , incl ud ing th e Ch and ler said . " U nt il I go t o see Art p re se ntation," sai d Graeber. " O L N mach ine. - Park es will also be join ed in O D O D o think, to do Vega s [on November 2 1l , " able to offe r Bro c the chance to race our located in C oop ersbu rg, Penn sy lvan ia. His bik e s are owne d and bui lt by Bob ITingJ. I don' t know ." along w ith ou r produ ction company Ech Th re e ri de r s fr om t he U ni t e d S tat e s craft a show tha t wi ll showcase motor the Honda CBR600 RR lineup by for mer W orld M otoc ros s Ch amp ion F rederic Entert ainment. has worked very hard t Bolley, w ho j oi ns t he K la ffi Ho nd a have be en selected t o co mpete in th rs cycle racing in an all-new manner. We' r sq uad for the French race. Nation al Champ i o n s lau nch ed th e ir careers aft er being named the top ro okie. including rid ers suc h as J ay Spring. ye ar 's 50th Anniversary Macau look ing forward to the show' s debut 0 Motorcycle Grand Prix , scheduled D o u g Chandler , Chr i s C ar r, B e n Bo stro m and Ni cky Hayden . The aw ard for Nov embe r 15. Georgia's G eoff M ay to o ," T he fol lowinq is the broa dca s may be out for th e rest o f t he seaso n after injurin g hi s left leg in a first -t urn st ee n. S c o tt Parker. Bub ba S hob ert, Octob er 16. and we know our fans are Red Bull HM C KTM' s Doug Cha nd ler w ill rid e a Suzu ki GSX -R 1000 sponsored by T e am Embry / May Rac i ng : W illow schedule: October 16 - 10 p.m. C1 a.rr Oct ob er 17 ) - M o nt e r ey , Ca liforni a O ctober 23 - 10 p.m. ( 1 a.m. Oc to be o accid ent at the A MA Red Bull Sup erm o - Spring s regular and current WSMC Fl O to race in C olumbu s, Ohio, on October po int ' s le ader J eremy Toye w ill rid e a 24 ) - Sout h Bo ston , Vi rgin ia/ Columbus 5. Cha ndler came to geth er wi th team- Le e ' s C y cle- sp ons o red Su zu ki G S X- Oh io (part one): Oct ober 30 - 10 p.m. ( pion ship lic ense hold er. W o od wi ll be mate Ben Carlson in the first corner of R 1000 : a nd J a s on Pe r e z w ill r ide a a.m, Octob er 3]) - Co lumbus, Ohio tp presented his award at the 29th annual t he Unlim it ed Supermoto final , his left Yamaha YZ F-Rl sponsored by Grave s tw o ): N ov ember 13 - 10 p .m . ( 1 a.m AMA Pro Racing Awards Banquet, to be fo ot twis ting 180 de g ree s ba c kw ard , M otorsport s . The team leaves fo r Hong Novem ber 13) • Dallas, Texas : Novem held at t he Rio Suites Hotel & Ca sino in L a s V ega s on S aturday eve ni n g . November 22. The three-time A MA Sup erbi ke Champi- Kong on November 8. The 60 -mile race ber 20 - 10 p.m. (1 a.m. November 2 11 o n w as taken t o M o unt C arm el W e s t Hospital, wh ere he wa s diagno sed wi th a throug h the st reets w ill be run on Saturday , November 15 , A ft er th e race . the Irw indale , C alifornia: N ov ember 2 1 p .m. ( 12 a.m . N ov e mb er 22) - La brok en left fibula , near the knee, and a team will be treated to an eigh t -nigh t Vega s. Nevada . Ch eck your local listi ng severely tw ist ed left ank le. He'll ret urn vacatio n in Thailand. for more info rmation, is given to the rider w ho has earne d the mos t point s in his or her first full year of compet it ion as a Grand National Cha m- O O 8 o Road race r Broc Parkes will race for the Ten Kate Honda te am in t he fin al home to Salinas. Californ ia, on M ond ay o o o o o roun d of th e World Sup ersport Ch ampi on sh ip at M agn y -C ours , Fra nc e . o n and expec t s to see D r. A rthu r Ting for O utd oor Life Netw ork (OLN) w ill beg in The A MA Superbik e test on O ctober . su rgery either M on day or Tue sday. "I it s bro adcast co ve rage of the inaugural at th e I ndia na p o lis Motor Spee O c t o b er 19, acc o rdi ng t o th e t e am . Park es joi ns t he t eam ' s reg ular ride rs, wheelied off the line and I think Doug did AMA Red Bull Supermoto Cham- w a y w as consi de red a big success b the same thi ng . we kind of got into each Karl Muggeridge and new W orld Cham - ot her, " C arlson said. "And as soon as pionship season on O ct ob er 16 , The shows w ill air Thursdays at 10 p.m. EST all invo lved. according to t he AMA. Ri ers V incent Haskovec and J ake Zemk p ion Chris V er meul en , o n t he y ell o w our w heels touched the ground. we ta n- (7 p.m. on the W est C oast) and then re- we re thrill ed to be t he first Su perbi k CBR600RRs for th e final outing in th e gled bars and we both went down . It' s air t h re e hours lat er , Each o f t he f ive ride rs to t urn a w he el aro und the ha II -rou nd c ha mp io ns hip. " It's a g rea t chance for me, and I'm just loo king forw ard to ge tt ing ba c k on the track and racin g ," sai d t he 20 ·ye ar -ol d Parke s , real unf ort unat e, Do ug' s a great com- qual if yin g ro unds of t he cha mpio ns hip lowed racing gro und s o f IMS , and th petitor." C hand ler said he knew some- will ,be show n leading up to the champi- thi ng was w rong as so on as he hit t he gro und . " I broke the littl e bone in the left onship finale, w hich will be carried live on staff of the Speedw ay we re happy to g input from th e riders and AM A Pro Ra ( 1 w ho last raced at B rand s Hatch, Great leg closer up by the knee, " he said from o 'U 1\ I I 2 O CTO BER 1 5 . 2 0 03' c u e I e n e 'UV s Friday. November 21 , fr om Las V egas , beg inning at 9 p.m. EST (6 p.m. on the ing off icials . The t est was run to find 0 if it w as feasible for mo tor cycles to rac