Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 03 26

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r--------------------------------------,~ ~ Richland ORV Park Richland, Washington R....Its: Fabruary 23, 2003 (Round 2 of 8J Q. 50 AUTO: 1. Austin Juaru (KTM); 2. McKema Stewart (Yam): 3. Brock Sittman (Yam): 4. Sennd1 Ferris (Sw): 5. DawJon Mclaugh· Q. ~ ;); o ~ en iii 5 ::J :I: ~ ": a w iD ~ Q. Richland ORV Park: Ronnie Noel (05) leads Eric Greene (50), Ron Marshall (927), Philip Ehnat (182) and the rest of the Intermediate Unlimited pack through the first turn in Richland, Washington lin (Suz). 50 BEG:. I. Kale Maxey (KTM); 2. Wyatt Walstad (Pol); 3. Dakota Guzman (KT/I\); 4. Ausm BeiIey (Hus): 5. Kyte Marker (Pol). 50 0PEI't 1. Moue Yah·tsheng (KTM): 2. Wyatt Aguirft: (KTM): 3. Ryan BIftCe (K'T'M): 4. DustIn Ralston (Cob); 5. Jacob C8lPf!Oter (lIT"). 60 BEG:. 1 Cha.nt1 Ragland (KTM); 2. MoluI Yah-tIhmg (KT/I\); 3. Jeremy Bunker (Suz): 4. Cbue Slayton (Suz); 5. Austin Slayton 60 JR: 1. Trelt Jones (Kalil); 2. Cory Green (KT/I\): 3. Hunter Evanson (Suz): 4. Cole Scott (KTM): 5. Dillon Guzman (Suz). 60 1f"fT: 1. Landon Cumer (KTM): 2. Taylor Monroe (KTM): 3. Trevor Ivey (KTM): 4. Houston Keane (lUIw); 5. Cody Bissell (KTM). 60 OPEN: I. Austin Rose (KTM): 2. Cole Scott (KTM); 3. Hunter Evanson (Suz): 4. Cody Evanson (Kalil): 5. Dillon Guzman (Suz). 60 Oil: 1. TaykY Monroe (KTM): 2. HoultOn Keane (Kaw): 3. Trevor Ivey (KTM). 80 BEG: 1. Kory SUson (Kaw); 2. Cody Bissell (KTM): 3. Trevor lvey (Hon): 4. Connor Sumpter (Kaw): 5. Michael McNeight (Kaw). 80 JR: I. Beau Jess (Suz): 2. Trevor Mort (Suz): 3. Cameron Russell (Yam): 4. COley Cox (Kaw); 5. Robert Marten (Suz). 80 1f"fT: I. Sam DeAUey (Suz); 2. Matt DeAtley (Suz): 3. Chris HOlllell (Kaw); 4. Jake Anstett (Yam): 5. Mike Schmeck (Yam). 80 OPEN: 1. Trevor Browne (Yam): 2. MIchael McNeight (Kaw): 3. Dylan Loftls (Hon): 4. Kory Ellison (Kaw): 5. Mike Land (Kalil). S/MINI: I. Sam DeAUey (Suz): 2. Man DeAUey (Suz): 3. Jake Anstett. (Yam): 4. Chris Howell (Kalil): 5. Landon Currier (Yam). 125 BEG: I. Shane Luft (Yam): 2. Greg Ogan (Yom); 3. Kevin Thornton (Yam): 4. Eric Burck (Yam): 5. Barry Humes (Hon). 125 JR: I. Blake Edwards (Yam): 2. Jake Kapostans (Yam): 3. Tim Winter (Hon): 4. Seth Koker (Sw.): 5. Drew Ivey (Yam). 125 INT: I. Rekl Edwardl (Yam): 2. Tony Boughten (KTM); 3. Ryan Dunn (Yam): 4. Nlch McConahy (KTM): 5. Jayden Mineo (lIT"l. 125 PRO: I. Bnlndon Thomas (Hon): 2. Jmy Lymbumer (Sul): 3. Kyle Motsko (Yam): 4. Ga~tt Seek (Yam): 5. Garnett Carter (Yam). 250 BEG: I. Barry Humes (Hon). 2. Jaysen Tnlcy (Yam); 3. Matt $c:haffet (yam); 4. Josh Wagner (Hon); 5. Tim Keller (Hon). 250 00: I. Craig ~ (Yam): 2. Philip 8v1at (Kaw): 3. Ian Nacoroto (Yam): 4. Nidi. McConahy (KTM): 5. Kenny Webster (Kaw). 250 JR: I. Blake Edwards (Yam); 2. Travis Mutlins (Hon): 3. Matt Lewis (lion): 4. Jake Kapostans (Yam): 5. Jason Pollet (Yam). 250 PRO, 1. _ Thomas (_); 2. o..ald Kmlong (Yom), 3, Tyier Kavaney (Yam): 4. Sean Sparkman (Hon); ~. Royce DeVol C-l· BEG Oil: I. Shane Luft (Yam); 2. Greg Ogan (Yam); 3, Eric Toaek (Kaw): 4. Matt $c:halfer (Yam): 5. Dan Lec~ (Hon). JR (JJl.: I. Travis Mullins (Hon): 2. Jayson Sheds (Hon); 3. Josh Cockn.rm (Hon): 4. David Zeigler (Yam): 5. Kevin Slee~ (Yam). INT OIL: J. Phillip Ehnat (Kaw); 2. Tony Boughten (KT/I\): 3. Ronnie Noel (Hon): 4. Jayden Mineo (KTM): 5. Billy Boughten (KTM). PRO OIL: 1. Brandon Thomas (Hon): 2. Jerry Lymbumer (Sm): 3. Gerald Knifong (Yam); 4. Kyle Matsko (Yam); 5. Sean Sparkman (Hon). 4-5TIlK 150 MOD: I. Jeff Piccolo (Yam). WMN BEG: I. l.lM:ee Stewart (Kaw): 2. TerTi Rohrman (Han). WMN SPTSMN: I. Shiri Howell (Kaw): 2. Jill Thomes (Yam): 3. Kimberll Urquhart (Hon): 4. Jaedean Jess (Yam); 5. Brittllnnla James (Yam). 30. BEG: I. Mike Boehnke (Sw.): 2. Paul Thompson (Sm): 3. Dan Chapman (Sw.): 4. Andy Walker (Kalil): ~. Keith Walstad (Yam). 30. JR: I. Travis Mullins (Hon): 2. Scott Brown (Yam); 3. Michael Boars (Hon): 4. Jeff Sullivan (Suz): 5. Bob Larive (Kaw). 30. INT: 1. OlIve Obaitek (Sut): 2. Mark. Jordan (Kalil); 3. Rob Christensen (Kaw): 4. Dave Silvestri (Sm): 5. Dann Gable (Hon). 40. BEG: I. John Cnlft (Yam): 2. Joseph Garza (Kalil): 3. Larry Logsdon (Yam): 4. Ron Noel Sf. (Kaw); 5. Joe Kitzman (Yam). 40. JR: 1. Todd McNelght (Hon): 2. Jeff Sullivan (SUl): 3. Glen Sptlngler (Yam): 4. Pat McConahy (KT/I\): 5. Lance Marshall (Hon). 40. INT: I. Kevin Logsdon (KTM): 2. Vem Huber (Yam). 40. PRO: I. Dave S1lveslti (SUl); 2. Borge Ellingsen (Han): 3. Ted DeVol (Yam): 4. Dave Obllitek (Suz). 50.: I. Steve Buze (Kaw). Pacific Racing Organization Northwest National series Round 2: Richland ORV Park Arimna Dirt Track Association's Winter series Round 3: Speedwerld MotlIrsports Complex Thomas Burns Another One Huzzah for Harazda! champ Currier go at it with other top riders such as Chris Howell, Jake "The Snake" Anstett, Mike Schmeck and Travis Denham. The DeAtleys have been riding their backyard track, and the results are paying off: The overall order was Sam, Matt, and then Howell. Jason Sheets and Josh Cockrum gave Travis Mullins a run for the money in the Junior Unlimited class. Mullins got both holeshots, managing to keep both riders behind him. Sheets had a good moto-one start but stalled the thumper and had some difficuity restarting it. David Zeigler and Cockrum continued banging bars and plastic throughout moto one. Moto two was hotly contested as well. Mullins got the holeshot, with Sheets right on his fender. Tim Winter and Cockrum went back and forth. The overall win went to Mullins, followed by Sheets and Cockrum. Currier was a treat to watch in the 60cc Intermediate class. He got the holeshot in both motos and never looked back. Kennewick. Washington's Trevor Ivey was Currier's only challenger in moto one, but Ivey, Taylor Monroe, Houston Keane and Cody Bissell were all in there in moto two. Ivey took a backside soil sample but finished third overall, behind Currier and Monroe. Austin "Texas" Rose, Cole Scott, Hunter Evanson and Cody Evanson all did battle in the 60cc Open class. Rose got the first-moto holeshot, chased by Scott and Hunter. Cody was hanging in there until he crashed on a huge double. Colton Juarez put his orange ride out in front of Rose in moto two and battled with Rose, Scott and the Evansons. Juarez won mota two but had been a DNS in moto one, leaving Rose in the overall top spot. Scott and Hunter filled out the other two podiums. Michelle Nielsen decided to mix it up with the men in the Over 30 Beginner class. She finished out of the top 10 but is gaining experience. so keep looking over your shoulders, guys. Dan •Dirt" Chapman got to the comer first and was holding off Mike Boehnke and Paul Thompson until lap two, when he parked in the deep sand. Boehnke and Thompson finished one-two. Moto two had Kelly Ensor in front, with Chapman and Boehnke giving chase. Chapman stayed close, threatening to pass, but he eventually faded, and Boehnke, Thompson and Chapman finished one-twothree overall. Sunday's Skagit Powersports Holeshot Award went to "Smokin' Sam" DeAtley in the Supermini class. By lEE UVESEY RICHLAND, WA, FEB. 23 Brandon Thomas set a blazing pace for the hot group of Pro riders that tumed out at Richland ORV Park for round two of Pacific Racing Organization's Northwest National Series. Gerald Knifong put his bike into the comer first in the first 250cc Pro heat, only to have a hot-riding Sean "Sparky" Sparkman get past him on a huge overshoot of a backside double. Knifong never saw him coming. Then Thomas got around Knifong by taking the outside line in a dual-track comer in the deepsand back side. Sparky managed to stay ahead of Thomes for about three laps, but Thomas took advantage of his two-stroke's acceleration to blast past Sparky. Though Sparky continued to stay with Thomas, tracking his every move, Thomas was too fast and smooth. Sparky got the holeshot in moto two, and it looked like he might hang on, but Thomas hunted him down and made a clean pass when Sparky tried to block-pass a big-sand braking bump. Sparky got up, but not before Knifong, Tyler Kavaney, Matt Dunn and Royce DeVol got around him. The overall 250cc podium steps went to Thomas, Knifong and Kavaney; Sparky's combined results netted him fourth overall. DeVol was fifth, and Dunn was sixth. The Pro Unlimited class added Jerry Lymburner, on a 125. Thomas was too fast on the 250. Mota one's finishing order was Thomas, Lymburner and Sparky. Thomas won moto two, followed by Lymbumer, Motsko and Knifang. The overall order was Thomas. Lymburner and Knifong. The turnout was huge again, with around 550 riders. There were a bunch of fast riders, including Loretta Lynn riders Matt and Sam DeAtley and Landon Currier. Honda, Suzuki and Kawasaki had factory money available. Sponsors N-Style, Hansen's Energy Drinks, Trick Racing Fuels, and EBC Brakes kept riders and fans supplied with great giveaways. Some of the best racing was in the 125cc Intermediate class, with 26 riders dicing it up. Reid Edwards put his bike out in front in both motos but was pushed by Tony Boughton, Ryan Dunn, Nick McConnahy, Jayden Mineo, David Rose Jr. and Billy Boughton. Edwards, Boughton and Ryan were the top three. The eocc Intermediate class had some. great racing. Fans had the opportunity to watch the DeAtley brothers and Loretta 65cc 66 MARCH 26, 2003' cue I e n e _ s By BRYAN S

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