Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 03 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1&1_:-1.1'1 .. • • .&1Happenings In Motorcycling I .. . . " . ""-- . . . [fJD®@ !?@r? rzD@~ Sets Record The Alice ApriUa MotoGP team was presented to the media in a lavish introduction in Italy on March 12. Here's a look at team riders Colin Edwards and Noriyuki Haga. No word on whether the young lady is Alice or not. Some 275 dual sport motorcyclists attended the 11th annual San Bemardino Ride for Kids on March 16, proving that bad weather couldn't stop them in their race against pediatric brain tumors. The dedicated riders raised a record $87,875 to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (PBTF). The top fund-raiser for the second year in a row was nine-year-old Curtis Herrmann, whose sister Breanna died of a brain tumor two years ago. Curtis and his family and friends raised $17,382 in their second annual Laps 4 Love event benefiting the PBTF. Second-place fund-raiser Ed Schneiderhan recalled the first year of the event when he raised $600. This year Schneiderhan brought $15,464 and was ecstatic that young Curtis had bested his effort. The top motorcycle club was the Orange County Dualies, whose members brought $26,396. The top dealer was Nationwide Cycle of Palmdale, Califomia, with $17,383. Bob Sackett of Anaheim, Califomia, was the very happy winner of a brandnew Honda motorcycle. Off-road legend Malcolm Smith and his daughter go on stage with Ride for Kids manager Allen Hughes at the Celebration of Life program. By ALAN CATHCART • • A Real GP Souvenir MV Agusta's family of marques in fact has two milestone anniversaries to celebrate this year one of them being Cagiva's 25th birthday - and to celebrate the quarter century of existence of their family marque (founded when they acquired Harley-Davidson's Italian opertation in 1978 and renamed it after their father - Castiglloni Giovanni di Varese), the Castiglioni family is planning something very special. In addition to the restart of Raptor production In March. when the first of a projected total of 4900 bikes to be built in 2003 will leave the Cassinettll plant, each powered by Suzuki Vtwin engines but bearing the Cagiva badge. Cagiva will construct a limited edition of 25 exact repUcas of the last Cagiva 500cc Grand PrIx motorcycle raced in J994 by John Kocinski and Doug Chandler. This is the machine which, after Kocinski's victory in Australia in the opening round of that year's series and his second place a week later in Malaysia, went to Japan for the third race of the year leading the World Championship before ending up third overall at the end of the season. The bikes wiD be replicas of the machines raced by Chandler and Kocinski that year. down to the last titanium bolt and carbon-fiber shroud, and wiD be built in the race shop at Cagiva's Schiranna HQ by the men who created and raced them a decade ago. As such, they will be capable of racetrack use, if a customer wishes to experience the thrill of riding one, or else they can be simply placed on display and admired for the quality of their design and manufacture. Castiglioni doesn't have a price for these copies yet but asserts this will be the chance for 25 enthusiasts who have always dreamed of owning a works SOOcc Grand Prix racer to finally do so as a means of commemorating the 25th birthday of the company that created them. Here's your chance to own an honest-to-goodness GP bike. To commemorate its 25th anniversary, Caglva plans to build and sell 25 exact copies of the 1994 GP two-stroke, which was ridden to victory by John Kocinski and finished third in the championship. No price has been set yet, but it won't be cheap! To casl your vale. lag an to hllp:/ /www; A. Yes B. No 6 MARCH 26, 2003' c: U c: I e n e _ s

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