Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 03 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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02001 _ 500 _ _ (1iHS & DVOlo 2001 World SuperbilxXx 5: frss "'" All (IIHS) 0 Metztapis: My Parf"'" World (\/HSI' Rods to Ruin (VHSlo 2001 """"'vIo MX World T.... (VHSlo LiIoIlehind Bora (VHSl. 2001 us Spssdway _ C'SlUps (VHSl o Jay Sprin~: The Old Gunslinger lVH51 0 The Legend: Jay S~ (\/HS) 0 Mike Hacker (\/HSI 0 H;gh... Ground (IIHS & DVOI • AItiaity (IIHS &DIIOI • - . 4lDVDl 0 BRAAP (VHSl 0 On Arrf Sundsy: MX, MBIaoim &Mare (VHS & DVO) MOTOCROSS ENDURO & DUAL SPORT 1#141) Leoacy .lOin Roger DetOSter, Bob H811nah, Jell Ward and Ri::kJohnson as they reminisce BbouItheir careers and ejJi: battles as this film ltlreads its way througOOullhe evolution ot motocross !ran it's roots in !he earty 70's 10 the star·studded 90's. No true motocross Ian should be withouIthis video. 70 minules from X.faetOf. $34.95 1#7) The Evolution of Motocross iJ>Jj Serna has put ""'~" .. SlOIY 01 moIOClOSS' "'" days, hiQhli!lhting 52 years of'European anaAmerican raci!l9. ~rom the days v.fien]riIisIl dinosaurs ruled the roost 10 Jeremy McGrath in his HoOOa ~r.gJOO'U see ~ all in this 95 minute video from Gary Somics Video. 1#2277) This Is Motocross ~ 10 MOtocross? Here's everything you need to set:tOll up for this ~:=~~~f=&=a:l modem superaoss. $34.95 1#205) Time to Ride the Ultimata Off·Road Advenlurel This is the video lllat stIo'tw everyooe lllalthe oll-road gll)'S can really hang nout. Great trail riding 1#01 OF) Crustv Demons: the 7th Mission DVD Aii the Ioolage !rom !fie video. wit!l26 mlnutes of bonus DVD feallJ~ 1#210BI1995 Colorado 500 Areview rJ some oIltle ~ oIltle frsl2lJ years a the CoIocaOO 500, aIongWT1lT, IoTi<. "" 1915 iita, ClMlTiTg~ niIas. _ AodTv 1#129) No Fear's Cha~ter One Mwltain lrai rXlilg scenery. 00 minutes frtm LaM Pto1K:ti:rls. S29.9s H~~fs • 18 difl"",,'1T8M syst"'" ~roughou1 CaIoTado. ExcsUent pnmer for tIa~ rQnQ and dual sporting in the CoIonKlo Rockies. !Kl mlnutes from L&M Productions. S2U5 f!2199) 2000 Motocross des Nations fa~~~t~e:y:~~~~~=;~ 1#2111 The Trails of Idaho MC Trail Guide Carmichael, Hughes, and Pastrana· and \his was \heir opportunity to PtIIthe Stars &Strkles back atop lhe podium. 76 ~U1eS-lrom 1Mlite AiQhi!jlfs the many axtensiYe &varied lraH systems mrooghoulldaho. 120 rrilrwles from LAM ProducIions. $24.95 ~ unbelievable dua!.SIlO':t ril:inQ on !he tropCal island 01 Kauai. :II minutes from L&M Productions. 119.95 talenl on the planet go "Bar 10 BaI" in lhls review 01 the enllte 1997 MM Superctoss Series. Great behind-lhe-scenes footage 8Ild intense raang, one ollha besl Supercross Series ever! 70 minutes from X· PaetoT. m.95 1#1020) Ride Uke the Wind An escape video lor Ihe asmchairdreamer.. .Join a lree-wheeling baod of Yamaha adventurers lor fanlastic oIl-road jou~ across E!Ml1. Australia, Utah's Monument Valley, and Paris to capetown. ~ minutes from Wh~e StarIOuke Video. $34.95 1#1798) Incas Rally 1#3251) Bar to Bar 2 "r11eOueslIorVlctory' is In your face racing, leaturingt!le best riders on IlTeplalOl AO"'IITe_l89tl_ season wlTITYOOlla_ riders like Jefemy McGrath, Ezra Lusk, Kevin Windham, Jeff Emig, larry W'"l. Jolm Dowd, AdTv CanniclTao. Doug Han~ and _ ot!T8•. 60 minufes from X-Fac1Or. $19.95 1#325J\ Bar to Bar '99 the definifive chronide 01 the 1999 PACE ~ Series. From autog"",,", Anahaim _1ITe.".roy lap. las Vaqas, YOO~ sea an unpara!leled inside view ollhe entire 25th Anniversary 5upercross Toor. 6Il minutes lrom X-FllCIor. $19.95 1#325K\ Lne Behind Bars Find out ..,mal l~e is like lor the racers and learns 01 me EA Sports Superctoss Series...UIa Behind Barsl Here's ~r pass to the inskla of the fence as you speed alongside the fastesl 006rs in !he world. ?roduced in 2001 by Modem InduSby Pictures lor SFX IClear Channel Motor Sports. 35 mlllUles trom lrnpacl Video. $24,95 mrouch this varilshing Jrontier. lncIudes scenes 0( riders along the beadles. through the Boojum and Pine Forests, across the ~ ~ Sierra ITlOlllllain range, across crv lake beds, and ridina to the Ifll m Baja. over 1300 miles Ml all. 130 minules from L&M VIdeo. b9.95 1#214A) Malcolm Smith's 6Days of Baja '97 the 2nd Annual MaIlXlIm ride took place in 1S97 •agreal addition to the collection of anyone who has ever ridclen ott-road south oIlhe border. 60 minules from L&M VIdeo. $24.95 TRIALS 1#2043) This Is Motorcycle Trials Padted WfuJ advice for beginners from maestros Sammy MiJ!er.and Steve CoUey, also full 01 hlS10ry and Interesting info lor d8VllIoplllg riders. 6Il minutes lrom Wh~e SlaflOuke V'1deo. $34.95 1#2056) This Is Advanced Motorcycle Trials World ChaIl'J')ionship Ted1niques am demonstralOO, and explaiood by 1997 Trials des Nations winner Sieve Coley, incWng 18Q:de9ree turns, back·wheel balancing and other adv8flC8d moves. 62 mlnules from While StarlDuke V'KIeo. $34.95 1#2047) Extreme Trials w~h Steve Colley thiS brilliant tape otIers ooe-tCKll'lll tuition from 0!'lEl ollhe wOMs leadilg trials eKpOOllrlIS on rnas1llring the most difficult maneuvers Imaginable. 60 minutes from White StarlOuke Video. $34,95 1#250A\ 2000 National Enduro Series ActioO-packed video ~lS 01 the 2{X)) AMA National Enduro Sefies. Fe8lurif:lg Mike Lafferty, Brian &Patrick Garral\an, Man Stavish. David L~, Ranaf Hawkins, and Naltlan &Nolan Knight 67 mlnlltes!rom Digital Video Fadory. $24.95 1#250B12oo1 National Enduro Series '2001: AFfacs ~ _lIS h9T1~h'oIlM~ _ """ california to Rhode Island. See YOUllavorile off·road pros battle ~ out lor the AMA Nalional Enduro 11 plate lhroogh forests, deserts. rocks. dus~ mOO aJ1:d trees. Indlldes bonus helmetwnTnca. Mellgat. SIaphanson, Goodman, Unkog•. Dsaoan. Austy Seize< and ='~=lc:~:nm~~=:OU~F~~4.95 rndudes 811 the same best highlight Ioota~rom the Fox vaults as llllhe 'iideo, plus l) OVO bonus mlnules incI addilkNI inlerviews with lOp Fox tllCllI'S, a very C('.lQ/ retre motocross ge segment. and several anginal Fox Video traUers. 70 minll!aS from Fox Video. $29.95 1#121) FLY the 5pmg '96 release from Fox...fealurilg Feu;: stars McGrath. Bradshaw, Metzger, Henry. Oowd. WlIldham, and Sefge Gtidetty, ptJUlng off Incredible aerial manewers a! places like the Paris aM Anaheim Supercrosses, Glamis Dunes, Secret Honda Test Tracks. Wh~e Sands, Ocotillo Wells and Gatorback. Muse Single GtJn ~ =u~~& F~lOOvkieo~~.~onkey, SNFU, ,and Shelter. I#D123A) Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 2DVD 1#10E) Crusty Demons 6"The Next Level" HILLCLIMS 1#12\ Higher Ground the UNmale Hllk:limb VIdeoI FlI1al~, hlllcllmbers [Illtthe video that really showcases what Irs all alxJul. Even thellool\llIS are shovm in action. Featunng Robbie Peterson, Dusty Beers. Travis &Brandon 'Whitloct Mel &Kenny Kimball, Jon &Jason Smiltl, Lany Coleman. CIlad lorenz and Dale Cope. 45 minutes trom X·Factor. $29.95 ~ as llle video, In hlgh-Quahty OVO lormal. 45 minutes from XFactor. $29.95 In"""10 Ioolaga aI_1rnss1yIa _ """"" 0TsigIT', and, WT1IT linp 8izliI. 31looTs Down, UTiiTTi Patl. DOluibad, soon"""" 1#123B) Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 3 'NawBkxTd'_,"""" 01 ""roadWT1lTIITe risrg .... ",,"""'YIa MX wcri:t Dustil MiIef, 0I'lWs~, Nate MaIns, Mille Mason. Brial _ . Mall 8uylan,'" w"",",. CiIfooj _ . Ayo1""" VdOT Shetbl & MNl.krles. The iDitkrl 01 TrIMS Pastrana lnl M«e MelzQer IWll oot t£saow. FliowJenrny ashe takes hint 'IX2 Y2250 vdllhe CW1Ftr<...._Ior"""TiI....... So.\TOtroSS .. hsariTiTg 00wn UIller. 351tWkJ!eS \rom IIIll8d Vdeo. $24.95. 1#199) Travis Pastrana I Revelation 199 Features Travis Pastrana criss-ctossil'lQ the country to race and rlCle with lriends and heroes. The athleles lfIcIude: ~ McGrath, Greg A1bertyn, Robbie Reyna/d, KeMy Bartram, Mtke Jones, Trevor Vines, ~::eJ.~~~~~~~C":J,~~=~~: DlInes-eA.. Travor Vines' lXlIlIPOlInd, Woodwartl-PA and more 45 minules from Impact VKIeo. $29.95 1#0199\ Travis Pastrana I Revelation 199 DVD Same as !fie video, in razor-sharp OVO audio and visual lormats. From Impacl VB $29.95 thIS IS one ot!he most lalked·abOU1frees¥e IIIdeos In years -Itle one whero TraVIS Pastrana launches his Suzuki RMl25 WIth abacktlip lIItO lhe Grand Canyon, Yoo'n reWlnd this more times lIIan yolJ can count. and vou still won1 behllve it InclLlcles loIS of other Godfrey·produced I~lage WIth Mike Jones. K_enn~ Bartram, Nale Adams, Jake Windham, na_,CCX\II8_ _ AlIda. AT.iT.,,,,,,,,,,,_WlTabyCtwCltirnel_IaaiTIi1I" .. ~'i~,='~-=~~":t~~ t::""".... ""'~""""'_ _"""-~ """""""8lIISOIIS. :xlnnnas"""""""VIIn ~9.95 way ~ ,xparimtiIete onginallnovle,!his = ovo direc1or'S lXlnversallOO wim director Bruce Brown. From X-Factor. $34.95 #140A) On Any Sunday II The IOIlOW-lJp to \he original greatest mototeyde movie 01 aJlline. CIose·up looks althe motorcycle stars altho mid-70's incIOOmg Bruce ~!~:I;:,d l::'Ut:nrr:":.}~~~~~rts, and more at the l~ 1#140B) On Any Sunday Revisited Iihan an.od'daaI'''G rolanity &obScenities lor a rnlresh"!l' c!Tanga...hatrl """ musi:, daan ~...he1IIt1'J"'Iing Hi! aimb actiOn fnlm Billings. Montana; . trials ridiog with Geoff Aaron al Moab. Utah. extreme Freestyle and more. 35 minutes lrom ~ X·Factor. $29.95 Wralhchid vkleos. Includes never-OO!oot-SllllflIOOlage, inlerviews with Jaioos ~awaT1, Mika c• •,AdTy Ga",_, Dcog H"~ &Guy Perrett, all re-ediled to new music. 40 mules from Fox V'1deo. $29.95 1#10C) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 4 'too B~ the Freaks'..:The most high·powered soundtrack eVIl! backs s.- 1#122) Fox Greatest H~s Vol. 1 the very best from the Fox Racing's Terrafinna series, flY, and Juiassi: 5. PantTyN;se &1IlIIIII. OVO """" _-baIoTs-sasn1oo1aga and \xlnus OVO music by Saliva. 45 minutes !ran X·FllCtOr. $29.95 ThoOTigiTalout+w, scenes thrO\dlout. Soond1TadT rdOOas Suk:idal T~7&d A.~, NOFx, and more. 35 minutes lrom X-Fador. $29.95 molocross.bigwave_action,_las~giant""" ~~:=~~~rd=~soue::'~ FREESTYLE & CRASHES wsI, but Ilougia lampkIn was always "'" SI'l' ,hood. GaldT .1 .. high~Qhts lrom 2001 In lI'11s official series review. 94 minutes from White SlallOuka Vklao. $34.95 1#012) Higher Ground DVD rnilutes from Impact Video. $24.95 1#011\ Seth: The Hard Way DVD",ihBWlTa, .. "",spodIj_&~D'Ill =,~lrf5elT"~~ 1#10) Crustv Demons of Dirt minutes from While SlarlDuke Video. $34.95 1#2083) 2001 Sheffield Arena Trial b:raJCWU~::i:~~~~F~=~.~ ~ IlXilage It1al dlimoostrates exacltt why al-tine Swercross d!amlJian.laTamy McGI1IJh dom",'ad lITe "'" lor IOa1tIl0 ysa<>. SA2 sOOwcases Me's R:redibIe riding ability 1ltId!1Yes arare view into his lifestyle as the lJa'lllls to RlIJT'IllI'OllS ott·road locations In Texas. CaWomia. Nevada and 8IaziI with other talenled MX ~rs ~ Carey Hart, MM CInqmars, Tommy Clowers, Grayson Goodman, Oiflord ~nle, T""" V"", and road ""'" Tommy Haydon &Anlhony GolTaT1. 1#205n Trials Superstars the WOM's besl in action at the 1996 Sheffield Indoor Arena Trial. 55 W!m ~h~ and a capacitj crowd 01 BOOO in lui voice, 1#11) Seth: The Hard Way Get up dose and personal with freesfyle ~ SllI!l Enslow, a slory by Rour1le, Faissl. S19OOerg, &~ show theirsicbsl tricks, SIiane Watts &Guy Perrell riOO on·road like you can on~ dream about, Deslry Abbon &!he desert rats race at insane high SDOOd. You1 also see freeOOe lriaIs, dirt track. hiIIcIimb lootage, and more. 45 mif'lUlcs from Fox Vkleo. $29.95 1#214\ Malcolm Sm~h's 6Days of Baja ~ide wiIfIlhe IeQendary MaicoIm Smi1tl on the most interesling IraiIs lo-Pack" 1#131) DisturbinQ the Peace DOes MolO-KXx make videos to support the MX leam? Or do they run a pro MX team to sell videos? 'Nllo knows? Here's t/.llllatest 2002 release lrom!he Quk:k ~lX Productions crew, laatunng rKlers Dustin 1#4724) 1999 Granada-D.akar Rally ThT fu~~~~n:enUl~~~::~~Ior"The 1#144) Goodtlmes with Carey Hart PIlllIf IlsOlltle background and life at treeSlyIe legend Garey Hart You1 see alIlhe ingrelients thaI idSed.l!P to Hartbeaxni19lhe 6rst mer III "'I\II8le "" fust nwtjde _ . 60 _,"", X.f'acTOT. $29.95 1#120A Terraflrma 7 'ProjecT ok is , ve~ ... ·roundad loTi< at "" _I adge Ii not only Canpetitas race across 1lle desert mcars, rrucks &on bikes tacking monstrously difficuh driving lXllllitions, featureless landscapes and ""n!lass TIangaT1. ~ RoD}' bagan" GTanada, ~ SpaiT, Morocco, Mauritania, Bali, 8ufklrla Faso and Senegal. 52 mPJIes from Wh~e StarlDuke Video. $34.95 1#165) RideMX ~rom the producers of Molo-xXx and Asterisk's Dave video celebrates motocross al ~'s best ~ all 01 the best.... McGrath, Emig, "",~OVO. _taly200_"""'_V

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