Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 03 26

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CMC Golden State Nationals South Round 3: Starwest Cycle Park Starwm Cycle Peril Mare... V.lley, c.liflImia Results: Felmaary 1S, 2003 [Round 31 STORY AND PHOTOS BY JOHN BETHEA MORENO VAllEY, CA, FEB. t6 c:j'? he bar was raised one more notch L\ as the FMF/Transworld MX Golden State Nationals headed into round three for the southern riders at Starwest after a week of heavy rain washed out the original race site, Perris Raceway. The hastily moved event was attended by less than the expected turnout due to the unpublicized transfer, but the racing was still spirited and intense, led by regular frontrunners Jake Canada, on a Team Green/Thor Kawasaki, and Mike Alessi, on the Bell/Smith/Alloy/HRCA Honda. Each pulled off nearly unblemished rides while capturing a combined seven first-place finishes one more than the record-setting efforts by Kyle Partridge and Ryan Villopoto at the South's last round a month ago, when they each registered triple wins. Alessi, who tripled in the opening round but skipped round two, aced the Supermini, 80cc Open, 80cc (14-16) and 125cc Schoolboy classes - only the second time ever such a feat has been accomplished at a CMC Golden State National. (The first time was one year ago - and the rider was Mike AlessL) And he did it in sweeping fashion, leading every lap of all eight five-lap motos. Alessi had to share some of the spotlight this year when Canada also banged out three wins overall, in the 80cc (7-11) and 60cc (9-11) classes and in the newly created 60cc Open (Abo...1 Mike Alessi tied the record he himself set one year ago by winning four classes at the third round of the CMC Golden State Nationals South. (Below) One of the few times Jake Canada (1961 was not leading was at the start of an aGee (7-111 moto, when Donnie Kearney 1441 had the earty lead. Canada won three classes at Starwest. class. Canada was also undefeated overall. It was the first time in the CMC's 35 years of racing that two riders had together recorded seven firsts. Making this achievement even more impressive, Canada also scored a fourth overall victory on this day, but that fact comes with an asterisk: Before the program began, the final five motos from the darkness-shortened second round at Glen Helen Make-Up Races From Round 2 80 (7-11): 1. Jake Cllnade (Kaw): 2. Dean Wilson (Hon); 3. Donnie Kearney (Suz): 4. Mitchell Alarcon (Hon); 5. Colton Manwill (Suz). 125 JR B: 1. James Turner (Hon); 2. Shaun Higham (KTM); 3. Casey Dean (KTM); 4. Matthew Tedder (Hon); 5. Justin Pamintuan (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Even Menen (Kaw); 2. A.J. Wilson (Yam): 3. Shane Koja (Suz); 4. Klirson Kllvllnagh (KTM); 5. Mark Wilson II (Yam). 500 AM: 1. Andy Bllkken (Yam); 2. Matt Mebane (Han); 3. Jon Hall (Han); 4. Cody Hertel (Han). were run. and Canada bagged another win in the 80cc (7-11). The Partridge Family was again out in force. Kyle Partridge again devastated the 125cc and 250cc Intermediate fields, and his younger brother Jared tamed the 80cc (12-13) class, both riding factorybacked Suzukis. Matt Tedder won three first-place trophies on the day. He won the belated Old-Timer Master event held over from round two and then won it again in round three. as well as the Vet Master victory. That makes 14 first-place trophies going home in only four vehicles! Not as dominating (but still very entertaining) were the nearly equal displays of talent and desire displayed by Jason Howard and Matt Cleveland in the Over 25 Amateur class. Their feud began in the carryover rounds from Glen Helen during the morning's make-up motos. With less than half a lap remaining, Cleveland had the lead on his No Fear/FMF Honda, which would have given him the overall - but he fell. Howard pulled his Kawasaki alongside and immediately stalled it! It was a race to see who could get going first; Howard prevailed and got the belated victory. Then, in their first mota of the round-three program, they again spent the entire race going at each other, with Cleveland leading on the final lap yet one more time. In this outing, it was slower traffic that put a snag in his plans, as Howard out-maneuvered him to snatch the victory. In their third face-off, Howard took the lead from the start and never allowed Cleveland to get close enough for a payback. eN WMN: I. Eliulbeth Bash (Kaw); 2. Tanya Elbers (Suz); 3. Jamie PtJlmintutJIn (5uz); 4. KtJltherine Wilson (Han); 5. Ashley Bell (5",,). 25. AM: 1. Jason Howard (KTM); 2. David Zahrt (5uz); 3. Matt Cleveland (Hon); 4. Jeff Nordstrom (Han); 5. Robby Mueller (Han). 25. MSTR; I. Eddie Ray (Han); 2. Craig McCall (Han); 3. Israel Ochoa (KTM). SR; I. Gary Doggett (Han). OfT AM: 1. Doug Frankos (Hon); 2. Mark Hesse (Yom); 3. Bob Shimp (Yom); 4. Carl Gazafy (Han); 5. Bernard Unhassobiscay (Yam). OfT MSTR: 1. MtJltt Tedder (Hon); 2. Jeff Baxter (Han). Round 3 P/W BEG; I. Cameron Bash (KTM). P/W (4-6): 1. RytJIn SurrtJItt (KTM); 2. Maxwell Tedder (KTM). P/W (7-8); 1. Jessy Nelson (KTM); 2. Caden Hadley (KTM); 3. Austin Aguilar (KTM); 4. Eric Yorba (Lem); 5. Joke Mehnike (Pol). 60 BEG: I. Jessee Arthurs (KtJlw); 2. Michael Peralto (Kaw); 3. Tyler Cebral (KTM); 4. Tyler Foster (Kaw); 5. Stephen Peralta (K8W). 60 (7·8): 1. Jessy Nelson (KTM); 2. Brandon Shorer (Suz); 3. Dillon Trotter (KTM); 4. Caden Hadley (Suz); 5. Jake Mehnike (Kaw). 60 (9-11); I. Jake Canada (Kaw); 2. Dakota Tedder (Kaw). 60 OPEN: 1. Jake Canad8 (Kaw); 2. Stephen Peralto (Kaw); 3. Dillon Trotter (KTM); 4. Mario Fernandez (Kaw); 5. Ulch W8rnock (KYM). 80 BEG: 1. Trevor Allred (Suz); 2. Cyle Te81 (Y8m); 3. Anthony Cic81ese (Yam); 4. Casey Montoya (Kaw); 5. David W8fing8rger (Hon). 80 (7-11); 1. Joke Canada (Kaw); 2. Dean Wilson (Hon); 3. Donnie Kearney (SUt); 4. Cotton Manwill (Suz); 5. Rich8rd Sterling (Kaw). 80 (12· 13): I. Jared Partridge (Sut); 2. Gunnar Strum (Yam); 3. Prince Kapahulehu8 (Suz); 4. C8sey Loglln (Y8m); 5. Billie C81vin (Y8m). 80 (14-16); I. Mike Alessi (Han); 2. Phillip Thorstensen (Yam); 3. Bart Manwill (Suz); 4. Jake Bowersox (SUt); 5. Josh Ingram (Suz). 80 OPEN: 1. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Gunnar Strum (Yllm); 3. Dean Wilson (Hon); 4. Donnie Keamey (5",,); 5. Casey Logan (Yom). 80 S/M.INI: 1. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Phillip Thorstensen (Yam); 3. Bart Manwill (Suz); 4. Jared Pertridge (Suz); 5. Gunner Strum (Yam). 125 SCHBY: 1. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Jarred Browne (Suz); 3. Ricky James (Yam); 4. Jeff Loop (Suz); 5. Ryan Reinll (Yllm). 125 BEG: 1. Karson Kavllnllgh (Yllm); 2. A.J. Wilson (Yam); 3. EVlln Menen (Kaw); 4. Chance Newton (Yam); 5. Shane KOjll (Suz). 125 JR: 1. Ricky Jllmes (Yam); 2. Bernardo Hidalgo (Han); 3. Curtis Malins (YtJlm); 4. Kaulln Boggio (Yam); 5. James Turner (Hon). 125 tNT: 1. Kyle Pllrtridge (Suz); 2. P8ul Pearcy (KllW); 3. Andy Bakken (Yllm); 4. J8rred Browne (Suz); 5. Matt Craft (Han). 125 PRO; I. Corey Macomber (Suz); 2. Jeff Eide (Hon); 3 Yoichi Tllkasu (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Joey West (Hon); 2. Jonny Benskie (Suz); 3. Mike Wilson (Yam): 4. C8sey Campbell (Han); 5. Tommy John (Yam). 250 JR: I. Weston Arthurs (Hon); 2. Adam Lane (Suz); 3. Joel Roberts (Yam); 4. Randy Guzman (Yam); 5. Patrick Wilson (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Kyle Partridge (SUt); 2. Paul Pearcy (Kaw); 3. Jeff Loop (Suz); 4. Andy Bakken (Yam); 5. Adam Metzler (Suz). 250 PRO: I. Jeff Eide (Hon); 2. Masaki Hiratsuki (Han); 3. Raymond Carvalho (Suz). 500 AM: I. Andy Bakken (Yllm); 2. Mlltt Mebane (Han); 3. Jon Hall (Han) . • -=~~,,!!;i""'"-=--;=-"""';;;;-::--:::;--;;:::::;;::;;:;;::;:::;;;;;-:;;:;:::;::-::;:;--'" cue I e n e vv s WMN: 1. Tanyll Elbers (Suz); 2. Elizabeth Blish (KlIw); 3. Jamie Pamintuan (Suz); 4. Katrinll Wilson (Hon); 5. Ashley Bell (Suz). BTH: 1. Matt Mebane (Hon); 2. A.J. Gallemore (KTM). 25. AM: t. Jllson Howard (Kaw); 2. Matt Clevelllnd (Hon); 3. DtJlvid Z8hrt (Suz); 4. Jeff Nordstrom (Hon); 5. Robby Mueller (Hon). VET BEG: 1. Jonny Benskie (Suz); 2. Mike Wilson (Yam); 3. Mike Dunllglln (Yam); 4. Tim Jewell (Yem); 5. Jon Hall (Hon). VET JR; 1. Kris Martin (Yom); 2. Milton Mize (Hon); 3. Jeff Nordstrom (Hon); 4. Chuck Penny (Yam); 5. Robby Mueller (Han). VET MSTR/INT; I. Matt Tedder (Hon); 2. Tony Shuler (Yam); 3. Chris Champlin (Hon); 4. Greg Pierce (Yam); 5. Bob Shimp (Yam). OfT AM: t. Doug Frankos (Hon); 2. Bob Shimp (Yam); 3. Milton Mite (Hon); 4. Carl Gazafy (Han); 5. Mike Wilson (Yam). O/T MSTR: t. Matt Tedder (Han). MARCH 26, 2003 61

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