Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 03 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T-Shirts CII Mens ·A,lI-sta"'o $14.95 WNte "SiZ<'I J.. ..>. • ••••. 'total Unsigned @ $30. . • .. 'total .. ,.. ;. .== Limited Edition Prints By Jeff Gundlach Thirty Five and the Volcano Artist-signed Print @ $150 , ... , TDtBI _ H"rry Miller Fine Art Prints Isle orMan Series ' Joey Dunlop artist proof@ $80 signed @ $65 .. ,.. ,.. " .... "'r'~~.' .. n T _ - - .. . .•~, Totet---- unsigned @ $45 Walter Zeller ertist proof @ $80 signed @ $65 . unsigned@ SiB5 Mike HeilWoOd ortist proof lIP $80 "'f;Md 0$65 ~ ~ ~ ~5 """ ToteI---- ."" TotaI ."rota! ~ .. "Total--- " Totel--Totel--Totel--- ngK;;i;;;jeh :=.r~~~. :::::::::.::::::::::~:::== Irv~r@$45 Totel--- artist proof@ $80 eigned@$65 unsigned@$45 Totel--Totel--Totel--- , Geoff 0u16d @ $105/unsigned @$30 Totel Ricky Graham signed @ $65/unsigned @ $30 . Total RodneyFams signed @ $651unsigl>ed @ InTheWmdT~ $30 , Totel The 20's signed @$55/oosigned @$30 . Total The 3D's , signed @$55/unsigned @ _ $30 , T_ The 50's signed @$55/uneigl>ed @$30 . Total The SO's signed @$55/unsigl>ed Cl' $30 . Total Pineboard Rac8t:.-· 1910· 193$ Hiram Thomson signed @$55/""signed @ $30 . Total _ _ Hammond Spnngs , signed @$55/uno!gned@$30 . Total Gene Walker . . signed @ $55/u(llligned • $30 Bob Slf'kegian signed @$55/unsied @ $30 . Totel Eddie l3rino eigned Cl' $55/unslgned @$30 . Tote! "Hl) VFFl. 11XJj" ed 0 $60. ' "Lucky Strike" +_ Totel 0 Bill Me 2 EZ Payments of $22.50 One year [50 issues). 2nd class Canada or Mexico and alt oti'ler foreign counrries $92.00 (US Funds), 1st class and airmail rates available upon request. " r l l M .......plllls Art _ 0 Renewal o Please Bill Me 1 Payment of $45.00 Sl1bscrjPPpQS Not Taxable Total i';,;,;.(k,' .. Totel CA residents add 7.75% 8ales tax U.S. Shipping and handling included at no charge ~ ~s:ti,i ;'WinninQj,it Rid:~tal Orders not accepted from outside the continental USA. Colin ~~ ~ Cl' $60 ....•....•.... Stave Raw "HMO Ducati" ~ @ $60 V _ Roai "NSR 5OD' unsigned @ $30 . Ben Bostrom -captain Americaunsigned @ $30 . Totel Totel Total _ _ Order Total Name Address Money Order [sorry, no COOs) please print clearly City _ Charge my 0 _ o State [$5.00 minimum for charge orders) Cardholder's Name Card # otaI _ Payment method: 0 Check o ---- _ Exp. Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Zip E.mail Phone ( Order Date: 1

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