Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nobody's perfect? Says who? The best racers in the world can hardly imagine laps. And through it all, from blue-groove hard- running a whole season without losing a race. Yet packed dirt to deep sand, RC could always find the when the dust settled at the conclusion of the 2002 perfect Dunlop tire to match the track. AMA 250 National series, Honda's Ricky Carmichael stood alone. At the top. With 24 wins in 24 motos. What's more, RC led a mind-blowing 352 laps of the 250 nationals. Put another way, in the 24 motos that made up the 2002 season, Ricky led all but 13 Ricky's 250 National title, as well as his 2002 5upercross championship, gives Dunlop a total of 67 AMA motocross titles out of a possible 85. So even if you're not perfect, it's good to have friends who are. Dunlop. For more information about Dunlop tires, visit our Web site or call (800) 845-8378. ©2003 Dunlop Tires.

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