Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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12/1~ ~ 1/4 1111 1/18 1/25 2/1 RM World ChamplonIhlp' ROICI Race Series Philip Island, AuIltraIIa, Rnd15 Valencia, SpeIn. And 16 10/20 11/3 2003 FlMiTHO World SupIrcroeI GrInd Prix SerIeI 12/7/02 218 2/15 2/22 3/1 3/22 3/29 4/5 <4112 ~ GonM. SlIIlzIrlInd, And 1 A»A Southwest ColonIdo Motocross Series 1~ Aztec,NM Into: 970f.i33.9747 or 971Y25&-1070 or A»A DIstrict 34 family Motocross Series 513 HalIIncl, And 2 AnoIlIim, CA, fftt 3 flhoenIx, AZ. And 4 AnoIlIim, CA, And 5 SIn FronciIca, CA, And 6 AnaheIm, CA, And 7 san DIego, CA, And 8 MmeopoIe, MN, And 9 AIIanIa, GA. And 10 IndInpoIo, IN, And 11, MO, And 12 Ha*oo, TX, And 13 PonIIIc, Ill, fftt 14 00ilII, TX, fftt 15 SIll LIke CIIy, Uf, fftt18 LMVIQIO.NV,And17 Reed Valley, CA Luarne, CA 2/2 2/23 3/16 TBA 4/ Reed Valley, CA Into: ~1857 or_.alatrials.ex>m WERA Vintage MolllrcycIe Roadl'llClng Series lom-27-,GA Into: 770(720.5010 or 10/20 - . N Y 10/27 Walden, NY Info: 51~149 _.wnYinIage.~ A»A DIstrict 'Sf FMFiBlg 6 Championship GP Series 10111 Annnull GI'IIld CharnpionshIp Series 11/2-3 Gonnlrl, CA, And 6 Info: 714/3n.0909 or _.dislria37ama.erg A»A Dlstrlcl36 Vlntage/Yeleran Dirt Track ChampIonship 1~8 LMrmcre, CA, And 32 Lodi, CA, Rnd 33 10/20 Lodi, CA, And 34 lens LMrmcre, CA, And 35 11/2 I.iYennore, CA, And 36 Info: 209/369-ll798 or d36hoIshoe@jtJ1.ex>m 1~9 A»A DIstrict 36 Amateur/youth DIrt Track Championship 1~9 Lodi, CA, Rnd 32 10/20 Lodi, CA, And 33 lens TtlA, And 34 11/2 TtlA, Rnd 35 Info: 2O!l(.l69.8798 or d36I'cIsI1cle@jex>m 10/20 East Bend, NC 10/27 Axton, VA 11/3 Dillwyn, VA Info: 434183&-7629 or _.bilclla........ sptWIs.alITl International ()ld.tImers IIoloa oss Series lorzs.27 _ , CA Info:~or _._alITl Parts Unlimited OIf-Road Champlonshlp Series 10/26-27 Morrison, Il Info: 815/778-3641 Champlonshlp Cup Series 1(1'16-20 DayIcna Beach, FL 12/7-il Homes1Bod,FL 11'-'10 Gainesville, FL AHRllAlProgressive Suspension Historic Cup Singles, Twins & Thunder A»A Dlstrlcl12 of Ohio IIolocross Series 1~ 9-20 Jennilgs, FL, Rnds 19-20 Into: 815/851-3674 or A»A Pnlstar National Events 10/20 10/27 11/3 11/10 Oenri&on, ott _,OH New~ott Oenri&on, OH A»A Dlstrlcl12 of OhIo Hare Sc:I'ambles Series 10/20 10/27 11/10 11m Td1in, ott New PIiIadelpIia, ott lhic:hsviIIe, ott WaynesI>.rg, ott A»A P8cific CoBst SIdecar Motoc:ross Series 11/10 HoIstllr,CA InIo: 6611252-4370 or WINI.aa:asideca a cas.axn A»A MolDcross Championship Gold Cup Series 10/20 0r1and0, FL lorzs.27 Gainesville, FL Info: 352/243-5173 or unIimitedspor1sex>m AMAIPIreII(IParts UnllmltecUWhlte Brothers MidSouth ChampIonship WInter Hare SCrambles Series 10/20 11/3 11m 12/1 12/15 1M 2/2 2/16 3/16 3/30 <4113 New Hope, AI. Liltcn, KY lyrv1Ylle, IN Monterey, TN CrcIIon, KY Maplesville, AI. ChaJ1cme, TN TBA Liltcn, KY Vanleer, TN SnowDate Info: 615/859-4569 or_.mows.erg A»A MotoTrials Southern California Champlonshlp Series 10/27 11/17 12/15 1/19 . - Rardl, CA KeysvIe, CA Reed Valley, CA RomoiInd, CA Series AHRMAISpeed & Sport NatIonal Vintage MX Series 10/20 HoIIIsIw, CA, Rnd 17 11/3 TlRn, CA, And 18 Info: 615/851-3674 or AHR~MaIco & cz NatIonal Poll-Vintage IIoloa oss Series 11/10 _,CA, And 10 11/17 Witlmann, AZ. And 11 Info: 6151851-3674 AHRlWSpeed & Sport NItIonat VIntIge TrlaIs SeIles 1~9 Holster, CA, And 19 Into: 615/851-3674 or_.ahrma.erg. AHRMAIH&H KTM Cross Country SeIles lorzs.27 Pw1t Cily, 1.10 Info: 615/851-3674 or AHRMA Dbde Cup Roadrace Series 1~9-2O Jemings, FL, Rnds 6-7 Info: 615/851-3674 or AHRMA CaJIIomIa SiemI MX Series TBA 11/3 Hanford, CA T....,CA Info: 559/627·2275 or 559/7J8.8348 AHRMA Great Lakes Regional Post-Vintage MX Series Bud1anan, MI Info: 2481620-1926 or _.'-.alITl 10/19 AHRMA Michigan MX Series 1~9 Buchanan, MI Info: 2481620-1926 AHRMA Nol1hWMl Regional MXSeries 10/20 _,CA 11/3 TuI;n, CA Into: 775/265-49ll4 or _ . .mna.~ AHRMA Northwest Maico & cz Northwest Post-Vintage MXSeries 11/10 _,CA Info: 925/Il29-9388 or _.allma.~ AHR~ SouIheaat Regional MX Series 10/27 ~HI,SC 11/9 WastingtorI, GA Into: 61S776-2269 or _.geocities.lXlITJaIwmBse AHRMA Southwest Reglonal MXSeries 1(1' TBA 11/3 T....,CA 11m Wlllmam, AZ Into: 760/451-0056 AHRMA Southeast Regional Dirt Track Series Washing1cn, GA washing1cn, GA Info: 77llI867·1676 or 11/9 11/10 _.geocities.lXlITJatrmase AHRMA Western Reglonal DIrt Track Series 1~9 Tliare, CA Info: 916/7111-5444" l11CIlIC8I27I@a.alITl AHRMAIEIdorado Cycle MidMst Trials Series 1(1'19 Jonesboro, Il Info: 573/334-8446 or 573/651.064J AHRMA ~ Regional Trials Series 11/9 washingtoo, GA Info: 20519711-5531 AHRMA~ Cross Country Regionals 11/10 Washington, GA Info: 61S776-2269 or www.lI....cities.lXlITJatrmase CCS Florida Roadl'lCing Championship 12/7-il Homes1Bod,FL Info: 8171332-4822 or www.caracing.alITl CCS PacIIIc Roadraclng Championship 11~12/1 Rosamond, CA Info: 817/332-4822 or _.caracing.alITl CCS Race of ChampIons XVII 1~7·2O 0eyIcna Beach, FL CCS Reglonal T_ Challenge Events 1~7 0eyIcna 8eocIl, FL Into: 8171332-4822 or _.a:sraQng.alITl CMRRA ChampIonshIp Road Race Series ....,. Motocross for Charity in Kentucky tN~ Sunday, N~~~~er 3, 2002 Gales: 7:00 a.m. Classes' Practice: 9:00 a.m. Racing: 11:00 a.m. • 125, 250 (A) (B) (C) Race Fees· $25 - 1 st Class • 125, 250 Open Enduro • All Mini Classes, Age Classes ~ ==.....J $18 - 2nd Class ·4-Stroke, Pit Bike, Womens, Vintage L-~_";';';_";' _ _ TlJlH!.ltt{)f) H?·l~ Ill'! 11/16-17 las Voga, NV 12/14-15 Rosamond, CA Inlo: 909/317-il156 or _.racecrma@aol.alITl TexatlOldahoma Pro Cln:ult Regional Classk: Series 11/2-3 A. Wor1h, TJ( lorzs.27·11/9-10 Rain Dales Info: 817/572·m 3 or 483-5028 Willow Springs Molorcyde Club Roadraclng Series 1~9-2O Rosamond, CA 11/16-17 Rosamond, CA 12/14-15 Rosanmd, CA 1000/. PRO PAYBACK Info: 861/256-1234 or_.1IIC8- ~ S__, Sunday llcl20 llcl27 Ilo¥ 3 Sunday 1lo¥10 SIlndoy Ilo¥ 17 SItunlIy Ilo¥ 23 SIlndoy Ilo¥ 24 wsmt.alITl GR Winter Series San Bemanlino, CA, And 5 Info: 909/341-11002 10/20 NETRA Champlonshlp Enduro series NETRA Turttey Run Series AHRMA/DIl1 FlrIt Mld-AtIantlc MXSeries 10/19 Inwood. WV NETRA Championship Hare Sc:I'ambies Series 11/3 -'Cily,NC Into: 7031830-5997 or _~org 10/27 Sanowhoro, NH Info: 8601693-9111 or ~5eries ~ _ LAtR LACR EJlwftI AFB ~SoriWftITlIUyGPGIoll_ ~ _ LACR No Pracllco No RIce OlU'" p'ur" .. """'f" .'(Ioll. '1.ilm :p'" CRC Info (661) 272-8889 10/20 08ep River, CT 11/3 W. Slallord, CT Info: 860/693-9111 or 11/10 Tautton, lolA Info: 860/693-9111 or Spot-Ihlp 5eries \Wszn~~~u. REGIONAl & NATIONAl SAHCTlOHSUCENSE INFORIIATIllN (562) lI6lHll12 3rd Sunday every monm (909)6S7~ .ezt Jmm\ - O.ber 19-&0 P.O. 1Ioll46 NORWAlK, CA V0850 NationoI Motospon Alm;ation INFO (661) 256-1234 IIII'IIiII cue I e Ii Motorcycle Road Radng on !he fastest Track In the West" Motorcycle Road Racing n """"""""""'.roce-"""s,....,c. co,..,... e _ S • OCTOBER 23, 2002 77

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