Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, I - - 5GD. . . . . . . . twealMll. 2IID1 ........1, . . . . . . . (VHB aIMII· ....,.Fe , __ PQ • ...,. 1'5HD1J8fM11 • CIn8IIt. . . lID Ellpwiwa~.2OD1 WarldTrills GIIIIff AIran: I : • ., Al:C3lVHB1· 2D01 ....1iI ........... (UMI) • Cl'UII¥ DIImana fJlllrCtDIQ • 0a8I¥ 8: 1hl NIIIlI: IDIIDI· Cl'UII¥ DImlnI: 1hI7tIt I't1IIIIlan (VHB a IM:IJ • Ttil. ali _ 7 (VHB a IMJJ • Fell 61'8 VaL 1 (VHB a IMJJ • ........, Ml:GNth: AaaI:a 2l,1J11DJ • Jeremv M:Go adt . . . AaaI:a 3l\1t1SJ· (VHB a IM:IJ 1DD't •• • .-.tvHII. GIaI:IiI...... . • a.JdNn fila GIld TrIagv lIMJJ • NIni We.iura HitB (VHSJ • NIni Ww ,a.. 4l\1HSJ • TCIIRClIt: Stlppil' Up tvHSJ • Ma1:DtrXIl:: 1hI SeriB& 1:4l1M11 • Mato«Xx 5: F.- far '" lVHSJ • I' b,ie' My PIrf8llt WarId l\IHBJ • AadI to Riin (VMS) • 2001 Ft ! ' ... MX WarId TCU' lVHSJ • .... Behind .... lVHSJ • 2D01 us NI1:i:iIil C'IIips l\IHBJ • Jay SprWlgsI:8In: 1hI lid aa....' l\IHBJ .1hI LilgInd: Jar Bpi...... lVHSJ • . . HIdcer lVHSJ • HigIw GrainI (VHS &IMJJ • AIIii:lLy (VHS &EMJJ • SIeck. . . 4l,1J11DJ • EIIAAP (VHSJ • On "" Suldav: MX, AT r: ... &Mare (VHS &DUD) sr-uWf ROAD RACING v_ (#1970) 2001 MotoGP SOD Series Review The 2(X)1 AM 500 World ~ was sello be a spicy liJeI _11'0 two '1aiM 11"'" Rossi aIXl Max Blagg;. aIXll lp's ""I"' &i1spiIaIionlj 1lOfy. born _ begilnmge IOF1 Worldlltlas, ~ 0IpI0iIe 0111'0 ""01 Man TT and caunlless race wins across !he UK &Europe. The DVO lXII'Itains _ _ ~ve """,,, i1dudIng. geIeIy 0 camIl.I\' __ I\9lighlS. 110 lTIJ1ul8S from 1NtMle Star1DI.b Video. SJ.'.95 ~"(.Maun"aIXl""_degtapI1y 0 Brilall's blggesI blkIng hero, aIXlll'o racer American Ians lew ro hate. TalIe& you In:m his taIty CII88f 10 hIS Iour1Il Wor\:I Superbike crown. !lO mutes trom While StarON VkIeo. ST9J5 ApdIe 01 "" Illdng C8lOIlf 011'0 0gendaIy GeoII_ """ _ SIanllute Vdeo $34.95 59_ (#1598) Wood's Fastest Rece Bikes Romonber'_Iedoly_bice ... IhaIAienCall1C8llhasI ~ you're one 01 ttIo&e ~ who pay S20 tor aSuperaoa ticUt]tlSllo 1eaIuring" rnosllplCfOQJlar _ , Iake-dooTIs, aIXl rnIa<1IOIl born _~aIXl_ ....... 3llninutesborn~ Vdeo. S19J5 (#5556) Ultimate Ride 2 (#1090) Old Indians Never Die Aralltraatlorlndillnlans.lraanglhestoryoladeYoled~oIlncian _aIXlttleirblbs", ... epIc~"""II'oUSIo_ Also packed "'" wondeo1uI bike 181< .nd nos!lllgo: llIcl,..IooIage. 38 rninllles from Wnile SlarlDub V'1tIeo. S34.95 (#1086) Best 01 British: Triumph T_Ia""OIl'ogn>aleSnllI1'OS.BriboIl~hIsIay.""" 1egIons00_spread~rougIloJ1l1'o_. ThefuUllOfy"'lI'o brand from past to present. 75 minutes from WhIle StarlOuke Video. $38.95 "'*""'......,"""'" 1Ol1y yoor- awajI 1'OIIen::oasler, EtJ0P8's best aen::Catk:s 18amS, lsIe 01 Man n, Ice KarlI1g, HoI Rods &llIOl1l. Hold "" 12 """'" born _ SIar.llt*e V..,. $38.95 INSTRUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL (#430) Motorcycle Survival SkJlls (#1087) Best 01 Brnish: Norton NOl1On is one oIlIle most evccalMl names mttIe history of Bntish motGrcycllng, and thiS VIdeo lells!tle w!loIe SlOry o! the grand marque. 75 mrnu1es from Whne Srar!Duke Video. ~.95 (#1088) Best of British: BSA At the eod oIlhe 50's no company in lhe 'MlltI was selling more motorcycles tI\an Britain's BSA Group, Twenty years mlel, ltle gtan1 _ I e wa, '" of ....... _ _ by CClITIpIacaocy. bed manegemenlandleddepthYideo""'1I'o ""'" ThIa'S""'s",'9"''''"''''''''''" """'" ~:&1lting, coun\ef steenng, gear shifllng, and counlless street riolng techniques. AddillonallflformaliCWl on Iicel'lSing, classes, f'lIClllg sd1ools, af'ld ITlOtort",tle auclIotIS. And. for your 9I\ter'IaU1meI11. you will discover how to elllCUl8 a wheeIie, Slep-by-step, W!tI m9dbIe orHlb camera """ 33 """'" born 01pacf $2'.95 v.., SllIly"""~begonnlllge.lI'o_oadeoll'olB!lcanl\ly ~1I'o'/JXY_0I_~"""._,101I'o final sony climax. 70 minutes from WhIte SlarlDul\e VICleo. $34.95 (#1098) Best of British: Vincent """ ErR 11'0 Iulluslreilld hislOIy ~ 11'0 ~lllI'.T'''C V.-..m O~ lhefnl HAD lllC:lnol1925lhrougil klthetinalstreamlinlld 'Black Prince' models of 30 years later. Evocative names such as Meteor, ComeI. _.nd iliad< _ ~ 0r0ugh1 "'" 10" wi1l1 deIailed museum dose-ups and action on the road. 70 minuIes from WhU Slarrow Vdeo. $34.95 VINTAGE (#1696) Superblke Oucall The o.:a;v.... Ia""'~.~.nmcydelllll _11'0 WJI'("""" 0_""'._, andll4l'rior ~ ThIa_"""",II'o_o CU:a1i'lle'1haI make I sIand '" _11'0 .... 10 """'" fnlm _ S!llIIIlIlIe Vdeo. $38.15 MOVIES FREESTYLE AproIIeo"" radngC8""oIOgef<11l~ Bn1isIIcl1aITIpioo Mikll'The Illke' _ 60 Slarilluke __ $38.15 min."""" _ (#5956) Champion: Phil Reed Aprolie ~ 11'0 IDlg C8IOO' olegendaly PIi Reed. 10 _ While Slarilluk. Vdeo. $34.95 """ (#1070) History of the Isle 01 Men TT A"*,,, and _ 3jl8It'"" hielory 011'0 WOliI" lO0OI-" nmqde ...... specieIy _ I r o m lloMdW.,._ an:tWe ma\8liII ill 1IISUlpllSS8d. EYefY Senior race winner is _ ... MIa_Ioolage'rom .. WJI'(lirsl ..... aIXlOVOly _fnlml920lOl996. A34ape _ _ TTlanwl_ *" "''''''~_' ("'" 1: The Eal1y y"" 1901-39: ""'~ The CIiampkInsIip Y"" 1941-7&: "'" ~ From SlJ1nglh 10 S1ref9I119n· 961. 216 ninutes"... fnlm . $69.15 (#1097) 1948 Isle of Man IT I'Tobebly 11'0 lirslloM TT 11m poodu:ed .... WWlI, "" rocanlIy _1Im"""....... "'~_procI.Ig; 11'0 1SDT~1I'o_ _ : 11'0 _ SeIIF1afa~II'oE1llnoe Gland Pris·!lfl miooIes from X.fldor. $44.15 (#0140) On Any Sunday OVD "edII1Ion~II'o"""""'O\illIO!""",!his speclO DVO~~, _-"II'oO\illlO!"""'_aIXlTV""",dIgiIaIy • ____ ~_MclIueen,aIXl (#1792) Evel Knievel: Last of the Gledlators The_slolyoIl'oWOlil', _ _ ,,"*'byE'lO _ _ _ lI'olnJe"'ll'0.2OIhcan"'YjjedIaf«. 1011 _ fnlm . $24.95 (#5260) Bike Havoc (#5276) Millennium Havoc Ov.2OII01l'o1OOOl _ _ &"""""fnlmIl'oCl1Sll-packed _oI~Ws_aIXl~'Oikesports,*"gems""" fnlm _ Slar.llt*e _ . $24.95 ........, .... _ _ Blown, FromH..... $34.95 #14OA) On Any Sunday II The~"II'oO\illlO!_nmqde"""o"line_ H_, -.... U-. T1loIpe,""" Sanon, Ganiler.... _ out in spectacular style In over 150 Inckilms from road race GP's, 10M TT. MX, Dlag Rao>Ig, Beach Races, Triels aIXl Paris-Ilalw. "ninutes """ _ SIar.llt*e Vdeo $24.15 lI'o_aIXl~"'-_Ioo4age. (#1055) Golden Mountain (#01596) World's Fastest Bikes 10VO) same" 11'0 '"'" but. DYD Iormol wi1l1 b Glecamo Agosti 75 ninUIIS """ WIOt _ _. $34.15 _ _ IepO ,,_fnlm_ SIanllWVdeo (#1480) Best Bike GPs of the SO's (#326) Rode to Ruin Slarilluke Vdeo. 129.15 (#5902) Champion: Giacsmo Agostini -,,1I:l~l!lenride""Hei1luIDe!Ile"'II'o 1I'o~_1OOlIded. (#213) The Roeds 01 Colorado (#231) Ride Americs: The Million Dollar Highway Aprolie 0111'0 raong C8lOIlf. Bn1isII GP.., 8aIIy Shee!IO. 65 lTIlIlUIes In:m White SlarlDuke Video. $34.95 (#5901) Champion: Geoff Duke II'o""GPoI~ film quality, excellem comrnentaJy· crazy crashesl 60 minutes lfom Wllile StarIDuke Video. $24.95 AseriouaIy_"'lirobeet__ ... _"""II'o~UIsIer GP and _ ... Sns &_ , Money aIXlll'o (#1034) V-Four VIc10ry Rotlefls. R6Jw \tlem from tesling to !he linal VlCIOricJJs race. 75 mmuI8IIlrom WhiIll Slal'lDuke VlCIeo. $34.95 2000 .... _ " " " " IorCaslllll_aIXltheirllid'" "" Cliampklnslipcrown. The _inroducedll'oVTR l000-sPl, aIXl Coil1 EdwaJds aIXl ""'" SiI/11"~ 11'0 men ctwged "'" keeI*1I Honda's'''''SlJIIO'bIlie01l1'ofnlmoll'opack. _ ......... smaI anny 01 Ie.m """""" kept """""" Wming.nd hOped_ on theW road 10 gay. Follow all the dtama1ic roIIerlXlasler momenlS of Coil1_ willing I'2K season. """"" fnlm _ SIar I Duke Video. 12US _ I ; Vokene 3: The _ Need to Wil (65 mrnutes). From WMe StatIOuke VIdeo. bUS Henl's yoor dIence 10 joln caw Roper'-11'0 Isle 0 Men TT ciaiI "'.""""" G50"'" ellI'o_SOlJl'OaalXlsighla"'lI'obig ~'s bisIering""'' ' ' ' ' ' ... (#1265) Superblkes: The Champions' Story _1:VoIlIne2:~l1ho"GP&II'oJ_ArriYel{13 (#1059) Classic Racer Experience buke V1d8o. $JUS (#1114) A-Z 01 British Motorcycles (3-Tspe Set) Slc*1lIY-:flI'J1-.cdIec:tioelyI08fllli1l-5OII 60_ llob_ Clos&<4>BladUckey,nmqde "'" 011'0 mil-7lr. iddng01Bruce Ioolla. "" _ Kemy _and llIOl1l 11'0 lOp 0I1heir1orm. 9OmnutesfroolX.fadCJ. S29.t5 (#14OB) On Any Sunday Revisi1ed _ _ Blown _11'0 hi CAS. "'" 0 -.tog Ioo4age _ _ 11'0""". ThIa,""goeebecltiril:lll'o_~~ _ _ fnlmlhalpllb1 The _ _ "",,11'0 """, _ _ 1lllIgrand periodoll'ospoll. 6O_"fnlm lI'o~rtlJack H"".$2'.95 (#014OB) On Any Sunday Revlsned OVO (#2501) Crash Kings MX From IOOtocroSS GP baltlegroonds to max-attack scIlooIbaf MX - is no "" selel , , _ fnlm _ SlarIDuke Vdeo. $2~95 same" 11'0 '"'" but .... llIided DVll_ iddng ride< proIiIas, _ McIlueen 00, screpbooI, aIXl_ ""'_ Blown aIXlllane Brown. 60 _ fnlm X-F..... $24.15 VISA

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