Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 96 of 106

Harley Hummer Race Stuff Wanted Unreal Deals· KTMs 2002 Husaberg FX~) Motors! Motorsl Motorsl Motors! Looking lor any High Perfonnance stuff lor the old Harley 125's or 165's (Hummers), Puckett. Wever. or 7 whizzerlar@aol.comor(719) 338-1684. CO Must sell - looking to buy a housa. 2002 KTM SX520, $5200. 2002 KTM MXC200, $4100. Both very low hours. With extras. and extreme TLC. Can ship. (701) 227-1135. NO Ridden five times, Race Tech suspension, Big Gun pipe. Asking $7100 OBD. (310) 562-!l528. (310) 401-1133. CA Tested and inspec1ed, leak down results provided. Honda, Suzuki. Kawesal CLASSIFIED AD RATES Price. Are For One Is.ue Only. Run my ad In the .pecial aection: CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE e_ ·· ····· ·$1.4O $11 Blind box Service Cherve .$6.00 Photo !no le'ller then 5.7> $17 extra No logo. unle.. into'llrel to the product. o PRIVATE PARTY _ _ Help Wented Per won! Helldline In bold type Photo !no Ia'ller then 37> - - Po.ltion Wanted - _ Buai"... Opportunitl•• - - Colle<:tore 11974 0< older) - - Gonersl Me",handl.. 35mm Rim prefemKI, black and white or color. $.BO $5 e_ _ $10 e_ A privet. party i. aomeone "'ling hi. or her own itemla>, or wi.hing to buy an item for pe~1 u... Any ongoing ectivity rney be reganIed . . e bu.lne•• and will be charged the commercial and whita or color prints. Polaroida not eccepted.

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