Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

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Hoppe (Han): 4. Brad Usenbe (Kalil): 5. Jason Dodds (Suz). 25. C: I. John McUmore (Han); 2. Brian Gamer (Yam): 3. Jor. dan Blake (KTM); 4. Mike Shelman (Yam): 5. Brian Bond (KTM). VET A 30... : I. Dean Lane (KTM); 2. David Jones (Suz): 3. James Skinner (Han): 4. Stoney Hom (Stil); 5. Dennis Bonner (Kaw). VET B 30.: 1. Brad Usenbe (Kalil); 2. Andy R~olds (Hon): 3. Kevin Uulrraga (Yam): 4. Lee Upton (Kalil); 5. TelT)' ~phens (Sul). VET C 30.: I. John Mclmlol"f: (Hon); 2. Gary Reed (Han); 3. Perry Reeder Sr. (Han): 4. Brian Bond (KTM); 5. Mike McWlltlams (Hon). 35.: I. Shaun Martin (Hon); 2. Don Hudson (Hon): 3. Todd Wat· son (Kalil); 4. James King (Hon); 5. Kyle Parks (Han). SR 40.: I. Merk Rak~1II (Kalil); 2. Todd Watson (Kaw); 3. Tom Hudson (Hon). AMA District 14 Michigan Hare Scrambles Series Round 13: Battle Creek Motorcycle Club Wegner's Battle, Parlin's War BATTLE CREEK, MI, SEPT. 22 The AMA District 14 Hare Scramble Series is winding down. signaling the culmination of an exciting year. As the series regulars are allowed to drop three of their scores out of the 15 events held this year, there are some serious points battles erupting for class championships. However, the overall championship was decided at round 13 of the series, which was held in Battle Creek, Michigan. Nevins Motorsports/Klotz/Moose Off Road-sponsored Corey Parlin was able to pilot his KTM to the top of the points standings early in the season, and he finally wrapped up the overall championship by eaming second-place points at the Battle Creek event. This series victory serves to avenge his 200 1 championship campaign, in which Parlin lost the points lead after breaking his ann late in the season. The Battle Creek facility featured a sandy motocross section, which was incorporated with a lengthy woods loop. As a light rain fell for most of the early portion of the three-hour event, traction was at its best. Parlin was able to grab the Expert-class holeshot, chased by a large group of talented riders. Last year's series champion, Aaron Wegner, was able to wrestle the lead from Parlin early. and then he steadily began to build a commanding lead. Wegner kept his IMS/O'Neal-backed Yamaha YZI25 out front and running strong, in sharp contrast to the frustrating mechanical problems he experienced in prior rounds. Wegner went on to win the event, with Par· lin comjng through scoring less than a minute behind. Troy LeejWeisner Suspension/College Bike·sponsored Scott Barclay earned a well· deserved third overall by keeping his Honda running strong throughout the day. Enduro Engineering/Moose Off Road-backed Corey Calkins came through scoring next, earning the KTM pilot fourth-place points on the day, despite having suspension problems in the latter stages of the race. Kawasaki jockey Steve Willey followed Calkins through the scoring chute to eam fifth place. The top non-Expert rider came out of the 125cc class, as Will Hicks piloted his Kawasaki to the class victory earning a career· best seventh overall. His win did not come easily; he had lots of pressure through the early stages of the race from Yamaha·mounted Jonathan Turner, who also turned in an impressive overall performance, earning eight overall, behind Hicks. KTM jockey Paul Guy took a break from the AMA National Hare Scrambles Series, earning the 250cc-class victory and placing 10th overall in the process. Guy was able to pass Rob Root for the lead near the two-hour mark, and he never looked back. Root, on a borrowed Yamaha, took second place in the class, behind Guy. The Heavy Team class has been highly competitive this season, with close races and a tight pcints battle for the championship. The team of Gerrit Powell and Tim Beougher built a commanding lead, and it appeared that they had the race won as they began the white-flag lap. However, the team of Eddie Keen and Ron Balzer were able to put together some good lines, allowing them to close the gap with less than one mile to go. Keen was able to make the pass and hold off the erstwhile leaders to the checkered fiag, earning Keen and Balzer the win. Powell and Beougher settled for second, with the Team of Syd Gallt and Jim Squire taking third. I Battle Creek Motorcycle Club Battle Creek. Michigan Results: September 22. 2002 (Round 131 a/A; 1. Aaron Wegner (Yam); 2. Corey Parlin (KTM); 3. Scott Barclay (Hon); 4. Corey Calkins (KTM); 5. Steve Willey (Kaw); 6. Robbie Cribbs (Hul); 7. Will Hicks (Kaw); 8. JOMthan Tumer (Yam): 9. James Hom (KTM): 10. Paul Guy (KTM). EX: I. Aaron Wegner (Yam): 2. Corey Parlin (KTM); 3. Scott Barclay (Han): 4. Corey Calkins (KTM): 5. SIeve Willey (Kaw). OPEN: I. Mike Meson (Yam); 2. Scott Curtis (Kaw): 3. Brett McCoy (Hon); 4. Dennis Steven (Hon). 250: I. Paul Guy (KTM): 2. Rob Root (Yam); 3. Brian Kryzanow. Ic:z (KTM); 4. Noah Sears (Hon); 5. Ken Johnson (Han). 200: I. Ross Scott (KTM); 2. Josh Aspen (Kaw); 3. Steve Aspen (Kaw); 4. Steve Beane (KTM): 5. Brian Vankoeverlng (KTM). 125: I. Will Hicks (Kaw); 2. Jonathan Tumer (Yam): 3. Chltd Ebel (Kaw); 4. Zachary Peters (KTM): 5. Mati< Lyons (Yam). 4·STRK: I. James Hom (KTM); 2. Nichollts Travis (Yam): 3. Mike Greenman (Hus): 4. Shannon Javts (Hon); 5 Steven Lafrlnere (Yam). Battle Creek Motorcycle Club: Aaron Wegner recovered from a string of mechanical problems early In the season to take the overall victory at round 13 of the AMA District 14 Michigan Hare Scrambles Series in Battle Creek, 40.. : 1. Rick Kenl (Yam); 2. Jeff Norris (Han); 3. David Blelec; 4. Tom Moore (Yam); 5. Tom Enzor (KTM). SO.. : I. Byron Kibby (KTM): 2. Ed Shively (KTM): 3. Ted Kil..,ington (Sul); 4. Bruce Turner (Yam). 30.: I. Richard Belles (KTM); 2. Ted Binnall (Han); 3. Dale Hodge (Hon): 4. Rusty Naimo (yam): 5. Mtlrtln Barilla (Hon). 125·200 (13·17): I. Jllson Enzor (KTM); 2. Andy Richardson (KTM); 3. Chase Sietlng (Kaw); 4. Nick Knuth (Kaw); 5. Trlvis Toogood (Kalil). OPEN 2-HR; I. Ron Sc:harphom (KTM); 2. ErIc Dudek (Yi!lm); 3. Joe MItpe5 (KTM); 4. Mitch McDonald (KTM): 5. Ron Kleckner (Yam). HVY TEAM: l. Balter/Keen (Hon); 2. Powell/Beoug:her (Kaw); 3. Gallt/Squire (Can): 4. Marc/Flegel (KTM): 5. Becker/Becker (Yam). l T TEAM: I. Stevens/Del KIlen (KTM); 2. Micho/.MIcho (Hon): 3. Ozanich/Reed (Kaw); 4. Marsh/Bristol (Yam); 5. Cullimore/Kelley (Ki!lw). 66·85: I. Nick Lumber (Yam); 2. Kyle Dubay (Yam); 3. lack Jameson (Kalil): 4. Shannon Aegel (Yam); 5. Jordan Emede (Yam). 0·65: 1. Chad Willey (Kaw): 2. Jordan Mi!lpes (KTM); J. Cody Whaley (Kaw); 4. Michael Johnson (Kaw); 5. Colton Lantto (Kaw). 66·105: 1. Nick Ozanich (Hon); 2. ErIc Brlggs (Han); 3. Tyler Guggemos (Kalil): 4. Sleven Johnson (Kaw): 5. Bnan Murchie (Kaw). W"'N: 1. Megan Enzor (Yam): 2. Denise Baldwin (Kaw); 3. Ami!lnda Gates (Kalil); 4. TIna Aegel (Ki!llll): 5. Jennifer Shlele (Klw). 66-85 (7.11): J. Tyler Hili (Han): 2. Bnmdon Flegel (Yam); 3. Jlm Fischmeister (Klw); 4. Brandon Noms CHon): 5. Brent Densmore (Kaw). Unlimited Sports 20th Annual Florida State AMA MX Championship Gold Cup Series Round 3: Dade City Raceway Luck Comes in Threes Camp continued his perfect mota sweep in the 125cc C and 250cc C classes. Camp's streak was in jeopardy in the first 250cc C moto, as he started outside the top 10, but he stormed to second as the moto was winding down. Bill Sima led from the get-go and was a hard one to pass. Camp let it all hang out coming out of the back section with a lap to go and passed Sima before the long tabletop. Camp was in the same situation in the sec· and moto until it was red-flagged. The restart saw Nate Fransen leading Camp. At the end of lap one, Camp took over and never looked back. Eggers was either first or second on every start of the Over 3D, Over 35 and Over 40 classes. By the end of lap one, Eggers was always out front, heading toward every moto win. Eggers' closest competition in the Over 30 class was Bryan Abel in the first moto and Steve Dumond in the second. but neither rider was able to match Eggers' pace. The Over 35 class saw John Lundy out front first. Eggers wasted no time passing Lundy. Kirk Layfield also passed Lundy, and the three finished in that order. In the second moto, Eggers absconded with the lead. Layfield sat in second, and Joe Cartier beat out Lundy for third. The anticipated battle between Eggers and Lundy never materialized in the Over 40 class, either. Lundy led the first moto, but Eggers passed him and pulled away. Lundy finished runner-up in mota two also. In the first 125cc B moto, Eric Stewart started out front. Zack Lundy and Dan Truman were hot on his tail. Zack took over on lap two and rode to the win. Skinner and Truman passed each other a couple of times, their bat· tie bringing them closer to Stewart. Truman got his chance for second and swept around the outside of the upper horseshoe before dropping back down into the back section. By CRAIG AND ANGELA JOHNSON DADE CITY, FL, SEPT. 29 Three riders won three classes apiece at round three of the Florida Gold Cup Series. Two of those riders have performed this feat before at this same track. Dan Truman did it last year in the same series, and Timothy Eggers did it a few years back during the Sunshine State Series. The newcomer to the list is Jonathan Camp. Each rider is leading the points in two out of the three classes they are contesting; each rider is holding down second in the points in his third class. It's not that there's no competition for these three; there's plenty of that, as 455 riders turned out to try their luck on the rough Dade City Raceway. These three riders like this course with the deep, rough sand in the back and the harder-packed section in the front. The day was just as hot as the weekend before, with the sun beating down and temper· atures soaring to 90. The day started off with the I 25cc Youth class hitting the fjrst turn, with Camp at the front. Matthew Pedrero, Matt Boni, Dean Dyess and Shaun Skinner were in tow. Camp pulled out to win the moto, leaving the rest to fight for second. Bani put the pressure on for second and made the pass at the start of lap three. A few corners later, Pedrero washed out the front end, taking Dyess down with him. The moto was over for Pedrero; Dyess remounted. Moving to third was Skinner, as Alan Cliburn held off Brandon Buckingham and Matt Lee. Dyess made a last-lap pass on the two to get fifth after remounting in ninth. Dyess continued his charge in moto two to take the win. Camp played it safe for the runner·up spot and the overall win. Boni took third, and Skinner and Clibum rounded out the top five. Dade City Raceway: Dan Truman swept the 2S0cclSOOcc B class and used second-moto wins to take the 16-24 and 12Scc B-elass wins at the third round of the Florida Gold Cup Series in Dade City. cue .... n eVIl's OCTOBER 23. 2002 57

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