Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"I loved the track today - it was awesome'" Walters said. "But I had some bad luck with crashes, and a flat front tire in the opening Four-Stroke moto took its toll. White Brothers gave me a great bike today, along with Axo, Honda Une Lubricants, HJC, Smith, Dunlop, FMF and 909. I will concentrate on the next round to avenge today's bad outing." In the 125cc Pro-Am division, the first moto was all Whitcraft's from the drop of the gate to the checkered flag. Early favorite Smith was down in the mud in a first-comer crash and didn't restart the moto. However. Smjth came out gunning for the win in the second moto. while Whitcraft rode smart for the overall win. In the second moto, Tyson Hadsell pulled the holeshot and then diced with Smith, only to see his good moto literally go up in smoke when the BSY Yamaha's motor went sour. "I enjoyed the Red Bud track today, but my bike breaking while dicing with Smith hurt," Hadsell said. "In the 250cc Pro-Am division, I couldn't get a start. I gave up too much advantage to the leaders early on. But I had some good rides today. Thanks to BSY, Pro Circuit, Fox, Scott, Wiseco and Dunlop for the support. " The 125cc Pro-Am winner, Chris Whitcraft, was excited about his victory. "I'm real happy about the win today!" Whitcraft enthused. "I just kept telling myself to push harder when leading the first moto. I knew there was some fast guys. I just kept pushing and not looking back. Then, the second moto, I knew 1 had the overall and tried not to make any mistakes. Much thanks to Sportcycle Yamaha, Yosh,, Thor, EVS and my parents for the support. This feels great!" Red Bud Track and Trail Buchanan. Michigan Results: September 22, 2002 (Round 3) 4-STRK PRO-AM: I. Jason McCormick (Hon): 2. Clark SUles (Han): 3. Kelly Smith (Yam); 4. Tyson Hadsell (Yam); 5. Matt Crown (Hon): 6. Derek Rose (Hon): 7. Jimmy Wilson (Yam); 8. John Baker (Hon): 9. Nate Woodward (Han): 10. Thorn Barron (Hon). 125 PRO·AM: 1. Chris Whitcraft (Yam); 2. Matt Maximoit' (Suz): 3. Matt Hopkins (Yam): 4. Randy Valade (Suz): 5. Brad Smith (KTM): 6. Brian Gray (Suz): 7. Brad ~ (Suz): 8. Nick Vaughn (Kalil): 9. Jeff Ba~ (Yam): 10. MIke Katin (Suz). 250 PRO-AM: 1. Clork Stiles (Hon); 2. Paul Carpenter (Hon): 3. Spud WelteD (Hon): 4. Kelly Smith (Yam): 5. Derek Rose (Han); 6. Chris Whit.c:raft (Yaml; 7. Brad Smith (Hon): 8. Randy Valade (Suz); 9. Dovkl Gaylord (Han): 10. Juon McDoneld (Yem). Pepsi Kentucky State Championship Daniel Boone MX Sipes Swipes Two By SusAl'I Motorcycle news will never be the same! You can access Cycle News Online anytime, day or night, on the World Wide Web at..• ",""",,,_cycIene""s_co... • Complete and current happenings in "Daily Wind" • The 2002 Cycle News Motorcycle Buyer's Guide • Current International and National Championship Calendar Listings, and TV Listings s. WIWAl'I LONDON, KY, SEPT. 28 Daniel Boone Motocross hosted the 2002 Pepsi Kentucky State Championship, and Ryan Sipes, Shane O'Banion and Dusty Walk· er each earned two state championship titles_ What's at the leading edge of motorcycle news? Cycle News Online! Now you can access instant race results and the latest breaking stories in the world of motorcycling, with Cycle News' home page on the World Wide Web. Updated daily, Cycle News Online provides: • Instantly updated race results. Race Coverage Highlights, Motorcycle Tests, and Interviews • Weekly Reader Polls. Cycle News Classified Ads • Quik Shop LINKS • Cycle News Art Gallery • The latest offerings from Cycle News Video Theater. Real·Time Event Coverage in "Virtual Grandstand" Sipes won both the 125cc A and 250cc A • Online motorcycle advertising from the leading companies in the industry classes, O'Banion took top honors in the Schoolboy and 125cc B classes. and Walker won the 250cc B and Unlimited Amateur . titles. After six inches of rain fell the previous day, the riders endured muddy conditions_ o Sipes piloted his Kawasaki Team Green/Gateway Cycle/FMF machine to the front in the first 250cc A moto, chased by Kevin Black, Suspension Work's T.J. Blake, Dreyer's/Sus· pension Plus Training Camp's Shawn Clark o o and Scott Varney. Sipes went down in the whoops and dropped to third, but he recovered quickly and retook the lead, with Clark moving up to second. Clark, on his brand-new Name Address 250, had a get-off in a section of the track called the "Supercross Six." Sipes won the moto with a substantial lead. Blake held on to City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State second. Clark moved up to third after his Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Order Date mishap, with Black finishing fourth. The second moto found Sipes again the best off the gate, and he went on to win the moto and the championship title. Clark, now a Send to: o Zip 1qJIItiI. . . ., Inc. o little more famjljar with his machjne, improved o o P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628·5084 Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 moto in the 125cc A class. Brad Cassada rode in second until the final lap, when Buddy Brooks dropped Cassada to third. The second moto was a repeat for Sipes, who led from start to finish. Black was second, with Dustin Pulley third and Brooks fourth. 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: Signature I MC/Visa# Every week for two years (l00 issues for $80.00) Six months second class (25 issues for $23.00) This is a o ew Subscription o for second place, with Black third. Blake did not finjsh. Sipes returned to ride an unblemished YES! Start my subscription immediately to Cycle News. 1 year/50 issues for $45.00. (can be billed 2 monthly payments) Renewal Please bill me 1 payment of $45.00 Bill 2 payments of $22.50 = Enclosed is my check or money order Charge my 0 Visa o _ Mastercard One year (SO iseu..-s). 2nd daM Unada or Mmco ;and a.ll other forelg.n CO\1ntrM,ot; 592.00 (US Funds). 1st class and airmail rates available upon ~uest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiration Date .----------------------------------------------cue I e n __ s OCTOBER 23, 2002 55

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