Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P/W 80 NOV: 1. Cody Anderson (Hon); 2, Ryan Frank (Kalil): 3. Noah Eaton (KTM): 4. Deek~ HudgIns (Sut): 5, Kevin Grlppln (KTM). P/W 80 AM: I. Jason Langford (Kaw): 2. Julian Williams (Kalil): 3. Austin Tate (Kaw): 4. Zachary Kuehnhold (KTM): 5. Jimmy Glea· 500 (Kalil). P/W 80 INT: I. Dusty Hammond (Kaw): 2, Jonathan Robbins (KTM): 3. An~ Dlerdorf (Kalil); 4. Casey Meyer (Ka.....): 5. Garrett Crawford (Kaw). P/W 80 EX; I. Brandon Glenn (KTM): 2. Retapol Waltayangkoon (Kaw); 3. Austin Henderson (Kaw): 4. Davey Groff (Kaw); 5. Ryan 60: I. Kyle lentini (KTM); 2. Brandon Mays (KTM); J. Myles Caradol'1 (KTM); 4. Kevin Brassie (Kalil); 5. Todd Thompson (Ka.....). JR MINI: I. Kyle Lentini (KTM): 2. Louis Tepass (Yam); 3. Doug Walr (Yam); 4. Myles Caradorl (KTM); 5. Brandon May. (KTM). SR MJNI: I. Steve (SU1): 2. Chad Dunning (Kelll): 3, Scott Paeth (Hen): 4. Ryan Nye (SuI); 5. Nicholas Basamania (Suz). /'lUN1 COMB: 1. Chad Dunnlog (Kaw); 2. ~e S1i.....lnskl (Suz); 3. Nicholas Basamanla (Su1): 4. Andy Carlson (Suz): 5. Louis Tepass (Yam). 125 SCHBY B: 1. Jesse Re~ss (Yam): 2. Chad Dunning (Kalil); 3. Dan Lewendowskl (Kaw): 4. David R:udyk (Hon); 5. Ricky Meyers (Yam). 16·24 COMB: I. Jamie R:oblnson (Yam): 2. Bobby Silvarole (Kaw): 3. Mark Beehler (Hon): 4. Jake Dennis (Yam); 5. Steve Bond (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. David Rudyk (Hon): 2. Josh Morse (Kaw): 3. Jesse Horanburg (Yam): 4. Brady Mitchell (Kaw): 5. Robbie Furner (Kaw). 125 NOV: I. Jim Carson (Sut); 2. Dan Lewandowakl (Kew); 3. Cory Salerno (Yam): 4. Richard Paeth (Han); 5. Mathew Coleman """"'(tlTM). {""'I. P/W so AM: I. Drake Dunlap (KT"'): 2. Trevor Buck (Pol): J. Jared Kuehnhold (KTM); 4. Reect: Dunlap (Pol); 5. Devin Densmore 45.. INT: I. LatT)' Hunt~ (IITM); 2. Ricky Miles (Hen); 3. Henry Leaverton (Hon); 4. Glenn Barajas (Suz); 5. Duane Horton (Yam). 45.. EX: I. Mark McDonald (KTM); 2. Mike Moore (Hon): 3. Matt Trimmler (Hon); 4. Dennis Wllmon (KTM): 5. Thomas D. Moo~ (Vom). SO.. AM: 1. Ron ~er (GG); 2. Jim Faulk (tIT"'): J. Joe. Brftteln (tlTM). P/W 50 INT: I. Blues Henderson (Hon): 2. Cheyenne Harmon (KTM): 3. Chase Reynolds (KTM); 4. Doug Davis (KTM): 5. Walker Rlch,u" (Pol). P/W 50 EX: 1. Troy to\. Sanford (KTM): 2. J,D. Reed (KTM); J. Mason Smith (KTM): 4. Cory Kuehnhold (KTM): 5. Jagger Jennings (tlTM). 50+ INT: I. Wally Alisip (KTM); 2. to\Jke McKool (KTM); 3. Andy Gt!Orge (Hon): 4. Darrell Caldwell (Vam); 5. Skip Gove (Yam). SO.. EX: I. Mark Moore (KTM): 2. Bill fleming (Hon); 3. Howard Butler (GG): 4. Dave Bumap (Kalil); 5. Mike Daniel (KTM). OPEN AM; I. James Gregg (Hon); 2. Jeffrey Womack (KTM); 3. Chuck Raney (KTM); 4. Fl'!'d Robeson (GG): 5. W1U Roberson (KTM). OPEN INT: 1. Shallln Price (Yam); 2. David Karmy (KTM): 3. Michael S. Taylor (KTM): 4. Jeremy Lambert (Yam): 5. Rick Bentley (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. Chris Chipman (KTM): 2. Todd Tarver (KTM): 3. Bobby Southard (KIM); 4. Jim McQueary (Hon); 5. James Hili (Yam). P/W 50 NOV: I. Joshua Martin (Yam): 2. CMtI Haley (Hon); 3. Blayne Hayes (Hen): 4. D.J. Allen (Hon): 5. Cross Kirdlmeler (KTM). (Hon). 125 AM: 1. Beau NIchols (Yam): 2. Cody Pomeroy (Yam); 3. Jim Carver (Yam); 4. Steve Bond (Yam); 5. Bobby Slivarole (Kaw). 125 EX: L Bruce Stratton (Yam); 2. Jason Chatwood (Yam); 3. Brandon Kuhn (Yam): 4, Corey Kandefer (Sur:l; 5. Jamie Robinson (Yam). Western New York Motocross Association Inc. Round 25: Palmyra Racing Association Stratton, Battin' a Thousand By LARRY battled bar to bar for most of laps one and two. A three-way dance for fourth between J.J. Russell, Taylor Partee and Bryan Marianacci provided some excitement for the large crowd. Griffin won mota one in high style with some very smooth moves. but Dehond was gaining ground very quickly and was rewarded with second place for his efforts. Green held on to third, Russell wound up fourth, Partee was fifth, and Marianacci settled for sixth. In mota two, PenIon again won the drag race into the chicane and tried to hang on to his advantage. David Gordon entered the mix, with Griffin and Thomas Cutler squeezing bar to bar to bar through the first couple of corners. Griffin worked his way up and then shot past Pen Ion and into the lead. Gordon and PenIon struggled and dropped back through the pack of leaders. Russell was battling with Cutler for second, and Partee was on the gas and recovering from a midpack start. Partee picked off Cutler first and soon challenged and passed Russell for second. Griffin had amassed a pretty sound lead, but Partee began quickly cutting into it. Russell and Cutler resumed their duel, this time for third. Griffin (1-1) roared in for first overall on a 1-1 tally, while Partee (5-2) took second overall. Russell (4-3) was consistent enough to take third overall, and Green (3-B) and Dehond (2-9) were fourth and fifth overall. Part-time WNYMA competitor and nationally ranked rider Bruce Stratton dominated the Expert classes in not one, not two, not three, but in four classes! In Open Expert action, Stratton laid down two-minute-and-11-second lap times aboard his Arkport Cycles-sponsored Yamaha, and in the 125cc Expert class, Stratton was even quicker, laying down twominute-and-nine-second laps times on the way to winning two of his first~overall finishes. In the Over 25 A class, Stratton ripped through the class after a pair of midpack starts, and he ruled the Vet class from the drop of the gate to the wave of the checkered flag to claimed his fourth first-overall finish on the day - every one of the coming via 1-1 tallies. Stratton told the huge crowd during a Thomas "Vax" Threadgill interview that his conditioning was the big factor in his performance. Several regular WNYMA Expert-class riders such as Brandon Kuhn, Brian Austin and Paul Austin were able to get the jump on Stratton early, but as the laps wore down, so did his competition. This pair of "Hogback-to-back" race weekends concludes on September 29 and marks the last appearance for the WNYMA series in Palmyra for 2002. The PRA has worked extremely hard on improving an already topnotch motocross track and club. It would be no surprise to see "Hogback Hill" earn the WNYMA 2002 Track of the Year award at the big banquet in November. WOOSTER PALMYRA,NY,SEPT.22 The Palmyra Racing Association had a few surprises in store for the nearly 450 competitors signed up to compete in round 25 of WNYMA action at their "Hogback Hill" facility. stepped up big-time to sponsor No-Toil Filter and Cleaner Day, and virtually every rider and machine benefited. The gearheads swapped out roughly 200 old, crusty filters with fresh No-Toil filters and gave each rider a sample of their filter cleaner to boot. PRA member and Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn has helped to make the PRA's September 22 and 29 WNYMA events official D.A.R.E. activities. The track staff changed the track layout a bit. The new chicane remains the same on the start, but the woods section has been replaced with a big old whoops section. Never fear Gravity Cavity and the big Six Pack are still intact, providing the high-speed action to which the riders have become accustomed. Thirty-four Open Beginner riders were all ready to make a break for it as the gate dropped on cue. Greg Penlon lit the afterburners on his Kawasaki and charged through the chicane out front, kamikaze-style. Troy Griffin and Jeremy Green had their Hondas in red-hot pursuit and began to put the moves on Penlon by tum three. Penlon got outpeddled before the whoops, as Griffin, Green and Mark Dehond all made clean passes. Griffin powered his way through Gravity Cavity solo and set sail through the Six Pack section toward the finish line on lap one. Green and Dehond .------------------,'" I 1< '" S 10 5 5: 50 P/W (U): I. Cody Marriott (Yam): 2. Justin Mays (Yam); J. Matt. Zacher (Yam): 4. Ian TIllack (Yam); 5. Dana Zampatofl (Yam). SO (4-6): I. JuJtln Mays (Yam): 2. Andrew Ch&eho (KTM): 3. Nicholas MonachIno (Yam); 4. Cody Marriott (Yam); 5. Matt Zacher (Yam). SO (7.8): 1. Kyle Jackson (Cob); 2. Chaz Olngerman (Pol): 3. Connor Kelly (KTM): 4. Hamson Kay (KTM); 5. Jimmy Md.llughUn (tlTM). D (Han). OPEN AM: I. Cody Dunning (Kaw): 2. Ron Nye (Hon); J. Bobby Silvarole (KGw): 4. Dan Verdlne (Yam); 5. Ryan Kata (Yam). OPEN EX: 1, Bruce Stratton (Yam); 2. Don Sd1mldt (Hon); 3. Corey Kandefer (Sul); 4. Paul AusUn (Yam): 5. Brian Austin (Yam). 25+ A: 1. Bruce Stratton (Yam): 2. Paul Austin (Yam): 3. Don Schmidt (HOn); 4. Joe Celse (Hon): 5. Rkh 0001 (Yam). 25.. B: I. Jarod Bierly (Yam); 2. Jdf Burdon (Yam): J. Mike DiFKn (Yam): 4. Christopher Kelley (Kaw): 5. Brad Pfett (Ka.....). VET: I. Bruce Stratton (Yam); 2. Paul Auttln (Yam): 3. RIch 0001 (Yam): 4. Joe CeJso (Hen); 5. Gary Michael (Hon). SR 8: I. Jarod Bierly (Yam): 2. Dan Meder (SU1); 3. Mike DiFiore (Yam): 4. Glenn Friedler (Hon); 5. A4ron R:ouse (Hon). SR C: I, Mark Dehond (Hon); 2, Troy Griffin (Hon); 3. Marie WIenecke (Yam): 4. John BJllings (Hon); 5. John Mosko (Hon). 40.: I. Bart Lucas (Yam); 2. Cub DunnIng (Hon); 3. Jeff Fregoe (Yam): 4. Brian Broad.....ell (Sw:): 5, Bill Stekl (Yam). 4-STRK: I. Bart Lucas (Yam); 2. Jeff Whaley (Yam): 3. Jeffrey Curran (Yam): 4. Gary Rogers (Yam): 5. Ryan KaUi (Yam). VlNT & WDS: I. Dan Verdlne (yam): 2. Glenn Frledler (Hen): J. Dale Ayers (Hon): 4. James Traxler (Hon): 5, Ron Bragg (Yam). Red Bud Fall Classic Four-Stroke Series Round 3: Red Bud Track and Trail McCormick, Stiles Style at Red Bud By LARRV WITMER BUCHANAN, MI, SEPT. 22 Jason McCormick took his CR450 to the Four-Stroke Pro-Am win at the Red Bud round of the Fall Classic Four-Stroke Series. "('II aJways remember my first overall win on a four-stroke here at Red Bud'" exclaimed McCormick in the winner's circle, after fending off Clark Stiles, series champ Kelly Smith, and the White Brothers-backed duo of Paul Carpenter and Spud Walters. In the 250cc Pro-Am division, it was all Clark Stiles on his CR450. Stiles did it with good starts and moto-Iong charges. Chris Whitcraft topped the 125cc Pro-Am division. It was the first Pro event win for the Ohio motocrosser. The third round of the ninth Eastern FourStroke Nationals, presented by FMF and Maxxis Tires (and with support from MX America, Moto Tees, Scott USA, Parts Unlimited, Thor, Alpinestars, Wiseco, Gatorade, and Classic Trailers), had a great rider turnout. All of th~ Pro-Am divisions had qualifiers prior to the two 20-minute mota events. Amateur classes were inserted between the Pro-Am events to give the Pros time to recoup. In the opening Four-Stroke moto, Derek Rose pulled the holeshot. Red Bud's first corner claimed Paul Carpenter, Keith Johnson, and a couple of other riders. Johnson and Carpenter's bikes were too damaged to continue, and they DNF the opening moto. Up front, Rose held the lead ahead of a battle for second between Matt Crown, McCormick, Clark Stiles and Smith. Rose kept McCormick at bay to win the first moto. Smith took third after putting Stiles over a berm, causing Stiles to go down briefly. McCormick ripped the moto-two holeshot and opened up a huge lead. Honda rider Dustin Pulley heid second until halfway, when Stiles and Carpenter freight-trained past. Smith gated outside the top 10 but climbed up to fifth, which was good for third overall. Pulley finished sixth. Stiles and Carpenter raced for the checkers, never quite catching McCormick's roost. "I wish I could have done better: Carpenter lamented, "because this Red Bud track was good to pass on and is a top-notch facility. I had a great time doing the LaRocco's Leap and the FMF Triple in the valley area. But I need good luck instead of the bad luck I had in the first Four-Stroke start. I went down and completely destroyed my Honda; I wanted to remount and try to salvage some points, but it was too bent up." "I am glad about my performances here today: Stiles said. "Good finishes, and I got some championship points. I regrouped after a get-together with Smith and concentrated on my race, winning the 250cc Pro-Am division. The final moto of the Four-Stroke, McCormick checked out on us. He was flying! Then Carpenter caught me and I made some mistakes. I picked up the pace about three-quarters through the moto and held second to the checkers. I would like to thank Max Pitts Honda, O'Neal, M2R, Renthal, Pro Action, Ceet, Smith, Sidi and my dad for his support." Spud Walters had a very off day. Palmyra Racing Association Palmyra, New York Re.uhs:Saptembar22,2002 (Round 25 of 30) Palmyra Racing Association: Bruce Stratton was flyln' high In Palmyra, New York, site of round 25 of WNYMA action, as he won four classes on the day - each with 1-1 scores! 54 OCTOBER 23. 2002' GO U OPEN BEG: 1. Troy Griffin (Hen): 2. Taylor Partee (Kaw); J. J.J, (Kaw); 4. Jeremy Green (Han); 5. Mark Dehond (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1, Jon Sklrment (Ka.....): 2. Daniel DeRol1er (Hon); 3. David WalSh (SU1): 4. Shannon Richardson (SU1): 5. Chris Wahl Rus~1 • • n • _ SO Red Bud Track and Trail: Clark Stiles (53) leads Spud Wallers at the third round of the Red Bud Fall Classic Four-Stroke Series In Buchanan, Michigan.

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