Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 08 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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O~RP Road RacinL AM MotzGl Wort! Dla~ RDad Racilg Series IAfter 9 of 161'lll1lds~ 1 VaIerlm Ib;s iIbll, ilatI 122)/B WIllSI 2. T li:awa iIbl], Japan [fuj 1124/1 WIll 1109) 3. Max BIa9!I [Yaml, ilatI 4. A1ex!lan'tJs [Pall, Brazi IB7] 5. Cams [Yam], Spam 185) 6. Nln:It Abe [YamJ, Japan 162) 165] 7, ~ iIbl], Itatf B, Oaip:n Karllilbl], Japan 160] 9. ~ POO IPro], Japan 143] 4 10. li Li Iller], Japan 154) [51J 10. .kloo lINe iIblJ. S!Jar> AM WIJ'id ~ Dla~ Series (After 10 of 13 rounds~ 1441/141W1S] Tl'I1j Ba,lss lfu:1, AuslraIa Qio1 EtIt«lrds IHooI, rmoe, TX [402/51WlS] [257] Nel Hodgsan !UJc1, EngIard Ben 8ostron [fu:), Lake EIsme. CA [206) (206) NonyukJ Haga IAJr], Japan 6. l\iben Xal!; [[).c), Spa;1 1193) (1311 7. James Toselard iDlel, England B, Chris Walker jKaw], ErlJland 11261 [107] 9. Pier.francesco Ql1i IDueJ, ~ 10, Grego'Kll.aW~ [Suz!, Spa~ IB9] 1. 2. 3. 4, RM World Supersport Champllnsllip Series (After 9of 12 roundsl: 1. Fab~n Foret IHan], France 113B/3 winsj 2. Katsuala ftJjiwara [&lz], Japan (129/2 winsl 3. fl;ephane Chambon [&lzl, France [115/1I'inl 4. Ardrew Pit IKaw), Austra~ 1113/2wir5] 5. Dnstian Kelner [Yam], Gennany 1881 6, PaOO Caslj [Yaml, ~ IB7] [74] 7. Chns Verrneu8I [Pall, Austraia B. James ~ [Yaml, England [71/111in] [71] Jorg T eu:ret [Yaml, Gennany 10 Ian ~ [Hon), ErI,jard 154] AMA/CIIBvy TnICks Superille Series (After 16 of 16 rounds): 1. tti;y tia',den iIbl], G.wnslxro, KY 2. Ene 8oslron IKawI, Las Vegas, ~ 3. MI}8 (lJHameJ iIbll, Canada 4 Pascal PDXIE lfu:], Canada 5. Aaroo Ym [Suz), ~, CA 6, Bnan Panut [Suz], CaImja, CA 7. Mit t.'bil [Suz], Auslraia 8. [h)g Charder lfu:]. SafIlas CA 9, Bran ~ [Suz],, CA 10 Jl5!mls, m 11Cli] 6. Hs!l SmaI lfu:1, fJoosloo, TX [93) 7, ame Hev.ett lfu:), Casrro Veley, CA [B7] B. 0awI Estok [Bue), New &1T,ma Beach, Fl 182] 9, Jessca ZaIJsky [[).cJ. BUl'IlS>iIIe, MN [601 10. Tnw Nobles [Buel, Macon, CA [56] F1mIlia l.ISA/loltiIiIt PfiilS lk1Iril8! ~ Series IAfter 5of 8 rounds]: 1. rra.g Connell I&lzJ, Austratia 116114 MIlS! 2. MchaeI BBITIlS l&lz], Boca Ratoo, Fl 1138/1lWll 3. ShaIITl H¢ee l&lzl, Waterftrd, 1M 1112/1lWll 4. Ene Wa;xJ [Suzl, Mansfiek1, MA 11021 5, l.arry Pegram ISuz], 8a~more, OH [101l1 6. Mdlael Himmelsbach [Apr], llJakerooM1, PA [761 7. Mall Wa¢ (Hool, Ladi, CA {671 B. &:In GreeIl'llOOll l&lz], Dunbarton, NH [561 9. Charles Chouinard l&lzl, Meil1uen, MA 151/2 wir51 10, Lee Ao'ee [Sull, JamestlJWn, NC ISOI Formula USA Pro SpoI1bike Series (After 5of Brounds~ 1. rra.g Coone! [Suz), Auslraia [79/2 MlS] 2 MchaeI Banes [Suzl, Boca Pam, Fl 163] 3 Lee Ao'ee [Suz}, JarnesmMi, M:: [61] 4 I.a'rt Pegram [Suzl, Ilalrtm, III [54J 5 Jeffrey Wa;xJ [SuzJ. Mansfekl, MA {38/1 WIl] 6 &:In lhelMlxx! 1Suz1, fullatoo, ~ 132] 7 Mitt Wat iIbl], LcxI, CA [29] B Ray (Hal), New ~, NY 127] 9, Ene Wa;xJ ISueI, Ma/lsfieil, MA 125/1lWll 10 Jdln Lounslxrj [Suzl, iJa'Nie, ~ 1211 Formula USA IlI.eR Ligitling Series IAfter 5 of Broundsl: 1. Bro;z ISueI, ~, Vvl 1B4/211ils1 2, Brfan BemsdlriB' ISueI, Ii'eercaslle, PA IBJJ 3 Mi:haeI Sames [Suel, Boca Ratoo, Fl 154/2 MlS) 4 Rme M!ms [Huel, 8khaft Lake, Vvl [52] 5 Jeffrey JOOnsan [Hue), M~neaplis, MN [50] 6. Jason SmIll1IBue], Johnson (lty, TN [401 7. Jeff Harding IBuel, Conllng, NY [39] B, Joseph Rozynsb [Sue), NeIIIon, fill [33] 9. Steva Luxem [8ue], I(j~, Wi [30] 10. AntIlony Fan~ [8ue], Frenchtown, fill [2B] Darren James [Buel, Canada 12B] an Dirt Track AMA!Progressjve Insurance GraM NationaIllit Track IAfter 13 of 20 rounds): 1. OrIs CarT IH-O), FIeetvmI, PA [187/2 \\1ns] 2. Johmy Mu"me [H-O], fII's)lh, l [167/11>10] 3. Br,an BigekIlY [H-O], Au Q-es, "II 1154/111il1 4. KeIfl Varnes IH-O), East Eai, PA 1154/1I1ilJ 5 Kemt lidleIIi or.IIHl}. Wmn, CT 11291 6 Jay Spn:J5Ieen 1IHl], lI4m', t.t 1110] Joe KqIp IHD], t.'i:a, WA 1110] B JR. ~ 1IHl], Wrs BeM, Vvl 1951 9. Geage RoeOOr IIHD], t.broMe, III IB6} 10 N'dy Hte, III 11541 10. En: faty [Kawl, Fm:e 11631 5, Fred ~ [Kaw], SaJen, III 115O/111il] 6. FiineJerOs[Yam],New9rals*,1ll [135] 7 Bnan GirTahan [KIM}, Illilir O'eek, CA 1110] Old WoOOftrd [Kaw), ~ 1Jars;ie, 1ll1110/111il1 9. Pardy HawirlS [Yam], TI'BI'e!ers Rest, g; lUll} 10. BarTy H 7. Mart Fraixa 19le), Spail B, Marc croner 1001, Spall 9. Ksrm Ktroyama [Betl, Japan 10, Jtl;ep Manzaro [Bel], S!Jar> 1251/9_] 1229/3_] 1199/2 1WlS] [1751 11311 (129] 1129] {114] {1OB] [761 AMAINATC NalirIaI CIJseNed Trials ~ Series (After Bof 10 rounds): 1. Fred Grosset 1001, Kansas cq, Ml (2261611ils1 2. Geoff Aaroo {ffi], Jam~, CA 1199/2 winsl 3. fl,un Bel {MooI, CanOOa 11621 4. RaymoM Pet1lrs [Shel, Beaver Darns, NY 11311 5 Wilson era'g 1001, Canada 11271 6, Chris Rolin (Man], Grant, FL {ll9] 7, Tl'BIisFox [Shel, MontolrSlille, PA [112] B. Andy Johnsoo [8etl, Nevada City, CA [95] 9. Jozef Topor-Madry 18et], Canada [731 10. ~d Chaws IShe], Lous.;lIe, KY [67] Grard National Cross Counlr/ Series IAfter 9of 13 rounds): 1. Jasoo ~nes [Yaml. Belfai-, WA 2. Mike Laflert1{ IKTM], MMe, fill 3 ROOney Smlh l&lzl, AntD:h, CA 4. Mike Ki1drow.;Io l&lz], Saugus, CA cue •• 12J3/311ins1 1191/1 \W1] 1167/211ins] [154] n e _ AMA/FMF Racing Nalional EOOuro SeJies (After 5 of 8rounds): 1. Mike Lafferty IKIM], MilMlle, fill [140/3 wins] 2.[Yaml, T~Fis,g; 1101/111il) 3. lJavKI LI'ke [Yaml, Belirqlam, WA (BSI 4. Fred Hoess [Hus), 9al~, fill 1841 5. Robbie JeOO [Yam], New 9ralls>ie, III 1701 6. Tm TaIxr [KIM], Mille, L 1551 7, Bany H

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