Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 08 28

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Hosed: Greg Hancock (foreground, center! continued his fiery resurgence to lead the American scorers, but a controversial call after a rainshortened meeting left Team USA out of the WTC Final. stopping the Aussies, and Sullivan rounded off a memorable night on his home British track by winning heat 25. I:N FIM Wol1d ream Cup PelllrtJonlUgh, England Resuhs: Aug. 4-10, 2002 kept nibbling away, and they were close enough to take advantage when Krzysztof Cegielski's bike packed up while he was leading heat 17, and Tomasz Gollob came off at the front in heat 19. Hancock could do nothing but plow over the stricken Gollob and bounce off the top of the safety fence, though he sustained nothing more serious than a bruised posterior. When Billy Janniro - aboard Billy Hamill's bike, after his own was bent in an ugly tangle with Russia's Sergei Darkin out of the start in heat 15 - won heat 20 with Greg Walasek third, the deficit was back to just two points, the closest it had been for 15 races. An added bonus was that Gollob was ruled out of the final four heats as Poland's lowest scorer on the night. But Cegielski and Walasek won heats 21 and 22, and the Poles clinched their place in the final when Hamill was excluded in 23, guilty of an impetuous dive under Jernej Kolenko that shoved the Siovenian into the boards on lap two, with Piotr Protasiewicz trapped at the back. Protasiewicz won the re-run at the third attempt, and Hampel then passed Hancock, who sportingly left him room against the fence, to claim Poland's 15th win of the meeting in the final race. Hancock, who had finished second behind Cegielski as a tactical substitute in heat lIto collect six points, and Hamill both collected three wins apiece. Janniro did the Americans proud aboard Hamill's machinery in the latter stages, but young Fisher was the unlucky victim of some track watering when he slid off while second in heat 16 and never came out again. The final on Saturday saw Aus- They took their time to find their feet on a greasy, rain-affected track, and it wasn't until heat 15 that they led outright for the first time. But, from then on, they turned the screw, and four wins in six races opened up a virtually unassailable lead. Denmark, which had used its tactical sub to good effect in heat 1 1 after slipping behind the leading group, was the surprise runner-up on the night, a result that was a testimony to the team spirit engendered in the Danish camp by boss Jacob Olsen, the son of former World Champion Ole Olsen. From the moment Nicki Pedersen barged reigning World Champion Tony Rickardsson aside in heat one, and Todd Wilt· shire drove under Pedersen off the second turn, the action was riveting and non-stop. Neither Jason Crump nor Sullivan - Australia's recognized East of England Showground specialists - won their opening races, and Sweden stole an early lead courtesy of three seconds and Stefan Andersson's surprise win over Sullivan in heat five. QUAUFlER AT SHEFFIElD, AUG. 4 (Abandoned after heat 20): 1. Australia, 46 (Ryan Sullivan (1·23·6·3) 15, Jason Crump (3-2-1-3) 9, Leigh Adllms (2-2-2-2) 8. Jason Lyons (1-0-1) 2. Todd Wiltshire (3-3-3-3) 12); 2. Great Britain, 42 (Mark Loram (2-33-X) 8. Gary Havelock (3·1·2-1) 7. Lee Richardson (, Joe Screen (2·3·3-3) II. Seon Wilson (2·1·2·1 6); 3. Czech Republic. 28 (Lukos Dryml (13·1·2) 7, Bo Brhel (3·1-0-4) 8. Tomes Topinko (0·1· 0·1) 2. Ales Dryml (3-1-1-0) 5, Toni Kosper (1·2·1· 2) 6); 4. Germonx, g (Robert Borth (1·0·2·0·1) 4, M~tthil:lS Kroger (R-O-O-O) 0, Joachim Kugelmann (0-0-0) 0, Robbie Kessler (D·2-2-I-X) 5, Steffen Melt (0-0-0) 0). QUALIFIER AT POOLE, AUG. 5: 1. Sweden, 55 (Tony Rickardsson (3-3-3-3-3) 15, Peter Karlsson (3·3-3·0-E) g, Stefon Andersson (2-3·1·1·3) 10, Mikael Karlsson (3-3-3-3-2) 14, Niklas Klingberg (32-)-1) 7): 2. Denmork, 41 Nicki Pedersen (X-2-2-23) 9, Ronni Pedersen (3-t-0·t-t-2) 8. Bjarne Pedersen (2- }-3-2-3) 11. Hans N. Andersen (E-2-23-3-1) 11, Chorlie Gjedde (M·2) 2): 3. Finlond, 32 l:Ij Lcukkanen (2-2-4-2-1-1) 12. KtJuko Nieminen 0·1·1·0-2) 4, Toml Relmo (X-O-I-O) 1, Toni Imelo (2-0-1) 3, Joenos Kylmokorpi (1-3·3·3-2-0) 12); 4. Hungory, 19 (Attilo Stefoni (1·0·0·0) 1, Sandor Tihanyi (1- t -0-0-2-0) 4, Laszlo Szatmlllri (10·2-2-0·2) 7, Norbert M»gosi (1·0·0·2·1) 4, Hell (2.1.0) 3). QUALIFIER AT EASTBOURNE, AUG. 6: 1. Polond, 57 (Tomosz Gollob (2·3-2·X) 7, Piotr Protosiewicz (3-3·1·3-3) 13, Jorek Hompel (3-3-2·3· 3) 14, Krzysztof Cegielski (2·3-3·E·3) II. Grzegorz Wolosek (3·3-2-1·3) 12); 2, USA. 49 (Greg Honcock (3·2·4·3·3·2) 17, Brent Werner (1·0·3·1·2) 7, Billy Homill (3·2·3·3·X) 11, Ryon Fosher (2·I·X) 3, Billy Janniro (2-1-3-3-2) 11); 3. Russia, 24 (Roman Povozhny (1·4·0·2·1) 8, Sergei Kusin (X·I·M·O·l) 2, Sergei Darkin (2·2-0-0·2·2) 8, Denis Sairutdinov (10-1-2·0-1) 5, Eduord Shoihullin (1-0) 1); 4. Siovenio, 19 (Denis Stojs (X· 1) 1, M»tej logor (0·0·1·4-0) 5. Ales Dolinar (R-X.O-t-O) 1. Izak SllIntej (t-1-1-2-1-0) 6, Jemej Kolenko (0·1·2·) ·2·X) 6). RACE· OFF AT PETERBOROUGH, AUG. 8 (Abandoned after heat 22): 1. Czech Republic. 54 (Tomas Topinka (0-1-3-3-3) 10. Ales Dryml (3-4-21·3) 13, Be Bmel (4·0·3·M) 7, Lukos Drymi (3·4·3· 3) 13. Toni Ko;pr (2-3-3·3) 11); 2. Denmork. 51 (Nicki Pedersen 4-3-4-4-F) 15. Chllrlie Gjedde (l-Ei-I) 4. Hans . Andersen (2-0-4-4) 10. Ronni Pedersen (1-3-2-1) 7. Bjame Pedersen (4-4-4-2-1) 15); 3. USA, 51 (Billy Homill (3·4·3·3) 13, Greg Honcock (4·4·2·8·4) 22, Ryon Flsher (3·1·1·2·E) 7, Brent Wemer (0·2-0-4) 6, Billy Jonniro (1-2-0-X) 3); 4. Greot Britoin, 49 (Gory Hovelock (I·E-2-1) 4, Joe Screen (2-3-4-1) 10. Seon Wilson (I ·1·1-2) 5, Corl Stonehewer (4-2-1-3-4) 14, Lee Rich£lrdson (3-3-44-2) 16); 5. Finlond, 19 (Koj Loukkonen (2-I·T-2) 5, Tomi Reima (0-0-1-2-2) 5. KllUko Nieminen (E-l-10·1) 3, Joonos Kyimokorpi (2·2·0-0·E) 4, Toni $elmelo (0·2·0) 2). FINAL AT PETERBOROUGH, AUG. 10: 1. Australia, 54 (Todd Wiltshire (3-3-1-4-2) 13. Jason Lyons (T-0·l·)(·2) 3, teigh Adoms (4-3·3·4·3) 17, Jason Crump (2-4-3-3-2) 14, Ryan Sullivan (3-2-44-4) 17); 2. Denmark. 58 (Nicki Pedersen (2-2-2-23-3) 14. Ronni Pedersen (X-E-2-2-3) 7, Ch

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