Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 07 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o c o El[j) G1]:lC9 ,- ,"'- -""'f ---J-----~--, ---,-- ' - -~-~ ~- o o Gary Trachy (Hon), Davey Durelle (Suz) and Don Wilson (Rtx) came away with the motorcycle-class wins in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb in o o o o o o o o o the team, the Foggy Petronas On the day before the start of the AMAjChevy Trucks U.S. Superbike round at Brainerd International Raceway, the AMA released the proposed rules changes for the series. By Friday. June 28 the guidelines were the dominant topic of conversation in the pits and not much of what was said was positive. On the record, team managers, riders, and crew chiefs were restrained; off the record, they were unleashed. "Whoever wrote those rules doesn't know a f--ing thing about motorcycle racing." one crew chief said. How did the board feel about the response? No one knew. Not one of the six members of the Pro Racing Board of Directors showed up at Brainerd. The crux of the dispute is in the 2003 Superbike technical regulations. The rules are closer to Supersport than Superbike. Allowed will be 1000cc three- and four-cylinder machines using current Superblke rules for frames, suspension, wheels, brakes and bodywor1<. The engines can use aftermar1

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