Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CONNECTICUT HARE SCRAMBLES· NETRA ChampIonship Hare SCrambles Series, Widow Makllf, Central Village. Info: 860/693-9111 or www.nelra.erg. IOWA MOTOCROSS· SoutIl Dai«JIanowa MJ( Sones, Forl Dodge. Info: 51 sr.;49-339O. , KANSAS MOTOCROSS· Sun1Iower Series, Lyndon. Info: 785/82S-3100 or www.d!agoonmotoaossoom. KENTUCKY HARE SCRAMBLES .IW.A, Eagle PaI1<, Mason lN1e, Owenton. InIc: 859/472-3442 or 859/409-3442. e- NEVADA HARE SCRAMBLES· Western S1alBs Racilg AssociaIion, 5Ih race MAANN Sones, Dayton. Info: n5l423684S c:r 'NEW MEXICO MOTOCROSS .IW.A. High Dessert Raang AssociaIion, SoutIl West Colorado MJ( Series, Aztec. Info: 9701533·9747 or NEW YORK MOTOCROSS .IW.A. 0isIricl34, Family Motccross Senes, Walden, Info: 518/828-6149. , NEW YORK MOTOCROSS· Hunt Moto PaI1<, WNYMA. Robinson Rd. Htnt. Info: 565/476-2697. 'GEORGIA SUPERCROSS • Qu1I>ack's Mttchell Roo SX Treck, Outback Range arid Rae. CenlIlf, Hizlehurst. Info: 912!J75-0765 or www.outbac:kreanc.axn. IWNOtS MOTOCROSS· Gmat Lakes Regionai Post·Vrntage MX Series, L 1M MoIorspor1S, casey. Info: 24&'620-1926 'LOUISIANA FLAT TRACK·IW.A. Wayne Jones. 171 Speedway, Leesville. Info: 3371238-5000 or leesvile171speedway@t1otmail.oom. , MISSOURI MOTOCROSS • W~iam arid CIristy Pope,oy, 18 Set1Iers Trail, Buffalo Motccross Par1<. Buffalo. Info: 41713456981 or www.butfalomx.oom. 'NEW YORK STAlJIUMCROSS· Frozen Ocean Motocross Pari< Inc.. Rnd " Auburn. Info: 315/784-5466 or 784-5517 l)'" , NORTH CAROUNA MOTOCROSS • Rolling Hills Cyde PlII1<, Reidsville. Info: 33&1342-4492 or www.roIinghiIscycIe.oom. 'OHIO MOTOCROSS·IW.A. 0isIricl 11, Dirt Cou1try Raceway. Honda of Troy, night race, _Ilf.lnfo: 513/6257350 or www.dirteoul1rymx.oom. SOUTH DAKOTA HARE SCRAMBLES· Sioux Valley Cycle ClUb, Sioux Fails. Info: 605/336-1570 or 605/371 -4521. 'VIRGINIA MOTOCROSS·IW.A. District 13, U.S. East"'" Motccross Spring Series, And 9, Lake Sugar Tree, Axton. Info: 276/627-8655 or 1akesugar1ree.oom. May 24-25 IWHOIS DIRT TRACK· PisIOl Racing Depot Hockey, Johnny Walker Downs, Rochestllf. Info: 2171498-9855 or 507/334·6243 or rgriz2@aoI.oomsemo@I.nel Fri, May 24 CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY· Fast Fridays Speedway Racing. night race, Gold Country FairgroIrds, AIi>um. Info: 530/878-7223 or www.fastfridays.oom. MODi iLiN.. 1lO!'Ir-_ ,. MODUlAR MUMI1IUM CAIIINITS Racers prefer Moduline hghtweight aluminum cabine~ The ful~l-Ci~~"~~!1 asssembled Pro-Series cabinets are ready ta install with hundreds af canfigura1ians available ta Ii! your exact needs. The Spartsman Series ~ made for the economy minded racer and ~ shipped fram stade as a k~ with all necessary hardware. High quality Premium Accessories are also available. Buy direct from the Factory Qnd serve 20% to 40% Far Q limited time, OHIO MOTOCROSS· Patriot Promotions, Spring MX Series, Wayne County Speedway. Info: 330/948-4613. May 11 Mothers Day kirt Night (Speedway, Sidecars, Juniors and P.W, SO's) May 18 Orange County HarleylBuell Motorcycle Blow-out!!! (Speedway, Sidecars and Harley Racesll) May 25 NO RACING' MEMORIAL DAY OHIO SPEEDWAY· Lawrencel>.rg Motorcycle Speedway, night race. Info: 513/862·7759 or 513/300-1173. , PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS· IW.NRacer Productions, High Po;nt Raceway, Ml MOITis. Info: 304/284-0084 or www.recerproductions.oom, OHIO HARE SCRAMBLES· SaJem Motorcycle Club, Big Valley, Easl Palestine. Inlo: 330/332·9465 or ni651@raex.oom. , OHIO MOTOCROSS· Malvem Molocross Pari<. Btendzall Nighl, Matvem. Info: 3301262-4945. OHIO MOTOCROSS· Palriot _ , Spring MX Series, Smittl Road. Info: 330/948-4613. 'OHIO FLAT TRACK· Sunset Rarnbll!lS MC, Galion. Info: 419/562-6931 or ARIZONA OBSERVEO TRIALS . AMNCentrai Arizona Tria~ Inc:., Jones Crossing. Info: 602fB40.3S40. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS· Doubltn Gap Motocross Pari< Inc.. Districts 6&7, Info: 7171249-6036 or , SOUTH DAKOTA SHORT TRACK • Sioux Valley Cycle Club, Sioux Fatts. Info: 605/772-41107 or 605/31()'8388. , IDAHO MOTOCROSS· OMC, Owyhee Motorcycle Club, Rnd 2, Boise. Info: 2081331·3176 or www.omcracing.oom. 'IDAHO FLAT TRACK· OMC·Owyhee MOlorcycle Club, Pepsi Shoolout, Boise. Info: 208/384·5512 or May 25-26 www,doubtingap,oom. Sun, May 19 'PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS·IW.A. Racer ProdLdions, Spring Series, Steel CIty Raceway, _Info: 304I2B400B4 or www,racerprodudions.oom. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· Starwest, NMA Ponca CIty Qualifier. Info: 90919434535 or 909/657-8845. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS· Sleepy Hollow MJ( Pari<. FrecIericksIxxg. Info: 717/273-11110 or 717/1l65-5530. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· CRC, Dunestown Series, Edwards AFB. Info: 661I2n-ll889 or WWW.aanx.oom. 'MONTANA MOTOCROSS· WestIlfn Power Sporls, Wild West Nationals, Bozeman.lnfo: 208/3S6-5383 or 887· 8695. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· Did< Mann Vintage MX Ewnt. Honey Lake MX Pari<, Minord.lnfo: 530/827·2639 or wrancI1@psIn.oom. 'OHIO HALF MILElFtATTRACK· 0tI0 Rat Treck Series, AMA. HartIord Fairgrounds. Croton. Info: 419/353-ll826 or tra<:kracing@msn.oom. CAUFORNIA OUAL SPORT· Alpine Trai~ Dual Sport Ride,IW.A. 0isIricl37, StattlFIIlish i1 Jawbone Canyon. Info: 5621627·9693. OHIO ENOURO .IW.A. National Reliabiity ErxlJro, ISDE OuaIifier, Vonlon Coooty JLnor Fairr/'DUnds. McArttu. Info: 614/891·1369 or VNN/.end\ 'TENNESSEEMOTOCROSS·~ Motocross Senes, Action VatIey, Paris. Info: 731/642-3618, 'WISCONSIN MOTOCROSS .IW.A, AztaIan Cyde Club Inc:., Ctubgroo.nls, Lace Mills. Into: 414f2Q7·9367 or www.82lalln:yde.oom. Fri, May 17 'CAUFORNIA SHORT TRACK· AHAMA Vll1lllge Shor1 Treck,lW.A. Salinas Rambll!lS Motorcyde Club, KIng CIty. Info: 831/394-6294 or saJinasrembIelSmc.erg. 'CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY· Fast Fridays Speedway Raang, night race, Gold Cou1try Faugrounds, Aubum, Info: 5301878-7223 or www.l_ys.oom. OHIO SPEEOWAY • Lawrenceburg MotOlC)'cIe Speedway, night race. Inlo: 513/862·n59 or 5131300-1173. May 1&-19 'CAUFORNIA ROAD RACE· Willow Springs Motorcyde Club, Willow Springs IntemationaJ Raceway, Rosamorld. Info: 661/256·1234 or WWW.race-wsmc,oom, KENTUCKY OFF·ROAD • Pans Ur1imited Off·Road ChampIonshIp Series, Rnd 2. Croftortlnfo: 8151778-3641. TENNNESSEE MOTOCROSS· Vidory Sporls Urited Slates MX Mega Series, BI<*U Series, And 3, RiversIde Motocross, Newton. InIc: 229/872.;3162 or 334(774-4865. PJ.J8IW.A MOTOCROSS· Alabama MX Chai I ipOOO IShip Series, lronman MJ( PaI1<, Info: 205/296-0566, CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· Starwest Spring Series, Rnd 7. Info: 909/943-4535 or 909/657-8845. CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY· Costa Mesa Speedway, Orenge CoU1ty Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa Info: 9491492·9933 or www.cmspeedway.oom. CAUFORNIA VINTAGE SHOW· 34th annual Hanford Vinfage Moloroyde Show & Swapmeet, Balor international, Kings Fairgrounds, Hanford. Info: 805/646·9566 or COLORADO ROAD RACE· sandia Motorcyde Roadrecing. Info: 5051292· 8672 or www.SITWi-recing.erg. 'FLORIOA FLAT TRACK· Orenge Ca.rrty Raceway,Illtio.InI:x 407/85Hl125. 'COLORAOO MOTOCROSS· AMA. High Oessert Raang AssociaIion, SoutIl West Colorado MX Series, Manms. Info: 9701533-9747 or GEORGIA MOTOCROSS· Georgia PrornotI!lS Group Best 01 Georgia Championship Sones. Bremen Raceway, Br",""". MISSOURI ENOURO ·IW.A National Endurn. BJECIMISSOUri Mudde

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