Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Info: 423t.l23-5497 or WWOI.W;\orysporlS.a>m KORR Grand Prix series Salina, tm Comhusker Summer Motocross series NCKth Platte. NE Friend,NE 7M McCooI<,NE 7121 NCKth Platte, NE 8125 Friend. NE 9/15 Waooela, NE 9J22 Alma, NE 9/29 10/13 Wauneta NE Il1'2O Pholipsllurg, tm 7{7 South DakotaJ1owa MJ( Series FCKt Dodge. IA 5/12 6/1 Mtu,1A 6/23 Humbaidl, IA FCKt Dodge. IA Ii/JO Al1hJr. IA 7/6 Fort Dodge. IA 7/14 Truesdale, IA 7127 _.IA 8/3 Fort Dodge. IA 8/18 8124 Ar1hur.IA Truesdale,IA 8/31 Humboldt. IA 9121 10/12 MIlur,IA Into: 7121367-2331 Forward Motion Hare Scrambles series 612 CattJondaIe. KS Knob Knoster, MO FCKt Scott, KS 8/18 Merwin.MO FCKt SCott, KS 9/15 New S~awn, KS 9/29 10113 Blue MouOO, KS 10120 Heartland Par1<-TopeIm 619 6/23 Alabama Fall Motocross series 8125 9/1 9/9 9/16 9/22 9/29 10/6 10/14 10120 10/27 11/3 11111 11/17 11125 1211 Warrot, AL Boaz, A!. Pel City, A!. SleeIe, AI. Come<, A!. Watra. A!. Pelt Clly. A!. Sleele. A!. Warrior. A!. Come<,A!. PelI Clly, A!. SleeIe, A!. Warrot, A!. Boaz, A!. Come<,A!. CMC Pac West MJ( Series Albany, OR 619-9 6/22-23 R.IChIand, WA 6129-30 0Iympla. WA 7113-14 RlchlaOO, WA Info: 949/367-1141 Of Hidden Valley MX series 5118-19 Covington. TN 5/26-27 Covington, TN Covington. TN 6116 Covington. TN 9/1-2 Covington, TN 9/22 10120 Covinglon, TN COVInglon, TN 11/3 Covington, TN 1211 Info: 901/475-9301 Of 476-5484 Of WWOI.l'iddenValleymx.a>m SOBE Texas Championship Summer Series 5119 619 HIghlands. TX, ROO 4 Viage Creek. TX. Roo 5 Floresville. TX. Roo 6 716-7 Info: 210/635-9199 or 210/656-4455 or WWOI.cyderanchm'.a>m Pro Privateer-Dunlop Mid-5outh MJ( Championship 5112 5126 6/2 6/9 RaJn Date Sm1twIIe, AR QonaJdson, AR Sherwood, AR Cop Promotions Summer Gold series LaugIiIn, NIl, ROO 1 Payson, p;z, Roo 2 PeorIa. p;z, Roo 3 6/8 Payson. p;z, Roo 4 6115 PeorIa. p;z, Roo 5 7/6 Payson. p;z, Roo 6 7~ Peona. p;z, ROO 7 7127 Peona. p;z, Roo 8 8/10 1010: 623/434-4363 or WWOI.oopracmg.a>m 5111 5125 Southern Motocross Series 5112 Pans. TN 0ucI< Rrver. TN 6/2 COVIngton, TN 9/1 Crofton. KY 9/15 10/6 Pans. TN 10/13 0ucI< Rrver, TN 10120 COVIngton. TN 11/10 0ucI< Rrver. TN Info: 931J388.li133 or Beat the Heat Night MJ( series 5111 6115 6122 Las Vegas. NIl Las Vegas. NV Las Vegas, NIl Las Vegas. NIl Las vegas, NIl Las Vegas, NIl Las Vegas, NIl Las Vegas, NV 7/13 7127 8/10 8/17 9121 Info: 702/563-2582 or dubmx.a>m SRAC Motocross series 6/2 6/9 6116 6/23 6130 Pueblo. CO Clleyetre, CO Berthoud. CO Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Spnngs. CO Colorado Springs. CO Berthoud, CO 7/14 7121 Cheyenne. CO 7/2B Colorado Spnngs. CO 8/4 8/10-11 lBkewood. CO Pueblo, CO 918 Clleyetre. WY 9/15 Berthoud. CO 9/22 Pueblo, CO 9129 Colorado Spmgs, CO 10/6 10/13 Colorado Spmgs. CO 10119-20 TBA Inlo: :JO:W89-7436 or Dirt Country Motocross series Northwest Mini Roadraclng Association ANY RDAD, ANY RIDER, ANYWHERE, 6129-30 canby, OR Puyallup. WA 7~ canby, OR 812-4 8/17·18 canby, OR 1015-0 Gartly, OR 10/19-20 Gartly. OR Info: 206/255-1i665 or WWOI.YSRracing.a>m 3x World Champion Freddie Spencers Riding School can make you better, more confident and ultimately a safer rider. Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship series 5119 612 6116 6130 7/14 7126 8/11 8125 9/8 Knob Noster. MO Ma_.MO Pari< Hills. Me Newart<, Me T_,MO Florence, MO Polo. MO Sedalia, MO Eugere. MO SmthviIe,MO 9J22 1010: 417~7-8406 Missouri Slate Motocross Championship series Kingsville, MO Halfway, MO Columbia. MO 6130 Moberly, MO 7/14 Montreal, MO 8125 Grain Valley, MO 9/1 Hawk Point, MO 9/15 Carthage. MO 9/29 10113 M8!Win, MO Kaholm 5118 BIanchest..., OH Blanchest..., OH Blanchest..., OH 7127 BIanchest.... OH 7128 Blanches1.... OH 8/3 Blanches1er, OH 8/31 Blanchester, OH 10/5 10/12 Blanches1..., OH Inlo: 513/625-7350 or W'NW, 5112 Oayton. NIl 7120-21 Ely, NIl Winemua:a, NIl 9/15 Lovelock, NV 9/29 10113 Yerington, NIl 10127 Reno, NIl 11/10 TBA. NIl Info: 775/322·1499 or SRAC SX series PARK '"OJ''' ••J • •.,A,.'OItl,IIl:A",,,o...'A SEPTEMBER Z8th • u.A Zflt:h, ZtHl2 3-Day Ticket $35 Purchase Your Tickets at the following locations: No Fear-Irvine Spectrum No No Fear-The Block at Orange No No Fear-The Promenade Temecula No No Fear-Parkway Plaza EI Cajon No No Fear-Carlsbad Company Stores No Competition Park MRANN series 6122 .O~aA Fear-Prime Outlets Gilroy Fear-The Great Mall Milpitas Fear-Chandler, AZ. Fear-Phoenix, AZ. Fear-Sandy, UT Umlimited Sports 20th Annual Florida Gold Cup series 5111 Grard Junction, CO TBA 5118 Colorado Springs. CO 7/6 Grard JunclJon, CO 8/17 6/24 TBA Info: 303/989-7436 Of SCORE Desert series Mid-Atlantic Vintage Trials Series The Cycle Shop Rider's Summer Shootout series 5111 5118 611 Cairo, GA, Roo 2 Newlon, AI., Roo 3 Ozark, AI., ROO 4 Newton, AI., Roo 5 6/8 Gai'o, GA, ROO 6 6/15 Rain Dale 6/29 Rain Dal. 7/6 Info: 2291872-3162 or www.fastracmx.rom SERA Enduro Series Clanton. A!. U11Ie Rod<. AR O!yProng, LA 8/4 l.aurel, MS 8125 RodcfO

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