Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The aocc Senior class featured another great ride on the day. New Yamaha rider Bryce Bowman has been struggling so far this season, but you couldn't tell that by the way he rode. Bowman took his Yamaha to the moto and overall win. The two with the best seat in the house were Michael Henry and Kelby Simmons, who had a great race going on for second overall. Henry finished second and Simmons was third. R••ulb 50 JR: I. Sech Bowman; 2. Jeff Mikrwonh; 3. ..Jordan By~ 50 50, I. Robert Ilonning. 65: 1. Tyter Goocman; 2. Trevor LaIVf'ft'lCe; 3. Brianna Mahon; 4 o.a.,,1d Howard; 5. Tyler U\llngood. Tyl~ 80 JR: I. MItchell Cornell; 2. Broc:k Whelltley; 3. Joey Crtlin; 4 Goodman; 5. Anthony Hubbard. 80 SR: I, Bryce Bowmen; 2. Michael Henry; 3. Kelby Simmons; 4 Kyle Porter MINI 0-): 1. Mitchell CorneD; 2. Joey Cnlin: 3. Ryan padgett; 4 Tmoor Lawrence; 5. levi Byen. MINI 0·2: 1, Bryc.e Bowman; 2. Michael Dow: 3. Daymon langley; 4 Kyle Porter. 125 A,: I. Robert Motslngl!r; 2. Juon Kloptowsky; 3. Jeremy Runge: 4. Matt Gombos!. 125 B: I. lack Hollingsworth: 2. JfI(ob Lustig; 3. Terry Wilson; 4. Ryon McGeh~; 5. Dustin Sharp. 125 c: 1. John Kindle; 2. Brandon Hart; 3. Andrew StIger, 4 Cory Deadmond; ,. Chris Roedl. 250 1\: I. JlIson Kloptowsky: 2. Robert Motsinger: 3. Jeremy Runge; 4. Dustln lustig. 250 B: I. Allen Howard: 2.. Ryan McGehee: 3. Chris Barbre; 4 Corey Sparr. 250 C; I. Patrick Kimball: 2. Daniel Pnmus; 3. Amar Elfaklr. SCHBY. I. Justm lustig; 2. Terry WillOO; 3. Clayton Johnson; 4 Clay Haga; 5. Kenneth Thompson 14·24: 1. Theron Wilkins. 25.. A: I. Billy Hubberd. 25. B: 1. Gari Fehrenbec:hu; 2. Corey Sparr. )0.. II:. I. WlUIam Bowman: 2. BIlly Hubbard. 30. B: 1. Michael Carter; 2.. Jeff Mahon. 40. II:. I. William Bowman: 2. Marty Chumley. 4·STRtl I. Matt Gombosi. V1NT I Keith Oliver EX 50.: 1. Terry Messer (Hon): 2. J&ek Garland (Hon). MSTR 50·; I. PtullJp CrU1 (Yam): 2. Dew: Jacobus (Ka-w). fl\STR A; 1 Ron Turner (Yam). u.s. 51 A Turned-On Turner Takes the Win By BOB ALLOY SAN JACINTO, CA, APR. 13 His Yamaha tuned to perfection, Master A rider Ron Turner turned on the juice and just never let go. With no mistakes and with his fast and impressive doubl" and triple jumps. he qUickly ran away with the moto·one win and took another outstanding first place in moto two. Rich Boiteau proved worthy of his Master A status with his two fast· paced sec- ond-place rides. In Masters Over 40 action, Dave Eropkin had the starts, with the fastest bike and the necessary focus to take both holeshots. He definitely had the important things down pat, and he didn't mess up along the w.y .s he took the top spot in both motos. Club presi· dent Steve Donaldson showed some good moves and lots of power as he crossed over the finish with his two second·place finJshes. Phil Cruz blasted out at such a fast pace that no other Masters Over 50 rider could better it, in either moto one or two. However. Dave Jacobus certainly gave it a good try and put out some fast speeds, but he just couldn't beat Cruz's faster pace and had to settle for runner· up both times out. There was lots of competition in Experts Over 40 class. You might s.y it was the "Battle of the Flying W's" as Ed Wolleson, Dan Willenborg, and the two Williamses - Tim and Jim· raced one another. Wolleson came out •••1r.J ~ ~ '" '" > ~ The Corman Clan Wallop Wapella By BROC MiKEl. Winsett Blazes at Trail-Way ST By lEII BREEOl HANOVER, PA, APR. 14 After getting caught trying to beat the light in the Over 40 heat, John Winsett Sr. settled down and tried to beat the pending rain at WAPEllA, IL, APR. 14 U.S. 51 MX Park's Mxtreme Series is becoming one of the biggest draws in Illinois. Co· host to the very successful lIIini series, Tom and his crew wanted to upgrade their track series to something that would draw people in droves. Looking down the gate at the size of classes. it's apparent they got what they wanted. How did they do it? By running a smooth Trail-Way Speedway's rain·date short track. He did just beat the rain, and Lowell Wherley program and making the needed improve· ment to the track to keep everyone safe l!Ind two hours behind schedule. With rain being forecast for most of the day, .pparently many for the win. The race was originally scheduled to be the only Saturday night race of the season, with Sunday listed as a rain date. And for the second year in a row, the only night race was rained out, with almost an inch of rain falling. The forecast for Sunday wasn't much better, but an excellent job by track personnel got the track in racing condition only about having fun. This is a good track, with a little of something for everyone: tight section whoops, fast sections, etc. On 1!I sad note, we lost another rider for the season. National flat-track rider Johnny Murphree suffered a broken leg as 1!I result of 21 first·turn pile· up. Everyone wishes him good luck and a speedy recovery. The second round of the series saw many faces new to the season, including the return of Soc.1 rider Kyle Corman after recuperating from. broken leg. "i'm glad to be back racing," said Corm.n. which is • big chore, considering that he has two sons who also race. Everyone in the fami· Iy helps, and they seem to make the efforts involved in racing look easy and fun. Kevin's sons Kyle and Zach do not just ride, they are .Iways a threat for the win at .ny race they enter, .nd on this day they both won their classes. It's families like the Cormans that make motocross whl!lt it is today! In the 50cc Senior class, Zach Corman put his Cobra out front in both motos for the wins and the overall. Zach put in a very strong ride and looked great. Behind Corman is where all the action took place, with Dustin Bartz Alexander Ashworth and Seth Callahan r.cing for their lives. When the dust settied, Bartz was second overall, Ashworth was third over- all and Callahan was fourth overall. The 80cc Open was one of the best races of the day, if not the best. In moto one, K.wasaki rider Mike Matway took the holeshot and was on the gas! Back in the pack. Socal rider Kyle Corman was on the move toward the front, bringing Suzuki rider Mason Reich with him. Corm.n worked his way up to Mat· way, and the race was on. Corman worked his way past Matway for the win, and he also won the overall, with Matway second and Reich third. And how did Kevin Corman do? He placed fourth in the Over 30 A class· not bad for the new comeback kid. Results 50 JR: I. 8nM:Bee Williams; 2. .MJck Exbom. 50 SR: 1 Z8dl Corman: 2. 0ustJn BaJU; 3. A16~ Astnworth riders did not even bother to call, as only two of the two-wheeled classes had more than one heat. Despite the threatening conditions and u.s. 51 MX Park: Showing he had recovered from a broken leg, Kyle Corman made his return to racing in Wapella, Illinois, and won the 80Cc Open and 85cc Junior classes. several pleas to juggle the finals, track officials chose to run them the same way as the heats. Only three finals ran until the rains started falling, with the rest of the classes being called complete from the heat results. Raun Wood was awarded the two multi-heat wins, in the 600cc A and Sportsman classes, based on his faster heat time. The Over 40 contest was the last final to run, and this time Winsett didn't try to "cut the light" on his Two Wheel Promotions/Path Valley Speedway·sponsored Rot.x. He grabbed the lead from Over 40 "newbi,," Lowell Wher· ley, Steve Heiser and Mike Keane. Wherley stayed with Winsett and gradu.lly cut into his 4 Seth Callahan: 5. Jacob Schweitzer. 65: 1. Adam Tarara; 2. Cody Sturn: 3. Ashton Tedrick; 4. Bl'yten BriU. 5 col< Logon. eo OPEN: L Kyle Cormen: 2. Mike f'\atway; 3. Mason Reteh; 4. Zach Martin: 5. DlIkln Hall. es JR: 1. Kyle Connan; 2. Adam Tarara: 3. Cody Stum: 4. Ryan Padgett; 5. Dillon HaD. 85 SR: 1 Mike Matway: 2 Mason Retch: 3. Zilch Menln: 4 Edwanl Monin, 5. en.c. """"""",. 125 II:. 1. Roy Horton; 2.. DustIn Crow: 3. Nate Eslinger; 4. Joe Buskirk; 5. Stew: HoweU. 125 B: I. Steven Horton; 2. Shea Knuth; 3. Brian Davey: 4 Nathan WaD: 5. WIlliam Vancil. 125 C; I. Josh Dalpiaz; 2. Chns Butchdt; 3 Scott Burchett; 3 Mark Schweitzer. 4. AncR. Stiger; 5. Josiah Damm. 250 A: 1. Roy Horton; 2. Kyle Totten; 3. Dusm Crow; 4 Strvt: Howe!I, 5. Otn.s Schmulbach. 250 B: 1. Stew:n Horton: 2. Sean Kincaid: 3. Brandon SInger, 4 Corey Sparr; 5. Stephen Huffman. 250 C: I. Chris Campbl!ll: 2. Ryan Breckon, 3. Josh Dalpiaz:: 4 Jamie Ford; 5. John Muwefl. SCHBY, '- Jeremiah Johnson; 2. Josiah Damm; 3. Nkk Krzlrner, 4 Noah Bachman. 14·24 A: 1. Roy Horton; 2. Kyle Totten: 3. Bleke Hott; 4 C.J. Lowder: 5. Jimmy Sketters. 14·24 B: I. Seen Bandy; 2.. SelIn Kincaid: 3. Evan Armstrong; 4 Stephen Huffman: 5. Scott~. 25. A: I. Curtis Taylor; 2. Chns Schmulbach: 3. Roben. Stmp. son; 4. Joe Buskirk: 5. Chad Gray. 25.. B: I. William Vencll: 2. Corey Sparr; 3. Stephen Stuenkel: 4. Clayton Shanbaugh: 5. Justin Schaal. 30. 11:. I. Alex Rossetto: 2. Curtis Taylor: 3. John Ashworth: 4. Kevin Connan; 5. Dan Loer. 30.. B: 1. Kelly Cochran; 2. Geno Mllrchiwl: 3. Merk Meson; 4 ErIc Pigg: 5. Arman Dodd. 35.: I. David Brill; 2. John Ashworth: 3. Kevin Jones; 4. Mark Rubenstein. 40.. A: 1. Scott Heinlng~ 2. Dan Fitch: 3. Randy Trowbridge; 4. Michael Dudowicz: 5. Fritz Huebner. 40. B: 1. Dan Fitch: 2. Randy Trowbridge; 3 Mkhael Dudowia:: 4. Fritz Huebner: 5. Michael Valiente. 50.: I. Gray Shewhan.; 2. Fritt Huebner. OPEN: I. AieJl Roasetto: 2. MIchael Grebner: 3. Greg Rubenack· er: 4 ~ Ely: 5. ~mison Holt. V1NT: 1. James Bode; 2. Mark Cermak: 3. Aaron Vlrag; 4 Chris 8m11h margin, running the last half of the race on his rear tire. With the track starting to slick up, Wherley tried to get by on the outside .t the checkered flag but just came up short. The other finals were almost identical to their heats. Mark Stambaugh easily topped Ryan Henderson on his Pro Motorsports-sponsored Yamaha for the 600cc B win, and Bradley Vrankovich easily outdistanced Tyler Haas for the 65cc win. Those who were declared winners were Cassidy Heiser in the 50cc Oil-Injected class, Bret Pugh in the a5cc (7-11) class, and R.J. Hart in the 85cc (12-15). Wesley Chenier held off Walter Behrens for the 250cc B heat (final) win, and Reese Montgomery managed to stay upright to claim the 125cc win over Hart. Shawn Baer took his first win as an Expert with the 250cc A win. over Damian Kocovinos and Raun Wood, on a borrowed Kawasaki DTXer. Jim Hollister held off Wherley for the Over 30 heat and final win, with Joe Dohm topping the 500cc Two- Valve class. Results 50 OIl-INJ: I. ussidy Helser (Yarni. 2. Jeffrey Hughes (Yam); 3. Aaron Klinedinst (Yem); 4 f'\atthew Myers (Yam); 5. Dylan Winsett (Yam). 50 (7·8): 1. Tyler Haas (Pol). r---------------;--;;:--------::---------,:I: :rl w a: z '" with the lead In the beginning of moto one, but by I.p two Tim Williams had muscled past him. Willenborg also slipped past Wolleson but f,,1i short of winning the moto. Tim Williams slotted in with the win, followed by Willenborg and then Wolleson in third. Willenborg made the moto-two holeshot and skillfully managed to hold back the hotly pursuing Williams ali the way for first place. Jim followed Tim Williams in with third. Ron Ryer quickly got out in front .nd led all the other Expert Over 50 racers for three fast laps. Jack Garland then swept past Ryer and kept going at full momentum until he had wr.pped up the first-place finish. Ryer fol- ill > '" ~ 65: I. Bradley Vrankovich (Kaw): 2. Tyler Heas (KTM). 85 (7.1l): 1. Brett. Pugh (Hon): 2. Evan Beer (Yam): 3. Jeffrey Reeser (Hon): 4. B~dIey Vrankovich (Hon) 85 (12·15): 1. R.J. Han (Yam); 2. Joey Par1u (Kaw). 125 B~ I Reese Montgomery (Hon) 2. RJ. Hart ( 3 Br8d Phillips (Suz). 250 A. I. Shawn Baer (Rtx); 2 Damian Kocovinos (Hon); 3. Raun Wood (Kaw). 250 B: I. Wes ChenIer (Sul), 2. \lJeltel' Btotnns (Yam): 3. Glen Coldsmith ( 4 Joshua Tyeryar (Hon/; 5 NIck Henderson (Hon). 500 2-VAlVE: 1. Joe Dohm (Yam): 2. TravIS Semeu (Yam): 3 Tom ft\cQrane Jr. (Sue): 4 Mark Stambel9\ (Yam). 600 II:. I. Raun Wood (Rtx): 2. Bryan 00ugIas (Rut); 3. Phil Ubhart (Rtx): 4. Jason Isennoc:k (Rut): 5. Shawn Bee- (Rtx). 600 B: 1. Mark Stambaugh (Yam); 2. Ryan Hendttton (Rut); 3 Dean Maring (Yam). 30.; 1. Jim HoIIistef (Rut); 2 LowdI Wherley (W-R); 3. Demlan Ko

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