Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sunday P/W BEG: I. Tonner Chester (KTM): 2. Chouncey Mothi. (Cob): 3. Alex Bleeker (KTM). P/W (0-6): I. Allon Miller (KTM); 2. Trent Govelek (Cob). P/W (7·8): 1. Droke Hollock (KTM). P/W MOD: I. Chouncey Mothis (Cob); 2. Alex Bleeker (KTM). 60 BEG: I. Austin Morie (KTM): 2. Ed Foedlsh (Yom); 3. Cody Woymon (Kow). 60 OPEN: I. Austin Morie (KTM): 2. Ed Foedish (Kow); 3. Michoel Brooks (Kow). 80 BEG: 1. Eric Corbon (Kow); 2. Michoel Hordy (Yom); 3. Corey Ford (Kow). 80 (7-11): I. C.J. Jen.en (Yom); 2. Mlchoel Sevege (Kew). 80 (12·13): I. Jeremy Johnson (Suz). 80 (14·16): 1. Chris Myers (Yom). S/MINI: 1. Jeremy Johnson (Suz): 2. Adem Murphy (Yom); 3. Eric Corbon (Kow). SCHBY: 1. Todd Showver (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Devid Kennedy (Yem); 2. Feron Logen (Hon); 3. Mett Flemming (Ylim/. 125 NOV; 1. Digger Buntain Suz); 2. Tyler Johnson (Suz); 3. Rick Compbell (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Trovi. Eckert (Yom); 2. Kody Stephon (Suz); 3. Eric Roml.... (Suz). 12S PRO: I. Bryon Clevenger (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Drew Wimmer (Kew); 2. Curtis Worble (Suz); 3. Tommy Dolon (Hon). 2S0 NOV: I. Tonner Cook (Yom); 2. Adom Rkhordson (Yom); 3. Korey Wohlmon (Hon). 250 HiT: 1. Jensen Hendler (Hon); 2. Josh Wagner (Vern); 3. Davin Masket (Hon). 2S0 PRO: 1. Brion Clevenger (Suz); 2. Tun Roth (Yom); 3. Nick e.over (Suz). 30. BEG: 1. Eric Murphy (Yom); 2. Dexter Allen (Yom): 3. Douglo. Anger (Hon). 30. NOV: I. Rene Volendo (Yom); 2. Mike Kelly (Yom); 3. Mike Cluff (Hon). 30. (NT: J. Steve McFerrin (Hon); 2. Mike Day (Suz); 3. Bill Johnson (Suz). 30. PRO: 1. Ed Foedish (Yom). 40. BEG: 1. Steve Reynolds (Hon); 2. Bruno Bus (Hon); 3. Steve Brown (Yom). 40. NOV: I. Jeff Armstrong (Hon). WMN: 1. Tarrllh Johnson (Suz); 2. Pern Welkins (Hon); 3. Semi Richerdson (Yem). Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series Round 4: Nasty Creek Hare Scrambles Stone Turns In a Nasty Win By FRANK LEIVAN STEElVlu.E, MO, APR. 14 little bit of confidence goes a long way. When Doug Stone showed up at the fourth round of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series, he brought a little confidence with him. By the time the race had ended, Stone had turned that confidence into an overall victory against what may have been the largest field of AA riders ever to do battle in an MHSC event. A Near the midway point of the 2001 season, Stone showed up on a Dell's Honda CR250, and by the last few races of the year, he had the bike dialed in and was able to take his first-ever circuit victory in the series finale. Although he was happy with his Honda, Stone accepted an offer to ride a Kawasaki in 2002 and has had trouble getting comfortable on the new mount - so Stone turned the Kawasaki back in and brought back his Honda. The result was confidence - and victory. IR'l'GK<_.\WEEK< North Florida Motorsports Park l 4906 N.W. County Road 152 Jennings. Florida 32053 Phone; 904/707-1737 Web site: Di.r«tions: The track is located at the intersection ofCR 152 and 143, about 20 minutes north of 1-10 off 1-75. From 1-75. r.Uce exit 467 (old 87) and go south on CR 143 three miles to CR 152 (flashing light). Tum right on CR 152. The main gait IS JUSt a half-mile on the right. Discipline: Road Racing Pricn: Track day packages are offered 10 a limit· eel number of panidpanlS. There are four annual membership options: 24 Mondays, two each month, $1000 annually; 12 Saturdays, one each month, S100 annually; 12 Sundays, one each month, S700 annually; and six Saturdays and Sundays; choose odd or even months, S700 annually. There is also a daily membership option of S100 per rider, per day. Previous rider experience required. New riders may attend the VIking Track School offered each track day for an additional $100 fee. Hours Open: Monday-Saturday, 8 Sunday, 9 a.m.·6 p.m., year-round a.m.~6 p.m.. Practice: Gate opens at 7 a.m.; registration at i:30 a.m.; riders' meeting at 8:30 a.m,; first machine on track at 9 a.m.; lunch. Noon to 1 p.m.; sessions continue until 5 p.m. Race Days: Varies per event; check with individual event promoters refueling pad on pit road; large paddock shaded by giant oaks Facilities: Cla~room/meetiDg room; resuoom.J; concessions during race events and catered lunches available during track days. Nearby AlDe-niti«: The Jenninr:s House: motel; RV park; Burger King; a family-owned restawant and a gas station in Jennings off 1-75. Other motels and restaurants are. located at narby exits in Lake City and Valdosta. Ceorgia. Heavily developed am1S are about 20 minutes down the road with a multitude of choices in restaurants, roOteJs, and motorcycle shops. "North Florida Motorsports Park is unique in Utat it is designed exdusluely for motorcycle use. The approximately 2-mlle track has 14 turns, with large, sweeping turns, multi~radius tums. and straights that Include htghly technical sections as well as /llgh-speed sections and will challenge Nouices and Experf.s alike. The management of NFMP understands the needs Major Events/Series: CCS. WERA, NVRA South- of motorcycle racers, teams, sanctioning ern Road Race Series groups and dubs. and has designed the track to meet these unique needs. " - Julian Poczatek Track: 2-mile road course. designed by Ed Bargy; new, smooth. paved surface with dirt/sand runoff are.u. Easy access to Lhe: pil-on and pit-off areas; 66 MAY 15, 2002' cue I e - n • _ • Bv lJ$A THEOBALD "This Honda is phenomenal," Stone enthused. "It works so well and helps me ride real smooth. Today I was able to ride a nearly perfect race, and my bike is the reason why." Nearly 400 riders competed in the 20th· anniversary edition of the Nasty Creek Hare Scrambles. The 10.8 miles of rocky, rough and sometimes rutted trail taxed even the best riders in the field. AA lap times were in the 32- to 33-minute range, meaning a four-lap event for the front-runners. Round-three winner Aaron Shaw put his KTM at the head of the pack, with Chris Thiele, Ken Vount and Brock Busenbark getting off to good starts as well. The pack was tight during the first lap, with passing opportunities limited and the possibility for mistakes great. Shaw held the lead at lap's end, with the first 10 positions separated by just 37 seconds. Stone was on the move and utilized a couple of slick passing lines to move into second during the second lap. Another rider on the move was Chad Busenbark, who capitalized on a bottlenecked uphill to pass several riders and move up to third. After more than an hour of racing, the pack was still jammed together, this time with 11 spots covered by 49 seconds. A smooth downhill line that Stone had used earlier in the race was where the eventual winner made his pass for the lead. Chad Busenbark was soon past Shaw as well, and he attempted to hang with the motocrosser-turned-woods racer, but that was a tough task on this day. Shaw held third going into the final lap, but he was about to have company. Steve Leivan was back in action for the first time in three months after a bout with a broken arm and six broken ribs. The SCRjYamaha pilot had started off cautiously but had gotten warmed up and had his little YZ250F on the gas. Leivan also had company a few miles into the last lap, when Dale Rector closed in on the ninetime champion. As Stone sprinted away and Busenbark gave chase, the battle for third was heated. Not only were Shaw, Leivan and Rector going at it, but Team Green teammates Brandon Forrester and Chris Nesbitt were in a war just a few seconds back. One slip on the last lap and any of the first seven riders could lose multiple positions. When Shaw lost the front end on a slick off·camber, Leivan was too close to get by cleanly and hesitated, allowing Rector to pass both riders. Leivan got going before Shaw did and set out in search of the podium. There were small gaps between those in the lead pack due to laterace mistakes and lapper problems. The closest race was between Rector and Leivan, and that one lasted all the way to the checkered flag. Stone's effort to pull out all the stops on the last lap earned him the overall win, 30 seconds ahead of Chad Busenbark. Stone's victory makes it four winners in four races in the series. Busenbark's best ride of the season will be his last for a while, as the WR426 rider is going on summer break to hang out at the lake with his family. Rector was able to hang on to third despite intense pressure from Leivan. The two Yamaha 250 riders - Rector on a two-stroke and Leivan on his thumper - raced down pit row wheel to wheel, with Rector having the better line entering the scoring lane to claim third. "[I'm] happy, but not satisfied," Leivan said about his first ride back. Shaw held on for fifth and padded his series points lead. Forrester and Nesbitt came home sixth and seventh. Early front-runners Yount, Brock Busenbark and Thiele rounded out the top 10 at day's end. CN lUsty CneIl .... ~Ies Misseuri IIesaIts: A,riI14, 2082 (....l1li 41 ~1Yi1... O/A: 1. Doug Slone (Hon); 2. Chod Busenbork (Yom); 3. Dole Rector (Yom); 4. Steve Leivon (Yom); S. ABron Show (KTM); 6. Brondon Forrester (Kow); 7. Chri. Nesbitt (Kow); 8. Ken Yount (KTM); g. Brock Busenbork (Yom); 10. Chris Thiele (Kow). AA: 1. Chod Busenbork (Yom): 2. Dole Rector (Vern); 3. Steve Leiven (Vern); 4. Aeron Shew (KTM); 5. Bnmdon Forrester (Kew). A: 1. Rick Metteson (Kew); 2. Anthony Meyer (Yom); 3. Coleb Wohletz (KTM); 4. Trocy Boumon (KTM); S. Mott Weis (KTM). 200 B: 1. James Sioen (Vern); 2. Brendan Voughn (KTM); 3. Michoel Homiiton (Kow); 4. Josh Murroy (KTM); 5. Andy LePionte (KTM). 2S0 B: I. Donny Crowford (Hon); 2. Le. Busenberk (Vern); 3. Gery Wolf (Suz); 4. Sernrny Snider (Hu.); 5. Adorn Ashcroft (KTM). OPEN B: 1. Mott Colfmon (KTM); 2. 80m Cook (Hon); 3. Dove Gerbes (KTM); 4. Weyne Hetfield (KTM); S. 80m Lowson (Yom). 4-STRK B: 1. Nick Crowford (Yom); 2. Jeremy Alti. (Yom): 3. Mike Rozier (Yom); 4. Gory Pllont (Hon); 5. Joseph Armon (KTM). VET: 1. Siode Morleng (Hus); 2. Robert Annan (KTM); 3. Wode Holl (Yom); 4. Kevin Ruckde.chell (KTM); S. Neol Soenksen (KTM). SR: 1. Kreg Simons (Vern); 2. Wil1lem Guffey (Yom); 3. Tommy Eidom (Yom); 4. John Newberry Pine Ridge Hare Scrambles: Josh Weisenfels took the AA-class overall win at the fourth round of the Arkansas Hare Scrambles Championship series in Pine Ridge.

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