Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I 1 • 2001 MotoGP 500 Series Review lVHS & DUD) • 2001 World Superbi(e Series Review lVHS & DUD) • Warld's Fastest . . . (DUD) • Joey: 1952-2000 (DVDJ • Qn.8i(e Road Race ExpeI'iel1Ce (VHS) • 2001 World Trials Review (VHS) • Geoff Aaron: BaIandng Act 3 (VHS) • 2001 National Enduro Series (VHS) • CNsty Demons of Dirt (DVDJ • Crusty 6: the Next LeueI (DUD) • CNsty Demons: The 7th Mis&ian lVHS &DVD) • Teh'8Ii1i18 7 lVHS &DVD) • Fox Greatest Hits Val. 1lVHS &DUD) • Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 2 (DUD) • Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 3lVHS) • GIabaI Adcictian (VHS & DVD) • Children of a Metal God Triogy (DUD) • I\IIini Warriors Iits (VHS) • Mii Warriors 4 (VHS) • Tomcat: Steppin' Up lVHS) • McJto.xXIc The Series 1-4 (DUD) • Mato-xXx 5: Free for A1llVHS) • Metztopia; My Perfect World (VHS) • Rode to Ruil NHS) • 2001 FI ees~ MX World Tour lVHS) • Ufe Behind Bars (VHS) • 2001 US SpeecMray National C'Ships (VHS) • Jay SpI;lIl1steen: The Old Gunslinger (VHS) • The Legend: Jay SpI'i1lJll1:eiln (VHS) • MIce Hacker (VHS) • Higher Ground lVHS & DUD) • AIt:icit.y lVHS & DUD) • SIednecks 4 (DVDJ • 8RAAP (VHS) • On Any SlI1day: MX, Malcolm & More lVHS & DUD) ROAD RACING (#1970) 2001 MotoGP 500 Series Review The 2001 FIM 500 World Championship was sello be a spICy duel IJetween lIHIlWO Itahan guns. Valentino RossI and Max Biaggi, and ft didn1 cfisappoint The inct'edibIy taIenled d'JO were always 00 course to dish oullhe action In MoloGP, bul who coukl have predkled the manner in w!ltch the las! ever500s-onty season woukl catch fire? Caldl all the aetioo in this olficlaI3-hour season review. 180 mmules from White SIatlOuke Vo1eo. $34.95 (#01970) 2001 MotoGP 500 Series Review (DVD) All tile same 'ealUms as !he 3-hour vdeo, In high-qualily DVD Iormat. 190 minutes from WhIle StarlDuke Video. $39.95 (#1n4) 2000 MotoGP 500 Series Review WlIh S-Ilme Champion Micl\ Doohan offICially reUred, the field was wide open 10< Ihe 2000 Woild ChampionsJ1~. Spanish Alex CrMIOIHooI. "'~ Max Blagg! (Yam). and _ Kenny RoIlerts Jr.(Suzl"epped nup and the baltle was on. This 3-hour rfMf!'II captures !he hijllights 'rom every rouoo oIlhis histone season. 180 miooles from WIlKe Starrtluke Video, 134.95 (#1901) 2001 World Superbike Series Review The 2001 Woild Supe!bi. _ 9 Soped-~eaking.""""" the Isle of Man TT and coondess race wins across the UK &Europe. The DVD contains addibonal exclusive-lo-OVO features, irw;:Ildng a gaBery of carefuHy selected photos of-Ver MalUl' and tm pages detailing his career highlights. 1to minutes from White StarIDuke Video. $34.95 (#1494) Rainey's Year: 1992 He may be g:JOe from the scene· bld there's no way you can forget tlml Here's King Kevin on his way to winning his first World CfIampionship, with music from Ou&en, brilIianl race acIloo and Intinate oft-traek Ioolage, 60 mintJleS from Whtte StarfOuke Video. $34.95 Remembef alilhose tactory r8Cef bike tests thaI Alsn Cathcart has done In Cycle Nml? Hem they am on videol AU the !,1'8alasl bikes ll1llOOre. GP bikes n:Jude Ihe SuzlJIoj. Hondo, and vclng"""of_ianGPSlat""'Doohan.65 minlJleS from While StarlOuke Video. $34.95 (#3027) Wayne Gardner: AWorld Champion FoIows the excitement of Ga1dneI's amazing progression 10 World 500 GP Champion, as a l(}.year-okl fairytale comes true. 50 minIJIes from White SlariOlJke Video. $24.95 (#5942) Champion: Carl Fogarty The lVs1.....r_ bklQreIhy of Britail', b~ biuke Video. $34,95 Soak up lie WIiqtlllllav1lbIke HaJIey 1oo4a9o and roonl. BO minlJles !rom While StarJDuka VIdeo. $34.95 Call to Order Today! (#138) Easy Rider This is the classic youth film oItha 1960's..mdl reflected the aIti1udes and longings 01 an en~re generation, Twe moIol'cycIisls (Peter Fonda and Dennis Hower) emba!1l on acO!lsHo-w-upkllheorigilal_~ higlligh. of Mo~ GUlli's 15Il1 annlve!saJy ga~ 1he '96 C_ Parade, VMCC ralli9s, dub meets and unique DlK:Iassic-bMe camera footage, 85 minutes from While StarlDuke Video. $34.95 _y" ~ This_""*,,,,1he_oI[WJi'lle"IhaI_~ stand out alXwe the rest. 70 nioolas Irtm YttiIa S1artDtM Vklao. $34.95 MOVIES Same as the video, but in DVO formal with fmfY flUTlDUS Eve! Knievel jump ever 1iImed. From White StarlOtJke '{Ideo. $24.95 (#1070) History of the Isle of Man IT (#1696) Superbike Ducati The [WJiV-rwI1. "'" sinl*I' p/Illlxmelm.• ~ "" _!he vary essence d italian S1j1a, 1'JWfl'. and """'" (#118) Enduring Memories minlJlas from Missing l&J1k Video. $34.95 INSTRUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL Thls "Street Strategjes" video oontalns excelIenl hmdamentals: Braking, counter $leering, gear sMting, and countless streel riding techniques. _ilkxmalion., ~ dasses, r>clng_ and molorCyCle aldKlns. And, tor your entertaimIen~ you will discxMlr how 10 execute a wheetie, s1ep-by-Slep, with R:radtlIe on-bike carrera shots. 33 minutes from Impact '{dec. $24.95 Norton is one 01 the most evocative names in !he hislory 01 British motorcycling, and this video tells the ~ Slory or the grand marque. 75 minlJ1es from White StallDuke '(Ideo. $34.95 FREESTYLE & CRASHES Origmal narrated tootage of dassc enduro compeliOOns. including the 1962 & 1964 Jack Pine Enduro, and the 1959 Greenhorn Enduro. This 1""Y_ridaslh"~""yotI'_.way! No..... roIen:oaster, Europe's best aerobatics teams, Isle ol Man TT, Ice Kaning, HoI Rods &more. Hold on! n minu1es from While StarJDuke Vkleo. $34.95 (#430) Motorcycle Survival Skills (#1087) Best of British: Norton VINTAGE video Iluslralas how the bikes dlanged tha span ill juslliYe years. 45 (#326) Rode to Ruin nyou're one 01 those people who pay S20 for a ~rcross tickBl juslto see the crashes, this video should be worth a couple thousand ~1 Rode to Ruin is anon-stop musK: video by Clear Channel Entertairment lealuring '" _ _ Iataeshas. _ . and",;,_1rom $34.95 (#5900) Champion: Mike Hailwood Aprofile a1lhe racing career of legendary PhD Read. 70 mmtJles from wipeclng """ of Ogenda~ BIi1ish champion MOO! "The Bike' Haitwood. 60 minules Irom WIlile SlarlDuke Video, $34,95 The _ '{Ideo. $19.95 Joifllhe millions who make thts the WOfId's biggesl &mosl colorful Hog party. Cruise Main StreeI and Daytona Beach &rheck CUI demolition derbles, stunt demos, and sunbumed tourislS...ev8f)'lhing thaI happened away from the racalr'ildls liJring Bike Week '96. 61 minlJles \rom While StarlDuke Video, $34.95 Aprofile of the racing career of legendary Italian GP champ GIaCamO Agosbni. 75 mintJles from Whhe SIarIDuke Video. $34.95 (#5279) Crash Kings Bikes 3 fJlm quality, excellent corrrnentary· CfaZY crashes! 60 minlI1es from White Sum'Duke '{lCIeD. $24.95 (#1034) V-Four Victory (#230) Ride America: Highway 1 AprofiOoflher>clng"""'oIBtitishGPSlatBanySheene.65 minutes !rom While Starltluke Video. $34.95 (#8) Castrol History of Motorcycle Racing lhrae-vclllITlE! series from the David Wood althives of wer1cklass ~ road n1cing. Voluma 1, How" AD Began &Ihe IT (62 m1nlJtes): Volume 2: Birth of the GP &the Japanese Arrival {73 minlJ1es): VoItJme 3: The Other Champions &Pressure, Money and the Need to Win (65 miMes). From While StarlDuke Video. $99.95 Here's your chance 10 join Dave Roper around the Isle 01 Man TT cilClJ~ on aMatchless G50 with all tile cIassK: soonds and sights on the big Xl minlJles from Whhe StarJDuke VkIeo. $29.95 AprolIa 0I1he r>clng ""'" 0I1he klgerdaly Kamy _ . 69 minutes from WMe Star/Duke Video, $34,95 Atriqua 0sigh1 inio Ihe Kenny RoIlerts Tmining ~ • _ , SpOn ..... he and Aandy tAanlola dio:uss 1he _ 01 pass;ng IhOr expenElIQ on to the schooI's partk:ipants. 65 minutes !rom Whhe SlarIDul.. SlIOrls ~us gems Irom the archives and thumping oo-board 'aa::iclenr fDOtage. 60 mif'llJtes from 'Nh~e StallDuke ,(ldeo. $24.95 (#2501) Crash Kings MX From motocross GP batllegroonds to max-allackschoolloy MX· is 00 one sale? 55 mintJles from Whita StarlUuke Video. $24,95 _-=10_1:-",. . usecummt _ your l1u1dt6_ Call10rnia residellts add 7,75'" Sales Tax AlI/apItB IIftId .,.. VHS, "". of IIhIpplng & ""'dUng t:IIJIrf1ea '""" C)rr:le _ Produt:Ia. 0 - . not tcCOp4td from...- tho contIntntal USA. ,."..,~ PenheB, BI1ld Ulckey, Bob Hannah, Kemy _ , and roonl allhe lop oIlheir form. 90 milutes from X·Factor, $29.95 _ Bnx:e Brown _Ihe "" OAS, """ 01 ouIsIancing Iootege never made the movie. This video ps bact into the vaLllts to hitjjght Ihedilltrackheroas'actionlromlhe1period. The""""",",1rom1he _ reminisce aIJou1lha1!/and period 0I1he spoil 60 minu1es Irom X·Factor. 124.95 (#D14OB) On Any Sunday Revls~ed DVD Same as 1he _ , bu1 wi1h added OVD _""" Uldu

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