Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 04 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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' "I IftS) 0 s.-.t lritI8II_l1IIlSJ llIlJIJ 0 _ l I S - Z , _ hllIIJlJ 0 ~ l1IllSJ o _ l1IllSJ ~r.llol:lott Lu ' - _ _ l1IllSJ 0 ~ lIIJSJ 0 l - . a:._ lIIJSJ 0 ...... 1V8S1 01: _lllIlJII 0 -.z..... 11IIIlI1 0 _ _ I 0 All ' _... 1 IVBlIIIIII 0 &If - _ U , l1IllSJ oM: ~ - . . bN a.., IVIISI 0 ...... . . . . - _ 1 o Lu ' 0 II8lr JInject lIIJSJ • S...- _lIIJSI 0 ....... - . . IlIIJII 0 Z ...... c.w 1 IDIIl 0 _ .. _ _ I'" lIIJIJ o _ . - . . Si I .Iw . . . . 1_10 _ : "'" _ Wq I _ I • , _ Qgn IDIIl 0 , .... I lioN ' . 1 _ 1 0 .. Illy _ 1 0 . . . . . s-tI8y ........ I_I 0 . . . . . _ b .... IIIV8SJ 0 ' , .... 0 _ 'rlIoll1lllSJ 0 '.p. .__ IV8SJ 0 015111 My'riJo"- _....llIlJIIIIIIJ 0 '_l1IIlSJHZ8I1_ 0 .IV8SJ 0 ,.......ZII1 1 llIlJIl_J 0 _. R I _ FtdI IIIV8SJ .. w/IIpIo o ~ _,e MOTOCROSS 11199) Travis Pastrana I Revelation 199 SPEEDWAY ~T r.MS PasIrcna a1SS-at'ISSI'i3 the CXltIllly II race arx:l tiE wiIt1 _anl_11'o _ _ """"'-'o.., Abrtyn. _ fl!!nonl, K!myBmm.MioJones. T_V... ea.e, Han. TJ lMl, Ryan ~ anlc . .llJcaIicns_ _Cleek-llO, T""" _ _ """1'''"'''. ~Ilwnor! nmilg."" 20 speedway SlaB _ bCo!la _lor "" 32nd wiIdesl NaiicinalI'lIhe aUlIly. 60 miIdes from RAZ Video. $29.95 Dtnes-CA, Tr8YOl' V_' c:ompDlIld, WootfwatO.P" wld more. 45 lMJIeS Ircm X.factlr. 529.95 1'46C) 2000 AMAIFIM Speedway World Qualnier to ha¥e I shot allhe WorId~, you must Iiish 4Ih or beIS8r. WoIdCl\anl "" ri FfllOlido, Supeltross . . Outioor Uob-x.. EtIIed with asurgeon's chaInsaw and bIBsIing an ~-S!ries. Gf8Il_.. 1oolagIlIld_ ~-';;.""Iost"""_1'IIf111l_!romX ""","",_""_'!1l111 ~ mt*latISS GP baIIIel}olnls ~ max..allal:t sctloclIboy MX •is no 55 nWliBs trtrn While SIIdllIke VdIo. 524.95 1'100) Crusty 2000 1118 MefaI .........," -Join the aUlive Un d .bl FrtlWtIlII'I and Dana Nic:hoIIlIlIll"lronI in8s IS tlBy wreak hIYlX II Japan, _1IId"""Anwi:a. 11'oQuslyT_ _ eny Han. Ilrirr>lleegol,SeOh~. TfI'Iie _ Ilibll!llgll,_ F laJIy~.IlibCi'qnals. .... T_ _ ,IlibJones, CIIonl_._IIId"""l'"",,-Il_"""_ _ 129.95 ENDURO & DUAL SPORT 112(43) This Is Motorcycle Trials f>o:kad oilh _Ior""""-' 10m _ Sammy liIIr and _lid 1'10E) Crusty Demons ''The Next Level" ttis an lakes )UI on a~ as metal and man mesh in aYisuaI (1205) Time to Ride n..1lIinaI!()(f-Aoa lor dewlqliIg tIdIfa. 00 '*'iii8s!rom _ Slar~ v.... $34.95 _IilaI""oII_oMCI/lraalyhal\lftoot G""lJairililg & . _wi;TyO;;r,:_-.""wm,Aod (12056) This Is Advanced Motorcycle Trials """Oed and by 1997TriaiedesNat. _ _ CoIey.includingl~ lurns, badt:-wheeI balanci'lg and 0Iher aMnolld moves. 62 mulllles !rom _ SlariDuke V1dol. $34.95 ~Walla,fl!d_Paul_.MilWeB, Mike MeIzy!r plenly 1IlOI8. 35 minutes !rom X-Factor. 529.95 /'144) Goodtimes w~h Carey Hart ....... 1f8HfoIiIg banl. Y",*-..s"'"""*""_jour.eys"",, _ "* _V.. . ofIidlI fewiew llan II lin IWldri lnxn Spein, aaoss Et.Iq)e nt ""Ll<,b IinrAndooa,'pododOllh_IIId_.PIls.1or ""1isI1ir.I, I round"""",,*,""'" llf11J_tans _""''''''''lhaylMtrialsadianl 90_"""_ $34.95 (11798) Incas Raily f.icilnlroin 13axnrieslaCl~l85tIin"~lIld lllCUIlailsof Peru. Rom Amazon nUl~" _ . .!he bItes.,_ 1O_!rom _ _ V.... = .95 1#4724) 1999 Granada-o~~~r. the DekIf RaIr is one of !he lOujlesI 8WtIlS .. hlllQkl (1116) Geoff Aaron: Balancing Act Nt _ iiIII WI!o IoOaiII us Tiels hoD Gd Aaa1. I...."..., o;wayb .... Y'U'_ ... _anlllf82ing $24.95 1.116A) Geoff Aaron's Balancing Act 2 tiel on til wiItI s-tIme us Trials chan1l GEdf Aaron &see SOOI8 of !he bes1_ &"""" peIformar.cas _ . FtaIures Calti>oIl _ _,lI1Cl: ~TriaJsdeeNalions:""X-Show; WcrId TrilIIs; Vegas; P8Itl Citr. Domer; insane fr8etii'lQ &rrwn GreaI """"""k.oo. OO"*",,InrnI_V1dol. $24.95" ~:..~Ile=~&OObbs~ ~Aalybeglr.._"'=SpIiI, 1.11) Seth: The Hard Way X.f_.S29.95 _._"",has ... _oII_ _ . " " _ . d1he2!d VIleo. $2'.95 """'' ' !I!lI2il1I''more. riIiIg exlreme and _ _ !rom B*iIgs, with GeoII 35 mutes !rom Freestyle MX 1'16) 35101 My Trip· Mike Clnqmars 'his .'s ~ . "II p8fV8SiYe patIem d InstabIitf ·Is an acarate desctVitX'. _1!gI Iile. l\l b his _get iii klok rlIide Cinq's head as !he video llcGf8Ih. way Youl ilel'aIy _ expoira, AJeo _ J!femy works iIs SOh~,TOTIIlYllow!n,enyHMIIId""llM.lO_ • A ie III "'" ., "'" Iape, iIckdr.g WlIOlls ~ TV. MX,TT, sIlld ri!d _rarnp._~ n.. wide _ ~'Ilut sIlldanllllld ATV.... klok .."" SoCO eek_""bacigro

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