Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 01 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.-.........._.£ r. : ~fj[8.~'l3 ••••• • • • • • • • i VOLUME Michli.l Klinger. Publ;.her : FEATURES • • • • • • • • • EDITORIAL Paul Editor Kh. Palmer, Associltte Editor SUPERCROSS 6 • • • • • • • • • Scott Rousseau. Associate Editor Chris Jonnum. Mansging Editor 2002 Supercross Season Preview Blake Conner. Associato Editor Alan Cathcart. European Editor By Chris Jonnum David R. Holdler. Regionltl Events Editor Steve Co«., EditoriM A..istanf 82002 Supercross Teams ADtrEaTISIM . . . WEST Ea. STATES By Kit Palmer (714) 751·7433 • • • • 4 8 KTM Doubles Up at Perris Invitational SX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XXXVII Shllron Clayton. PrNitHnt Terry Pratt. Nlltional Accounts MarnJget' Mac1t Thome. West.m S.I•• MarnJflflr FOlTflst Hayashi. Westem SlIJe. MIInllgM Dan Legere. We,m,m St/•• ManagfH By Steve Cox Rhonda Crawford. AdYe,wing Coordinator M.lina Parker. Assistant INTERVIEW 12 ADVERTISINe • EASTERN STATES Yamaha of Troy's Chad Reed mOl 934·1850 By Geoff Meyer Carta AlI.n. Offic. Mllnager & Adv(irlislng Coordinator Jim Clark, &stem Sales Manager RACER TEST 14 We Ride Valentino Rossi's NSR500 By Alan Cathcart !• • : 20 Bradshaw Tops Geneva • • • • By Steve Bruhn • • By Henny Ray Abrams :26 Daytona Tire Test • • • · 4 0 2002 Ducati • • • • 998 CLASSIFIED ADS Melissa Parker GRAPRICS • • • • · • • • • • • • • • · Moose Expedition Off-Road Apparel and the 2002 KTM LC4640 By Chris Jonnum Bu8S Marple. Graphic Atti.t Sonju Kwon, Grllphic ~t Pilar Cristi. Graphic Arti.t a • • IMISTRATION Judy Klinger. Coordinator Pam Klein, Administtative Assistant ACCOUNTIMe • • aTa .. a. CESS 1M.. Donna Bryan-Diamond. AIR CoordifJllfDr Geneva Repass. Anistant Stacy Ryan, O'edit Managftr CIRCULATION >z z Ashleigh Klein. ON/.r Coordinator >on 5 1rL. • • • • • • REGIONAL EIIENTS 5 4 Floresville, TX: USA Team Motocross Championships 5 6 Salem, OR: CMC Northwest Winter Arenacross Series 5 7 Columbus, OH: American Motorsports Arenacross Series 5 8 Carlsbad, CA: Carlsbad Christmas Grand Prix -' 7 4 Results cue I e ne"",. SE • • ICE • a . . . . . aT Bridgett Bobrofsky. RtlCflptionist Robert Escandon, S6,wce and &pport ~ • • • • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEPARTMENTS 1 eo.t. MtlM, CA 92628-50&4 (714) 751·7433· FAX (714) 751·6685 In the Wind EaSTEIi. OFFICE 4188 First Ave.. Tucker, GA 30084 5 Voices P.O. Box 805. Tucker. GoA 30085.0805 (770) 934·7850. FAX 7 5 Calendar E-MAIL e {no> 934·31 12 INTERNET 7 8 Want Ads · · 1 0 0 Scooter Mania , NATI.MAL ReAR9UARURS 3S05-M Cadillllc Ave•• Co&ta MM... CA 92626 P.O. Box 5084, 8 6 Stuff 1 0 0 Looking Back ON THE COliER Ricky Carmichael and Jeremy McGrath are getting ready to square off for the title again on January 5 one the defending Champion, and one the all-time Champion. Photos by Steve Bruhn. 73 Local Talent JANUARY 9, 2002 Carol Maggk). Proc••sinp CoordinllfOr W ....................................... : 4 Alma Anguleno. Circul.tion MMnager :I: : 6 0 Events PRODUCTION N.....I Maddy, Production MIIf1eger • • • • • By Blake Conner • • • OFF-ROAD • • • 4 4 Caselli Tops Laughlin • • WORCS Finale • • By Kit Palmer • • • INTRO • • • • • • • • • • • "Testrastretta" :52 • Kory Klinger, Sittl Manager • • • • FIRST RIDE ~neger NEW MEDIA DEVELOPMENT • • • • • • • ROAD RACING • • Forrest Heyaahi. • • • • • • • ARENACROSS PIIO.OTIO. Mark Thome. D;rector • • By Alan Cathcart • _aRIlETI . . . e · Aprilia Steps Up at Bologna Motor Show M8~r Karen Smith, Assistant • • • • • • • • • SHOW 18 Sh.n Russell. EIIst.", Sales aubscribeOcyc" puWiehecI"-" Cydt New. QJSPS , .. ,.3oM» fI a.:.ept IN s.t two - u d the . . . . . . , . . _$58.00 Pft)'Hl' by Crd- "'-. "'c.. J505.M Cedi!*:'--. eo.. M.-. CA I'262t. ~ ~ P.ld .. eo.t.~. CA eo1d .. .ckIl. tioNIl meiint ofIIica. ~ PM{ ~ ~ MIIiI'54e&15. NSIIMS1EaI Send 8CId.- dl.,..lo CydeNews, P.O. &.50&4. eo... MMA, CA 92t26-!S084I. :'~d~.:=.c::..~~~==:etM~'='= bltr}'OU'II-n....w the "'1 two eh~ "tdloMt the".. of the lut i_. ~~~~~~~~~~l~OO~::=n~~r S20.00; trt.l witt" lUUW. $21.00. c.n.ct. and For.lgn. OI~\'ftlO" C50 iMueeJ, $105,00: two Y'""' (100 $195,00;.~ Il1Oflth.l2S 1,,1J'Hl. $5S,00; trilll.lOb US bI_eJ. $42.00, ~~ -.u.... New.....IIJcome. unfOlic;ited .dltoritll m.lerlar looluding ttor*, CfIrtoon•• Ne~R:~= ~~~.~ ~~l=dbybe'::::':: ::~l"ebl~~~" ...te. end circubltion inforrrl.tlOlI .....iII ~ Mol upon req~'" W/BPA V __ £:: 5.".0.S. AUDITED CIRCUlATION Printed in U.S.A. CopyrightC' Cycle Ne~. Inc. 2002. Tred.mark eye.. N-. regi.htred U.S. Pea.nt Office. All rigtla "'Mrved.

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