Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"Bi-Polar" by V-Ice $1797 AVBllable at your local mUSIc Store VI/ Mean Ice ASV Unb~eakable Franc-Brake !.-.eve~ Nice Ice Vamila Ice - ahem - V-Ice has released lus newest musIc effort. entitled "Bi Polar." and although many of us here m the Editonal department wanted to fmd some huge naw m the musIc. the truth is. we couldnĀ·t. Most of the musIc IS solid heavy metal - it's not even the heavy rap stuff that you might expect from the former hlp-hopper (Le. LImp Blzlm) - and It helps tbat V-Ice brought m former Slipknot gwtarist Josh Bramard - among a slew of other notable mUSICIans to help out. It even includes a phone message from Jeremy McGratb and watercraft racer Victor "The Slasber" Sheldon. ASV Inventions 1 6560 Ha.... bo.... Boulevar-d. SUite A Founteln Valley. CA 92708 877/ASV-7000 WVVVV, No-Break Brake The newest addItIon to ASV's lineup is thell unbreakable front-brake lever. It bas an adjustable reach to fit hands of all Sizes, and it also works wIth mirucycles. It has an unmatched five-year guarantee - if for any reason it breaks. ASV will replace It wlth no questions asked. ASV makes four dIfferent models to fit all off-road and MX bikes made WIthin the last 10 years. and It'S a perfect matcb for ASV's already popular unbreakable clutch lever. $169.95 ..... ~ or Alpinasta....s USA 2780 W. 237th St....eet To........ance, CA 90505 ' . MOLD : .. ;:J Tassinari VForce Deica Reed Valve Syscerr-. ' 800/438-2577 $148 V\I\N\I\I, Mote Tassinari 10 Technology O ....,ve West Lebanon. NH 03784 MX Kid 603/298-6646 VVV\I\ Designed wIth all the style of boots worn by champIOns such as Ricky CarmIChael, Jeremy McGratb and TraVIS Pastrana. the new Tech 6 S IS a no-compromIse, hIgh-performance off-road boot with specific )uruor fIttmg and protectIon worthy of the name A1pmestars. AvaIlable in Stzes 10 Iuds to 7 adult, the Tech 6 S comes m black. black/red, and wlllte color combos. Reed Up Moto Tassman cl81ms thell Vforce Delta 2 reed valve system has several benefIts over the stock umts. For example, by offermg tWIce the reed-up surface, the petals only need to travel hall the dIStance of a reed petal on a standard cage to get the same flow. whIch results m greatly IIDproved reed hie due to less petal movement and a more lOstantaneous throttle response. In addItIOn, Tassman clauns that. unllke other valves that change the charactenstlc of the powerband WIth little 01 no borsepower g8lDS, the VfOlce mcreases horsepower throughout the entlle powerband wbIle also wldenmg peak power, making your bike easier to nde cue I .. nevvs DECEMBER 5. 2001 57

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