Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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They finished in the same order. with Dorsey taking the overall with a 3·1 tally. McCurdy taking second overall with 2-2 finishes, and Smith third overall with a 1-3 finish. Although these little guys get overlooked sometimes because they don't ride with the breakneck speed or aerial tricks that the big-bike riders do. they put all they have into the race at hand and enjoy riding to the fullest. In the Preteen class, Kilpatrick-sponsored rider Jacob Holsonback. after having a bad first moto, made a great second·moto charge lD pull off fifth overall. The class was won by James Morris with a 3- 1 score. followed by Jonathan FoSkey (1-3) and then Tyler Scott (2-4). The 250cc Band 250cc A classes ran made short work of Glen Long eariy in moto one, but he couldn't keep Ricky Peterson behind him. Long faded to fifth, behind Chris Drummond. while Peterson crossed the finish line ahead of Cooper and look second. Moto two was no different for Reynard. but Drummond pulled off a better finish by passing Long and then Cooper to take second for second overall. Cooper came in third again for third overall. Peterson had a ha rd get-off but managed to get up and finish sixth for fourth overall. Long look fifth overall after finishing the second molD in fourth. lack Blackwell put his Yamaha out in front in the 250cc Novice contest and never looked back. Coming in second in both motos was another Yamaha. with Matt Huber on board. In moto one. Cterling Snow put his YZ in third. followed by Yamaha rider Brent Gates and Honda rider Brent Grooms. The only difference in the lineup of moto two was that Gates and Snow switched places. giving Gates the upper hand in the overall results. It was ail Josh Johnson in the 125cc Intermediate class. After a bad start in moto one, Johnson pushed his blue charger past the pack one by one. By the time he got into second, it looked as if Yamaha pilot Shawn Stuart was too far gone to catch. Johnson, however, did catch him toward the end of the race and crossed the checkers first. Stuart finished a close second, followed by Yamaha riders Steven Sampley and Vance McGraw. Creech rode his Suzuki to a fifth-place finish. In moto two, Stuart and Johnson both worked their way through the pack after lessthan-stellar starts. Stuart made a great pass on Sampley in the whoops, while Johnson made his own spectacular pass on McGraw as they went over the finish-line jump with the white flag flying. Once again. it looked like it was 100 late for Johnson to catch Stuart, but catch him he did • in the last couple of turns before the checkers. The overall order was Johnson. Stuart, McGraw, Creech and Sampley. The Mini Junior class had a slar all its own. YZ80 pilot Jacob Leatherwood not only got the holeshot. he went on lD win both motos. Justin Berry kept his Kawasaki in second with another Kawi rider, Kramer Nelson, coming in third in moto one. followed by Yamahamounted Jesse Braden and green rider Gregory Smith. In moto two. Braden improved his position by one after several great passes, including one in the whoops. Nelson also made a great pass in the whoops, but Braden bumped him a position as they crossed the checkers. combined, which made for some great racing and spectating. In the first molD, 250cc B rider Sean Lecroy got out front and held on until the checkered flag. with Jack Brooks and Kevin Yerby finishing behind him. Moto two started with Yerby getting the holeshot and holding the lead for a lap. Lecroy had more speed than Yerby could manage for this race day and took the lead. The moto finished with Lecroy taking the overall with I-lone finishes. Yerby taking second overall with 3·2 finishes. and Brooks getting third overall with 2-3 finishes. The 250cc A class finished the day with a moto-two battle between Tony Graham and Kris Swaney. These two stayed on each other until the second-to-the-Iast lap, when Swaney look the lead and held on for the finish. The 1-2 finishes of Graham were enough lD eam the overall, despite Swaney's second·moto charge. Results 50 SHAFT ('·8), I. ....... Doney (KTI'o): Z. . - McCuo!y (Y-): 3. l.e¥l ........ (Y-): •. Cd< _ _ (Y-): s. ~ His· tcn(Ytwn). 50 STK ('-<;)' I. _ - , Z. ~ _ (Cob): 3 . _ ......... (Cob~ •. PulDn 8ynl (I'd). 50 STK (7-8), 1..lePe T (I'd): -.McC.... (Cob): 3. Pri«_ (KTM):'. - . (Cob): S. " - - Criop (I'd). 60 (7-9): I. Jonethon fOlkey (KTM); 2. JeMe Ttmef (KTM); J. Pri« _ (! _ (...): 3. Tomo Streifthau (Kew); 4. ~ Keitt! Oavlc:bon Jr'. (Suz); 5. Keeton Ught (Kawl· S/MlNI: I. Charlie EvaN (Kow); 2. Andrew (jadc:lls (Yam); 3. -. _ (V_): CanU

  • t (!o< ....., (KTI'II: Z. ~ 3. JooyIlley( I· 16-24, I. (Han): Z. e- ~ (Han), 3. Job> - . . (Han):'. T_ (Yam). 25+: I. KriI $w.-.ey (Hon); 2. MIle G.rett (Stlz): 3. ..Joet Sewd (....): •. , _ C..... (....): 5. """" V","" (Han). VET f'K)V: I. Briu Compton (Sut); 2. James An:hamtMuit (Kow): 3......... LeW (.... 1: •. e-y _ (....): S. - . """. on(y-)· J(>., I. ........... ( 3S., I. _ a.- ( ): 3...... Oxnp... (s...): •. 1llIy _ (s...): 5. Bony _ (Kow). 40.: I. BaIy Scoggins (Stu): 2. BIJI StoI&er (Yam); 3. .James """"""""' (Kow):'. so..Iey Coopeo- (y-). 48.: I. J.H. TaD8nt (Y8f'I'l). '.leah z. ....... Results 50 ('-<;)' I. c.J. Cdh (I'd): Z. T"" _ (Lem): 3. Cd< G.-.nd (Y1m); 4. Anlhw Petrol (Y.m). 50 (7-8), I. Dillon F..... (!1. Ion F _ (!l (V_): 5 ........... _ 80 BEQ: _ (V_). 80 JR, I. Jocob L-......... (Y-): z. Juolln ...... (!ett. (Yam): 4. Jim Simoo (Yam). Scoll_ z. Amago Kart Track Last Tango in Palomar By ROD GIRARD PALOMAR, CA, NOV. 4 With the 2001 series winding down. it looked like everyone would be dancing in the rain as Results Sw..., w_ BEQ STK: 1. Brad Norting: 2. Yuuyo Nakamura; 3. Shewn DeOoedt:: 4. AJe:x Wood; S. Tany Ptra. BEG I'\OD; I. _ _ """" Z. 0yI0n "-do; 3. (Jo;g Gnooodos: 4. Bred 1"btIng; S. AIn Wood. (. ): . AlII STK: 1. Alen ~enlOn; 2. Doug Hopki~: 3. Damian Saavech: 4. Den Cashen; S. J.D. Schendel. AlII F·50: 1. AI.n Mortenson; 2. Doug Hopkinl; J. Damian Suvech; 4. Rid!; l..asc:h: 5. J.D. Sc:hendeI. Nil. F.GP: 1• .Iaton V.. 5'yke: 2. CMhen; 3. Rick Lesch; 4. Mike KdIy: 5. Demien SuvUa. EX SJ1(.; 1. JIWneI M.m; 2. l..eanaId MeIlgnn; 3. Jon ~ •• _ .......... 5. KcChOlo. VI. . . .,. ):z. , _ z. the Callfomia Motorcycle Road Racing Association bid farewell to the slippery asphah of the Amago Kart Track. After many memorable years, Amago will not be on the CMRRA's schedule for 2002. Who races SOcc motorcycles? Of very special note was the appearance of John Hopkins. AMA Formula Xtreme Champion and future 500cc GP star, who came by to visit with old friends and hang out. He had wanted to race YSRs with the CMRRA. but contractual obligations precluded it. At only 18 years old. Hopkins has made an incredible leap to the Moto GP ranks and will be riding for Red Bull Yamaha in the 2002 season. As the sky cleared and the track dried. the best overall race of the day was the Beginner Stock contest. With one of the larger and growing fields, Beginner Stock is always a class worth watching. In the morning race, quick Brad Norling grabbed the lead off the line and never relinquished it. YZlIsuyo Nakamura, Tony Perez and Matsaaki Otuska gave chase. Alex Wood. slarting from the back of the grid. was on a flyer. catching up to Nakamura by the end of lap two. With Nakamura fending off Wood, Norling was free to build a lead. By lap five. Shawn DeCioedt had fought his way inlD fourth. Norling rode unchallenged for the win, and Nakamura held off Wood for a well-eamed second. leaving DeCloedt to follow Wood in for fourth. The track conditions were totally dry for the aftemoon races. Nakamura leaped lD an early lead in race two, pursued by Norling. DeCIoedt and Wood. Firmly in the lead. Nakamura - the ·Orient Express.· with her pigtails flying out from beneath her helmet - seemed lD have this race in her peckel Although Norling never pressed Nakamura, he was always within striking distance. Backmarkers were coming into playas the white flag dropped, and with only two turns to go, Norling seized the opportunity. Using a backmarker to get past Nakamura, Norling drove under Nakamura to take the lead. Nakamura was too polite lD force the issue and had to settie for second. DeCloedt and Wood were enjoying their own battle, swapping positions in third and fourth. Coming down to the stripe. DeCloedt got the advantage and took third, with Wood a close fourth. The overall finishes would follow suit With only one race to go in the series, Nakamura holds a finn lead in the Beginner Stock points standings and second in Beginner Modified. Four-stroke power carried Alliin Mortenson to a hat trick. Besting Jon Schendel and Leonard Mellgren. who was back for his first full day of racing, in Veteran Stock, Mortenson went on to sweep the Amateur Formula 50 and Amateur Stock contests with only moderate challenges. o.n """"•.F_.......,..,. EX F-GP: I. Jason Takamoto: 2. Leonerd I'\ellgml;; 3. 8m (....). ( ): YET SJ1(.; I....... ~ 2. Jon Schendel; 3. l...ecnIn:I Mel- wen: 4. Damien Suvech; S. ..-,., T1Ibrnoto. VET MOD: I. leon.rd Mellgren; 2. Ben MorH; 3. Jason Tebnoto; 4. F.... Rodr"Quez; 5. Juan V.. Slyke:. SR SJ1(.; 1. Tonvny Cnrwford; 2. o.n... s.vedra; 3. Bill L.w. _ -'dIy. Motorcycle Raceway EX 80 GP; I. """"'... KN; z. l.
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