Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Results 50 (4~6) STK: I. Andrew StIverstein (Cob); 2. Tre¥Ol' Adkins (Pol); 3............ (Cob). 50 (7-8) ST1\, 1. B...- Scho... (Cob); 2. K... R....u (Cob); 3. ft\k:Mel Richards (Poll; 4. Ryan Galvez (Cob); 5. Mkhael Anwa (Cob). 50 (....6) ft\OO: 1. Andrew Silverstein (Cob): 2. Trevor Adkins (Pol). 50 (7.8) 1'00, 1. K'" R....u (Cob); 2. _ Sd>oR< (Cob); 3. ""'" ........ (Cob); 4. C......., (Cob); 5.1'Ilcho0>. 1251\; I. Derek Leist; 2./vtdy Thyberg; 3. Robert fI'totsnge; 4. J - . ~ 5. Matt Ho,>ldN. 125 B: 1. Kevin Markwardt; 2. Derel:Whilney; 3. Justin Th0mpson; 4. Joe R.aI:JioUI; 5. AJIen Howard. 125 C: 1. Matt Tevoutt; 2. Jeron NeeI; 3. Ben Clements; 4. Jus& Easton; 5. Nkk Subick. 125 D: I. Bill krman: 2. Don Rid\an:Ison; 3. Kenneth Thompaon;4.Matt~ 250 A: 1. Den!k Leist; 2. Kody fI\olltor, 3. Andy Thyberg; 4. Wryne Ginder, 5. Jason 1Ooptcwsky. 250 8: 1. JKII CompbefI; 2. Toby Lof; 3. ADm Howard; 4. Kyte Stein; 5. o.vid PttuI. c: 250 I. 11'0)' [)err, 2. Rym Koester: 3. Mic:haeI Carter; 4. CnIig Bender; 5. Jemie Foul. 250 D: 1. Jusm PKkard; 2. Jorod ~ 3. Lany SlercIliI; 4. Dunk_ ToddCuminghom;5.ChodH_ WIIN, I. ea.. Chado; 2. PhlIo _ 3. Chebi 4. CheIooy lAnnooo; 5. NOli Dunonayi<. SCHBY, I. J_ Thompoon; 2. - . . ""'""- 3. an JcI>nson; 4. lack HoIingsworth; 5. Kevn ~ 14-24 A: 1. Andy Thyberg; 2. 0ereIc. l.eisl; 3. Wayne Ginder. 4. Results """"»g; 5. """""'_. F....y 14-24 B: I. Dmek Whitney: 2. James Hayes; 3. Bily Durbin; 4. Nathan Wall; 5. Scoa. Gabor. 25+: I. David E:spinoza; 2. William; 3. Nic:k Thc:mas; 4. Chris Sc:hmuIboch; 5. Curt Tayb'. 30+ A: I. William Bowman; 2. Curt Taylor, 3. 8rDd Randc:llph; 4. O/A: 1. Trevor VII'lH; 2. Kemy BaI"tJ'am;'\lke Jones. "'''''y O/A: see- Shri. I. KeMy BartnIm. Perris Raceway 30+ B: I. Jon /l\itcheff; 2. Jeff PMIps; 3. Troy Holder; 4. Jerry Todd Huston. 35+: 1. Gary Adams; 2. Kmy Stein; 3. Ed Muhr. Gast; 5. Metzger Wins at Perris 40+: I. William Bowman; 2. Gary Adllms; 3. Kerry Stein; 4. David Welsh: 5. Marit Snyder. OPEN: I. Nick Thomas: 2. COlt Taylor, 3. Dane Lawhorn; 4. Brian Stapleton; 5. Patrick Bnliser. V1NT: I. Gerald Harrison; 2. Keith Oliver; 3. Todd Banning. By Lazy EArena Bartram Barnstorms the Lazy E By CONNIE JOHNSON GUTHRIE, OK, NOV. 2-3 Frid&y night at the Lazy E Arena, 12 daredevils risked life and limb just to gain points in the eighth round of the IFMA series. The eight riders who made the cut to get to the main event looked like a list of who's who in the motocross video world: Jeff "Full Tilt" Tilton, Jimmy "Superfly" McGuire, "Mad" Mike Jones, Jake "The Jailer" Windham, Drake McElroy, ·Cowboy Kenny· Bartram, Trevor Vines and Dustin Miller. Vines came away with the win on Friday night &fter & nearly perfect run. Bartram, the hometown favorite, made a few mistakes that cost him, but he redeemed himself beautifully on Saturday night in front of a near-sellout crowd. The main show started off with Ronnie "Reno" Renner gooning it up and throwing "who's your daddy" jumps. Even after a dancing exhibition on top of one of the jumps, Vines still bumped him. Vines, who came out to win again, pulled off an Indian Air, a OneHand Seat Grab, a Hart Attack, a Cliffhanger, a Lazyboy, a No- Hander Lander, and several other jumps in the two-minute run, finishing with the Sterilizer. Nate "The Destroyer" Adams and McElroy couldn't dethrone Vines, but "Cowboy Kenny" was next in line. He put in two full mjnutes of nonstop action, with a big trick thrown over every jump on the track and not a single duplication: Cordova, Cliffhanger, a huge Whip, Indian Air - this reporter couldn't even begin to get them all written down fast 38 DECEMBER 5, 2001 • cue KENNY MORRIS PERRIS, CA, NOV. 4 The "Godfather of Freestyle Motocross," Mike Metzger, took the overall win with a 1-1 sweep in the 250cc Pro class of the Holiday Series at Perris Raceway. When the gate dropped, Metzger grabbed the holeshot, followed by Zeb Armstrong and Kory Cunningham. Metzger looked extremely fast but was getting a challenge from Armstrong. Metzger swung wide through a righthanded sweeper, which allowed Armstrong to attempt a pass, but Metzger quickly shut the door. Armstrong continued to search for a line that could lead to a pass; he would search inside and outside. to no avail. Metzger was able to keep his focus ahead on the track and not on Armstrong. When the checkered flag waved, Metzger treated the spectators to a nofooted can-can and a win, while Armstrong came across a close second, and Cunningham was a distant third. After the first moto, Metzger expressed that, now that he's finally healthy, he is looking forward to the 2002 season. He plans on racing the 2002 EA Sports 125cc West Coast Supercross Series and competing in the 2002 X Games and Gravity Games. He has been trainjng very hard to prepare himself to be competitive in Supercross and Freestyle Motocross for the upcoming season. The gate dropped for the second 250cc Pro moto, and Armstrong grabbed the holeshot, followed by Metzger and Cunningham. Metzger quickly attempted a pass up Klotz Mountain, but Armstrong held the preferred line to maintain hjs lead. Armstrong was doing everything he could to fend off the persistent Metzger. The battle continued until Metzger dived to the inside of Armstrong, taking the lead. Armstrong quickly tried to repass Metzger but was denied. Metzger was looking to put some distance between himself and Armstrong, but Armstrong held tough. The two riders were so close at one point that Armstrong was bumping Metzger's rear tire in the S tums. Metzger appeared to focus on the track, and he pulled away from Armstrong. When the checkered flag waved, it was Metzger with the win and busting out another no~ footed can-can. Armstrong was second and Cunningham third. Lazy E Arena: "Cowboy Kenny" Bartram unleashed his bag of tricks at the eighth round of the IFMA series, in Guthrie, Oklahoma. • e n e _ so 80 (12.13); 1. Joey Bitto (Yam); 2. Tyler O'NeY (Yam); 3. JustIn Brown (Kaw); 4. Cody Hayes (Yam); 5. Ryan Stukey (Kaw). 80 (14-16); 1. Matt Danko (lUw); 2. Nick Vakle1 (Kaw): 3. Ryan Penhllil (Kaw); 4. Cody Madlem (Hon); 5. Brandon Bosworth (Yam). 80 S/M1NI: 1. Nick VaJdet (Kaw): 2. Dana DreIer (YlIm); 3. Tyler O'NeD (Yam); 4. Rylln PenhaU (Kaw); 5. Cody Madlem (Hon). t25 BEG: I. Casey ClNfie (Yam): 2. Mike Kessell (HOI'l); 3. Ryan Skog (Yam); 4. Jace Petralia (lUw); S. Mike Da.nco (Yam). 125 NOV: I. lac Baxter (Hon): 2. Bmndon Hiner (Yam); 3. Cody Masson (Yam); 4. RlIY Olivo (Yam); 5. Jack Ka.shersy (Yam). 125 SCHBY: 1. Chad Gaumer (Hon); 2. lac Ballter (Hon); 3. Cody Masson (Yam); 4. Kenny Clark (Yam); 5. Andrew Alcorn (Hon). 125 CLGBY: 1. Daniel NellOll (Yam); 2. EJic O'Neil (Yam). 125 lNT: 1. Chad Gaurnet' (Hon); 2. Andy Bakken (Yam); 3. Daniel Nelson (Yam); 4. Ryan Campbell (Yam): S. Kyle Wilson (Yam). 250 BEG: I. R!d\ard Gutierrez (Kaw); 2. Craig Gisler (Kaw); 3. Matt Allen (Yam); 4. Billy Duncan (Suz); 5. Brandon Beave- (Suz). 250 NOV: I. Nathan Terry (Hon): 2. Bill Clifton (Kaw); 3. AndrewTeny (Hon). 250 INT: I. Branden /'l\iIstead (Suz); 2. Artdy Bakken (Yam); 3. Jon_(Hon). 250 PRO: L Mike Jl\eb:ger (Suz); 2. Zeb Annstrong (Yam); 3. Kay C"""""""'" (Kow). 2>< lIfT, I. K.oy Okboyd (Yom); 2. Marl< Okboyd IHon). 30+ BEG: I. Damion Campos (Yam); 2. Mike Frank (Hon); 3. JoIv> SoiJo< (S

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