Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Moose Western Regional Cross Country Series Round 9: Lilliputian Hare Scrambles By CHRIS GHIONE AND MICHELLE lEE (Left) Rob Zimmerman took his third straight win In the Moose Westem Regional Cross Country Series at round nine, towering over his opponents at the Lilliputian Hare Scrambles. PHOTOS BY MICHELLE lEE SACRAMENTO,CA,NOV.4 amaha rider Rob Zimmerman made it three for three, taking his third straight win in the Moose Westem Regional Cross Country Series. This time the Eurocycle/Race Tech/SR· sponsored Zimmerman took the top overall honors at the annual running of the Ulliputian Hare Scrambles. The conditions for the race, at Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area, were not optimal, but rain earlier in the week reduced the amount of dust that riders were forced to face. Although there still was some dust, the biggest challenge for riders - as it always is at Prairie City' was the extremely rocky terrain. The Dirt Diggers North Motorcycle Club did an excellent job of creating a challenging and fun course that twisted through the area. Included in the course were two motocross track sections, including a large sec· tion of the Hangtown MX Track. More than 350 riders showed up to take part in the day's events, and at the start of the first race of the day, 150 A and B riders lined up to compete. At the start, riders started down a short start stretch and then made a quick turn onto the first motocross track. Zimmennan started off in fifth or sixth place, but by the end of the motocross section he was battling for the lead. Also getting up front quickly were Kawasaki Team Green/Amsoil/ Faultline Suspension-backed Craig Wesner and Moto Works/Motion Pro/Spectrum-sponsored Brian Sperle. "Sperle passed me and he led it for a little while, but I got back around him," said Zimmerman. "I got into a battle with Craig for most of the day." Both Sperle and Wesner battled Zimmerman for the lead early on. As the race progressed, Sperle fell slightly off the pace of Zimmennan and Wesner. Moving forward to challenge the leaders was Suzuki Off Road/Moose Off RoadlWoodland Cycle-backed Tim Stowe, who eventually moved past Wesner and challenged Zimmerman for the lead. However, on the fourth lap, after with battling Zimmerman, Stowe crashed badly and was forced to pit to make repairs. With Stowe no longer pressuring him and the race winding down, Zimmerman appeared to have the victory locked up. Before the start of the fifth and final lap, he had nearly a minute lead on the second-placed Wesner. "I thought I had it in the bag," said Zimmerman, "but on the last lap, I had a minute lead, where I could kind of relax, but little did I know Craig [Wesner] caught up to me about a half-mile from the end." Zimmerman immediately picked up the pace to finish out the race in first place, followed a short distance , was a close one that also went all the way to the finish. Bryce Olson, sponsored by Brad Teegarden at MPC/ Eurocycle/Barnett Distributing, battled with Husky rider Greg Ruffoni for the entire final lap. "We were passing each other the whole lap, but I just barely edged out the win in our battle at the finish," said Olson after the race. Olson took seventh and Ruffoni was eighth, and in ninth was Yamaha rider John Mason, who also took the top spot in the Vet class. Rounding out the top 10 was Russell Pereira, on a Yamaha. With the overall victory, Zimmer· man extended his lead over Wesner in the series points race with 2104 to Wesner's 1792. Kreiss sits in the third position with 1764. Galford has moved into the fourth position, and Brian Garrahan still holds the fifth position in the standings despite not attending the event. Stowe and Sperle are in the sixth and seventh positions. Finishing the race as the top B rider was four-stroke Yamaha rider Rick Delong, who finished in 21 overall. In the aftemoon C race, Kawasaki jockey Ryan Williams took th'e win. Williams was the only C rider who completed four laps on the course. eN Pnirie City State Vehicular Recreation AreaSacremento, Califomia Results: November 4, 2001 [Round 91 O/A: 1. Rob Zimmerman (Vern); 2. Craig Wesner (Above) Craig Wesner was the overall nmner-up at the event, held at the Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area. back by Wesner. Coming in just a little further back in third place was Sperle, who rode consistently for the entire race. Hayward Suzuki/White Brothers/ Moose Racing-sponsored Rod Kreiss, who was never quite on the lead pace, finished a strong fourth, just about a minute and a half behind (K"w); 3. Brian Sperle (KTM); 4. Roderick Kreiss (Suz): 5. Damien Gelford (Kaw); 6. Tim Stowe (5uz); 7. Bryce Olson (KTM); 8. Greg Ruffoni (Hus): 9. John Mason (Yam): 10. Russell Pereira (Yam). A 200: I. Brian Sperle (KTM); 2. Bryce Olson (KTM); 3. Theron Miller (Hon). A 250: 1. Rob Zimmermllin (Yam); 2. Craig Wesner (Kaw); 3. Rod Kreiss (SUl). A OPEN; I. Christopher Slechta (KTM): 2. Todd Devis (YllIm); 3. Devid North (KTM). A 4-STRK: 1. Russell Pereirll (Yam); 2. Danny Martinez (KTM); 3. Brian Toline (Suz). A VET: 1. John Mason (Yam); 2. Dean Joyner (Suz): 3. Raymond Geimer (Yam). A SR: 1. Michael Harper (Kaw); 2. John Wells (Hon): 3. David Wood (Hon). A S/SR: I. Peler Prichard (KTM): 2. Jeff Hollfelder (Yom): 3. Fred Sumroll (KTM). 8 200: 1. David Boaz (KTM); 2. Nohm Irwin (Hon): 3. Johnny Moson (Yom). B 250: 1. Joel Ray (Yam); 2. Jeriah Gurley (Hon); 3. Jonathan Byer (Hon). B OPEN: I. David Fish (Yem); 2. Spencer Piercy (KTM): 3. Gobriel Eggen (Hon). B 4-STRK: 1. Rick DeLong (Yom): 2. Gory Quigley (KTM); 3. Howard Dingman (Yam). B VET: 1. Mike T8ckaberry (KTM); 2. Stewart Ferry (KTM); 3. Mike Austin (Hon). B SR: I. Ed Golden (Hon); 2. Jack Lonto (Hon); 3. Dave Celentano (Hon). B S/SR: I. Jerry Johnson (Hon); 2. Donald Chase (Hen); 3. Jim Pe8cock (KTM). e 200: 1. Eric Rollin (SUl); 2. Charles Rand (Kow); 3. COl)' Narog (Hon). 250: I. Ryan Williems (Kaw); 2. Joey Petroni (Kow); 3. C. Crim (Hon). OPEN: 1. Erick Jorrick (Kaw); 2. Bert Deaton (GG); 3. John Bessa (KTM). e 4-STRK: 1. Mich8el Durflinger (KTM); 2. James Fendley (Hon); 3. Nick Gschopf (SUl). VET: 1. Jerry Le8th (Kaw); 2. Byron Rifenberg (KTM): 3. Michoel Soge (Yam). C SR: 1. Scott Stonley (KTM): 2. Rick Jost (Kow); 3. Fronk TIbbens (Yam). S/SR: 1. Gary Roberson (Hon); 2. Steve Compbell (Kaw); 3. Terry Fish (KTM). C WMN: 1. Jessic8 Ghione (Kaw); 2. Suzie D8utt (Kaw); 3. Kristie H8milton (Hon). e GENT: I. Charles Watson (KTM); 2. James Dingman (Kaw): 3. Billy Foin (Yom). lAbove) Brian Sperte rode consistenUy to third overall In Sacramento, Califomia. Sperle. Damian Galford finished the race in fifth place; the Team Green/ Motul-backed Galford was challenged at the end of the race by Stowe but was able to hold on. Stowe finished in sixth after charging hard to recover from his earlier crash and passing a multitude of riders on the final lap. The battle for the seventh position c U ... I _ . n e e e e _ _ S • DECEMBER 5, 200 1 23

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