Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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JR MINI, 1. Mid>ou (Yam); 3. Kyle DItd1er (Yam): 4. Eric MerrIman (Yam); 5. 8111y Bays (Kaw). MtCRO MIMI ("·8) 0-1: 1. JoItl Bar1neU; 2. Ed COlI; 3. Blake Wetm; 4. Nk:Ie RypcII; 5. Eric Anderson. MICRO MINI (4-8) 0-2: 1. MarshaU PIlgram: 2. Tyler Lathe; 3. SR fiUNI: I. Aaron Kline (Yam); 2. Sammy Isabel (Yam); 3. lluot» F _ (Kaw); 4. Cody.lluma (Yam); 5. Corj Duma (Yam). TyI« Eope; 4. Cole Lee; 5. Joe """""". MICRO MI J.SPD: I. John Tille; 2. OfIyton Pr.'ge. 65 (7.9), I. J _ C0d ~3. Erica.-: 4. Ken McKeon; ~. Tyler Buc:kJe5. MINI (12·1~): 1. Kody Sc:Mntten; 2. Brandon ~Kean: 3. Trevor Tuma;". Brandon Haas; 5. Brandon Larsm. MINI (9-12): I. John Heinlein; 2.1'\atl Ahlers; 3. Bmldon Skaart; ... Eric Quat; 5. 1. Kody Sdwonaen; 2. &aden _ 3. Jake Fogelbeog; ... Brandon Parl'-nenl; 5_ 8rarxbl L,ar,on. 125 A:. 1. Cory Keeney; 2. Nathan 8totqIton; 3. MIke Luoma; ... Troy Godus, S, Juon K1ubben. 125 B: 1. Teddy Maler, 2. Sean Lentz; 3. Casey Tollefton; ... John DeOtis; 5. Don Weinkauf. 125 C: 1. Matt Apple; 2. Brady Young; 3, Mlte:h Nthoff; ... Andrew Phillips; S. Adam Reed. 250 A:. 1. Cory Keeney; 2. Nathan Broughton; 3. Rick Smith; 4. Bill Medek; .5. Todd EJlingson. 250 B; 1. 0I!In Weinkauf; 2. Alex Bumgentner, 3, Chril Althoff; 4, Chad Reinhart; .5. Sean l..entt. 250 C: I. Jeremy Tholen; 2, Joe Kidd; 3. Heath HousehoIdet; 4. Nathan Jacksle; S, Anlba.s. YTH: 1. John Dehn; 2. Teddy Maler; 3. Dan Weinkauf; 4. John OeOtis; 5. Mike Sedlec:ek. 16-24 A:. I. Lee Theil; 2. Nathan Broughton; 3. Curt BeIoy; 4. Ryan Sta!berger, S. Jesse.JohMon. 16-24 B: 1. Chris Althoff; 2. Alex Bumgardner; 3. Zec:h Ral1Jow; 4. Warren Schmidt; S. Shannon Bakken, 16-24 C: I. MltcheU Kobnk:k; 2. Jeremy Tholen; 3. Man Apple; 4. Juon Houle; .5. Joe Kidd. 25+ A:. 1. Mike Luoma; 2. BiD Medek; 3. Todd Ellingson;". Cody Bennett; 5. Bill TJforcl 25. B: 1. Marty Clark; 2. Chod Reinhart 3. Tam Callahan; ... Kevin Sc:hIegef; 5. Mark JohnIon. 2S. C: I. Rob Okonek: 2. John Raina; 3. Jnon Oergen; ... MIke BatkJn Kh (Yam); 4. Cody Duma (Yam); 5. Corj Duma (Yam). EXTllA """', 1. Ryon E..... (&a); 2. Bity a.,.. (Kaw); 3. Mo. Sa>u (yam); 4. Don... _ (Kaw); 5. c..." Mil.. (Kaw). BEG 125/2». I. Mo. !looks (Yam); 2. TyI« Stod,. VET C: I. John Welt; 2. Scott Tnmble; 3 Cho.r\a: Jonct.l; ... Sa>u Orinkmon; 5. Dana-.n-t. SA: 4(). A:. 1. Mike Nathe; 2. Jeff Scnnsen; 3. Don Zelazny; ... lcMy Brown; 5. Dane Koenig. SR 40+ 8: I. Mork Mitc:hel1; 2. Mart.: Sc:hantzen; 3. John Caner: ... Den Schraufnagel; 5. .Mike Qum. SR ..0.. C: 1. OfIvld BtesvoId; 2. Gcy 8etrenI: 3. Kirk 8town: ... R"" _ 5. Lyml'oey«. SISR 50., 1. Jeny _ 2. ADen Slolge; 3. Mike QWnn; 4. Do"" Knoope; 5. Pat 0.,. By GEORGE AND KARErt HODKlNSON MILLVILlE, MN, SEPT. 9 John Oehn combined luck and speed to claim the ove..ll win in the Youth class via 2-1 finishes, in front of Fort Dodge, Iowa's Teddy Maier, at round seven of the eight· round Spring Creek Super Series. Some 415 riders came out for some great race action. Heavy rain on Saturday caused the cancellation of Saturday's open practice and made things a little wet for the flfSt few motos on Sunday, but once the moisture settled in, track conditions were perfect the rest of the day. Pepsi of Rochester stepped in to sponsor the event, giving away numerous products to racers. With the new 2002 bikes coming out, and as the district points race was over, there was some switching of bikes and brands, and that was certainly apparent in the Youth class. Maier grabbed the holeshot on his KX, with Dehn, on his Heinen and Mason-backed Husky, in second in the I6-rider field. Maier took the moto win after he led throughout, with very little resistance from Dehn, who fell by the finish line on lap two but easily remounted and hung on to second place. At the finish, it was Maier, then Dehn, with Wausau, Wisconsin's Dan Weinkauf in third on a YZ, and Iten Chev and RV/Extreme Graphics/Pro Circuit's John DeOtis fourth on a brand-new CR 125. In fifth place was Jason Johnson, now on a Husky 125. In mota two, Maier had some problems on the course, and this allowed Oehn the opportunity to get both the moto and the overall wins. Maier had to settle for second both in the mota and overall. Weinkauf and DeOtis were a consistent third and fourth again. Braden Parks of Spencer, Iowa, took fifth in this moto after pulling his coolant-leaking YZ off the course in mota one and scoring a DNF. This year's District 23 Over 25 A champion, Mike Luoma, won another battle over friendly rival Bill Medek after they went toe to toe in the district sedes and are now going toe to toe in the Super Series points battle. The outcome in the Super Series will be decided at the: next round. At this round, Luoma scored the overall win, going 1-1 on his LCR/MSRfTMR CR125. Robert Halstead took second in moto one on his GPS Racing/Out· door 'n' More CR250, with Medek third, Todd Ellingson of Wisconsin Rapids fourth, and Cody Bennett fifth. Moto two had Medek second, behind Luoma, with Ellingson third, Matt Blaiser fourth after a first-moto DNF, and Bill Tilford fifth after an eighth-place first-moto finish. Adams Igercic's Hairy Move By ROD GIRARD R••ulta WMN: 1. Jennifer Brunette; 2. Natllile Gengel; 3. Cherie Hlnr:r. .., JeMifer Hoytttya. fw\ICRO fI\INJ (4-6): I. Clarion Chaplew5ki; 2. Kyle Ohnsorg; 3. Joe NeumaM; 4. Brady Fox; 5. Calvin Hendel"lOl'\. MICRO MINI (7·8): I. Tyier Beebe; 2. Joke Sorensen; 3. Jeue Wenlland; 4. RUe)' Ktoone; 5. - . . . Lathe. 88 OCTOBER 24,2001 • cue Kart Track _ • RIVERSIDE, CA, SEPT. 9 The day dawned cool, with the sun low in a clear blue sky; but where did all this water come from? It was like an "Ancient Mariner" thing - water, water everywhere. An overnight water-main break had done the deed, leaving tum one unridable for the second of back-toback race dates for the Califomia Motorcycle Road Racing Association at Adams Kart Track. Therefore, the track was shortened, using a tight, flat, 180 turn just past the start/finish line, which added a little more craziness to the starts. Ben Morse retumed to Adams to repeat his hat trick of the previous month. Morse once again went way underchallenged to take decisive wins in Expert Formula GP, Veteran Modified and Expert 80cc GP competition, taking a serious lellid in the title chase for those classes. The race action was fierce - almost brutal at times - with many riders going down. Fortunately, no serious injuries were sustained. Out of all this action, the Amateur 80cc GP stood out, with the hairiest move of the day. In the moming race, Shawn Igercic beat the pack through the "impromptu" turn one on his unique four-stroke YSR hybrid, closely pursued by Mike Kelly, with Bill Lawless and Jeff Jones in tow. As Kelly patiently sized up Igercic in the lead, the riders in third, fourth and fifth were mixing it up behind them. Corey Peterson, in fifth, was able to take advantage of Jones' botched move on Lawless to take third, leaving Lawless hanging on to fourth as Jones slipped back. On lap four, Jones took Lawless under braking into turn one, with Kelly finding his way around Igercic to take the lead. Igercic was unable to answer Kelly's move and settled for second. Behind them, Peterson threw his position away on the last lap, giving Jones third. Peterson barely managed to hang on for fourth. Igercic was quickest off the line again in the afternoon race, with Kelly applying pressure in second and Peterson poised to take advantage of anything stupid up front. Igercic rode hard, protecting the line, until a slight bobble on lap six gave Kelly his opening. Iger. cic fell back for a moment but was quick to n __ S recover, followed by Peterson and Jones. On the following lap, Igercic set Kelly up for an insane hard-braking move into tum four. With his feet off the pegs, it was all Igercic could do to hang on to his violently protesting bike as it swerved from side to sjde. Dropping under Kelly, Igercic was off the brakes and on the throttle as he pulled out of the comer, taking away Kelly's line. Surprised by the move, Kelly couldn't retaliate, which gave Igercic the best move of the day as well as the race and overall wins. Kelly was left with a hard-fought second, followed by Peterson in third and Jones in fourth. R•• ulta BEG STK: I. Kend41I Crabtrer, 2. Yasuyo NokamUf1ll; 3. Brad Norling;" Paul Wan; 5. SyImptUe VU. BEO MOO; I. Craig Oranadol.; 2. Andrew Barnet; 3. Phong Vu: 4. Dylan Raasc:h; 5. Kendall Crabtree. AA STK: I. Alan Mortenson; 2. DemJen Soevedra; 3. Jdf Jonel; 4. Rick Lach; 5. Juan Van S1yke. AM F·50: 1. Scott Oamer. 2. Rick l..uc:h: 3. J.D. Schendel. AM F-GP: I. Juan Vim S1yke; 2. Josh AlveT'8On; 3. Rkk Ludl; 4, Mike Kelly; 5. Scott Coht:a. EX STK: 1, James MaM; 2. BlaIr Sullenger; 3. Jason Takamoto: 4. Ben Morse; 5. Frank Rodriguez. EX F-OP: I. Ben fro\or.Ie; 2. Jason Takamolo; 3, Blair Sullenger: 4. Frank Rodriguer; 5. Tak~l Ayuma. VET STK: I. Alan Mortenton; 2. Damian Saavedra; 3. JalOn Takomoto; 4. Sc:ott Carrere; 5. frank Rodriguez. VET MOD: 1. Ben Morse; 2. Jason Van S1yke; 3. Ric:k Lasc:h; 4. DemJen Saavedra:.5. Blair Sullenger. SR STK.; 1. Tommy Crawford; 2. Bill Lawless; 3. Nick TIerno; 4. 8.J. Prince; 5. Teny Vance. SR MOD; I. Damian Saavedra; 2. Tommy Crawford; 3. Steve foIone; 4. John 1ge: I. Ben Morse; 2. Skye Girard; 3. MItdl Wdsburg; ... Ian Igerdc:: 5. SteYt ShimabukY. Starwest Motocross Park Baker's Sweet Victory atOTHG MX By CHRIS SANCHlRJCO whoops, leaving the door open for Broussard, who blitzed down the inside line and into the lead. On the following lap, Morales again left the door wide open going into the whoops; this time it was Baker's tum to pass, relegat· ing Morales to third. Broussard, in the lead, tried to escape Baker's reach, but to no avail, as Baker reeled him in. On the final lap, the relentless Baker was on Broussard like tar on a road. Baker made his move at the end of the back straightaway as he went wide around the outside to take the lead from Broussard and the moto victory. At the start of moto two, with the sun shining, Morales again absconded with the holeshot. Going into the second tum, Gunther tucked underneath Morales to temporarily take the lead. By the end of lap one, Morales had reclaimed the lead, with Gunther, Broussard and Jeff Hamblin giving chase. Baker again found himself outside the top five and had to work his way through the field. Morales, who had gone from first to third in moto one, looked very determined to take the mota-two win; he put his head down, turning in some fast laps. Broussard, in the hunt for the overall, made his way undemeath Gunther to take over second and then set his sights on Morales. Baker was the mlln on the move; he appeared to have the speed to catch the leaders. With Morales in the lead and Broussard in second, Mor81es would have the overall win, but Baker began to pick up the pace and put pressure on Broussard. The two were bar to bar as they entered the whoop section. A lapped rider went down in the whoops, allow· ing Baker to move past Broussard into second. At the end of the moto, lappers were becoming a factor. Morales WlllS temporarily held up by a iapper but quickly worked his way around, maintaining his lead. Morales rode a flawless moto to claim the victory, but Baker won the war, going 1-2 for the ove..l!. Morales edged out Broussard for second. R.sults MORENO VALLEY, CA, SEPT. 9 Tom Baker took the overall victory in the Over The Hill Gang's Intermediate class via a 1-2 tally. The racing action was very competitive as Baker, Robert Morales and Steve Broussard battled it out up front in both motos. The morning skies were overcast, keeping the Starwest track in excellent condition, with rich, moist soil that created several ruts through each tum, providing tight, wheel-towheel racing. When the gate dropped for moto one, ASV-backed Morales rounded the fourth-gear dogleg left with a monstrous holeshot. In tow were Ron Baur, Eric Gunther and Broussllrd. Broussard sliced passed Gunther to claim third, with a hard-charging Baker jockeying into fourth. Early on, Morales established a sizable lead, but by midmoto Broussard and Baker had reeled in the leader and began to pressure him. Morales went wide into the BEG: 1. Markus Ramirez: 2. Jm RobettJ,; 3. Randel ~ ... Todd Mohrhauser,.5. Nrcn l.anIIord. NOV: L Mic:hDei Esparza; 2. Greg TntYe'; 3. ChnI Kmg; .... Rodney Jensen; 5. Mike Masumoto. IHT: I. Tom Baker, 2. Robert fI\oraln; 3. Steve Btoussard:". Jeff Hamblin: S. Eric GW'Ither. EX: 1. Renoto Cardcne; 2. Steve Secp.teria; 3. BNc:e CriJweI; ... Oris Sonchiic:o; 5. 01119 Piere. PRO: 1. Todd MJtc:helI_ 38.. BEG: 1. Tom Ccwvad; 2, John Hammonds; 3. Ray Valenzuela: ... Garth Callodter; ~. UoneI Olbbons. 38+ NOV: 1. Mark fo'r.ohrhauler; 2. Richard Rey; 3. Robert Espene; 4. Mol1t Spedt; 5. James B1edtwell. 38.INT: I. Tod Barsby; 2. T.J. King. 3. Chrll Cumbo;". J6c:k TOMer. 5. John Plndard, 38+ EX: 1. Rick .J*lnson; 2. Davlcl DuBoII; 3. David Fajarrlo; 4. Dana Nelson; 5. Dan CaneYa. 38+ PRO: 1. Paul Needlel. 45+ BEG: I. Ronald Wuttke; 2. DImlse OeV\neI; 3. Sc:ou Nagel; ... Dean Townsend. 45+ NOV: 1, David BIouer; 2. Ryan Orou; 3. Robert Fortier; 4. Doug Stephans; 5. Paullkede. 4~ .. INT: 1. W.O. WIlson; 2. Rob Townley; 3. Reid Franke; 4. Vlncent Cic:lnWes; S. Joe Stem. 4.5. EX: I. Mike Ntenhofel; 2. Ridt Purcell; 3. Jeff BIix; ... Marty Westerman; 5. Carl Ouafy. Starwest Motocross Parte Tom Baker cooked up a tasty victory In the Over The Hili Gang's Intermediate class with a 1-2 punch in Moreno Vl;!lIey, California.

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