Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T-Shirts CN Mens "AII-Star"O $ 49 White SIze _L -XL 'T ul _ CN Men's "D,C."O $14 Wh.., - Size _L _XL CN Men's "WRENCH" >tal CN tiirls ~Tank _ ~ VVh¢o • Size _L _XL CN Whelgned Print «I $150 .•... Total ____ Bulllvant tiallery Aisurrezione Ar1:lst Edition «I $345 ......•• Totol Sognare en RalSa {Dreaming in Red} Due"" 996 Poster Print 0 $57 .. Totol _ Ha"y Miller Fine Art Prlnts The Legenet. Kenny Roberto SlQned • $2OO/1ll1lOgOlld 4) $4D Totol _ _ SCott Pert<... only 4) $3D T-. Steve Morehead ..gned. $105/~ • $30 Totol _ Gary NbaJn .. • $105/unsignod 0 $30 Totol _ Jay sj)r.->gsteon u 8l.ilbo • $30 Toto! _ SlQned 0 $I05/unsignod 0 $30 Totol _ _ 8lrt Mor1ioI signed 0 $105/unsogneo • $3D Totol C8mlIIReswebe<' SIQfled • $105/ _ 10d 01ns Carr signed 4) $105/unsogned 0 $30 Totol MertLowwdl sIgned. $105/unsigned CJI $30 Total RIcky Groham Signed 4) $1D5/unBignod 0 $30 Totol _ _ _ Rodney Ferns signed 0 $105/unslgnecl Ci' $30 Total The Europeans _ Walter Zeiter sognod 0 $55/unsogned GoIdStol' Signed .. $55/unslgnod In The Wind Together Tho 20's signod @ $55/uns,gnod The 30's signed 0 $55/unSlQfled 0 $30 . Totol 0 $30 . Totol 0 $30 . Totol _ 0 $30 Totol _ Tho sas SIgned 0 $5S/unsrgned • $30 The 60's Signed 0 $55/unSlgned • $30 Totel _ Totol _ Totol _ ..gned 0 $55/unsogned .. $3D . Totol Gene Walker Signed .. $55/unsigned .. $3D . T _ Pineboard Racers - 1910 ~ 193!5 Hiram Thomson signed 0 $55/un 'gnod • $30 Hammond Springs BobSigned 0 $55/unso SorkeQlon _ 0 $30 T _ Red Porld1urst & Fred Lullow SIgned 0 $55/unSlg .. $3D Joe Petrelli. sq>ed • $55/unsogned .. $30 Total _ _ HIlrT'fGlenn sq>ed .. $55/unSlg_ .. $30 . Totol _ JoeWol1:J!Jr SlgI10d .. $55/UftSIQfled • $3D . Don Johns Sl!JI'1"d • $55/UIlSlQ'1Od .. $30 T_ Eddie Bnnc Slgl'18d • $55/"""'ll""ld • $3D T_ T_ Katherine Miller Fine Art Prints MguBI DuHamel Artlst Signed «I $84.95 Toto! Ben 8ostTom Artist SIgned .. $84.95 • Payment method: 0 Check Charge my 0 0 . Totol Books Motoraclng News i!OOO By Mortlno/Bonl .. $41 10 • Total _ Totol _ Cardholder's Name Card # ,Exp. Date Send order to: Cycle News Products or Subscriptions P.O. Box 50BQ, Costa Mesa, CA 9i!6i!8-508Q i!Q HR FAX Order line Icharge orders only please I -1171 Ql 751-6685 _ Wa"ne RBlne" His Own St'"ll By Michoel SCott 0 $21 95 . Totol 0 Money Order [sorry, no COOs) ($5.00 minimum for charge orders) OIf-RoBd Champions i!OOO By Dorio Agrotdll $41.10... 1- ...,. TOLl,.. F~EE Subscriptions 1·800 831·2220 Name plee . . print clearly SuaocRIPTION CALLS ONLY Total _ CA residonta edd 7.25% 0010. tox _ U.S. Shipping end handling included ot no charge _ Foreign ordoro add $15.00 shipping end handling_ _ =,--_ o YES! Start my subscription immediately to Cycle News. '-------------1 Address 1 year/50 issues for $45.00. Tha~s over $105.00 off the regular newsstand price! This is a 0 New Subscription 0 Renewal o Please Bill Me 1 Payment of $45.00 0 Bill Me 2 EZ Paymants of $22.50 City Stata _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Zip Phone ( One year (SO ISSUeS), 2nd tloss Conado 0<' Mexlco ond on other foreign countnos $92.00 IUS Funds). 1st closs and llI'mlIiI """" ~ upon request. Order Data:

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