Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Pro Circuit 85cc Mini Invitational urn. Clearly, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hansen began his dominance from the first gate drop on Friday night, leading from start to finish without ever being challenged. The second outing looked to be much the same, but Hansen got tangled up with another rider and went down, forcing him to settle for fourth place. Kawasaki rider Gavin Gracyk benefited from the mishap to take the win, along with the overall points lead heading into Saturday. Hansen was only two points in arrears. Saturday's first race offered proof that Hansen is a force to be reckoned with, as he started mid-pack and began blowing by the other contenders to work his way up to second. Suzuki rider Shane Bess was out in front, and with the laps winding down, Hansen had to make his move. On the penultimate lap, Hansen overtook Bess, but the Suzuki rider got back by and scored the moto victory. Hansen took second, having come out on the winning end of a tussle with a brake-checking Gracyk, who went down in the encounter but recovered to finish sixth, leaving the door open for Hansen to take points lead. The final and deciding moto was a Hansen benefit, as the Yamaha rider was never headed, though Honda rider Ryan Mills kept him honest in second. Bess put in a solid ride to finish third for the moto and second in the final standings behind Hansen, while New York's Mills utilized a consistent approach to notch a thirdoverall result. "I am just so happy to be here and to have been given the opportunity by Yamaha to race in front of such a great crowd," Hansen said. "I can't wait to begin racing supercross full time." Neither can we, Joshua. CN ElIgiD. Ice 1Z5cc Aluteur Cup La V .... Nev.'" IIesaIts: lIcteber 12·13, ZDGl Friday MOTO 1 : 1. Joshui!II Hansen (Yelm); 2. Ryen Spies (Kaw); 3. Gavin Gracyk (Ke..,); 4. Daten Beavers (Suz); 5. Ryi!lln Mills (Hon); 6. MichlleJ Blose (Yam); 7. Cherlie Morrison (Hus); 8. Sean Collier (Han); g. Shone Bess (Suz); 10. Drew Kain (KTM); 11. Paul Perebino5 (KTM); 12. Christopher Phelan (Hus). MOTO 2: 1. Gavin Gnocyk (Kaw); 2. Shane Bess (Suz): 3. Daton Beavers (Suz); 4. Joshulli HllInsen (Yam); 5. Ryan Mills (Han): 6. Sean Collier (Han); 7. Michael Blose (Yam); 8. Drew Kain (KTM); 9. Christopher Phelan (Hus); 10. Peul Perebinos (KTM); 11. Ryan Sipeo (Kaw); 12. Charlie Morrison (Hus). Saturday MOTO 3: 1. Shane Bess (Suz): 2. Joshua H8nsen (Yam); 3. Ryan Mills (Han); 4. Michael Blose (Yam); 5. SezlO Collier (Hon); 6. Glivin Grecyck (K8W); 7. Ryan Sipes (K8W); B. Peul Perebinos (KTM); 9. Christopher Phelan (Hus); 10. Drew Kain (KTM); II. Daton Beevers (502); 12. Chertie Morrison (Hus). MOTO 4: I. Joshua Honsen (Yern); 2. Ryon Mills (Han); 3. Shane Bess (Suz); 4. Michael Blose (Yam); 5. Ryan Sipes (Kaw); 6. Sean Collier (Hon); 7. Daton Beevers (Suz); 8. Peul Perebinos (KTM); 9. Christopher Phelan (Hu.): 10. Drew (KTM); 11. Charlie Morrison (Hus); 12. Gavin Gracyk (Kaw). O/A: I. Joshuo Hensen (Yem): 2. Shane Bess (Suz); 3. Ryan Mills (Hon); 4. Gavin Grocyk (Kaw): 5. MicMel Blose (Yern); 6. Ryan Sipes (Kew); 7. Daton Beevers (SUl); 8. Seen Collier (Hon); 9. Peul Perebinos (KTM): 10. Drew Kain (KTM): 11. Charlie Morrison (Hus); 12. Chrlstopher Phelan (Hus). Suzukl's Davl Millsaps won two of th four motos run In the Pro Circuit 85cc Mini Invitational to score the overall. Defending Champion Kyle Chisholm put up an admirable fight but had to settle for second overall. They soon both disposed of Dougherty, but as they did, Chisholm fought his way back by Millsaps for second as Millsaps almost crashed on a Tuff Blox while leaving the arena. The two went back and forth for the last couple of laps before Millsaps wised up and decided discretion was the better part of valor, finishing third for the championship, although Villopoto put in a fine ride just in front of the two to win the moto. Villopoto's win earned him the final podium spot overall. CN M&M 6nad &anlen Arena Las Vegas. N.vada Resubs: October lZ-13,ZOOl By STEVE Cox PHOTOS BY STEVE BRUHN V.S VEGAS, NV, OCT. 12·13 uzuki's Davi Millsaps is considered by some to be the fastest Mini rider in the country right now, and he proved those yea-sayers' point in the Mini race by going 2-1·1-3 in the four motos run for the overall victory. Defending champ (the first one in this event, as most are old and big enough that they move up to 125s soon after) Kyle Chisholm rode valiantly to fight off Millsaps, but Millsaps was ultimately too strong. Chisholm started off well when he grabbed the holeshot and outmuscled Millsaps in moto one, as the Suzuki rider tried to put an aggressive pass on him before the finish line. "I went to the inside to stuff [Chisholm], but he just outpowered me, and I slid out and got second," Millsaps said. But that was the only chink in Millsaps' armor. He rode nearly flawlessly in the second and third motos, taking seemingly easy victories, but it was the fourth-moto joust that provided the gallery with something to talk about for quite some time. Chisholm knew he needed to win the moto, and Millsaps needed a fin- S Friday MOTO 1: 1. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw); 2. Davi Millsaps (Suz); 3. Matt Boni (Kaw); 4. Cody Gilmore (Kaw); 5. Justin Keeney (Kew); 6. Justin Sipes (Kaw); 7. Jason Lawrence (Kaw); 8. Petrick Massie (Kaw); g. Mitchell Dougherty (Suz): 10. Ryan Villopoto (Yam); 11. Corey Slavik (Kaw); 12. Adam Chlltfleld (Han); 13. Cole Boutwell (Yem); 14. Chll5e Revell (Yam). MOTO 2: 1. Davi Millseps (SUl); 2. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw); 3. Ryan Villopoto (Yam): 4. Cody Gilmore (Kew); 5. Jll.50n Lawrence (Kow); 6. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 7. Mlltt Bani (Kew); 8. Justin Sipes (Kew); 9. Patrick Messie (Kaw); 10. Mitchell Dougherty (Suz); 11. Adam Chotfield (Han); 12. Cole Boutwell (Yem); 13. Corey Slevik (Kaw); 14. Chese Revell (Yam). Saturday MOTO 3: t. Davi Millups (SUl); 2. Jason Lawrence (Kew); 3. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 4. Mett Bani (Kaw); 5. Kyle Chisholm (Kew); 6. Mitchell Dougherty (Suz); 7. Ryan Villopoto (Yam): 8. Cody Gilmore (Kaw); 9. Justin Sipes (Kew); 10. Adam Chatfield (Hon); 11. Patrick Massie (Kaw); 12. Chase Revell (Yam); 13. Cole Boutwell (Yam): 14. Corey Slavik (Kaw). MOTO 4; I. Ryan VHlopoto (Yam); 2. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw); 3. Davi Millsaps (Suz): 4. Mitchell Dougherty (Suz); 5. Matt Boni (Kaw); 6. Chase Revell (Yam); 7. Jason Lawrence (Kaw); 8. Patrick Massie (KllW); 9. Justin Sipes (Kaw); 10. Cody Gilmore (Kaw); ] 1. Justin Keeney (KlIw); J2. Corey Slavik (Kaw): 13. Adam Chatfield ·(Hon); 14. Cole Boutwell (Yam). O/A; 1. Davl Millsaps (Suz); 2. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw): 3. Ryan Villopoto (Yam); 4. Matt Boni (Kaw): 5. Jason lawrence (Kaw): 6. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 7. Cody Gilmore (Kaw); 8. Mitchell Dougherty (Suz); g. Justin Sipes (K8W); 10. Patrick Massie (Kaw); 11. Chase Revell (Yam): 12. Adorn Chatfield (Hon): 13. Corey Slavik (Kaw); 14. Cole Boutwell (Yam). ish of fifth or worse in order for him to successfully defend his honorable blue number-one plate, and he tried his best to do just that - but Millsaps was up for the challenge as well. Mitchell Dougherty grabbed the holeshot on his Suzuki and led for more than half the race before giving way to Ryan Villopoto's Yamaha, but the real battle was behind them, as Millsaps made a move on Chisholm on the sixth of eight laps down the back straight on the way out of the The fourth moto of the weekend gets under way with Mitchell Dougherty 141 leading Ryan Y1llopoto 121. who finished third overall. Chisholm (far right with no numberj. Jason Lawrence 111. and Matt Bonl 171. who finished fourth overall. arena. cue •• n e _ is • OCTOBER 24, 2001 11

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