Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Taylor Johnson (KTM); 3. Terren O'Dell (Kaw); 4. Steven Squire (KTM); 5. Hunter Hewitt (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. Steven Squire (KTM); 2. Hunter Hewitt (KTM); 3. Terren O'DeIi (Ko,.); 4. Eli Tomoc (KTM); 5. Luke Devie (502). 85 STK (0-11): I. Trey Cenerd (Kew); 2. Ryon Dungey (Hon); 3. Taylor Johnson (Kaw); 4. Justin Ashburn (Hon); 5. Justin Weeks (Kl!lw). 85/1100 (0-11): I. Trey Cenard (Kew); 2. Justin Weeks (Kew); 3. Ty Tyrrell (Hon); 4. Ryen Dungey (Hon); 5. Jesse Van Patten (Suz). 85 STK (12-13): 1. Mike "'Iessi (Vern); 2. loch Osborne (502); 3. Corey Siovik (Ke,.); 4. Cody Clerk (502); 5. Joke Fricker (Kew). 85 MOD (12-13): 1. Mike ...Ie..i (Hon); 2. loch Osborne (So2); 3. Cody Clerk (502); 4. Corey Slevik (Kew); 5. Jeke Fricker (Ke,.). 85 STK (14-16): I. Kody Schontzen (Kew); 2. Merk Greddy (Suz); 3. Mett Go,. (Vern); 4. Teylor Painter (Kaw); 5. Tanner Moore (Kaw). 85/1100 (14-16): I. Merk Greddy (502); 2. Mett Gow (Vam); 3. Kody Schanlzen (Kaw); 4. Jeff Hudgins (502); 5. Breden Bomes (Ke,.). 85 OPEN: 1. Mike ""essi (Hon); 2. Zech Osborne (502); 3. Kody Schontzen (Ke,.); 4. Mett Go,. (Vern); 5. Jake Fricker (Kew). S//IIINI /1100 (14-16): I. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Teylor Peinter (Kaw); 3. Jeff Crutcher (Ke,.); 4. $em DelltJey (Kaw); 5. Braden Barnes (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Chris Bond (502); 2. Andy LoPlonte (502); 3. Anthony Meyer> (Vom); 4. Nethen Hudson (Hon); 5. Artie Huff (So2). 125 NOV STK: 1. Bred "'Ierid (Hon); 2. Joshue Kompe (Hon); 3. Jimmy ...Ibertson (Vern); 4. Ryen Hertley (Vern); 5. Josh Weisenfels (KTM). 125 NOV /IIOD: I. Jimmy ...Ibertson (Vern); 2. Joey Gonzoles (Hon); 3. Bred "'Iorid (Yem); 4. Netheniel J. Doughty (Vern); 5. Jede Dungey (Hon). 125 INT STI{; 1. Teddy Meier (Ke,.); 2. Cody Dickey (KTM); 3. Donnie Bunker (KTM); 4. Adorn Deel (Vern); 5. Rondell Wliliems (Suz). 125 INT /1100: 1. Teddy Meier (Kew); 2. Cody Dickey (KTM); 3. Vernon McKiddle (Vern); 4. Donnie Bunker (KTM); 5. Jeson Clerlette (Vern). 125 NON-PRO OPEN: I. Vernon McKiddie (Vern); 2. Rendoll Willlems (502); 3. Cody Dickey (KTM); 4. Jason Cierletta (Yam); 5. Brian Starnes (Hon). 125 PRO OPEN: I. Denny Cerlson (Suz); 2. Micky Mer>hell (KTM); 3. Derek Kemp (KTM); 4. Brett Ohlond (Vom); 5. Cesey McDowell (Vern). 250 BEG: 1. Denlel Gibson (Hon); 2. Brett Moscrop (Han); 3. Steve Wheeler (Han); 4. Grant Curdo,. (502); 5. Joson Certer (Hon). 250 NOV STK: 1. Cody Elkins (Vern); 2. Joey Gonzales; 3. Chad Green (Han); 4. Bryan Ehrman (Ke,.); 5. Shenn Trieb (Vern). 250 NOV /IIOD: 1. Jimmy /\Ibertson (Vern); 2. Cody Elkins (Vam); 3. Joey Gonzales; 4. Bryan Ehnnen (Ke,.); 5. Ched Green (Hon). 250 INT STK: 1. Drew Keln (KTM); 2. Den Weinkauf (Vam); 3. Alex Gaines (KTM.); 4. Teddy MlIier (Kaw); 5. Danny Kelsey (Kew). 250 INT /1100: 1. Drew Kein (KTM); 2. Wes Perr (Vom); 3. Donnie Bunker (KTM); 4. Sheldon Trieb (Yom); 5. Cody Jensen (Kew). 250 NON-PRO OPEN: 1. Dre,. Kein (KTM); 2. Don Weinkouf (Vern); 3. Denny Kebey (Ke,.); 4. Don Gorman (Kaw); 5. Jeff Stewart. (Kaw). 250 PRO OPEN: 1. Denny Cerlson (502); 2. Shone Doughty (Vern); 3. Mickey Me""ell (KTM); 4. Roy-Horton Jr. (Hon); 5. Devld Brommel (Hon). 25+ INT: 1. Greg Hammond (Han); 2. Randy Southerd (Yom); 3. StnJg Hill (Vern); 4. John Wolf (Hon); 5. Jeremy Robinson (Vern). 25. PRO: 1. Rusty Schelterle (Suz); 2. Keith Guiden (Hon); 3. Deen Unger (502); 4. Eddie Rey (Vern). 30+ INT: 1. Donnie Fox (Vam); 2. Strug Hill (Yam); 3. Scooter Webb (Yam); 4. Rob Schneider (Vam); 5. Eric M. Gaston (Han). 30+ PRO: 1. Jack Jones (Kaw); 2. Eugene Spreutels (Kew). 35+ INT: 1. Donnie Fox (Yam); 2. Scott Fredricksen (Han); 3. Paul Puckett (Kaw); 4. Ron Reese Jr. (Vern); 5. Roger Moore (Vom). 35+ PRO: 1. David Brommel (Han); 2. Mark Moscrop (Hon); 3. Mark Bennett (Han); 4. Tim Mcloughlin (Vern); 5. Jeff Kuntz (Vern). 40+: 1. Mark M05crop (Hon); 2. Ronnie Ray (Hon); 3. Steve Golf (Hon); 4. Lonry Wyet (Vern); 5. Steve Monnbs (Ke,.). 50.: 1. Mlcheel Morlend (Vern); 2. leslie Rickey (Vom); 3. Tom Hunt (Yem); 4. Rendy Brown (Hon); 5. Mike Edwards. lAbove) KTM-mounted Drew Kain, from, Florida came away with three class wins - two In the 250cc Intermediate classes and one In the 250Cc Non-Pro Open class. (Top right) Teddy Maler was the top 125cc IntermedIate rider. PU9ht) Ted Fox collected two Vetclass wIns. IFar right) Mark Grady won the 85cc Modified (14-16) division. from the wings. Humphrey miscued on lap five and opened the door to Marshall for the lead, and Carlson followed in his wake for second. Carlson closed the gap on lap six, took the lead, and then held it to the end. Carlson ruled the second 125cc Pro moto. Munn Racing/KTM/G Sport/Sunstar-backed Derek Kemp gated second off the start, chased by Kansas' Casey McDowell and Marshall. By the end of lap three, Marshall put his KTM past McDowell's Yamaha and began to draw on Kemp for second. At the top of lap five, Marshall powered by Kemp on the uphill start area but was unable to catch Carlson, who had a commanding lead. Ryan Lewis of Missouri got the holeshot in moto one of the 250cc Pro class, in front of Iowa's David Brommel and Kansan Cory Francis. Francis passed Brommel in the first S turn at the front of the track and then powered past Lewis up the start straight for the lead at the top of lap two. Carlson made up for a less-thanstellar start and moved into the lead out of Sherwood Forest, but then went down in the Sturn. "I lost my front end a little,· said Carlson. He remounted midpack and set out in full power to garner sixth by the end of the next lap. 1-35 Yamaha's Shane Doughty found his way to the front and put distance on the remainder of the pack. Carlson passed four riders on lap four for second in the race but could not catch Doughty by the checkered flag. Kemp got the holeshot in the second moto while flanked by Brommel, but Brommel took over the lead in short order as they exited the tum at top of the hill. Carlson got around Kemp in the next section for second and went after the leader, finally passing Brommel in the S tum on lap four. Brommel held tight in second, followed by Doughty and Francis. Francis slid out and did a doughnut in the fmal turn before the end of lap five, losing four positions. Brommel finished second, but his eighth in moto one netted only a fifth overall. Doughty collected second overall with his 1-3 to Carlson's 2-1 for the win. Eli Tomac of Colorado led Dylan Cox of Kentucky to the finish in all four motos of the 65cc Junior Cycle Stock and Modified (6-8) for two titles. Cox finished with another second in the Pee Wee Stock (7 -8) class but came into his own in the Pee Wee Modified class by winning both motos • for the championship in that class and putting another mark in the win column for KTM. Trevor Johnson of Nebraska took the Super Pee Wee title and made it a Polini podium when A.J. Catanzaro of Connecticut and Devin Reed of Iowa joined him. Cobras dominated the Pee Wee Stock and Modified (4-6) and Pee Wee Stock (7-8) classes. North Carolina's Tyler McSwain and Mason Gragg won the (4-6) Stock and Modified classes, while Justin Starling of Florida won the Stock (7-8) class. Missouri's Jimmy Albertson won the 125 and 250cc Modified Novice classes on his Surdyke Motorsports Yamaha, while Donnie Fox rounded out the double-title win column in the Over 30 and Over 35 Intermed.iate. CN ...... IISA ...... MI_r1 IlalIIb: IIctaIIer 5-7, ZllIl P/W STK (4-6): 1. Tyler McS,.ein (Cob): 2. Shene Hell (Pol); 3. Meson Gregg (Cob); 4. Korey Teson (Cob); 5. Kyle Ohnsorg (Cob). P/W MOD (4·6): I. Meson Gregg (Cob); 2. Shene Hell (Pol); 3. Tyler McS,.ein (Cob); 4. Zechery Bell (Cob); 5. Kyle OhnSOfg (Cob). P/W STK (7·8): 1. Justin Sterling (Cob); 2. Dylon Cox (KTM); 3. Williem Dickson (Pol); 4. Jecob Turbyfill (Cob); 5. Gennon Celanzero (Pol). P/W MOD (7·8): 1 . Dylen Cox (KTM); 2.....J. CllInllllnzaro (Cob); 3. Gannon Audette (Cob); 4. Bryent Humiston (Pol); 5. Dougie Moline (Cob). S/P/W 6-9: 1. Trevor Johnson (Pol); 2 ..... J. Catanzaro (Pol); 3. Devin Reed (Pol); 4. aannon "'udette (Cob); 5. Kelen Fitzpatrick (Pol). 65 STK (6-8): 1. Eli Tomec (KTM); 2. Dylen Cox (KTM); 3. Justin Sterling (KTM); 4. Gennon "'udette (KTM); 5. l.lJke Hobson (KTM). 65 1'100 (6-8): 1. Ell Tomec (KTM); 2. Dylon Cox (KTM); 3. Gennon "'udette (KTM); 4. Kevin Devis (KTM); 5. William Dickson (KTM). 65 STK (9-11): 1. Bloke Whorton (KTM); 2. Michoel McArthur (KTM); 3. JustJn Weeks (Ke,.); 4. Teylor Johnson (KTM); 5. Delton Jones (KTM). 65/1100 (9-11): 1. Justin Weeks (Ke,.); 2. a U c I • n • _. • OCTOBER 24, 2001 51

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