Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..n. • • .",."" DENJS 2002 AIIA/Ct'tNf Truc:kI U.s. lIotocloa ChampIolllhlp S12 S19 SI26 8t9 8(1& 7fT 7/14 7/21 7/28 8(18 8125 Il(1 s.. Berrwdino, CA 5ecr-.ID, CA Ill. MorriI, PA SclAllwick, MA IllIldo c..i<, MIl 1lucIlwllo1, loti TltII',OH New BerIn, NY W8II1augBI, WA 101_, loIN SingIwnlcn, NY Domn,PA ~8 3/23 ~ Vigil, NY; And 1& AMA AI' FlIIclng NIlIonII Enduro Series 10/2& DeIewn City, DE, ~ 9 Scnnlblll SeriII lW14 lymYlle, IN, And 9 AMA NIlIonII Hare , Hound 5erleI 1W14 10/2& Lucome VaIWtf, CA, And 7 Lucome VlIet, CA, Ard 8 AMA GI8Ild NIlIonII Croll Counby SeriII St ClaimiIe, OIl, Ard 12 QllwtordsvIIe,IN, And 13 Info: 304J294.OO84 or gnccr8CIng.Cl>lI '*7 1~21 SuperctOSl StrteI 2123 3/9 !i/4 AMA NIlIonII Hare 2002 AMAlEA Spor1a 1/5 1/12 1/19 1/28 212 219 2118 St laliI, MO, ~ 12 Pontioc, MI, Ard 13 DIIII. 'IX, Ard 14 SlIIl L.u City,lIT, ~ 15 AnaheIm, CA, Rnd 1 San Diego, CA, Rnd 2 AnaheIm, CA, Rnd 3 Pl1oonix,AZ.And4 AnaheIm, CA, Rnd 5 Indianapolis, IN, And 8 MInneepoIs, loIN, Rnd 7 Allanta, GAo Ard 8 DaylDna Seoch, Fl, Rnd 9 New Orten, LA, Rnd 10 Houolon, 'IX, Ard 11 AMA U.s, Hlllclimb ChImplonthlp 10/14 OregonIa, OIl, And 15 AMAAJS Drag RIcIng Championships 11/8-11 GaInesville, Flo Rnd 8 Par1a Unllmltld World Off. Road Championship Series 1~ RoHlllI Belt In The oe.t Sllwr StIlI SerteI 111»1212 TBA, NY, And 5 Into:_.bI1lI.Cl>lI FOI'IlIlIa USA NalionII DIrt TI'IICll5erlel 10/6 10/7 Del loW, CA, And 10 Del loW, CA, And t 1 Into: II:lOr.i66-6202 2001-2002 SpIed Stick NItIoneI ArerI8CnlII5ertes 11/2~ Dos Moinoo, IA, ~ 1 11/8-11 Albany, NY, And 2 11/1~18 W.m-, IotA, And 3 11/30-1211 loIpzig, Germany, Ard 4 '211.,5 Geneva, ~ 5 12/28-30 ForlWorlh, 'IX, Ard 8 ll.e Grand Rapids, loll, Ard 7 1/11·13 Guthrie, OK, Ard 8 1/1~2O Balllmore, 1010, Ard 9 1/25-27 Hampton, VA, Rnd 10 Tomto, Canada, Rnd 11 211-3 218-10 Milwaukee, WI, Ard 12 2115-17 Denver, CO, Rnd 13 2/22·24 Saaamen1o, CA, Rnd 14 Portland, OR, Rnd 15 3/1·3 3/8-10 Oakland, CA, And 16 ~5-17 VllI1COUYOl', B.C., And 17 3Il2·24 Tocana, WA, And 18 Oct. 19·20·21 BARE 8nIs Kzo SU2lJIQ =~ JlII'.1IO'TORC'ttlE SAlIS AHRMA Northwest Regional MX Series AHRMA Missouri State Whiners Be Dammed Tour 1~1 HoIister,CA T....,CA 11/4 Into: Did< Mam, 775-285-4904, 10/7 1.,-J/>od.c:cnVrdexJ'jm NETRA Championship Enduro Series AHRMA Rocky Mounlain Regional MX Series Cl1es1er, CT 1~1 W. Stafford, CT 11/4 Into: 880/893-9111 or Berll1oud, CO 10/7 Info: 303-829-3089,IlllC! AHRMA Southeast Regional MX Series 10/2& Macon, GA 11110 Alnia Pass. GA Info: Robert GroYes, 815-641-3485, _.geocities.COfl'Ja/Ymase AHRMA'AMS Southwest RegIonal MX Series Staas City, MO NETRA Turkey Run Series Sioux Fais, so 10/7 Info: 8051977-3886 10/13 New Ashford, IotA 10/27 _ , I o t A Info: 860/693·9111 or netra.0l'll 1016-7 lJidrir9s, CA Info: 681/288-()105 or vttorg Wi ilf I i ! ! ' Virginia Championship Hare SCrambles Series Podium One MX Gold Series KB Racing Motocross Series F.ISIrlII 10/12 Saaamenfo, CA, Rnd 6 10128 5actamento, CA Info: 918/682-8123 or www.jps.netM>racing 11~ AHRMAJEldorado Cycle Midwest Trials Series R.U'/Cl£ ~ _TOIII The West Coast Vintage Dirt Track Series 10/20-21 Chatlestown, IN 11~ Chatlestown, IN Info: 81~5517 or AHRMA Missouri State Whiners Be Damned Tour 11/4 Bak.... Fl 11/11 Alnia Pass. GA Inflr. 770/867·1878 ~~~ KINGSI'OAT KIw SU2IJICI Dillwyn, VA 10/7 Newpol1 News, VA 10/21 SUny, VA 11/4 Info: 757/255-4820 or www.vchss,org FMF/Blg 6 Grand Prix Championship Series AHRMA Southeast Regional Dirt Track Series Hare 5crambIe Series 10127·28 Adelanto, CA Info: 253~ or 10/20 Buchanan, MI Into: Tom Holscher, 248lI 12115 1/1~19 A Ride, to, tlte Riders VVVV'VV.crc ..... x_c-~...... ..- aocn •• _p "OMlOR , t ...... Rd 1, oct. 7. HoIH.-.. Hili. QP 'Tntok. Hoi CA Ad 2, oct. '4, ca....... Cycle Pwil'k, ~rmo,.. CA Rd 3, oct. 21, AMP NIIttonIlI Track Pralr1tt City, Rancho CorcIooM, CA Ad 4, Nov... o.tfWd ~ . 'TUrtocIl., CA f'ro.&*y ~ """ .... e '.,,*'0 «:66'» 272-&889 H~It• GFI Fall Series cue I 2pm ~~~~ ~ ,".I.prlclng.col Sun. Oot. 7, GA flllSerieI Ad C, _ !kin. Oot. 21, GF1 Fell_ Ad 5, _ , 'fadDIy Contilgoney _ LACR LACR LACR EdwIrdI AFB LACR GIon _ ~~209·656·9682 (909) 341-8002 _,CA ~ Gromiin Grill Prix SponIonhlp SIrlII SponlOllhlp SIrlII SponIorwhlp SIriII SponlOrlhlp SIriII SponIorwhlp SIriII Open pracllce ever, S.:Ilurd.:ly 9.:1m ilII k11ua1YaniJaAMA tmia ~ IX _~ ~ 1~14 Canadian National Aranacross Championships Del Mar, CA OCt 7 OCt 14 OCt 21 OCt 28 Nov 4 Nov 11 Sundly SundIy Sundly Sundly Sundly Sundly n .. _ S • OcTOSE" to, 2001 88

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