Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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With only a mile to go, the pressure was on Shaw. Nesbitt, though, was flawless on the final mile and held on to take the win. Shaw finished just two seconds back in second, somewhat disappointed. "I knew I had a good lead, but I guess I was too cautious and backed off a little too much: said Shaw. Leivan found his way around Busenbark, Forrester and Duncan to round out the podium, taking the checkered flag just 10 seconds behind Nesbitt. CN Missouri HI,. ScrIImbles C11lmpianship ....., Missouri Raults: August 21, 2001 (Round III O/A: 1. Chris Nesbitt (Kaw); 2. Aaron Shaw (YZlm); 3. Steve Leivan (Yam); 4. Chad Busenbark (Yam); 5. Brandon Forrester (Kaw); 6. Bobby Duncan (Kaw); 7. Brock Busenbark (Yam); 8. Jeff Leppe (KTM); 9. Mike Windmann (KTM); 10. Malt Weis (Yam). AA: 1. Aaron Shaw (Yam); 2. Steve Leivan (Y8m); 3. Ch8d Busenbllrk (Yam); 4. Brandon Forrester (Kaw); 5. Bobby Duncan (KllW). A: 1. Brock Busenbark (Yam); 2. Lars Valin (Hon); 3. Travis Pilant (Hon); 4. Bill Gold (KTM); 5. Carl Dobson (KTM). OPEN B; 1. David Taylor (KTM); 2. Tracy Bauman (KTM); 3. Keith Kibort (KTM); 4. Marty Smith (KTM); 5. Mall Sellers (KTM). 250 B: 1. Mark Gay (KTM); 2. Gary Wolf (Su,); 3. Todd Corwin (Suz); 4. Aaron Hightower (Yam); 5. Mike Uechti (Su,). 250 C: 1. Justin Smith (Han); 2. Brandon Vaughn (Kaw); 3. Mike Nieweg (Hon); 4. K8rl Veith (Kaw); 5. Tim Browne (Hon). 200 B: 1. Caleb Wohletz (KTM); 2. Zach Mabery (Hon); 3. Michael Hamilton (K~w); 4. Bob Searing (KTM); 5. Weston Bair (KTM). 200 C: 1. Jason Tongay (KTM); 2. Joe Wetherell (Kaw); 3. Josh Morgan (KTM); 4. Mark Green (KTM); 5. Todd Searing (KTM). 4-STRK B; 1. Gary Pilant (Hon); 2. Jeff Kuechenmeister (Yam); 3. Nick Crawford (Yam); 4. Mike Rozier (Yam); 5. Craig Delong (Suz). VET: 1. Jon Simons (Hus); 2. Allen Haynes (Yam); 3. Kevin Ruckdeschetl (KTM); 4. Elston Moore (Yam); 5. Rick Daubenspe<:k (KTM). SR: 1. Steve Crews (Kaw); 2. Steve Underwood (Yam); 3. Tom Eidam (Suz); 4. Ron Hackman (Yam); 5. Bronce Smith (Yam). S/SR: 1. William Guffey (Yam); 2. Jim Letellier (KTM); 3. Frank Leivan (Yam); 4. Tony Schlader (Hon). JR: 1. Brad Taylor (Kaw); 2. Patrick Myers (Kaw); 3. Jeremy Hansen (KllW); 4. John Lee (Kaw); 5. Justin Veith (Kaw). WMN: 1. Amanda Lappe (KTM); 2. Michele Eidam (KTM); 3. Cindy Nelson (Hon); 4. Donna Moore (KTM). BEG: 1. Hershel Thompson (Kaw); 2. John Cravens (Hon); 3. Eddie Scott (Yam); 4. Mllrk McAtarillin (KTM); 5. Nathlln Finney (Yllm). Fa.t Fridays Speedway: At the Junior Speedway National event In Auburn, California, T.J. Fowler (25) leads Greg Ho~ten, who nearly planted his footpeg into Fowler's rear wheel. Jlnior Speedway National fist Fridays Speedway Felicio, Adams and Woodsford to the checkered flag, in that order. CN F01Nler Flies in Junior National fist frideys SpeedwIlY "'bum, C8llfamill Results: ....ust 31, 2001 By M. SOBER AUBURN,CA,AUG.31 T hirteen-year-old T.J. Fowler started off strong and never looked back as he drove through the firstdivision Junior National program on his way to a perfect four-ride, 12point score. Only in his third year of riding speedway motorcycles, Fowler was the first rider off the line in each of his races and led every lap in all of his heats. Second place overall went to Mark Carrillo, who dropped only two points all night - one to Fowler and one to fourth-place finisher Greg Hooten in their second meeting. Due to the odd number of nine • '" Division One participants, there were "some unavoidable repeat matches, ~ such as when Carrillo and Hooten met -< up in three different heats. Carrillo and '- Hooten split the wins in two of the ~ heats, and Fowler dominated the third on~. H60ten got the best starts in his match-ups with Carrillo but dropped to second in the opening heat when Carrillo knifed his way through on the inside to take over the lead. Southern California Junior rider Justin Boyle dropped a point to Fowler in his first ride, won his second and fourth heats, and finished behind Hooten and C;arrillo in his third outing to grab the final podium spot with a solid third-place finish. Hooten's fourth-place finish was marred by a poor showing in the third heat, in which he went from second to last after he overextended himself trying to reel in Fowler and fell in the final turns. Alex Marcucci was fifth, ~ Danny Easley and J.T. Mabry tied for sixth, Jeff Butler rolled home in eighth, and East Coast representative Chip Lengle took the final position. Paul "Fireball" Johnson fulfilled his early-season speedway goal when he topped out the Division Two points battle with a perfect three-race score. Johnson finished second and third in his two previous National Championship appearances and was gunning for the top spot all season long. Pete King and Bruce Bast finished their scheduled heats tied for second place with six points apiece, with Bast taking home the second-place trophy after winning a hard-fought fun-off. Johnson beat Bast and King two times apiece to complete his convincing maximum-point night. Amanda English, who plans to graduate up to the 500cc bikes next season and was competing in her final Junior races, rode to two second-place hea~ finishes and a solid fourth place overall. Tom Fehrrnan finished in fifth, and Jay Rickets took the sixth and final spot. In the beginning, 12 riders lined up for the start of the Division Three Junior Speedway finals. After all the transfers, last-chance qualifiers and semis were completed, only the main event remained to determine the winner. At the start of the night, no less than three riders named Ricky were in the program, and all three made the main event. Joining Ricky Wells, Ricky Felicio and Ricky Adams was Ronnie Woodsford. Wells, who traveled up from Southern California for the event, got out in front early and led Marcucci (Wes); 6. Danny Ellsley (Jaw); 7. J.T. Mabry (Jaw); 8. Jeff Butler (Wes); 9. Chip Lengle (Wes). 0-2: 1. Paul Johnson (Wes); 2. Bruce Best (Wes); 3. Pete King (Jaw); 4. Amanda English (Wes); 5. Tom Fehrman (Wes); 6. Jay Rickets (Wes). 0-3: 1. Ricky Wells (Wes); 2. Ricky Felicio (Wes); 3. Ricky Adams (Wes); 4. Ronnie Woodsford (Wes). 0-1: 1. T.J. Fowler (Jaw); 2. Mark Carrillo (Jaw); 3. Justin Boyle (Jaw); 4. Greg Hooten (Jaw); 5. Alex eMA Friday Night Summer MX Series Round 5: UttIe Okie Raceway Baker's Night in the Spotlight By EDDIE GRAVELINE MADERA, CA, AUG. 31 hough he just recently started riding an 85cc motorcycle, Clovis' Nicolas Baker is already making a name for himself in the premier Mini class. At 10 years old, Baker is in the younger 80cc (9-11) class at the bigger races, but he rides the Intermediate class at smaller events like the Friday Night Series. On August 31, none of the local experts showed up, and that was fine with Baker, because their absence put him in the spotlight. Baker blazed through both of his motos, riding the track with the Novices. He also won the 80cc X race easily. Baker has great corner and straightaway speed. The only place he ever loses ground to other riders is in the whoops, where his light weight is a disadvantage. While Baker was blitzing ahead of the pack, young Kyle Zarr was doing some pretty good riding himself in the Novice class. Zarr got great starts in both motos and actually stayed close to Baker the first couple of laps each time out. He eventually slowed down to a more comfortable pace, but as soon as he can maintain the same speed for 10 laps, he'll be ready to move up a class and challenge the faster guys. T cue. e n Behind Zarr, things were even more interesting. Joshua Duppong of Hollister fought his way to a secondplace finish in the first Novice race. Unfortunately, he had some trouble in the second moto and finished fourth. Fresno's Dylan Tolmasoff rode to consistent 3-2 finishes on his 10<80, and it paid off with second place overall. Dayton Hix took third overall with 4-3 moto finishes . Once again, Uttle Okie was flooded with 85cc Beginner riders. There were so many of them that the class was broken into two separate races. La Grange's Robert Alquist, who ran away with the overall via 1-1 moto scores, dominated the first division. Things were a little more complicated in the second division. Nacona Harlow finished fourth in the first moto, and as a result he probably didn't give the overall much thought. The MX gods were smiling on him, though, and as he rode to the win in the second moto, some of his competitors had trouble. In the end, his 4-1 scores held up for the overall win in the second division. The fifth event of the evening was an eclectic mix of smaller classes that made for some interesting races. The 250cc Beginner and Novice divisions were combined with the Vet e _ S • OCTOBER 10, 2001 75

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