Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o~RP Road RacinL AM 5OOa: Wlrid ChampiIlsIip Road Raci1g Series lAlla' 12 of 16 rtmlst, 1. VaIerao Ibssi (IblJ.loIf 1225/7 oml 2. MIx 8iaggI!VlIllJ.loIf 1183/3 oml 3. t.rns ~ (Ibll, Illij [147) 4. Alex 8sm; (IblL Bra2i [127/1 will 5. 9liljeNataro!VlIlll.. 1116) 6. NoUAbe!VlmJ.. 11(11) 7. Cats Da:a !Vim), ~ [1~) B. Sel21i1m1J [&JZ), ~ [93/1 will 9. Alex DWe (Ibl), Spall [911 10 Kenny Imrts .1". IB8I FN 250cc World ~ Road RaciIg Series [Aft2r 12 of 16 roundsl: 1. Daiji'o Kalllh [I-bll, Japao (247/B oml 2. TelwfaHa'adaIApr],. (19B/2oml 3 M;m:I [228/7-1 2. Se\e AlrTm IKawL 8eipn [182) 3. Eli Ewens [KlM), Nelheriands [171/3 wilsl 4. Kerreth ImlIrsen [KTMJ. ~ [162/3 wilsl 5. Ltigi Seglrj !Vlml, Fnn:e [161/1 will 6. AIessil !Van], Itlj 1'13] B. PW Gaps !ViITll.lleIpn 197) 7. Mirlli! AeuYer!Vanl. Nelheriands 191] 9. Th:mas T raYel'Sii [KlM), Itlj [77) 10. AIessanci'o Puur [Ills), Itlj [77) am Off-Road AM World ChamJionship Trials Series [After 9 of 9roundsl: 1. Doug l.an1pIIin [Mool, Eng~ 2. Takahisa fu~ 1Hon1, ~n 3. Mire Freixa 19'e1, Spall 4. Ihham Jar,;s 19le1, &>;m:I 5. Adam Raga (GGJ, Spall 6. Allert GM 0iIlls. NY 1'22) 5. wm Qoaig [G6J. CanlIla 1114] 6. .e;s!amiaIe, CA [41} 7. TV IJaoiis !ViITll. Hespera. CA (.«lJ 8. PiIl1:t GimiaI [KTMJ. 8ntIer Creek, CA (33) 9. 9lare EspJSiD IKawJ. PalJ, t# (Il/1 will £!nan GimiaI IKTM), 8ntIer Creek, CA (30) RM Wlrid CI1amlionsflip Erdu'o Series IAfter 6rJ 6roundst, 1. .ltla Sainiel [KlM), Frin1 [160/3 wils) [144/1 will 2. WI! AIDa MIll, Frin1 3. fwBos Elissoo [IlIs1, 9Mml [1291 4. Sand Aro [HusJ. Frin1 [125/3 wilsl (1Cl3) 5. 0aWl Kni!tt !Vam), Ergilrld 6. 9l!fan Mertnan [1-iJs1. Auslraia [101/2 wilsl (97/1 will 7. KaIi Tn IKTMJ, fil~ 8. 5jWi1 Pettei !Husl. Rn~ [83/' will 9. Bjlrne cansson IH~I. Sweden 1611 10. Rickard Lamson flM], &.wlIen 1591 AMAIFMF Am, Natir.aI Series lAlla' 8of 9roundst, 1. I.'itaell.affelty [KlM), ~, NJ 1226/71'1i1s1 [134) 3. AarxIi Hav.tins !Vim), Tf'il'lleiIl1; A!S, &: [1261 4. 0aWl Llfu !Vanl, BeiJ,Jhanl, WA 1114/1 will 5. MltlIlewSlMsh IGGJ, BIaile. MN 11121 6. AicImII.afleJty IGGJ, WIlle, NJ (95) 7. Fl:xIrey.lJdslJl [GGJ, Mala, III 1941 B TV IJaoiis !Van), ~, CA 1591 9. Brian GimiaI [KlM), 8ntIer O'eek. CA l5Bl 10. PW GimiaI [KTMJ. 8ntIer Creek, CA 148] 2. Fred Ib!ss 1Hus1,~, NJ Hillclimb NAA U.s. 800cc IiIcimb ~ lAlla' 13 01 15 1'llIIldst, 1. T9!"9rriIKawI..kilnsIDNn,PA [l65/3wilsl 2. Jell Th:mas !VlIlll, ~ N [155/1 wilsl 3. ~T~(Hll),MiJdem'.GTll49/3wilsl 4. 0aWl Wa:soo IHen), lJdlw, MA ['37/5 wils) 5. ptj Lillat (BSA]. ~, PA 11261 6. m Hirnbl.l". IH-O), ClJrlle1n!, MJ 1'041 7. Otsl 0isbemeI1 [In], lDJan, III 1001 8 Harry 0enIan IfHll. PenJ, IN [74) 9. fb1rej Smittl!Vamj, ~, PA (691 10. Brandon Kreeger [In], Red Liln, PA ISBI NM U.S. 540cc Hillcimb ChamJiooslips lAlla' 13 of 15 roundsl: 1. JeIlTlonas !Van), kldianajxlIis, IN (153/4 wilsl 2. Ptollilhart. EIi2abeI!, PA 1148/1 will 3. 0aWl Watson IHen), Lulilw, MA (144/6 wilsl 4. Otsl [isbenrett[ln1, Logan, III (125) 5. TIl1lX!IyFrai:!hoff(Honj,~,PA 11181 6. John HariIDn.l'. [ln1, ilmIJelilnI, MO [117/' will 7. Tger9rriIKawI,~,PA (1001 01rii Vantr,mg (IblJ. 0anSIie, NY 11m] 9. ArU10ny ~ IHen), ~, " [79J 10. I.'itael GraI.tes (IblL lJdlw, MA (69)

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