Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,.1IBJ ,i••' SWy r: A a.•• MIS) • H_ II • •1 EIIJIn 1111II51 • IecII Hii'll Trills . . . . ' ' ' ' IIISI • 2111 SIIIIIieIlI TriallIHSl • 2111 i...i' MIS) • Crutllt IIritiIII Ii_ IllS) • " r i b IhICIIi IllS) • ...., lit Trip DE, • IllS • DII) •H MIS) • frIeItyIe I itt wIT lVRSl • 11IIII #5 - 2 T.,. Set fIllS) • Ea,.... lVIS) • Fr••Ii IIIISI • Full fIllS I nl) • .... V btreme. 1111II51 • .....r....... RiJerI .... , 0IIIS1 .1IriIiq II E ••••r MlSI C.III (VB] • J-IaII1ftIS) • C_ IIVMSI. Z·Bowz IVHSI • UrIIaI IuIaIt Ilnl • III TwiIteJ IVa a IDI • SBF ~ I.F. I1ftISI • AI: hriII bra Staib iJil MlSI • lioIIti.. IDVDI • lis .... bb ••• 111I • IIIIir PrIi&Ct IllS] .1htwqcII SIrIiaI StiBlIIaI • lao.. If llVISl • 2 CaW 31nD) • Best III I n . All MlSI • &II ...... S,ut. II ..... IMI • SdI: 1111I .... WIt ~ •T IM] • T 1IutrIu I IMI • . . . . SlnIIIt IIIIJ • • AlIt SlnIIIt R • °tlilllMJ • Jeey: 1I52-a. llal • . . . , . hItBt lice . . IIBI • SlqI8It_: 1111I n • n Iflirt T 1hrIlII Trills , .• • .-..t Ie_.,. (1199) Travis Pastrana f Revelation 199 ~ Travis Pastrana cris:I - . lid! Colson, iClualoI T,.._ (101793) Eve! Knievel's SpecIacIllar Jumps DVD Soma as Iho _ , "'" OW _ wih"", """'" EwlKrlMl ~ Mr limed. Fran 'M'iIIl Stan'rAD VIdeo. S2U5 ('17921 Evel Knlevel: Last of the Gladiators Tho fooon, _ , " ' _ (Ii in~ sIyIe in OYII' 150 inciiBnts!rom g:j ra GP's, IDM TT, MX, D!ao R;o;ng, - . - . TriaislOld Paria-llabr. 56 _ ~~) Slednecks Y2K 2i1.,emme~RWmlIlII'" a 1llIny 115276) Millennium Owr200 ... _ ..... Havoc 11107) Born to Ride 1125(1) Crash KIngs MX art. 'moyhom.' <0 "" - i'c:latlg, _choT\ilrllilllr Morgol dolig 1ridII, Ie ia poJal18d """"" ........ -.ay. e.-n EIlIa, Shod HIo, 0.. - . Told Soia, Z8j1/18Iyan1lOld _""'" dolig SOIIW of.. biggest eMs n en Ml' on an. 3B IIWIAllS tam Fox _.$25.95 _.IDpdass'lOs _lOld cln 1Iio pka gsms from .. _lOld_O>llood"acddonl'bltoJO. e o _ m _ SWIOule Vodio. 124,95 ... b' ". We as 1 poriads foe FoxVidoo.$25.95 (143) Gary Semics MX Techniques '8: Bike Set-Up _ . Majasli: panornmas 01 - . Brilish CciorOla. Wyorilg, Montena'" SooIhOako._ ". ... oI~ridIng. "'" _ SIarilUilVidoo. l2AJ5 .... """"&_ _ trom motocross GP bat1Iegol.nds 10 max-.atlllck schooIlo¥ lAX -Is no one Slle? 55 rnn.lles lnlm WhIte Slant)uke Video. $24.9!i 1'5279) Crash KIngs Bikes 3 Tho _ spacIaCIior ........ """ "" \l6-'97 G!lOld Prix. _ 1On'l"llY.-"""'*"'Y._...... eo_lnm wt'it Staot\U VIdeo. $24.95 (l5556~mate Ride 2 TIi1y ridos ........ 'f01'_awayt _ ........, Wopo',bost _ _ , . . Man TT, k:e Kri1g, Hcl Rods&1lllll8. Hold ..1 n _from _ _ ViOo. S3U5 (14101 How to Get "The Winning Edae" GaIy . , . slXti of tJe tlp 10 riiefs nt oiliB. i Gtlulat ITIIlI lI81ius1tliisoi1gillo_haRl.go""""",1. s.a.. Iho ilIIe fricb Ihe lop pros use. learn what M 10 go !rom '100 10'1. takIs bn d'I8 moYe lor a year, lIrector Rick DcbIon captured tle I8lIIOn II _'I93;IllI_fromGBMXViOo. $52.95 lUll A) Holeshots 2; Getting Out First ,_~CXIIIIp8Iition_w/Sno:loso,_lOldl", ~ Tho_Is"'_~pan.llo_naIl.""'*'I 87 _eo (DiracD'. Cull'nm X.f_. $25.95 """""_ineilat AlIhoillls_lrido .. hefa,wihO-Y Baiay_""''' ""'lI""goIb"n.""isl, lOld""'''' "Pndiad n 2lQ); 3) rrftlIeI from GBMX Video. $21.J5 (1106) Blair Morgan Project e:-I ilO. In lie. . 012001, • cb:oolentaty ltTrnakef d:sappealed II _ _ P!ilceAl>orl_ RaaInlyia"""III ... (1412) S~ion Tuning & Race Prep bnf and IM8Iad rata inIeMan witl8lli, IlMl' . . , babe free ridoi>claga, ......... ~lOld_nm. SIri1gBloir ..... CartKlRf,T_ _ lOld _ _ :ll_ ~~&~T'=r=.,.row.J::..""~":""'" ~& .-y. Inm X.f_. l2SJ5 (1413) Bike Setup, Maintenance & Suspension INSTRUCTIONAL. AND TECHNICAl. 1'114) Motorcycle Survival Skills _ _ &""'.""'f01' IIio . &!ofIIinggood. Also ..... _ lilutloi riciIg~ &Iho ... wlsuggastiOls 1 rWng~ ~~. P_2IB8;eo"""", from GBMXVodeo. GatyBaiay~"". con"" """*"" (1414) The Beoinning: How to Ride ll'!'hM_ridar R;o;ng, S21.95 MOVIES (1251) How to Win an Enduro Hoolod by National EnciJIo Champion I.tIo L.oIf'r1y ... KllA _ chloI Alon RW,lho'f _ '" Iho _ , Ir1lning and _ . EnciJIo ricilgm."""'Y.""". _lpl8lJll'l1lsbyT,~ Daug_MaIl_ ... olhorNaliOlalM-.47_ from lJ9lal- F""'Y. 124.95 11251 A) How to Win an Enduro II Oro hor. BlinciotJoll_._~Tna;OM_. lli.o:foion Racng; lOld .inl.oononl.Vra&_ 8O_1nm II171Fl Sweet $pot Video: Motorcycle Hvgiene to...: Cfamg Iho """"JdO IiMD... 1IniIIIe6r. winfaiiiIng ... _(\Jb/ ......... -.tng, BMX, ==~~~~SKlat _,Jonlol BumslOld Jar_or. _bylil_~(M,NofX. Pomywiso,Bol_Good_~:J1lllll8.o e _from ~ Vodoo. l2AJ5 1'159) FreeRide Revolution CapImi Iho bOSllrido ... """" lnm 3......._ .... wih _ ".1XD F",ffida_X~ps c:ornmenlaly from !he premiere ikl811 woo created and perlol1Tled these rmd-bIowilg maneIN8Il. ~ ITIiltJtlls Irom X.factor. $29.95 Call to Order Today! _._","'rd~ bost_·lOld _ __"" .... F-..g i>claga"''' ao1y" you'I"-'.JoarnrlOldolhor",,_nilcbinVto_. _",,,,",b_lIX,1Ial1olli>y,~_,...,,pro,Iho mail ob,IcM 0I1hB w:iId Is ~ mabl)llll' b8lO8r ridlIt. """ Daly _ ViOo.ll2J5 eo miIiaI (139) Gary Semics MX Techniques 15: What To Do On Race Day _ _ &_how"_""""IIIloui/l""doy,how ."""",,~""_bdtw8lopsoY"'lboleolyb'" yoor.;aII"'" """ Iho goIo """" and how. keep rightstete 01 poIIonn"Y"'bail

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