Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NAn. CHAlPlONSIIl fBJS AMAICtwt TruckI 3/23 ~ 4113 4/20 4/'lI S/4 HclJSlon, TX, And 11 Sllouls, MO. And 12 P\lnIIac, MI, RIll 13 DeIea. TX, And 14 SaIl Lae CIty, UT, And lS 1M Vegas, NY, And 18 ~1IIlw InIuranct Flat Track Chlmplonlhlpl SupIrbIb SIrieI !lr'23-3O AIllln, VA, And 11 9/29 2002 AMAICtwt TruckI u.s. MolocnlII ClwnpIolIIhIp AlIA FIIF RIcIng NIlIonII Enduro SIrieI 5112 5118 5/2B fI9 &'16 7(7 7/14 7/21 7/2! Soo1 Bon-.o, CA Socrwnnl, CA Mt. _ . PA SouIhwict, MA EluddI CIeok, MD 1leRx. ~ RIll 4 AnaheIm, CA, Rill S indlInIpob, IN, And 6 MirlnellIlOit. MH, Rill 7 AlIna, GAo And 8 Ooylb e.:tl, Fl, And 8 LA RIll 10 9130 10/28 ~ 0uai1, It, And 20 WoMrine, MI, And 8 ou-e Clly,DE. And 9 AlIA NatIonal HIre Scr8mblII SerleI 10/14 LynrMIe, IN, And 9 AMA NIlIonIl HIre • Hound SIrIIa 1~4 10/28 iJJceme VeIIey, CA, And 7 iJJceme VllIloy, CA, Rill 8 AlIA GrInd NatIonal CIOII CountIy SerleI 1~7 Sl ClaIrovIIe, C1H, And 12 10120-21 ClawfctdevIIIe. IN, Rill 13 Into: JW284.OO84 or gncx:rac:Ing,com AlIA U.s. H111cl1mb awnponstIlp 9130 10/14 JeI!oloon, PA, And 14 0r8QlIia, OH, And lS AMMJS DnIg RIcIng ClwnpIolIIhIpI 11,9-11 ~Fl,RIIl8 AHRMA Midwest Regional MX series Info: Cl.r1is I9per 816-22Q.ll814 or lll( 1~3 Casey.IL Info: Brad Kennard, 51$-~190, AHRMA Southeast RegIonaJ Dirt Track Series AHRMAlAMS Racing, Bullaco Moton:ycles Penton Imports, Pro-FIo, Sbictly Dirt, Yuasa Northeast Regional MX Series ltV13 South Edmeston, NY Info: Tom T _ , 315-652·7663. olistaIIa@a·znelcom AHRMA Northeast Regional Post·Vlntage MX Series ltV13 South Edmeston. NY Info: Gordy Mc:Caffer, 315-673-1971. AHRMA Northwest RegIonal MX Series 9/30 Madras,OR 10/21 HoIIis1er, CA 1114 TIMre, CA Inlc: Dick Mann, 77$-26$-4904, lGp~laIvma.~Iripod,CCITVlI1dex.hlm AHRMA Rocky Mountain Regional MX Series 10/7 Ber1houd, ce Into: 3OJ.ll29.3069, mxhd55IIemor AHRMA Southeast Crose Country SerIes 10127 Macon, GA Info: Rollert Groves, 615-641.Jo18S. PIrtI UnllmItad Woltd 011Road ChampIonahIp SerIes 1~ flooebuv, OR, Rill S 12/15-18 LaugNin, NY, And 8 Info: 702/837-2498 or www.' Best In The DIMlt SIlwr StIlI SerIes 11/30-12/2 TBA, NY, RIll 5 Info: ForrlUI USA NatIonal DIIt Track SerIII 1016 1017 DoIMa-, CA, And 10 DoIMa-, CA, And 11 Info:~ 2001-2002 Speed StIck NatIonaJ leA" IlICrOII SerleI 11/2-4 Ceo Mahee. IA, RIll 1 11,9-11 Albany, NY, And 2 11/16-18 Won:t.W, MA, And 3 11/30-12/1 l.8IpIjg, GlrmIny, FInd 4 12114-1 S GenoYa, And S 12128-30 ForI Worth, TX, And 8 1/441 GrInd RaPdo, MI, And 7 1/11·13 GUhrte, OK. And 8 1/11-20 8aJtimore, MD, And 9 112S-27 HImpton, VA, Rill 10 211-3 TomIO, CMada, And 11 211-10 MIIwoullee, WI, And 12 2115-17 Derr.ow, ce, And 13 2/22·24 SacnonenIo, CA, And 14 3/1-3 POI1Iand, OR, And 15 3/1-'0 0aIdand. CA, And 18 3/15-17 V~, B,C" And 17 3/22·24 Tacoma, WA, And 18 10113 New Ashford, MA 10127 W_.MA Info: 8601693-9111 or Intemational Oldtimers Motocross series 9/29-30 Us Vegas, NY 10/27·28 AdeIanIo, CA Info: 253/84O-ll466 or WWW.cldlirnsrmx.CXln1 Podium One MX Gold series 9/29-30 ~.IN 10/20-21 ~,IN 11/3-4 ~.IN Info: 812/256-5517 or FMF/Big 6 Grand Prix ChampIonshlp Series 1016-7 San _no, CA, And 5 11/3-4 Gonnan, CA, Rnd 6 Info: n4/3n-0909 or 310/322-3612 or KORR Grand Prix Series 10/21 11/4 11/11 12/2 WlChiia. KS Odin. KS Hillsboro, KS Marion, KS Yoder, KS Info: 316/942-6527 1219 www.geoci1ies.~ KORR Motocross Series AHRMA Missouri SlIle Whiners Be Dammed Tour 10/7 Odin, KS 10114 HiIsboro. KS 10/28 Marion. KS Info: 3161942-6527 1017 SIDlIs City. MO AHRMA Midwest DIrt Track Grand Championship 9/30 Peoria. IL Info: 931/967-7838 or www.midwestmx.conVdtrad< AHRMA Utah Rim Roell Challenge Trials series 9129-30 0eIIe, UT Inlc: eo1/474-ll465 NETRA Championship Enduro Series 10/21 Chester. CT 1114 W, Slaffonl. CT Info: 8601693-9111 or NETRA Championship Hare Scrambles series 10/7 Sterling, CT Info: 8601693-9111 or netnI,0f8 • NETRA Turkey Run Serles New Boston. MA W1I1Chendon, MA 10114 C8n1raI Village. CT 11/11 Tall1lon, MA Into: 860/693·91 11 or neI1a.0f8 9130 10(7 NETRA ChampIonship Junior Enduro Series 9129 _,CT KORR Supercrosa Series 9/30 -'.KS Info: 316/942-6527 -- STTARS Super TT American Racing Series 10/6-7 1219 Del Mar, CA Buttonwilow. CA 9/30 11/11 BrernenVanc-mx l Mut,....put t:a 2001 foil Rocs Series Club _ Saturday Night September 29. 2001 Rnd " Club Malo Saturday Night October 20, 2001 Rnd If2 Club Molo gat.. open @ 3:00pm Cal (201) ID«MI Of c:hec:* UI on the web @ USIll~~c~t~~u. U _ea __,.00\0_...1 INFO (661) 256-1234 MI"~........ Club MoIo Into ll2S-44S-MOTO cue I e e HoamycJe Rood Raei"l on '"The Futest Tnck In lI>e Wm," Mo

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