Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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competjtion. Eric McMahon wrapped up a LOCAL TALENT 16th-place finish in the 16-24 C class but didn't make the 125cc C main event. KTMmounted Jeff Odom and Yamaha rider John Odom both failed to make the 125cc C main, but both were smiling and having lots of fun. The attitude in the pits was upbeat, with lots of laughter and talk about how awesome the track was. Next year can't get here too soon. Results WMN: 1. ~Iy Kam (Yam): 2. Knstm Juday (Suz): 3. Ashley W@nael (Kaw); 4. Avery Prouty (Hon);~. Jeonnif~ Brunette (Hon). MICRO JR (4·S): I. Clanon ChaplewskJ (Cob); 2. Blake Du~ (Cob): 3 Jostoph Neumann; 4. Tyler Monks (Cob). MICRO SHAfT (4-6): I. Travislgo (Yam): 2. Cody stodm (Yam); 3. Tyler Espe (Yam); 4 Collin Hagen (Yam); S.Logan Conley (Yam). MICRO (7.8): I. Jake I...oberg (Cob): 2. Matthew Parker (taM); 3. Teagan Knowlton (KTM): 4. Casey Erickson (Kaw); 5. Jonathan LeClaIre. 65 (7-9): I. Gannon Audette (KTM). 2. Jeremy Martin (Kaw)~ 3. Casey Mc:Kin (KTM); 4. Aaron Hanten (KTM); 5. Jake Loberg (Kaw). 65 (10-11): I. Randy DIBartolo; 2. Jesse Kangas (KTM): 3. Cameron lansing (Kaw); 4 A1eJl Martin (Kaw): 5. Bnan Prelgo (Kaw). 80 MINI (9·12): I. Cody Gilmore (Kaw): 2. John Heinlein II (Kaw); 3. Ryan Dungey (Hen): 4. Nolan Erickson (Yam); 5. Chlld Schmidt (Kaw), 85 (7-11): I. John Heinlein It (Kew); 2. Chad Schmidt (Kew); 3. Cameron lansing (Kaw); 4. Tyler Watt (Yam); S. Terry Kreft (Yem). as (12-15): I. Kody ScMnlZen (Kaw); 2. Cody Gilmore (Kaw); 3. Trevor Monks (Suz): 4 Ryan Oates (Hen); 5. Casey Fisher (Hon). S/MlNI (12·15); I. John De Otis (KlIw): 2. Clisey FlWl' (Hen); J. Trevor Monks (SUl); 4. Brllndon Parliliment (Kaw); 5. Jeff Hudgins (s..). 125 A: I Joshua Hansen (Yam); 2. JusUn Brayton (Hen); 3. Brett OtUand (Yam); 4. Rick Dittus (Yem); 5. Matthew Bla.ser (Yam). 125 B: I. 6fad Knospe (Han): 2. Jeremy Girard (Yam): 3. Cawy Tollefson (Yam); 4. Hlrue (Yam): 5. Ptllnlp Feht (Yam). 125 C: I. James Hudgms; 2. Jesse S<:hIoger. J. Jed\!! Dungey (Hen): 4. Craig Koutsky Jr. (Yam); S. Jeremy HouJe (Hon). 250 1'1:. I. Joshua Hansm (Yam); 2. Justin Brayton (Hon); 3. Ardtf!w Thybl!rg (Hon); 4. Cory YOWlg (Yam); 5. Dan LuIoIf (Hon). 250 B: I. Brad Knotpl!! (Han); 2. Adam Pfeiffer. 3. Chns A1tho1J (Soa); 4. Alex Bwn••"O", (Hen); 5. Eric.owIand (Kaw). 250 C: I. Ryan Bailqt (Yam); 2. Drew Aclngl!!l" (!(aw): 3. Tyre! A1\!!lulI\der (Suz): 4. Stephen Klll!!r (Kaw); 5. Doug Tessner- (Hon). YTH: I. Anthony Judnkk (Yam): 2. Jeremy Gu'ard (Yam); 3. Scott Zoot (Kaw); 4. JalOn On- (Yam); 5. Tony Bistodl!!ou (Hon). 16-24 A. I. Brdl Oh!and (Yam); 2.. Mike Buttolbon (Yam): 3 Jesse Johnson (Ke.): 4. Robert Pl!!nders (Hon): S. Troy Mealey (Yom). 16-24 B; 1. &ad Knoope (Hen); 2. AJ.. "'"'-"'" (Hen); 3. Brad Scott (Kaw); ... Chris AIthoIJ (Sla); 5. Jonathon Hentges (Yam). 16-24 C: 1 James Hudgins; 2. Crllig Koutsky Jr. (Yam): J. J~. my Houle (Hon); 4. Cory Evmon: 5. Joseph Kidd (Hon). 25-- 1'1:. I. Den LuIoff (Han); 2. Bill Medek (Yam): J. David Hams (Yam); 4. Patrick Mcl'larnara (Hen); 5 Chad Faulkner (Yam)_ 25+ B: J. MIchael Lemkl! (Han); 2. Eugene Miller (Yam): 3. Greg Ingets (Kaw); 4. Tom Krause (Yam): 5 Jeff Ndzer (Kew) 25+ C: I. Rob OkClnl!!k (Hon): 2. Petrick Schrein~ (Suz); 3. ~te Emme (Yom); 4. Shand Garda (Hon); 5. BubhrI Sunders (Hon). 30+ VET A: I. Bruce Gates (Hon): 2.. Dan LuJoff (Hon): 3. Patrick McNamara (Hen): 4. Dantel Benham (Yam): 5. Fred Nl!Ue (Yam). )0... VET B: I. Eugene Miller (Yam); 2. Bryan Hansen (Hon); 3. Guy Brown (Hon): 4. Greg Ingetl (Kaw); 5. Todd Osman (Kaw). JO.+ VET C: 1. Doug Tessner (Hon): 2. Kirk Bushman (Yam): 3. Dwight Maggard (Yam); 4. Robert Finoch (SuI): 5. Pete Em~ IKew). 4(H SR A: I. Ronald Downen (Kew): 2. lonny Brown (KzIw); 3. Randy Bawnan (Hoo): 4. Dana KOl!!nlng (Hon); 5. Kirk Hibbert (Sw:). 40+ SR B: 1. Mike McCutcheon (Yam); 2. Larry Wayt (Yam); 3. Ron Heppner (Yam); 4. D. Osborn (Hon): 5. John Carter (Hon). 40+ SR C: I. Steve ErIckson (Ka.): 2. LDrry Clark (taM): 3. Bill Cox (Kaw); 4, Steve Lange (Kaw): 5. KIrk Brown (Yam), 50+ FOSSIL: I. Mike Quinn (Yam): 2. Donliid Hlichmeister (Kaw): 3. Mike EdwIJrds (KTM). Murray Supercross The Wild Wild West Show By DAVIO AND JESSICA SCREWS MURRAY, KY, AUG. 25 Season Awards Banquet: The top five 125cc C SX class riders of the Minnesota State Supercross Championship· (from left to right and from fifth to first, respectively) TIm Schultz, Wesley Mellgren, Adam Gregory, Adam Jeurlssen and Trent Sims· proudly display their trophies at the awards banquet in Jordan, Minnesota. DONNIE BRITTON BIIlTlllDATE ••••...August 30, 1984 RESlDEIICE Digging deep and breathing fire, West let it all hang out in the main. From the time the gate dropped until the checkers fell, it was all West. He took the holeshot and the early lead and set out to do one thing and one thing only - win. With the others behind him, he began to pull away from the battle over second between Wells and Hall, putting half a lap or so between himself and those two. One could sense the intensity in his focus. He was pulling a James "Bubba" Stewart. He was racing the track, not the others. Working his way through lapped traffic, West let it be known that when any competitor in the 85cc class pulled into the pits and spotted that big white trailer with Levi ·Wild Wild" West painted across its side, they'd better be ready to race. The 85cc main ended with West way out front, Wells second and Hall third. Results 50 (4·8), I. W,*" """'" (Cob); 2. John .oddkk (KTII); 3. Lak. Butterworth (Yam): 4. R06Ie Evans (Yam); 5. Ryan HopkIns (Yam). 6' (7·11): 1, Justin LawmM:e (KTM): 2. Nathan Jones (Kaw): 3. Clvistlan Wetlon (KTM); 4. Clint Crick (Kaw); S. Erk Black (KTM). 85 (7.11): 1. Levi West (Kaw); 2. Austin Weill (Kaw); 3. Douglas Hall (Suz): 4. JUIUn Crick (Sw:): 5. BerNnd P@nny (Yam). (12-15); I. Ben Crittendon (Kew); 2. Steve Kissler (KlIw): 3, Travis Mason (Sw:): 4. Dennis Crt<:k (Kaw); 5. Lance Cower (Suz). S/MlNI: I. Ben Crittendon (Kaw): 2. Austin Wells (KlIw); 3. Steve Kissiar (Kaw); 4. Levi West (Kaw); 5. Douglas Halt (Sut). OPEN Ell(, 1. Toby K...... (Hen); 2. .l« (Hen). 30_ BIC' I. KoIIy 0 - (Yom); 2. MItch I\n;ght (s..~ 3 Tony T""""" (Hen); 4. F~k ".""" (Yom); 5. Shmy Cnuondoo (Kaw). 40.: I. Fnmk FISher (Yarn): 2. Rob Ervin (KTM): 3, Sheny Crit- Student 0nIEJI '.IUESIS •.• Snowboarding, Mountain Biking tendon (Kaw). DISCIPLIME • . . . . . . . . . . Motocross IIcnaacYaJs . .2001 Yamaha VZt25 Minnesota State SX Championship and VZ250 Season Awards Banquet ~ ...FMF, Designs, John Burr Cycles, Dragon, PJl Champs Take Just Desserts By Troy Lee CJ· IF ..•••. 125cc Intermediate, 250cc Intermediate JOE HURD IlECElIT aee:-.. " JORDAN, MN, AUG. 21 The 2001 Minnesota State .'S -First overall, 125cc Intermediate Supercross Championship is in the record books. Nine venues, from as far south as Division One, 2000 Las Vegas Austin to as far west as Morton, hosted the 13- World Mini Grand Prix round series. With only one rained-out event, and no Motokazie road-show incidents or acci- -Seventh overall, Schoolboy class, dents to report, the 2001 season was consid- 2000 Loretta Lynn's Amateur ered a great success. Nationals Riders of all ages and abilities traveled with the series in chase of the coveted points. At each new event, the rider base consisted of the points-chasing pack of Motokazie regulars and the local riders competing in front of their friends and families. The series regulars "Because I love the competition, it gives me something to do, and it gives me a big goal to work towards: chased the points aU season with the tenacity of seasoned professionals. At every event, you could see the Pure Insanity Racing team from Jordan, Minnesota, waving their skull-andcrossbones flag to demonstrate their dedica- For most of this year's season, he's tried so hard that on many occasions he's taken a soil sample or two during a day's events. If there tion to the championship. With such a great group of competitors and fans, the 2002 Minnesota was ever an example of hard work and persis- State Supercross Championship should be bigCIt geryet. tence paying off, young Kawasaki jockey Levi West is one. As the 2001 season wears down, West is beginning to come into his own. Jump· ing from the 65cc ranks to the 85cc ranks this year, West took a while to adjust to his larger machine. He has finally begun to run with the podium crowd on almost every outing. In late August at Murray Supercross, West "The people and the competition: Final Results SO SHAFT SX: 1. Adam R Kerber; 2. Tyler Inga.Ils: 3. TyI~ Eape; 4. lfta f'ileHn: 5. Dylan Obcn. 50 CHAIN SX: I. Dan J. Greig; 2. Adam R. Kerber, 3. #l\artln Strutyk; 4. Tl1Iq. GmdeIond; made his presence known in both the Supermini and 85cc Junior classes. Running with the big boys in Supermini competition, he took on the likes of Ben Crittendon, Austin Wells, Steve Kissiar and Douglas Hall. Taking a fourth-spot finish in the heat, West charged off the gate in the main and found himself in third as he rounded the holeshot comer behind Crittendon and West. Behind him was hardcharging and seasoned Kissiar. On the fourth lap, Kissiar skipped past West in the whoops and took over third. When the checkers waved, West had held on to fourth behind Crittendon, Wells and Kissiar. The 85cc Junior class. however, was all West's. Competing against racers more his age, West pushed himself in the heat and took a small spill in a harsh right-hand comer. Before he could remount and charge, Hall and Wells had made the pass, and they held on to first and second, respectively, for the rest of the race. West pulled himselftogether and finished third. Murray Supercross: levi West (11) plays leader-of·thepack in the 85cc Junior class in Murray, Kentucky. 5. Tyl.dn..... "'Ricky Carmichael, because he's determined to be the best ever: 60 (7·9) SX: J. Kody Klemelson; 2. WilHam Doane; 3. Dylan Haney; 4. Cole Seeton: 5. Dan J. Greig. 60 (10·11) SX: I. Dylan HaM)': 2. Fred Schmidt; 3. Damon Bamidt; 4. Dan ~ 5. Jake Struzyk. 80 (7-11) SX: I. Allan Qu.ndrud: 2. Derek Davis; 3. Cole Sealon: 4, William Doane; 5. Eric Eape, 80 (12-15) SX: I. Andrew Jeuttlferl: 2.Judd Ne": 3. Clay Davis: 4. K~vn QUe; .5. Sam Theis. 125 B SX: I. Clayton Carlson; 2. Tyfer Neese: 3. JusWl HoYi!r. 4. John Franek. 125 C SX: I. Trent Simi; 2. Adam Jeurlssen; 3. Adam Gregory: 4. Wesley Mell· gren; 5. TlITl Schuh:. 250 B SX: I. Martin T. Clark; 2. Ross Thompson; 3. Jason Sc:hulberg. 250 C SX: I, Adorn Jeurissen; 2. John Henlll!!n; 3. TIm My",; 4. Rkhard Hl!!N'ler"l; 5. Anthony Lake. 16-29 SX; l. Cloyton ClIrl5Oll: 2, Tyler Neese: 3. Trent SIms. VET 30. SX: I. Bill TlIlford; 2. Doug .....T·S YD•• GoaL ..... hIS YEAII? "To win an Amateur National Championship and then move up to the Pro class and do the best I can:' By Greg Robertson ""'.,.,..; 3..... Thompoon. PRO SX: ). LeI! to\. Theis; 2. ..Ic*\ Cart· IOn; 3. Cory Keeney; 4. Austin Holm; 5. Jeff Doyle. cuele n .... 8: OCTOBER 3, 2001 55

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