Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tequilas Ride ride's highlights, and before we knew it we were accompanying taxis and tour buses into the lively destination city. Travel Extreme schedules the tour so that clients get to enjoy that afternoon, the following day, and the next morning before leaving from Puerto Vallarta International Airport, so we had ample time for shopping, swimming, a massage, walking on the rnalacon, and shenanigans that shall not be revealed here. We even could have taken a boat ride to a remote beach if we had worked up the energy. Allende - was a doozy. What with the distance and the slow pace, as well as a lengthy rnariscos lunch stop in Autlan (birth place of Carlos Santana), it soon became clear that we would be testing the efficacy of our XR400s' headlights. Mine actually necessitated a quick trailside repair after I pinched its wire with the fork, but Saul had it re-lie before the sun disappeared. After that, we finished the day in complete darkness arriving at 10 p.m., but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll do the same, since Travel Extreme is considering altering the route to shorten day two. By comparison, day three was relatively tame, as the 1OO-mile jaunt down to Puerto VaJlarta included a large dose of mellow fire road, though the guides could have made the route more difficult if we'd insisted upon it. As it was, there was plenty of time for a leisurely lunch stop in San Sebastian, where the stores' walls still have bullet-holes that date back to the revolution. The vista- and fun-filled drop down to the ocean was one of the CAbovel Hmm••• Could you lower tMt _ height for me a little? (LeftI Tour l_cJer Saul Arambula rtcI. . by a fteld of aplve, the plant from which tequila I. derived. Smert ~ _ 11ft to -.alfy wIlIIt'l Included In the price, IIId this poIlcy IIIso holcII true wItII -.otofCydc tourI. The 0fPIIIzas 01 the TcqullII RIcIc do their bat to tIIInIc 01 .-yo ItIlng you IIllght -.t, IIId thInIcs to tIM cIcIlIIr'l strcngIIIln CCIlIII*lson to tIM peso, they _ lIblc to oIIIr quite • bit far tIM tour PIbr JncIucIIng tIM following. • PICk-up at Miguel Hidalgo Airport in Guadalajara and drop-off at Puerto Vallarta Intemational Airport • AD necessary ground transportation • Three days of riding and one complete tourism day each in Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta (plus any time in moming before departing night) • A guided tour through the respected HefTadura tequila distillery and hacienda, which WlIS built in 1870 • A well-prepared Honda XR400, complete with FMF exhaust and Acerbis handguards • Multiple chase trucks that transport luggage and meet the group at refueling and lunch stops • A full-time mechanic that rides in the chase truck, works on bikes lit pit stops, and wllShes and repairs bikes lit day's end • Two or more bilingual trail guides (one lead rider and one sweep rider) with years of experience riding the area and competing in events like the Baja 1000 and Mexican National Enduros • Guides carry an extensive tool kit and first-aid kit (clients can also carry these Items if desired, but it is not necessary) • A calling card and a list of emergency phone numbers to carry and use in the unlikely case that a rider becomes separated from the group • A laminated map of each day's route • Hand-delivery of gear bags to hotel rooms at day's end • Wet face-towels available at each gas stop • Guides equipped with radio communication to and from each other and the chase trucks • Clean, comfortable hotels for each overnight stay, including a luxury, beach-front hotel for the two nights in Puerto VaJlarta • Option of two routes - an easier, shorter one for less experienced riders and a longer, more difficult one for those looking for a challenge (both are beautiful, so be honest) • Access to private properties whose proprietors grant access only to clients and personnel of the Tequilas Ride • Beverages, fruits and snacks during the trip • All meals, inclueling 1I welcome elinner on the first day and a farewell dinner on the last day (stay in Puerto Vallarta hotel includes alcoholic beverages) • Availability of ground or aerial transportation to medical facilities in case of emergency (expenses generated are not covered) • Not included: Medical or life insurance (be sure yours applies in Mexico); alcoholic beverages at most meals • On the horizon: Travel Extreme is considering offering a package price for non-riding friends or spouses of riders who want to visit local artisans during the days and rejoin the group for the evenings 24 OCTOBER 3,2001 • cue I • n e _ s On our final evening, while lazing pools ide and watching the sun descend into the Pacific (Puerto Vallarta boasts truly incredible sunsets), we struck up a conversation with a group of Texans who were staying in the same luxury hotel that we were. Like us, these folks were nearing the end of their tour package, and it happened that several among them were dirt-bikers; when they heard what we were up to, their faces gradually took on a look of envy, and while I took no pleasure in diminishing the pleasure of their vacation, the jealousy was justifiable. Our new friends' trip while pleasant - had been of the typical fly-in, get-herded-to-tourist-trap, fly-out variety, while ours had availed us an up-close look at the real Mexico - by motorcyclel What could be better? CN Our tour took place before the recent terrorist attacks, which have since had c;n adverse affect on traveling and tourism. As a result. Travel Extreme is offering a special promotional price of $1500 through November, after which the price wiLl be raised to $2300. This and the current low 'airfares rnake the tour especially affordable at the moment. So ,ea. I Ie T ~ IIkkf II led ill u,tag _ die Good",-,IIoft..,. ................-bdp,..pI'qI8ft- PRICE: S 1500 through November 2001; $2300 startjng in December 2001 PAYMENT: Cash or wired transfers (credit cards are not accepted) TELEPHONE: 01J/52/3.673-5397 or 011/52/3-673-2420 ADDRESS: Avenida Naciones Unldas, ;;4953·A Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico WEB SITE: (for information on Puerto Vallarta, log on to or E-MAIL:

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