Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$ $2CXJ .~ n.f4 ~ ~~ 612-8744-5552 \IVV\IVV.spor"" $15 (3CJrrrnl $19 (4OTvn) No Kidding in Australia has introduced tire warmers for Pocket Bikes. They emphasize that the warmers are not toys, hut that these special-sizeand-specification warmers give longer tire life and more feel to the rider - of the pocket bike. They also boast safer starts and improved dder confidence on the pocket bike. They can be powered by indoor or outdoor 110 or 220 volt portable generators so you can be outside - with your pocket bike. Cernoto lcelia 80 Vie Stelle Sen VlgIIIO, Brescle. Italy 25060 SOS/506-7159 Keep On Rollin' Cemoto's polyurethane chain roller IS designed for neXlbility and durability. It also helps to reduce cham noise and cham friction. It even features sealed bearings for water and mud resIstance. The rollers are avallable in 30 and 40mm sizes. $279.95 .. ..,,- NlteF;'\lder - HeadHuncer~"'" .~ "'''';;:~~_e~?_llght - Research Group Three SUSpenSion 3164 E. La Palma Avenue, Unit A Anaheim, CA 92806 71 4/630-07B6 V\IVI/ $389.95 N1teRlder- Technical Llghtlng Systems 8205 Ronson Road, SUite E Sen Diego, CA 921 1 1 858/268-931 6 VI/VV\N.nlterJder.corTl Think of the Light Even though it's spelled dJfferenUy, when most Amencans hear "Knight RIder,they thmk DaVId Hasselhoff and KIT (the black fueblTd with the red, moving light on the hood). NiteRIder actually speClabzes in lights, and their HeadHunter lighting system mounts direcUy to an off-roader's helmet to provide light wherever the dder looks. They claim the battery life of the light is a whoppmg four hours, and they also claim that, with this hght, motorcyclists have been able to ride at 85 to 95 percent of their daytime speeds at night! This light was used hy three class wmners and the overall wmners of this year's maugural Baja 2000. You Can Feel It RG3 has introduced a uruque trIple-clamp system for Honda's new CR and CRF motorcycles. It's unIque because it utilizes four soft-compound rubber mountIng pomts to prevent the twisting assOCIated WIth two-post systems. RG3 says the same deSIgn IS used by Travis Pastrana and KeVID Windham, though hopefully, for Suzuki's sake, not on Hondas. But RG3 mamta1J1s that they both benefit, as mere mortal oders could, from lessened arm pump, less trarJSUlltted vibration, less harshness over squareedged bumps and fewer hand bbsters - all while retammg a posItIve feel. The clamps are made from high-quality aerospace-grade alUUllOum and are hard-anodJZed, and the rider has their chOIce of bar-mount sIze and POSltiOO at the tJrne of purchase. cue I _ n __ S • OCTOBER 3, 2001 63

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