Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"I feel blessed to have been a part of this great sport for so many years/' Ryno Rettres esterday, after visiting my doctor, r. Schleimer, I was forced to make he most difficult decision of my life. fter a number of head injuries susained during the recent season, my octor, for the benefit of my own peronal health, has advised me to retire rom the sport I love so much. So it is with that advice that I now ave to write the letter I have always readed. As I sit here coming to erms with the fact that I'm retiring, I eel like I am losing a member of my mily. For 17 years, long before I et my wife Jennifer and we had our on Evander, I have been a racer. rom the time my father, Bill, first ook me racing when I was 11 years Id, it is all I have ever known. Year n and year out, I have poured 100 ercent of myself into trying to chieve my goals and dreams in racng. To now be placed into a position here I am forced to give that up is omething I am struggling to put into ords. However, for both myself and y family, it is something I must do. From the injuries I have suffered articularly the head injuries - my octor informed me that I would be orced to retire from any sport, not ust motocross. I've hit my head so any times this year (and in years ast), that my doctor explained to me at if I do not step away from racing mmediately, I may begin to experince a slowing in my reactions that I ay not realize until the damage is one permanently. Making this deciion even more difficult is the fact hat less than a week after the Steel ity National, my close friend Jeremy cGrath asked me to sign a contract o ride the 2002 Outdoor Nationals or his team, McGrath Racing. 'And hile this is a bitter disappointment or me, I feel blessed to have been a art of this great sport for so many ears. Whether it was the time I received y first factory ride with Team Kawasaki in 1991, battling to the biter end for the AMA 125cc National hampionship in 1995, competing in he 250cc World Championship Series in 1999, riding on the winning U.S. Motocross des Nations team last September, or being known as one of the most determined, hardest working guys out there, I am very, very proud of what I accomplished in professional motocross. With my career now coming to an end, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors that have believed and supported me through my career. I would have never achieved what I did without all of you. Finally, I'd like to thank all of you, the fans. Through all the ups and downs, you've been there, in the sta- dium seats or along the snow fence, cheering me on. I can't begin to tell you how much that has meant to me. In closing, I'd like to let it be known that I am not giving up on the sport I love. I am about to begin a new chapter in my motocross life, and one that will bring me into close contact with many of you. Although I won't be out there racing, I'll still be very involved in the sport that has meant everything to me. Yours in racing, Ryan Hughe, Temecula- CA The preceding letter to Hughes fans was dated September 14, 2001 ... Editor. ISDE Thanks CyclePro of Santa Rosa, California, would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends, family and customers who generously donated to help our rider, Junior World Trophy Team Member Craig Wesner, get to this year's International Six Days Enduro. After a get off on day two, Craig suffered a broken foot. Being the determined young man that he is, Craig soldiered on for the remaining four days and captured a very respectable Silver Medal for the good 01' USA. We are all very proud of him. The downside of this endeavor is that while in France, Craig's personal motorcycle was stolen, tarnishing what was otherwise a triumphant moment in this young man's life. This has left . him without his personal bike for the remainder of the AMA District 36 enduro and hare scrambles season. Bt1an Pecore Santa Rosa- CA More donations can be sent to Craig Wesner, c/o CyclePro, 937 Piner Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403... Editor Motocross des Nattons I believe it would be an absolute travesty for our U.S. team not to show up for one of the most prominent world motocross races of the year - the Motocross des Nations. Team America needs to compete, especially now, with respect to what has occurred in our great nation. I would hope that we show up, compete and walk away with the great victory that our three champions are sure to deliver. It would be very easy to rationalize skipping this great event, but we are Americans, we walk our talk, keep our word (remember Macarthur & Patton?) and when challenged we get the job done. Put the stars and stripes on our boys and their machines and let them ride into the record books. Even more importantly, allow these three great ambassadors of America to shake the hands of the children of our many allies over the years so they have a chance to meet the our young Americans which represent this country's greatest legacy of honor, duty and country. 6eorr1e st.phenson U VIa the Internet Motocross des Nattons II My job takes me across the country for the AMA Motocross Nationals and some Grand National Cross Country events. I am privileged to have met some wonderful people, and many times people echo what I already know - that I have a great job. When I heard that Team U.S.A. had pulled out of the Motocross des Nations, it made me proud. Proud to know we are in this together. Proud because I know that motocross means so much to me. I'm sure it means as much or more to our team, and yet with this gesture of respect we are showing what is really important. I know I am privileged to have a job that allows me to meet so many great people (racers and fans) that have the same love for the sport. I thought I was lucky to have some bikes and a track and a cool job. Now I know what makes me lucky is my wife, my family, my friends, and the life I have the privilege to live. We will some day return to normal, but for now thank you for making me feel proud in a time of sorrow and mourning. God Bless America. Davfd McCullough your 2001 KTM 400 E/XC. Maybe next year it'll be time to upgrade - uh, no! DonRO$$ Via the Intwnet Ross was a member of Team Not A Chance. For our coverage of the Glen Helen 24 Hours, see pages 10-13... Editor Katja Fan Not Happy This afternoon I was reading Michael Scott's column (Issue #37, September 19) with great interest, until the last two paragraphs, which were completely inappropriate and out of place with the rest of the article. The relationship of Chris Walker's lost Shell Advance ride in the 500cc class and Katja Poensgen's contract with that team in the 250cc class somehow escapes me! The Shell Advance team signing Katja is a testament to her skill as a racer, period. To say that Chris Walker was "replaced by a girl" is incongruous and illogical. 'This past June, I had the pleasure of watching Katja Poensgen race at Assen, where my husband and I were seated very close to a large group of Germans (mostly men) who were vociferously cheering for her each and every lap. Not only did Katja pull off a superb pass right in front of our section (in the Stubbentribune), but she also finished the race ahead of five or six other riders (who ha ppened to be male). Fortunately, this "girl" will take Mr. Scott's immature and outlandish comments with a grain of salt. I'm quite certain that his attitude is not reflective of the feelings of the majority of GP race fans, nor the Cycle News staff. Perhaps Mr. Scott might also be "man" enough to realize that he owes Katja an apology. Via the Inmmef McCullough works for Klotz Special Formula Products... Editor The 24 HOUlS Of Fun I would like to, once again, take a moment and thank IMS, Glen Helen, my team members and the other sponsors who helped make this year's 24 Hours of Glen Helen such a success, with a larger turn out and an awesome track (man, you've gotta love that downhill at night - talk about "See no Evil." What a blastl). Unlike the much hyped "X" -aggerated Games on TV and in print, this event is a true extreme, worthy of much more exposure and prestige. Just ask any participant or pit crew; Le., the number-two Kawasaki team, fans and other supporting cast memo bers - many of whom pulled the "allnighter" to make it happen. Congratulations to all who finished, including Team Cycle News. You beat us by three laps - well done. Our 1983 XR200 was no match for cue I • n Daphne E. Rgueroa San Diego, CA _ _ S • SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 5

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