Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 08 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Chevy Trucks 250cc U.S. Motocross Championship Series Round 10: Spring Creek MX Park BRIEFLY••• Team Kawasaki's newest recruit, James Stewart. was in attendance at Millville after wrapping up two more titles at the Loretta Lynn's Amateur Nationals a week earlier. Sporting a set of green-colored braces, the 15·year·old Stewart said. "I've been to a few Nationals before. I went to Gatorback a few years back and was at High Point once. too. I'll probably go to the final one at Steel City this year, too. - Stewart will tum 16 in December and will most likely race his first Pro AMA event at the Indianapolis Supercross next February. Team changes just keep happening, as this is the silly season time of year. Plano Honda will be the official Honda support team next year and team manager Kenny Watson said that they have signed California's Casey Johnson to compete in the 125cc East Supercross class next year. They will also retain the services of Travis Elliott. Billy Payne and Scott Sheak. WSA Snowcross team member Tucker Hibbert and his team were, once again. in action at Millville, but the Snowcross superstar missed qualifying by one position on Sunday. The Min· nesota native. who qualified for his first·ever National at Spring Creek one year ago. has been overheard saying that he may pursue a full·time career in motocross. If so. the naturally talented teenager could have his phone ringing even though he has yet to race an Arenacross or Super. cross. Windham (14), Carmichael (4), David Vuillemin (e34), Robbie Reynard (17) and Ferry (15) lead the pack into the first tum. "It was a good ride today," Carmichael said. "Timmy rode great, too, and to have him finish right behind me is great. I couldn't ask for anything better." Once again, Carmichael was into CN Spring Creek MX P.rtc the lead before the end of the first Millville, Minaesou Results: August 1S, ZOOl (Raund 10 lit 1Zl lap. Windham, Dowd and Lusk settled 250 MOTO J (30 minutes plus two laps): I. Ricky Cannieheet (Kew): 2. Kevin Windham (Suz): 3. in next. LaRocco was in seventh at the end of the first lap and Roncada Tim Ferry (YBm); 4. Mike LaRocco (Hon); 5. Sebastien TOl1elli (Hon); 6. David Vuillemin (Yllm); 7. and Tortelli were in 17th and 20th, Stephene Roneecla (Kaw); 8. John Dowd (KTM); 9. respectively. Robbie Reynard (Yam); 10. Travis Preston (Hus); 11. The Martin family made a huge track change to the Spring Creek circuit, as they took out the massive downhill·double section followed by the massive uphill triple. Fans were shocked to see that the riders now came down the side of the huge mountain at a slighter angle with a smaller double thrown in for good measure. The sand·wash whoop section started as their regular big size. but by the end of the day on Sunday. the wh?OPs became one huge double rhythm section all the way down and back. Riders doubled almost all the way through instead of pounding through. Also, the highway coming into the Millville area was shut down for road construction and a new rear·entry dirt road was constructed. Many were worried that the new design might not work. but traffic seemed to flow freely throughout the event. Sunday moming qualifiers saw Amsoil/Joumey's/Dr. Marten·s·backed Steve Boniface and SplitFire/Pro Circuit's Shae Bentley take 125cc heat race wins, while Honda's Ezra Lusk and Honda·mounted Atsuta Yoshitaka take the 250cc heat Wins. Red Bull KTM's David Pingree and Isaiah Johnson took the 125 and 250cc consolation wins. respectively. Ooug Dubach (Y8m); 12. Atsuta YoshitZlka (Hon); 13. Paul Cerpenter (KTM); 14. Kyle Lewis (Yam): 15. Carmichael turned on the after- Ryan Clark (Yam); 16. Jason Thomas (Hus); 17. burners early and took off. Windham Bruce Stratton (Yam): 16. James Povolny (Hon); 19. Ene Lusk (Han); 20. Clerk Stile. (KTM); 21. Barry settled into second and Ferry, who Carsten (Suz); 22. Damien Plotts (Hus); 23. Brian Stone (Kew); 24. Robbie Skegg. (SU1); 25. Koji started in fifth, was up to third by the Okawara (Yem); 26. Jimmy Wilson (Yem); 27. Zeb Armstrong (Yam); 28. Scott Davis (Kaw); 29. Gio Tedesco (Yam); 30. Dennis Stapelton (Han); 31. Cor)' Keene)' (Han); 32. Michael Koch (Yam): 33. Shawn Morgan (Yam): 34. Tommy Hormaster (Yam); third lap. "I made an aggressive move on Kevin [Windham] early to get by him 35. Ted Cempbell (SU1); 36. iseieh Johnson (Yam); 37. Brian Mason (Kaw); 38. Thomas Barron (Kaw); 39. Mike Kann (Yam); 40. Scott Carter (Yam). 250 MOTO 2 (30 minutes plus two laps): I. Rick)' Carmichael (Kaw); 2. Tim Ferry (Yam); 3. Kevin Windham (Suz); 4. David Vuillemin (Yam); 5. Mike ltIRocco (Han); 6. Sebastien Tortelli (Han); 7. and then put my head down and tried to do what I do best," Carmichael said of the opening laps. Lusk ran strong for several laps John Dowd (KTM); 8. Robbie Reynerd (Yem); 9. Atsuta Yoshitaka (Han); 10. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 11. before dropping off the pace. He Paul Carpenter (KTM); 12. Doug Dubeeh (Yom); 13, eventually pulled into the mechanic's Stephane Roncada (KlJw); 14. Koji OklJWIUIJ (Yam); area. Brian Stone (Kaw): 18. Scott Carter (Yam); 19. Ryan Clark (Yam); 20. Brian Mason (KlJw); 21. Cor)' Keeney (Han); 22. Bruce StrlJtton (Yam); 23. Zeb Armstrong (YlJm); 24. Dennis Stapelton (Han); 25. Jimm)' Wilson (Yam); 26. Shawn Morgan (Yam); 27. Ezra Lusk (Han); 28. Damien Plotts (Hus); 29. Tommy Hofmaster (Yam): 30. TUIVis Preston (Hus); 15. Clerk Stiles (KTM): 16. Berry Cersten (SU1); 17. LaRocco had a tough time getting going in the second moto. He ran in seventh for over five laps before getting by the fading Lusk. Tortelli was 31. Ted Cempbell (Suz); 32. Gio Tedsco (Yam): 33. Thomas B.!lrron (Kaw); 34. Jemes Povoln)' (Han); up to eighth several laps later, and 35. Scott Devis (Kew); 36. Micheel Koch (Vem); 37. Jeson Thomes (Hus); 38. Robbie Skeggs (Suz); 39. Roncada had gone down and was Isaiah Johnson (Y8m); 40. Mike Kann (Yam). 250 O/A: 1. Ricky Carmichael (Kaw); 2. Tim Ferry (Yam); 3. Kevin Windham (Suz): 4. Mike LaRocco (Hon); 5. David Vuillemin (Yam); 6. Sebastien Tortelli (Han); 7. John Dowd (KTM); 8. Robbie Reynard (Yam); 9. Stephane Roncada (Kew); 10. Atsuta Yoshitaka (Hon); 11. Doug Dubach (Yam); 12. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 13. Paul Carpenter (KTM); 14. Travis Preston (Hus): 15. Ryan Clark (Yam); 16. Koji OkIJWlU8 (Yam); 17. Clark Stiles way back in 18th. Ferry began to close in on Windham in second just after the halfway point. The two battled through the hills and several laps later Ferry made the pass as the two raced (Hus); 20. Brian Stone (Kaw); 21. Bruce Stratton (Yam); 22. Scott Carter (Yam); 23. James Povolny Two other riders suffering through the day were Motoworldracing's Isaiah Johnson and local Minnesotan Mike Kann. Johnson was knocked out during the first 250cc moto. and Kann dislocated a hip and suffered second-degree bums from his exhaust pipe after a horrendous 250cc first·moto crash. Johnson. however. was walking around in good spirits after the event. but Kann was in a local hospital under observation. U.S. Tobacco presented their top privateer awards at Millville. and Moto XXX·s Larry Ward and E·Z Widers Keith S. Johnson were top 125cc riders. Ward rode to a 7·7 seventh overall fin· ish. collecting a $1000 bonus. while Johnson went 13-33 for 19th overall. pocketing a $500 check. In the 250cc class. it was's John Dowd and Thou· sand Oaks Robbie Reynard who grabbed the extra loot. Dowd rode to a 8-7 seventh overall fin· ish. earning $1000. while Reynard wentg·8 for eighth overall and $500. Travis Pastrana's sudden retirement from the first moto at Millville. followed by his announce· ment that he would sit out the rest of the season. left Team USA searching for a rider to fill the 125cc role at the upcoming Motocross des Nations in Belgium. But the AMA's Duke Finch and Team USA manager Roger DeCoster didn't have to look far. At Pastrana's suggestion. Finch asked Brown to join the team before the start of the second moto. "When I asked, a big smile came across his face, - said Finch of giving Brown the good news. 'We knew he was irtterested in riding on the team should something come up but there was no official inquiry or anything, and now there doesn·t have to be.· Brown is the second replacement since the original announcement of the team. Team Honda's Ryan Hughes dropped off the squad after a serious concussion while practicing out in Califomia and went on the disabled list; he will be replaced by Team Suzuki"s Kevin Windham as the team's 'Open class· selection. Only 250cc selection Ricky Carmichael remains from the original Team USA line-up and defending race champions. (KTM): 18. Berry Cers'en (Suz): 19. Jeson Thomas through the back double-double-dou- The Millville track took its toll on several riders on Sunday. SplitFire/Pro Circuit's Shae Bentley reportedly broke his lower leg after crashing on one of the biggest jumps on the circuit. and Plano Honda's Billy Payne broke his hand dUring the first 125cc moto. Both riders have missed most of the season due to other injuries and the prognOSiS for each was not good. (Han); 24. Ezra Lusk (Han): 25. Brien Meson (Kew). AMA/CHEVY TRaCKS 250ee 0.5. MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES POINTS STANDINGS ble section. The pass was good enough to secure second overall for (After 10 of 12 rounds): 1. Rick)' Carmichael (440/6 Wins); 2. Kevin Windham (390/1); 3. Tim Ferr)' Ferry. (359/1); 4. Mike LeRoceo (341); 5. Sebestien Tortelli (317/1); 6. Devid Vuillemin (283/1); 7. John Dowd (266); 8. Stephene Roneeda (248); 9. Ryen Hughes (195); 10. Kyle Lewis (192); 11, Robbie Reynard (184); 12. Ezra Lusk (174); 13. Trevi. Preston (158); Carmichael crossed the finish line for a relatively easy win ahead of Ferry and Windham. Vuillemin, who rode in 14. Jason Thom8s (101); 15. Paul Carpenter (84); 16. Atsute Yoshiteke (61); 17. Scott Corter (40); 18. Jeen·Sebestien Roy (38); 19. (TIE) Ryen Clerk/ Spud Welters (36). fourth for most of the moto, held on all the way to the finish this time out. LaRocco only moved forward a little Upcoming Rounds: Round 11 - Binghamton, New York, August 26 Round 12 - Demont, Pennsylvania, September 2 and took fifth. Tortelli, Dowd, Reynard, Yoshitaka and Moto XXX's Kyle Lewis rounded out the top 10. 8 AUGUST 29, 2001 • cue • e nevws A huge crash by Splitfire/Pro Circuit Kawasaki rider Shae Bentley at the end of the first moto left the beleaguered rider with another major injury. this time a compound fracture of his leg. Bentley got cross-rutted coming off the last rolling tabietop jump of the track and landed side· ways. planting his right leg in the process. Laying in an awkward spot on the track. Bentley was fortunate not to be hit by another rider off the blind jump, though personnel from the Suzuki and KTM/Red Bull teams all jumped out on the track to signal the other riders that someone was down. team manager Paul Lindsey, a former professional racer. decided to strap on his own helmet al Millville and give qualifying a try. Unfortunately. a first·turn crash in Sunday morning·s qualifier left him in the dirt second·guessing his entry. "I probably shouldn't have been riding because I have some banged·up ribs. but I just love this track and I qualified here last year. so I thought I would give it another try," said Undsey. -I had a blast. I just couldn·t seem to get a start.· After failing to transfer through the LCQ, Undsey took his helmet off and put the headset back on to keep tabs on his riders from the observation deck of the announcers tower.

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