Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ o o Wor ld Ch amp ion Dou~ Lampkin (Mon) put together a perfect weekend in o o o o o o ro und 1 1 and 12 of the World Trials Ch ampi o nship , J une 30 and J uly 1 in Fo p po lo , Ita ly . La mp k i n topped Takahisa Fuj inami (Hon) and Ada m Raga (G -G> o n Sat urday , th en came back to beat Raga and Fujinami on Sunday. Lampkin now leads Fujinami in the championship sta ndings, 227 -184 . The GMT 94 Suzuki GSX·R1OO0·mounted team of Christophe Guyot/Sebastien ~ o o Scarnato/Nicolas Dussauge won the Six Hours of N urburgring, round three of The flat track racing community was forced into grieving once again when longtime flat track star and former AMA Grand National nurnber 64 Rob Damron of Morgan Hill. California, perished in a crash off the second turn at Perris Auto Speedway while racing at round seven of Gene Romero's West Coast Flat Track Series on June 30. Damron was 36 years old. Damron appeared to lose control of his motorcycle while battling for the lead at the front of the pack during the start of the first Open Pro semi. He then fell off the right side of his motorcycle near the outside wall, where he was struck by another rider. Damron died of massive head injuries. Damron was the first fatality since Perris Auto Speedway opened its doors in 1996. and the loss was' the second to be experienced by the West Coast Flat Track Series community this year. "We lost a great friend and a great competitor, who was always there with a big smil e on his face," series founder Gene Romero said, "He was just a great guy. I just pray for him and his family. Rob and people like him are the backbone of this series: One of the true veterans in the California flat track community, Damron was well-known and revered by all of his competitors. and he amassed an amazing record in AMA District 36 competition, winning the coveted black -plate number -one nine times in 10 years. In the past two seasons, he had gone on to become a steady competi tor on the West Coast Flat Track Series circuit, just missing out on the championship title in 2000. but returning strong in 2001 to post a victory in Marysville, California, on May 26. He is survived by his wife, Brenda. son, Troy. daughters. Jennifer and Skylar, parents, Bob and Carol, sister. Kim. and brother, Todd. Memorial informati on has not been released as of press time, but any new information will be posted at th e World Endurance Ch ampion shi p, in new modern hiqh-tech twins an oppo rtunity t o c ha llen g e th e X R's 15 -y e ar sented to Griffe y fo r his part icipation in motocross wi th his seve n-year-old so n. t eam . " Lag una S eca ho lds a spec ial place in my heart because it was where I stronghold on the spo rt of dirt track rac- Trey. " By sup po rt ing Trey' s interes t in secu re d my firs t-ever W orld Ch amp i- Suzuk i team - Herbert Kauf mann/Claus Ehrenberger - finishing third. ing. Return ing 2000 O klahoma C ity winner and fact o ry Harley-D avid son rider Rich King is scheduled to appear in an mo toc ross . Ke n shows t hat motorcycl ing is a fa mily activity." sai d Robe rt Ras o r. Pres ident of t he A MA . " He ' s o ns hip po d ium [World Superb ikes in 1996)," Hodgson said. " Since then , I've always thought of Laguna as one of my Davey Dure lle wo n the 750 cc class of the Pikes Peak Internatio nal Hill Climb effo rt to make sure the XR750 con tinues it s do mination for at least another season. Should he acco mplish his goal it wi ll most deserving of t his award, and we 're pleased to recognize his co ntri butio n to our sport . " The AMA Br ight er Image go ing to be a rea l ba ttle, but I reall y, believe I'm going to be in the hunt . Many riders have a co nse rvati ve approa ch t o. Germany on July 1. Second place went to another Suzuki team - Zongshen Team · this one consisting of Bruno BonhuillChow tio W an/Thomas Hinterreiter with a third o o o favorite circuits. As always, I know it' s be King's fo urth lifetime National win at Award was crea te d in 1987 . It was reco rd-se tti ng 12 minut es, 21 .67 sec - the O klaho ma C ity Half-M ile. Whereas renamed in 1990 to ho no r the acco m- Laguna, but I enjoy t he ext ra elements of onds to to p Brian Anderson . "This is a lot better than being in the hospital," t he S up er S ingl es and Tw ins cl ass is plis hments o f Hazel Ko lb, t he f irst danger it presents . Physically, I feel real- kic king of its seco nd season, the 1st woman to serve on the AMA's Board of Iy good and very posi tive about ste pping said Durelle , who was hit by a car just legal Grand Slam of D irt Track is an all- Trustees . Past rec ip ien t s inc lu de J ay Leno . Ro sie O'Do nnell , Dan A ckroyd, on to t he pod ium. " Wi t h only 10 races Senator Ben N ighthorse C ampbell. Governor Angus King (M aine). M ary Hart . po ints behind fifth -place d B en Bost rom in the World Superbike Championship , is mento & Seattle). followed by a finale at and Ma lco lm Forbes. hopi ng a goo d resu lt at Lag una wi ll today." P a u l Z i nke wo n the 250 c c division and G reg Chicoi ne won the the K&N D e l Mar M ile , the 1stlegal Grand S lam of Dirt Track wi ll closeout the 2001 d irt track seas o n with a Road racer Lance Isaacs will make his retum to the Synergy Honda race team dur- 500 cc class . momento us event. feat uring the highest ing the combined AMA Superbike/World Superbike weekend at Laguna Seca Race- S hane Watts returned to his w inning potential sinqle-rlder payday in dirt track hi story . For more information, . call way . Ju ly 6-8. replacing the inj ured M att ways afte r tak ing to p honors at t he AM A 3 10/ 547·9 898 . Wait. according to a release from his man- on Ju ly 2 . reachi ng the su mmi t in a 8 o o o o o o before last yea r's race and spent race day in the hospi ta l. "W e were close in pract ice and qualifying . but today I was as goo d as I could be. I don 't think I can run this mountain any better than I ran it ~ 8 o new co ncept fo r thi s genre of racing. C on sisting of four, points-pay ing qua lifiers (Oklahoma City. Rapid C ity , Sacra- boos t him in the standings . age men t company, O .M .S . The yo ung N ati onal Hare Scramb les roun d in Elk - South African raced for the team in the Willow Springs ro und of the Fo rmula US A ton. Oreg on. on Ju ly 1. Finishing second was Fred Andrews (Kaw), followed by Rob Zimme r m a n (Ya m) . Bri an S pe aki ng of the K&N F il t e r s Del Brown (Kaw) and Patrick Garrahan owns a slim poi nts lead over Andrews, once again in the wo rk s for the even t. which feat ures two rounds of the Formu la USA SFX National D irt Track Series series earlier in the seaso n. Isaacs. who raced as Ben Bostrom' s teammate on the NCR D ucati team in last yea r' s W orld Superbike Cham pio nship, is co ming off 99 -96. Br ian Gar rahan is th ird wit h 70 on the same weekend. The Sixth Annual back -to-back wins in the Sout h A frican point s. S kip Va n Leeuwen Salute to the Legends will take place on Satu rday. Octo- Superbike Champions hip Series. He w ill (KTM). After five of nine rounds , Watts o o o o o Mar Motorcycle Weeke nd . a salute to the dirt t rack heroes of yes teryear is re maini ng . Hod gson . wh o is only six The America n H iking Society has announced that South Caro lina Off- Road Ent hu sias t s (SC O RE) member Ron Rom er is t he wi nner o f t hi s y ear's A mer ican Hiking Soc iety V olunt eer of the Year Award fo r the state South Carolina. The Vo lunteer of the Year Award hon o r s volu ntee rs f or th e i r t i re less effo rts to preserve and maintain Ameri· . ca's tra ils . The nationwide searc h was co nducted over several months to find the to p vol unteers in the U.S.. according to SCORE. Nominat ions we re received for many qualif ied ca ndidates. Ro mer D a v id Esto k (S ue) won t he fourth ber 6. during the SFX National S ho rt compete on a Synergy Honda CBR60 0 in both t he 600cc and 75 0cc Su persport ro und of the AMA Pro Thunder Series at Track at the Del Mar Rodeo Arena adjacent to the mi le track . Former supe r- classes at the Honda International Super. bike C las sic . " I wa s thrilled when J eff SCOR E as the Vo lunteer of the Year stars M ark Brelsford. Mert Lawwill, Dick Hammer. Chuc k Palmgren. Bruce Brown (Haney, OMS 's Road Race /Di rt Trac k trails, educate and promote respon sible account executive) called with this opportu- off -road use . Ame rican Hiking Society. a and C arroll Reswe ber are on the list of legends scheduled to attend. For more informat ion. call 310·5 47 ·9898 or vis it nity," Isaacs said in the release. "I'm excit- nati o nal recreation -bas ed conservation ed to be retuming to the States to ride for the Synergy Honda race team. I know that I can do a great job for them. It will also be a orga nization. was established in 1976 Po rtl and Internat ional Raceway in Port land, Oreg on , on J uly 1, topping Jeff Na sh CDu c) and Thomas Montano (Duc) . The race was held in conjunction 8 8 o w ith a WERA event. The 18t h running of t he Okl ahoma City www.dlrttrack .com . Half-Mile on July 14 w ill become the first of Formu la USA ' s prem ier dirt track dates designated the 1stlegal G ra n d The AMA ha s a nno unce d t hat Ken Griffey Jr. is the latest rec ipient of the great opportunity for me to show my talents in the Supersport class and possibly get picked up for a full ride in the 2002 racing S la m o f D i rt T r ack . These prem ier AMA Hazel Kolb Brighter Image season. eve nt s will feature the Super S ing les Award . The presenta tion took place on o o o o wa s no mi nat ed by th e me m be r s o f due to his continued efforts to maintain and is ded icated to es tabl is hing . preserving an d ma intain ing footpaths in America . S po rtb ike Night of Northern California will ho ld its Post La guna S e c a Party on M onday night. July 9 from 7 June 28 during a pre-gam e ceremony at GSE Du catt' s Neil Hodgson is more p.m . to 9:30 p.m. at its new location · class along w ith the Pro Singles class. C inergy Fiel d in C incinnat i. Oh io . The determ ined than ever to prove his stu ff The Davis G raduate, in Sacramento. The D om in ated by t he Harl ey-Dav id s o n XR750 , th e Sup er S ingl e s & Tw i ns (SS&T) cla ss big -bo re singl es and th e awa r d . wh ic h is the A MA's hig he st as he co mes to the U.S. ro und of the nig ht will fe at ure Yo sh imura Suz uk i's hon or for activities t hat gene rat e pos it ive publicity for motorcycling, was pre- Wo rld Superb ike Championship at Laguna Seca. according to a release from his Aar on Yates . For more information, call 9 16/373-1557. and Twins (SS&T) class as the headline 2 JULY 11 , 200 1 • cue I e n e vv s