Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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••••• • • • • • • • : • • _ • • • • c.m.-. Pool Ed_ KIt _ . _ _ &Ihor RACER TEST 26 Kawasaki's ZX-6R World Supersport Machine Corser, Bostrom Split Misano World Superbike Wins Scott Rouue.u. ~ EtRtrw Chrio Jonnum. MMoog;"fI &Ihor BWw Conner, ~ EditDr' By Alan Cathcart Aloft Cothcort. E _ &Ihor By Gordon Ritchie • • • Dov;d DRAG RACING DIRT TRACK : 14 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • By Kevin McKenna • A • •E.T'S' . . . . . . .T • • • STAT•• (71.) 7S1·7U3 T.ny "'ott. '"""'-J ~ _ _ w_ SoIoo _ _ Den lAge.... W"'m s.Ift AfanItrIer Rhondo ~ Adwrlioing ClHHdi_ n. andflott_ky, ........ By John Hipkiss By Jim Vincent • • • RRT' . . . . . . R• •TR." .T.TR. OFF-ROAD 32 Hawk Flies to Pennsylvania GNCC Win PREVIEW c_ C77OlIl34-78SO Cart. Allen, Offlce~ .... & ~ Coordi""tor Jim &0,.", $0100 _ _ hri Runell. £,ulem SM.. ~ Karen Smith. Aumant By Paul Clipper Laguna Seca World Superbike Preview MOTOCROSS .a.DRT. . . . . " • • • • T' • • 34 The Doctor's In at Mammoth OTHG MX INTERVIEW 20 Colin Edwards II By Chris Sanchirico Mark Thome. Ofrw:tDr F...... H......i. _ _ .R• • R.I• • R.RL. . . . R.T By Gordon Ritchie Kaoy~.--- -- SHOOTOUT • : 22 Pier-Francesco Chili • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 362001 Naked Bike Shootout By Gordon Ritchie E_ ....... Forr. .t H~i. s.Jn ~ r 30 Lyons Roars to Overseas Final Speedway Qualifier Win Formula USA Pro Singles Ed.,.,., _Thome. SPEEDWAY 44 Hacker Tops New Hampshire R. _ . FWrJionM E &0.0 Cox. 29 Angelle Returns at Columbus NHRA Drags Carr Again at Wisconsin AMA Dirt Track By Scott Rousseau · 18 • • • • • R.n • • laL ROAD RACING 6 XXXVII CIayton._nt M~IIr Nevi M.ddy. s.rtior Gntphic ArtiM au.. Marpte. tnphic AtMt Sunju Kwon, Graphic Ani.t A • • ' •••Ta.TI • • ,~ • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEPARTMENTS ACCOUtllTltlIG e DATA ".OCESSUlIG 1 5 Donna Bryan·Diamond. AIR Coordffl8tor In the Wind t REGIONAL EVENTS 46 Bakersfield, CA: AMA Southern California MX Championships 47 Rosarito Beach, BC, Mexico: La Playa Beach Race Series 48 Washougal, WA: AMA Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier 50 Events 68 Local Talent 4 .JULv4, 2001 • III U III • e n __ s Geneva Repass, h$istBnt Theresa Milbum. Cl'fH1it ManlJ~r C.RCULATlO .. Voices 70 Bikes of the Stars · PHOTO BY GOLD & GOOSE Judy Klinger, CoordiMfJor Pam Klein. Admini#trative Aui.tant 71 Calendar 79 Want Ads ~· · 96 Stuff 97 Leaderboard 1 00 Chicanery • • • • • • • • , Alma Anguiano. Circulation Manager Carol Meggio. Procfl$#ing Coordlnator Ashleigh Klein, Oeol.r Coordinator SERVICE • SUPPOIlT Stacy Ryan. RflCfJptionJst Robert Escandon, Sflrvic«t IJnd Support IIATIOMAL KEAD, • • aTEaS 3SQ5·M Cadillac Ave., Coata Mesa, CA 92626 P.O. Box 5084. eo.ta Me.., CA 92628-5084 £714> 751·7433 • FAX C7t4) 751-3685 E• •TR • • • PP'CR 4188 First Ave.• Tucker, CiA JOO84 P.O. Baa 805. T......... GA 30085-0lI05 C77Q) 934-7850· FAX cnm 934-31 12 E-.AIL • • •T • • • •T cdilwOc) e+ec ibeOq._•.com adwctiW .....) ON THE COVER Colin Edwards: World Superbike Champion. The world comes to Laguna Seca in two weeks and Edwards _ along with Ben Bostrom - is hoping to show well in his only U.S. appearance of the season. Photo by Gold & Goose. ~!!! ~TION Printed in U.S.A. ~CJde""" Ina. ZOO•• T~C}dII""" ~ U.s. PMiM'C0fR0-. AII ..... .....-d..

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