Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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I I , I l Honda-mounted J.J Niemi and Suzuki-mounted Californian Casey Hinson went at it for third, which Hinson took in the mota, though Niemi (3-4) placed third overall. One of the day's closest confrontations came in the 65cc Modified (711) class. Tommy Weeck, Landon Currier, Jake Anstett and Gared Steinke went wheel to wheel, but it was Weeck who survived Currier's mota-one onslaught to win. The KTM-mounted Currier led mota two from wire to wire for the overall win on a 2-1 tally, ahead of Anstett (3-2) and Weeck (1-6), who encountered problems and finished sixth in mota two and third overall. eN Washaupl Motae:rass Parle Washaupl,Washington Results: May 26, 2001 51 STK (4·6): 1. Toylor Feller (Cob); 2. Brody Thorn (Cob); 3. Cody Mechom (Cob); 4. Cruz 5ton;s;ch (Cob); 5. Cody Politle (KTM). 51 5TK: 1. Bobby oeon (Cob); 2. Toylor Monn (KTM): 3. Eli Jonason (Pol): 4. Mitch Mortensen (Cob); 5. Comeron G;lbert (KTM). 51 OIL-INJ (4-6): I. Cruz 5ton;s;ch (Yom); 2. Brody Thorn (Yearn); 3. EZfll Niord (Yam); 4. Chandler Fortune (Yam); 5. Trysten Fortune (Yam). 65 5TK (7-9): 1. Tev;n Top;o (KTM); 2. Gored Steinke (KTM); 3. Landon Currier (KTM): 4. Jared Wood (KTM); 5. Comeron Russell (KTM). 65 5TK (10-11): 1. Tyler vmopoto (KTM); 2. Joke Anstett (KTM); 3. Tyler R;ehl (KTM); 4. Aoron Brown (Kaw); 5. Cllmeron Phillips (Kaw). 65 MOD (7-11); I. London Curr;er (KTM); 2. Jake Anstett (KTM); 3. Tommy Weeck (KTM); 4. Ty;er R;ehl (KTM); 5. Jerrod Southord (Kow). 85 STK (7-11): 1. Shown Hoberlock (Kow); 2. Greg Fouts (Hon); 3. Ben Lamay (Suz); 4. Kyle Thompson (Hon); 5. Tyler Villopoto (Yam). 85 STK (12-13): I. Ryon vmopoto (Yom); 2. Brady Sheren (Ke"",): 3. J.J. Niemi (Hon); 4. Casey H;"son (5uz); 5. Tyler Egbert (Yom). 85 MOD (12-13); I. Ryon vmopoto (Yom); 2. Joshuo Hm (Kow); 3. Brody Sheren (Kow); 4. Derrick Murphy (Yom); 5. Tyler Egbert (Yom). 85 MOD (14-15): 1. Cos 5w;ft (5uz); 2. Ryon York (Suz); 3. Gory Hehr (Kow); 4. Nick Mortensen (Hon); '5. Mott Brouer (Hon). S/MINI (12-15); 1. Cos 5w;ft (5u%); 2. Cosey Hinson (5uz); 3. Chris Johnson (Kow); 4. Ben Anglen (Suz); 5. Derrick Murphy (Yom). 125 C STK; 1. Phll;p Ehnot (Hon); 2. Edd;e Payne (Vern); 3. Ryan Thompson (Hon); 4. Bryan Watson; 5. Daniel Hamilton (Hon). 125 STK (12-15); 1. Mork Bunker (Yom); 2. James Hemllton (Hon); 3. Colton Waibel (Hon); 4. PhiHp Ehnot (Hon); 5. Mike Simpson (Kow). 1251'100 (12-15): 1. Kenny Webster (Kow); 2. Jared McAllister (Yam); 3. Chris Riesenberg (Hon); 4. Kevin Urquhort (Hon); 5. Klel Krogstodt (Hon). 125 C 1'100: I. Ryon Thompson (Hon); 2. Kev;n Urquhort (Hon); 3. Adorn Metzler (SU%); 4. Bryon Wotson; 5. Cody Buyos (Suz). 125 B MOD: 1. Dale Ainslie (Vam); 2. Rory Sullivan (KTM); 3. Joey Mancuso (Hon); 4. Tyler F1ck (Hon); 5. Kelv;n Schoen (Yom). 125 B STK: 1. Dole A;nslie (Yom); 2. Rory 5ullivon (KTM); 3. Tyler F;ck (Hon); 4. Todd Blonchord (Kow); 5. Russell Blev;"s (Hon). 125 A: I. Evon Loughridge (5u%); 2. Keith Kodell (Hon); 3. Trovis Smith (Hon); 4. Jeremy Riesenberg (Hon). 125 A/PRO-SPT; I. M;ke Corder (Kow); 2. Garhett Carter (Vam); 3. Travis Smith (Hon); 4. Jeremy Riesenberg (Hon). 250/0PEN C; I. Kenny Webster (Kow); 2. Bryon Wotson; 3. Cody Buyos (5uz); 4. Kyle Foils (5uz); 5. W.. Morgon (Yom). 250/0PEN B STK: 1. Rory 5umvon (KTM); 2. Russell Blev;05 (Hon); 3. Will Wolloce (KTM); 4. Todd Blonchord (Kow); 5. Ben Morgan (Yom). 250/0PEN B MOD; I. Rory 5umvon (KTM); 2. Joey Mancuso (Hon); 3. ~n Morgan (Yam); 4. Sean Stewart (Hon); 5. Adam ~euvais (Hon). 250/0PEN A: 1. Evon loughridge (5uz); 2. J.R. Vielle (SUI); 3. Trevis Smith (Hon); 4. John Sebo (Yom); 5. Chris Russell (Hon). 250/0PEN AIPRO-SPT; I. M;ke Corder (Kow); 2. Jason Combes (Hon); 3. Trevis Smith (Hon): 4. Jeremy Riesenberg (Hon); 5. Gerhett Certer (Yam). 4·STRK: I. Dale Ainslie (Yam); 2. Lars Trulson (Vern); 3. Eddie Peyne (Vam): 4. Trevor Brooks (Yom); 5. Jesse Allen (Yom). WMN (12-15); 1. Rory Pockwood (Hon); 2. Misty Short (5uz); 3. Chorlotte ElHsor (Hon). WMN OPEN: 1. Stephanie Smith (Kaw); 2. Cheryl Penrose (Hon); 3. Shelly Burtis (Hon). 25 ... : l. Rod Tapia (KTM); 2. Alex Schon (Vern); 3. Joe Malich (Yam). VET B/C: 1. Scott Williams (Yam); 2. John Foeckler (Suz); 3. Darren Criss (Kaw). VET A: I. Rod Top;o (KTM). SR: 1. Darryl Zumpstein (Hon); 2. Terry Brooks (Yom); 3. Norman Eberle (KTM). MSTR; I. Gory Doggett (Hon). WIIIl itClllllllSII ~ m-lQIW got \l1li8"-: GIll Md3raw orllllt"'- As1lIe 'Nasta.... WII1Ilr of IllIlIDIqde 1IISlIlIICll. McGraw offers ~ coverage for a111l11iBs and IlIldeIs for as IitIIe as S79 a ~ And with an entJl8Iy IBN JIOPlI for 2001. ~ ~ IlIlIIS lI1d hV& Iiabiily Iimils, you"'" IlllIIIy got no 8lI:USll for PII¥inlllDO IIlI:I1 for I1llJlDItyCle inslr.n:e. IIIlBss II COIfSlljOO IiIle 1IIe rat race. To ' more about McGrM. ask ~ dIeIer. Or caR ciaI:t. 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