Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 39 of 115

O~RP Road Racin AM 500cc WlI'id Champiooship R Racing Series oad (After 6 of16 rMds): 1. Vaientino I1lssi !Hool, lll~ [1 16/4ml 2. Max 8iag~ !y m lll~ a ), [90/1 ";nJ 3. Loris Capirossi Iftm), ~~ [81) 4. Nan Abe !yam), Japan [74) 5. ShiIya Nakaro !YiITl),. , [63) [62) 6. Aiel 0'MIe [fUll, S!Jain 7. Aiel 8ms [fbl), 8razi 60/1 ';') 1 (45) B Tolru lJkawa lHooL• . [40} 9. ~ IilmaJ 1&I1}, ~ 10. Kemy FI:tsts.r. i5Jz), ~, CA (37) AM 25Oa: wort! Cl1ampioosIip Road Racing Se'ies (AfTa' 6 of16roords): 1. Oaj'oKlWlIHoo), . 1131/5YoinsJ 2. T etsuya Ha'ada [,ljrl, Japan 1 121/1.., ) [7 3. M M landri IApr), IWf .'Ienslxro, KY 1 163) 5. Torrrny Hajljen !yiITl), ~nsIxro, KY [161 ) ates [155) 6. Aanoo Y ISuz). Miledgelille, GA 7. M':Jt.eIlllirreIlHooL Ca'a!a (136) J:iiert !yiITll. AusIl'aIa 1126/2ml AMAIPro Ha1da lis 600cc Superspot Se'ies 1 5 at 11 roords ~ AfTa' 1. En: 8mamlIKawJ.las Vegas. NV 1 125/1Yoin) 2. AntImt I>:iiert !yiITll, Australia [118/1';'1 3 ~ !llilmeIlHool. Carala (100/1"'1 4. Torrrny Hao,den !y l>.'Ienslxro, KY iITl), 11021 5. .hshua f¥ frionJ. I>JIljxxt, MS 1 96J [93/ 1";n) 6. Aaron Y [SuzJ. MifiedgBlille, GA ates 7. Jam~ Hacking 1&11), Greer, &: [86) B. Jale Zemke (filnJ. Paso Rabies, CA [85j 9. KlJtls ROOerts (HooI, Melina, OH (76) ..til fJopkinsi5Jz1, Ramona. CA n 176J. 40 J UNE 27. 2 00 1 • cue 2001 Championship Points Standings [137] 2. f!dml AEmEr.r. i5Jz1, Ca'!reI, NY 3. VrmtHasilM!c i5Jz}, C2edl RepLIj: 1 1241 (118] 4. Ben spes i5JzI, longview, TX 5. T Meling i5Jz1, T ony Ia:!,CA 11011 6. Oris UIrd1 i5Jz1, l1lIe EIsirae, CA 1E2) 7. Rdl Ca1i:eII I&I1), laY.Terce,iJe, GA 1811 8. lJaWj lhega [&111, Mexto 1 80) 9. M CCcotui 1&11),Sebal1ian, R. ike [76/2";n 51 10. 8nan pan1Jlt [&111, Calistoga, CA [7 0/1Yoin) AMA/M8NA 25Oa: Grand Prix Series 1AfTa' 5 of 11 rotrds~ 1. .liTmt Fiice !yiITl} ,~ , CA (157] iITlL (131) 2. ~ Himas l !y ~. CA 3. Rdl Ch' !yiITl), Aulary, CA 1 123/3 .w;) 4. SiralTlJIlel' !yiITll8l;land (117] (107] 5. !Mies 5a1msen !Yam), &my.aie, CA 6. Peny ~ !YiITl), l.el1ijl Aaes, R. 1 } 104 7. Exttr.nI MI'cIWi !yiITl), f' ~, CA 1 18J 6. lBek KD:l1,ljrLFtij8ea:h, &: 116] JeIIret WIDlI,ljrL M'es, M l 1 47] [44) 10 ..tilmy MJ!)lIree [HlJJ. ftrsyttl, l AMA/SuperTrapp SuperTrmrSeries [A.'ter2 of 7 I'DJndsj: 1. J.R. Schnabel i5JzI,Wes Bend. ~ 2. Ken CooIJelll [&111, W lTell, CT a Sax! Scherb IH-IJJ. DeeatlJr, TX 4. 8nan!lunas [SueJ. 8e11Me, L 5. JaslIl T i5Jz1, MY;J, TX ll" 6. Brfan 8q.!iIN [&a ~ I>'es, '" ), G"eg TeagJe [&aJ. ~, TX B Iq Mier i5Jz), New fldand. PA 9. SanlJeIluove i5JzLW fSTisoo, N es 10. .De ~ i5JzLTlJsa, ()( 1351 [28/1';'1 1281 1 271 (24) (23/1 win) [23) 1 22) (19) (18J ~ Spatsle' I'erl1lrmara! Se'ies (After 1 of 8 1'1l1lds ~ 1. PaJ /Jag

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