Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 06 27

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Round S: Catalunyan G ran d Prix h ome t hat we al most bo th c rashed," he said la ter. The g ro u p beh ind ha d b een swappi ng pl a c e s furiously , both Ui and Az uma in the thick of it, as well as P a b lo N i et o ' s Der bi and D a n i e l Ped rosa 's Honda . Azum a d idn 't make it to the finish , how eve r , crashi ng in turn o n e on t he last lap . O v er t he line, Po g giali held off an o n -fo rm Stev e Jen k n er ( A p rilia) , wi th Ui fifth , then Nieto and Pedrosa . The th ird jun io r T e l e f o n i c a rid er J oan O liv e w a s n e x t , 1 1 s e c o n d s a wa.y , ho ldin g off d e An geli s on a sim i lar b ike. So t he c h am p io nshi p g ained a new le a der - Poggia li o vertak ing non -scorer B o rso i w ith 88 points to 75 . Azuma has 72, Cecchinello 66, U eda 63 a nd Ui61 . eN & n Premi Marlboro De Catalun,a .. Barcelona, Spain Results: June, 17,2001 125cc QUALIFY I NG : 1. Lucio Ce cch ine llo (I :51.368); 2. Nor boru Ueda ( 1:52.090 ); 3. Youichi Ui (1: 52. 146) ; 4 . Stephano Perugi ni ( 1:5 2.4 10): 5. Toni Elias ( 1:52.560); 6. Steve Jenkner (1 :52.682); 7. Manuel Poggiali (1 :52 .7 05 ); 8. Angel Rodriguez ( 1:5 2.787); 9. J amo Mulier ( 1:52.803 ); 10. J aroslav Huies (1 :52 .938 ); 1I. Max Sabbatani (1 :53 .00 1); 12. Sim one Sanna ( 1:53 .0 19 ) ; 13 . Dan iel Pedr osa ( 1:53 .050 ); 14 . Gino Borsoi ( 1:53. 160); 15. Pablo Nieto ( 1:53.00 1); 16. Gi.nluig i Scalvinl (1: 53.369 ); 17. Mirko Giansanti (1 :53.48 1) ; 18. MaslIo Azuma (1 :53.51 9); 19. J oan Ol ive (1 :53 .553) ; 20 . Al ex De Angelis ( 1:53 .624) ; 2 1. Arnaud Vincent (1:53.990) ; 22. .Jek u b Sm rz (1:5 3 .9 9 8 ) ; 23 . Ang el Niet o Jr. ( 1:54 .186) ; 24. Gabor T alma c sl (1 :5 4 .5 5 8 ) ; 25 . Marco Petrini ( 1:54 . 60 4 ); 26. Alessandro Bre r m ettl (1 :5 4 .9 15 ) ; 27 . Raul Jara ( 1:5 5 .8 12); 28. Dan iel Pinera ( 1:55.9 59 ); 29. Gaspare Caffiero ( 1:56.5 29 ); 30 . Adrian Araujo (1 :57. 62 1). 25 0c c Q UALI FYING : I. Dalj iro K atoh (1 :47.26 1); 2. Tetsu ya Harada (1: 47.626); 3. Fonsi Nieto (1 :47 .800); 4. M. rco Meland rl (1 :47 .882); 5. Je rem y McWill iam s (1 :47 .9 44) ; 6 . Roberto Rolfe ( 1 :4 8. 0 9 2 ) ; 7. Emilio A teemcre ( 1:4 8. 13 6 ); 8 . Roberto Locatelli (1 :48 .225 ); 9 . Randy De Puniet ( 1:4 8.2 45) ; 10 . A lex Debon ( 1:48 .405 ) ; 11. Nac k l Matsu do ( 1:48 .761 ); 12 . Kla us Nohles ( 1:48.785); 13. Franco Battaini (1 :48.985 ); 14. Alex Hofmann ( 1:49 . 1 17) ; 15 . Seba stia n Port o ( 1:49 .167); 16 . Sy lva in G uint oli (1 :49 .37 3); 17 . Da vid C he ce ( 1:4 9 .4 15 ); 18 . Taro Sek ig uchi ( 1:49. 6 93) ; 19 . Lorenzo La nzi (1 :4 9. 74 8 ); 20 . Lu c e Bosco scuro ( 1: 4 9 .8 9 1); 21. She h ro l Yuzy (1:5 0 .078 ) ; 22 . Jeron im o Vidal (1 :5 0 .229 ) : 23 . D a vid D e Gee (1 :50.845); 24 . David Toma s ( 1:50 .910); 25 . Katja Poen sgen (1 :5 1.4 6 8 ); 2 6. Ric c ard o C hia re llo (1 :5 1.569) ; 27. Alvaro Mo lina (1:51.814 ); 28 . Luis Costa (1 :53 .294) ; 29. Stuart Edwards (1 :53.325). 5 00 c c Q UALIFYING : 1 . Va le ntino Rossi ( 1:4 5. 507 ); 2. Shinya Nak ano (1:45.518 ); 3. lori s Capir ossi ( 1:45.587); 4 . Max Bi.ggi ( I :45. 68 2); 5. Alex Barro s (1 :45 .7 6 1): 6 . Ju rgen vd Goorbe rgh (1 :45 .8 3 3 ); 7 . Kenn y Roberts Jr. ( 1:4 5 .9 52) ; 8. Norick Abe (1 :46.06 7) ; 9. Tohru Ukawa ( 1:46 .159) ; 10. Set e Gibe rna u (1 :46.601 ) ; 11. Al ex Cri ville ( I :46 .6 50) ; 12 . Carlos Checca ( 1:46 .7 6 0 ) ; 13 . Norlyuki Hllga ( 1:46 .83 4 ) ; 14. Jose Luis Cardoso (1:47 .066 ); 15. Olivier Jacque ( 1:47.6 18) ; 16. Chr is Walker (1: 47 .860); 17. Heruchfke Aoki ( 1:48. 110 ); 18 . Anthony West (1 :48.95 8) ; 19 . Jason Vince nt ( 1:49 .5 28 ); 20. Mark Willi s (1 :49 .902) ; 2 1. .Joh e n Stigere lt (1: 49 .960) . 125cc GRAND PRIX: 1. Lucio Cecchinello (Apr); 2. Toni Elias (Han); 3. Manuel Pogglal (Gil); 4 . .St eve Jenkner (Ap r) ; 5. Yc uic hl Ui (Der) ; 6. Pablo Nieto (Der) ; 7. Daniel Pedrosa (Hen); 8. Joan Olive (Hen) : 9. Alex De Angelis (Han); 10. Simone Se nna (A pr); 11. Stefano Perugini (ItI); 12. Angel Nieto Jr. (Hon); 13. Gianluigi Scalvini (Itl); 14. Arnaud Vincent (Hen) ; 15. Jamo Muller (Han); 16. Mirko Glansent l (Hon) ; 17 . Gabor Te lm acei (Han); 18. Gino Borsoi (A pr) ; 19. Jakub Smrz ( Hon ); 20 . Alessand ro Bra nnett i (A pr); 21. Max Sabbatani (A pr); 22 . Gaspare Caffiero (A pr) ; 23 . Raul Jara (A pr) ; 24. Ad rian Araujo (Hon) . Ti me: 4 1 mins. 31 .686 sec. Distance: 62.396 miles Avarage speed: 93.155 mph Margin cr victory: .57 3 sec. Fastest lap: Stepha no Perugini. lap 8. 1:51 .81 1 250cc GRAND PRIX : I. Daiji ro Katoh (Hon); 2. Tets uy e Harada (A pr); 3. Roberto Rol fe (A pr) ; 4 . Roberto Locatelli (A pr) ; 5. Fon si Nieto (A pr); 6. Jeremy McWilliams (A pr); 7. Emilio Alzamora Hon): 8 . Randy De Puniet (A pr): 9 . Alex Hofmann (Apr) ; 10. Naoki Matsudo (Yam) ; 11. Alex Debon (Apr); 12. Shehrol Yuzy (Yam); 13 . Tare Sekiguch i (v em) : 14. Sebastian Porto (YlIm); 15. Kl aus Nohles (Apr); 16. David Checa (Han); 17. Luce Boscoscuro (Apr ): 18. Sy lvain Guintoli (A pr); 19. Lorenzo Lenzi (Apr); 20 . Franco Battaini (Apr) : 21. David De Gea (Yem); 22 . David Tomas (Hon); 23 . Riccardo Chiarello ( Apr) : As expected at th eir hom e track , the West Pons Hondas were reliab ly fast all practi ce, with Loris Capirossi on provisional pole and Alex Barros close behind . Then a flurry of fast single laps in th e final session changed everything, with Valentino Rossi "getting a cl ear track with a soft rear tire" and cla iming not only hi s fourth pol e in six races, but the fastest -ever lap of th e tr ack . The first 12 riders were all insid e th e lap record . "Th is tr ack is very hard on tires, and time s are very cl ose." Rossi said. "It will be a hard . race , but I thi nk I can hope to finish on the pod ium . But I think Capirossi and Barros wi ll be diffi cult." Shin ya Nakan o pushed through to seco nd in the closing stages with a typical one- lap flier on his Yamaha, retumin g to his familiar front -row start after m issing out ju st once at Mugello, and he echoed Rossi' s reservations about tir es. "I want to tum my good starts into good finishes, but I am still building up race experi ence on the 500," Nak ano said. Capirossi ended up third , but still confident. "Anywhere on the front row is okay for m e," Capi rossi said. "The bik e is ready and I feel comfortable. We are going to fig ht for victory tomorrow ." Max Biaggi also mad e a ju m p in the last session - from 13th on day one to fourth. to co mplete the fro nt row on his Marlboro Yamaha . "We worked hard, but with no major changes - j ust little th ings wor k ing together," Biaggi said. Barros was pushed down to lead the second row enjoying , like Capirossi, the benefits at last of Honda's latest engine spec, hitherto kept for the Repsol riders only . "The new engi ne has a better top speed but in my o pinion th e acce leration is the same," Barros said. adding: "My rhythm is good . It will be eno ugh if I can maintain it Ka toh celebrates his fifth race win of the season. He now leads Harada by 10 points In the championshi p. 24. Alvero Molina (Yam ); 25 . luis Costa (YlIm); 26. Katja Poensgen (Apr). Time: 41 mins. 40 .347 sec. Distance: 67.40 miles Avarage speed: 97.052 mph Margin er victory: .1 14 sec. Fastest lap: Daijiro Katoh, lap 2 1. 1:48 .014 500cc GRAND PRIX : 1. Valentino Rossi (Hon) ; 2. Max Biaggi ( Yam ); 3 . Loris Cepirossi (Hon) ; 4. Shinya Nakan o (Yam) ; 5. Sete Gibernau (Suz); 6. Ncrick Abe (Yam ); 7. Tohru Gkewe (Hen) : 8 . Carlos Ch ec e ( Yam) ; 9 . Jurg en vd Goorbergh (Pro) ; 10 . Noriyuki Ha qa (Yam) ; 11. A lex Criville (Hon); 12 . Oliv ier Jacque (Yam); 13. Chris Walker (Hon) ; 14. Jose Luis Cardoso (Yam ); 15. Haruchika Aoki (Han) ; 16 . Jason Vincent (Pul); 17. Johan Stigefelt (Sab); 18. Mark Will . (Pul) . i Time : 44 min s. 57 .142 sec. Distance: 73.268 miles Avarage speed: 97 .794 mph Margin of victory: 2.579 sec. Fastest lap: Valentino Rossi, lap 5, 1:46 .61 9 125cc WORLD C' SHIP POINTS STANDINGS (A ft er 6 o( 16 rounds) : 1. Manuel Poggillli (88/1 win); 2. Gino Borsoi (75 ); 3. MasCIO Aluma (7212); 4 . Lucio Cecchlnello (66/1) ; 5. Noboru Ue d a (63 /1 ) ; 6 . tomo rrow. " Alongside. the three-cylinder Proton, in Jurgen va n den Goorbergh 's best yet qu alify ing po sition. the bike running strong ly after more tests at Assen since the last race. In fact , his fly ing lap, achieved alo ne without a slipstream benefit, had put him second with som e 20 mi nutes to go. "I did it too soon," he said later. "I gave the other riders a target. If I had had a tow on the straight, it would have given me th ree of four more tenth s. and I wou ld have been on the front row." He was on pol e in Catal uny a two years ago on the MuZ V-four. Kenny Roberts Jr. was alongside · he had also earlier held second, after finish ing the first day in 14th. "I changed back to my oid settin gs that ma ke the bike more precise and difficult to ride, but suit m e bette r," Roberts said. "The m ain pro blem is we're stil l losing on accelera tion and straig ht- line speed." Nori ck Abe was alongside, with Tohru Uk awa leading row th ree from Sete Gibem au and Alex Criville, who were the first ride to be more than a second off pole. Cri vill e was also. he said: "A second slower tha n last y ear. We changed the whole bik e around. and we don 't know why ." Carl os Checa com pleted row three and Noriyuk i Haga led row fou r. Th ere were 22 qualifiers. but with Garry McCoy withd rawing, only 2J starters. 32 JUN E 27, 2001 • cue • u n e 'UV s (Above) Manuel Poggia li (54), and Pablo Nieto (22) led early on in the 125 Grand Prix. (Right) Luc io Cecchlnello won his first ra ce of the se a son, here he leads Toni Elias who went onto to fin ish second. Youichi Ui (61/1 ); 7. Toni El ias (52) ; 8. Angel Nieto Jr. (47) ; 9. Arnaud Vincent (43) ; 10. Steve Jenkner (38 ); 11. Simone Sanna (36 ); 12. Alex De Angelis (33). 25 0cc WORLD C' SHIP POINTS STA NDIN GS (A ft er 6 of 16 rounds) : I. Dafjiro Ket ch (13 1/5 wins); 2. Tetsuya Harada ( 12 1/1) ; 3. Marco Meland rl (78) ; 4. Robe rt o Loc at ell i (7 3 ) ; 5 . Roberto Rol fo (7 1) ; 6 . Fonsi Nieto (60 ) ; 7 . Je rem y McWi llia ms (4 3 ); 8. Emilio Alzamora (42 ); 9. Neck ! Mat sudo (3 4) ; 10. Alex Hofmann (27) : 11. Sebastian Porto (26 ); 12. Alex Debon (2 3) . 5 00cc WORLD C'SHIP POINT S STA NDINGS (A fte r 6 o( 16 rounds): 1. Valentino Ross ( 116/4 wins); 2. i Max Blaggi (9 01l ); 3. Loris Ceplrossl (8 1); 4. Norick A be (74); 5. Shi nya Naka no (6 3) ; 6 . A lex Criville (62) ; 7. Al ex Barro s (60 ); 8. To hru Ukewe (45) ; 9. Sete Gibemau (40 ); 10. Kenny Roberts Jr . (37) : 1 I. Carlos Checca (3 6) ; 12. Jurgen vd Goorbergh (30) : 13. Gerry McCoy (27) ; 14. Haruc hike Ao kl (20) ; 15. Noriy uk i H. ga ( 16). Upcoming rounds : Round 7 - Assen, Holland, June 30 Round 8 - Donington Park. England. July 8

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