Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 06 27

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125c c U . S. Motoc ros s Cha mpio n s h ip S e r ie s R o u n d 5: B u d d s C reek f\'i1 otocross P a r K enth overall on the loa my a nd rutty c o u rs e, and is s till left loo k ing for a no th er strong perform ance like he had at Ha ngtown. Ya m aha of Troy's Ernesto Fon sec a was e ig hth with a 5-1 0 pe rform a nce , Martens / wh ile Am s o il/D r. Jou rn e ys / Co m pe titi on Acc esso ries ' Ste ve Bon iface was ninth with a 10-8 ta lly. Round ing o ut the to p 10 was Plano Honda 's Pau l Currie, who rode to a 13 -9 score. Team Suzuki's Danny Smith, KTM Red Bull's Ke lly Sm ith and teammate David Pingree, MotoworldRacing.coml Answer's Greg Schnell and E-Z Wider's Keith Johnson filled out the top 15 spots. Brock Se llards con tinues to ride well. The KTM ri der _nt 3 ·3 and is currently fourth in points. MOTO 1 Yamaha of Troy's Nathan Ram sey was leading coming out of the first-tum chicane, but after a quick left-hander, he was lying on the ground in front of 39 other 125cc riders . "I went out a little too far into the soft stuff, and' just lost my front wheel ," Ramsey said later. I'll get 'em next moto." Team Suzuki's Akira Narita, Brown and F&S Suzuki's Danny Carlson took over the point after Ramsey's mista ke. Brown got by Narita qu ickly and was leading before the end of the first la p. Nar ita , Carlson , Moto XXX's Michae l Brandes, Ward and Sellards followed . Pastra na was two more positions ba ck in eighth. Brown got into his groove earl y and began to ch eck out. Ward moved forward a position a lap for the first few laps until he got by Sellards and Narita for second place on the fourth lap. It took Pastrana a little bit longer to get going , and he moved into fifth at about the same time. Several laps later, Brown had a 15 second lead ov er Ward. Sellards had moved fo rwa rd with Ward and wa s close behind him in third . Nar ita and Pa s t ra na we nt a t it fo r a fe w la ps Despite competing at his home track, Travis Pastrana had a so-so day , going 4-5 f or f ourth overall. 22 JUNE 27. 2001 • cue • e before Pastrana got the upper hand in the back hills for fourth . Narita then seemed to have a problem, and he d ropped back through the p a ck qu ickly. With a few laps rema ining , Brown had a huge 25 -second lead over Ward a nd Se lla rds . Pastrana was closing in on Sella rds for th ird. an d the crowd was getti ng beh ind him . Pastran a tried seve ra l times, but Se llards was a ble to hold him off to the checkers . Brown took a comfortable moto win ov e r Ward , Sellards, Pa strana and a d ist ant Fonseca . Jessema n , Bo nd s , Danny Sm ith , Sheak and Bon ifa ce rounded out the top 10. "I got a great start, and the bike ran great," Brown sa id after the moto. I've been working hard, and I just want to keep it up." M0T02 . Ramsey said that he'd show them in the second moto , a nd th at he d id. He grabbed another huge start, but this time he kept it on two whee ls. Ward, Se lla rds, Motoworld Racing. com 's Da m o n Huffma n and Ca rlson we re next. Bro wn was just a few positions back. Danny Sm ith , Pastr a na , Fo nsec a and Ne w Mexi c o' s Ke it h John son n e ... s were all inv ol ved in a big first-turn crash. "Ra mse y was just to the inside of m e ," Pastrana sa id . "I thought I had a good start , but Danny Sm ith fle w stra ight into m e. He sa id that s o meo ne knocked in to him , a nd it took us all out ." Ward got by Rams e y be fo re th e end of the first · la p a nd set the pace. Se llards was close in th ird. Pastrana ended th e first la p after th e cras h in 16th. Wit h Wa rd lead ing and pul ling a wa y out front, th ere was a great race behind him be tw een Ramsey , Sell ards, Boniface, and Brown . Pastrana was mov ing fo rward m uch qu icker this moto and was up to e ighth by the fourth la p. Brown was slowl y moving forward in the early laps, but he went down on th e fifth lap and lost a po si tion to Sh eak. "I was tryi ng to get ar ound Bon iface , and I hit his wheel ," Brown later expla ined. After remounting , he go t ba c k o n trac k and passed a ride r a la p throughout the next few circ uits. A wound ed Rams ey was the first victim , a s th e head er p ip e on h is YZ250 F bro ke off close to the cylinder. Brown th en picked off Boniface a la p later, and then Se lla rds for second on lap nine of 13. Ward had a comfo rta ble 10-second lead o n Bro wn when the Kawasaki ride r moved into second, but that lead would diminish considerably throughout the last few la ps. Brow n closed in on and followed Wa rd , and j us t befo re th e two- lap boa rd came o ut, Brown passed Ward for the lead a nd the overa ll win. Brown built a sm a ll cus hio n in the final laps , a nd Ward kept h is sa m e pace going . Th e two crossed the line a d ist an c e a head of Sellards and Sheak. Pastra na charged up to sixth by th e finish , a nd J essema n, Bonds , Boniface a nd Currie rounded out th e top 10. "I've bee n t ra ini ng hard , a nd it's pa ying off," Brown sa id at the end of the da y. "I'm go ing to just keep tra in- ing and riding my hardest. I've got a ways to go yet: Pastrana summed up the day by sa y ing , " J don 't think anyone had anything for Mike Brown toda y; he wason." eN Budds CreeIc llKeway Budds Creek. Maryland Results:June 11, ZOOl 125 MOTO 1 (30 minutes plu . 2 lap.) : I. Mik . Brown (K.w): 2. Larry W.rd (V. m ): 3. Brock Sellerds (KTM); 4 . Travis Pastrana (Suz); 5. Emesto Fonseca (Y8m); 6 . Brenden Jesseman (Hon) ; 7 . Bobby Bonds (K.w) : 8. Danny Smi th (Suz) : 9. Scott Sho.k (Hon) ; 10. Steve Boniface ( Hon); I t. Keith S. Johnson (V. m ): 12. K.lly Smith (KTM) ; 13. Paul CUrTi. (Hon); 14 . Dav ld Pingree (KTM); 15. Ivan Ted eeco (Hon); 16. Bon Riddle (Suz ): 17. Keith J ohnson (Vom): 18. Nath an Ramsey (Yam) ; 19. Christopher Gossela ar ( Hus); 20 . Erick Vallejo (Suz) ; 2 1. Tyson Hedsetl (Y em}: 22 . Rand y V.I.d. ( Hon); 23 . Ch••• Reed (Suz): 24. Denny Carlson (SoI); 25 . Brenden Morgan (Yam); 26 . Davey Yezek (YllIm) ; 27. Michael Young (YllIm) ; 28 . Joseph Schueler (Yam) ; 29. Nath a n Miller (Ho n) ; 30 . A ki r. Nerite (Suz) ; 31. Gr. g Sch nel l (Yam) ; 32 . Justin Buckelew (YlJI m) ; 33. RylJln Jones (K. w); 34. Matt weuser (Hon); 35 . Tom W. lch (Suz): 36 . Damon Huffman (Yam); 37 . Jacob Mlutin (YlJIm) ; 38. Levi Reid (Yam): 39. Michael Brandes (Yam) ; 40 . Rodrig Thain (Suz). 125 MOTO 2 (30 mlnut• • plus two tepe ) : I. Mike Brown (Kaw); 2. Larry Ward (Ya rn) : 3. Brock Sellards (KTM) ; 4 . Scott Sheek ( Hon) ; 5. T rav ts Pa stra na (Su z); 6. Bra nden .Jease rne n (Ho n) ; 7 . Bobby Bonds (Kaw) ; 8. Steve Boniface (Hon); 9. Paul Currie (Han); 10. Emesto Fonseca (Yam); 11. Greg Schnell (V. m); 12. Mich.eI Bran d• • (Y.m); 13. K.lly Sm ith ( KTM) : 14 . Denny Smith (Suz ) : 15. David Pingree ( KT M); 16. Aki ra Neri te (Suz); 17 . Ben Riddle (Suz); 18 . Matt Walker ( Hon); 19 . .Ieccb Martin (Yam); 20 . Randy velede (Han) ; 2 1. Erick V. II. jo (Suz); 22. Michael Voung (Y. m): 23 . Keith S. Jo hnson (V.m); 24 . Nathan Mill or (Hon): 25. .Joseph Schueler (Yam); 26. Davey Yezek (Yam) ; 27 . Nathen Ramsey (Yllm); 28 . Ryan Jones (Kaw); 29 . Brandon Mor gon ( V. m) ; 30. T y son H ad •• 11 ( V. m); 3 1. Christopher Gossel eer (Hue) : 32 . Justin Buckelew (Ya m) ; 33 . Denn y Carlson ( Suz) ; 34 . Le vi Reid (Yam); 35 . Chase Reed (Suz); 36. Demon Huffm an (Yam) ; 37. To m Welch (S uz) ; 38 . Keith Jo hnson (Yam ); 39 . Ivan Tedesco ( Han); 40. Rodrig Thain (Suz). 125 O/ A : I. Mik. Brown (K. w ); 2. Larry W.rd (Yam): 3. Brock Sellards (KTM): 4. Travis Pllstrana (Suz); 5. Scott Sheek (Hon); 6. Branden .Jessemen (Han); 7. Bobby Bonds (Kaw); 8. Emesto Fonseca (Yam) : 9 . Steve Boniface ( Han); 10. Paul Currie ( Hon); 11. Denny Sm ith ( Suz) : 12. K.lly Smith (KTM) : 13. David Ping ree (KTM): 14 . Grog Schnel l (Y am); 15. Keith S. Johnson (Yam) ; 16. Michllel Brand es (Yam): 17 . Ben Riddl e ( Suz) ; 18. Ivan Tedesco ( Hon) ; 19. Aki ra Narita (Suz) ; 20 . Keith Johnson (Yam). AMA CHEVV TRUCKS 125 cc U.S . MOTOCROSS C'SHIP SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (A ft er 5 of 12 rounds); 1. Travis Pes trane (203/2 wins); 2. Mike Brown ( 167/1 win); 3. Grant Lenqston ( 16 1/2 wins); 4. Bro ck Sella rd s (135) : 5 . Larry Wo rd ( 134 ): 6 . Er nes tc Fcn sec e ( 118) ; 7. Danny Smith (99 ); 8 . Scott Sh• • k (95): 9 . Kell y Smith (9 4); 10. K.ith S. J ohn son (89 ); 11. Nat han Rem eey (84) : 12. (TIE) Rodrlg Thain/ Damon Huffman (8 1): 14 . Nick Wey (77) : 15. Bobby Bond s (7 1): 16. Branden Jesseman (64); 17. Steve Boniface (50) : 18. Da vid Pingree (46): 19. Grog Schnell (43); 20. P.ul Currie (40) . Upcoming Rounds: Round 6 - Buchanan, Michigan, July 1 Round 7 - New Berlin, New York, July15

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