Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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,.....-----------------------------------, ~ ~ w :I: g :> ~ ~ :I: Q. Glen Helen Raceway Park: Tom Wh ite flew to t h e Ove r 50 Masters win at REM 's Saturday motocross In San Bernardino, Ca lifornia . and soon the tw o were argui ng in close qu ar te r s ov er sec ond pl ac e. W ei sel d id what he could, but just past the halfw ay po int , White forg ed by and took over second place , At the ch ecker s, Olson t ook the mot o win, Wh ite came in second , whil e Pisar sk i m ade a lat e charg e for third, On the day , White ( 1-2) was th e ove rall cl ass w in ner. Pisarski 's stro ng 2 ~3 rid es gave him th e ru nner -up posit ion, wh ile Olson (5- 1) was third , In 250cc Pro act ion, J ohn Burr/T roy Lee Design s/Ma xim a-backed Te rry Fowler took the overall win aboa rd his Yama ha YZ426F, despite not winning a m ote. In th e first stanza, T ony A maradio showed everyone th e fast way around the tra ck as he led from start to fin ish. Willy Musgrave , Fowl er and Kawasak i KX250mounte d Crai g Deck er were riding side by side for the second-p lace slot for m ost of the 20-minui te race. Eventually , Fowle r was ab le to wear Musgrave down, and he took over th e po siti on . When the chec ke rs cam e out, Ama ~ rad io was the con vincing w inner and Fowler wa s sec on d b est , whil e Mu sgrave h eld off Deck er for th ird. Deck er to o k the seco nd·moto h ol eshot , with A m aradi o an d Suzuki RM250~mou nted Donald Upt on in tow. Decker was abso lutely flying, and he opened up a three-second gap on Ama radio early on . Fowl er was coming from the back of the pack after a poor start , but soon he was righ t on Upton and looking for a way past. Ama rad io started closing o n Deck er , but then he m ade on o ff~track excu r~ sion and crashed out. At the checkers, Deck er too k an impressive win. Fow ler m ad e a late p ass for ano the r secon d- p lace finish, wh ile Upton ca me ' i n t hi rd. On th e day , th e t op m oney went to Fowl er with hi s co nsistent 2 -2 scor es. Deck er (4- 1) was second, whil e Musgrave (3 -4 ) fill ed out the top three, Res u lts 80 BEG : 1. Ch ri. Dov is (Yam ) : 2. Cody Am ick ( Yam) : 3 . Cameron Hei5.St'f (Yam); 4 . Genit Wagner (Hon): 5. Brent Hatfield (Kaw). 125 BEG: I. Scott ft\agdaleno (Yarn): 2. RyllO ArMradio (KTM): 3. Ludo Botnnard (Yarn): 4 . John Minert (KTM.) 5. sn_ Johnston : (Kaw). 125 JR: I. Chris Avery (Yam ); 2. MIlIrk Thomes (Yam); 3. Frank Masy (Yarn): 4. Mork Pri~ (Hon): S. Paul Benton (Yam) . 125 INT: J. Kevin Jennings (Yam): 2. Cliff Jennn'l9" (Yom) ; 3. KlIrt Grov~ (Yam ). 250 BEG: 1. Ray Promer (Suz ): 2. Chris Deiter (Yem ): 3. Mike Borowski (Suz): 4. Brien DUtine (G·O): 5. Rhyan MIlI shali (Yam ). r 250 JR: 1. Mike Hart (Hus): 2. Matt Hart (Han ); 3. Joe UJiard (Ka.....): 4. Jason Lentz (Yam ); S. Brien N e~k (Hon) . 250 INT: 1. Tim Olson (Ka.....); 2. Brilln ~cAlee (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Terry Fowler (Yam ): 2. Crll ig Decker (Kaw): 3. Willy Musgrllve (Yam): 4. DOfllll d Upton (SU ; 5. Chris Cooley (Hon) . I) 25+ BEG: 1. Ryan Bayliss (Yam ): 2. Bryan Rice (Han). 25+ JR: 1. Mike Oliva (Yam): 2. Rocky Hash (KlIw ): 3. Kurt Bi. · sell (Yam ). VET BEG: 1. Jim Roberts (Yam); 2. Mott Burrough s (Hus); 3. Tun Norton (KTM); 4. Chuck Ooleb (Hon): S. AI ROlIth (YlIm). VET J R: 1. Michael Lu CllS (Ka.....): 2. Mike Manishcalchi (Yam ); 3. Todd Heag5tedt (Yam): 4 . Den AlomangO$ ( Han ): 5. Erik Henson (KT"). VET INT: 1. Mik e Horton (KTM); 2. Steve Piettoni (Sut ): 3. Com ft\aecIa (Hon); 4. Fred Nichol. (Yam) ; S. Bob Johnson (Yam ). 84 ..JUNE 27. 200 1 • c u e • e 40.. J R: 1. Andy Northrup (TM): 2. MIchel' I Dickherbec (Kew); 3. Jeff Crump (KTM): 4 . Bob Barnett (Yam ); S. Tim Norton (KTM). 4Q.. INT: I. Don Blu y (Yam ); 2. Joel Seals (Hon); 3. Greg Brll~s (Yam): 4. Dave Stephen. (Yam ); 5. Rudy Chavel (Hon) . 40+ EX: I. Rob Healy (Yam ): 2. Randy Skinner (Suz): 3 . Ken Ehlert (Yam) : 4. Mark RaIche (Yam) ; 5. fred Nkhols (Yam) . 40+ M$TR; I. Rich Eierstedt (Yam ): 2. Ron Lawson (KTM): 3. MarcCrosby (Yarn): 4. Denni Boutwafe (Yem): 5 . Jeff Haese (Yam). . 50.. m : 1. Steve Jenn ings (Yam) . 50+ M$TR: I. Tom WhIte (Yam); 2. RlI)' PIa4rsk! (Yam ); 3. Alan Obon (Yem ); 4. &mgt Johannon (KTM): S. Ot~ Mlnen (Yam). L o g Ro ad Bv BART N EWMA N BRONSON , MI, MA Y 12 Dewitt , Michigan 's othe r fast guy, Je rod Whip ple, turned poo r starts into a co up le of great win s to lock up the day 's 125c c B overa ll at Log Road MX, At the kickoff of m oto on e, the boo ming four -strokes of Colin Wright and Hunter Cae were ou t fro nt , with Ju stin Gillen and Wh ipple giving ch ase. By the close of lap two , Wr ight had dropped out of contention after sta ll ing his four-banger, while Whipple m oved past Cae in the tum preceding the fin ish-line ju m p. Coe soon had company, as Joe Penrod and Gill en pu lled up to make it a th ree· wa y battle over third. First Penrod and then Gillen found their way arou nd Cae, and then both set the ir sig hts on Whi pp le , who was just five seconds ahead. By the time the riders were completing lap four, Penrod was falling qui ckl y off the pace as his scooter appea red to be going south, and he dro pped bac k to fourth, behind Wh ippl e, Gille n and Coe. On the final lap of the race, so me b i g c h anges t o o k pl ace . Whipple motored away wit h a win , whil e Cae fo und a great li ne and put his YZF one position closer to th e fro nt. Cae wasn't the only MCR rider on the move, as Wrig ht was on the go after kill ing the m otor on his YlF and dropping all the way back to 10th on lap two. Wright moved Gillen bac k to fourth by moto's end. Terry Neubert rou nded out the to p five. Moto two found Penrod leading the pack of 12 5cc B ride rs thro ugh the finish-line area afte r naili ng the start, but afte r wi nning moto o ne Whippl e was n 't i nterested in fo llowing Penrod, and by the end of lap two it was Whipple out front. Penrod did n't give up without a fight , hounding Whipple all moto long, look ing for an opening th at never ca me. Wright was in control of third from the get-go, but he wasn't able to challenge for the lead. T he race over fourt h was a batt le, as Coe pu t his YZ250F head to head with Tyler Weston 's YZI25 and both riders were loo k ing to co me ho me fo urth at all costs, In the end, Whipp le finished out e Re sults P;W (4-6) SHAFT: I. Kyler J~nel (Yam): 2. Jacob Behringer (Yam): 3, Brock Ca~ (Yam): 4. Bryce Mortlnel (Yam ); 5. fo'Iarshall Hatley (Yam). P;W (7.8) SHAFT: I. Doug Waggoner (Yam ): 2. Rodney Mid· daugh (Yam); 3. James Majewski (Yam): 4. Jacob Haggard (Yam). ) P/W J R: I . Kyler J irne'l~l (tITM. : 2. K~vln ~Iey (Yam ). P/W SR: I. Logan Nevins (KTM) : 2. Spencer Rosen (Cob) : 3. COOOf Edgar (Pol): 4. Jacob Baker (Cob ): 5. Austin Hal'Iison (KTM). 65 BEG: I . KrystaI1...ardef (Kaw): 2. Bradley V et'Wf:1 (Yarn ): 3. Pierce Soule (Hon); 4. Jacob Baker (KlIW): 5. Damon 8m)' (Kaw). 65: I. ~ Qlapman (KTM) ; 2. Brad Kf ter (Kl:lw): 3. G~ Dwivage (Sw:); 4. K~ Lecee(Kaw): 5. C4lTH!ron Mortinez (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Cory Lersen ( Kaw) : 2. Shene Larsen (K aw) : 3 . ~ McNulty (Sw); 4. Christopher Collins (KlIW): 5. Kyle Bl'OOks (Kaw). 85 (9· 13): 1. Dominic: tul (SUl) : 2. T.J . Auten Jr. (Sw:) ; 3. Cody DIIVIS(KlIW); 4. Scott Kobeck Jr. (Hon): 5. Leevont MIlIrtin (KlI w). 8S JR: I. Dominic lui (SUl): 2. Greg Duri vage (SUI); 3. Brad Klest~r (Kaw): 4. Kenneth tccee (KlI w); S. Cody Davis (Kaw). 85 SR: I. Adam Cole ( KII..... ); 2. T.J . Auten Jr . (51,1:); 3. Will Hicks (Ka.....); 4. Chrl. Lamont (SUl ); 5. Adom Behringer (KlI.....). I): WMN: 1. Kelsie Bemholtz (SU 2. Jessica Beerbower (Yam): 3. KlI tie Auten (Suz ): 4. Gaylinn Montgomery (Yllm ): 5. Janicll Mitchell (KlI.....). 125 JR: 1. Joe Penrod (Suz) ; 2. Chris Lamont (Suz) : 3. Collin Gr~p (Kaw): 4. Jerry UrbGoonskI (Suz ); 5. ~rek Dowee (Kaw) . 125 A: I. John P~ (Yam) : 2. Kyle Kohler (Yam ): 3. COf1!y Paulsell (Yam); 4. Greg Andrews (Kaw). 125 B: I. Jerod Wtupple (Han): 2. Cohn Wright (Yam ): 3. John cee (Yam): 4. Joe Pmroct (Sw: ); 5. Terry Nt'Ubm Jr . (Kaw). 125 C: I. Kyle Moulton (Kaw); 2. Kenntm Naysmith (Yam ): 3. Bryan RowJey(Yam): 4. Jimmy Mill« (Hon); 5. Kmn Bryllf1l (Yam). 250 A: 1. Kyle Kohler (Yam ); 2. BrlIndon Fl1tts (Hon); 3. Greg Andrfow. (Kaw); 4. John Pet.snick (Yam). 250 B: 1. Jerod Vr'hipple ( Hen); 2. John Coe (Yam) ; 3. Trent .Jottnson(Yam); 4. Alan f3e5tIofe (Han); 5 . Sean Tunich (Vom) . 250 C: I. Brandon Maust (Ka w): 2. DlIl1 Duve (Hon) : 3. Raymond Nuabaum (Hon) ; 4. Bria n Jo rdan (Ka.....) ; 5. Br ent Gooda l~ (Hon). 16-24: 1. Kyle Kohler (Yam) : 2. Corey Paulaell (Yam) ; 3. Jason Ernsberger (Suz) ; 4. Shane Meisl: (KlI.....). 25+: 1. Michael Miller (Yam) : 2. Aaron Smith (Hon): 3. Nathan Stephen. (Hon): 4. DanTyl er (Kaw): 5. Dannie Larder (Yam). 30+ BEQ: I. Richll rd Colllns (Kaw): 2. Monty c reven (Ka.....): 3. ....dam Kr aft ( Hon) : 4. Sco tt Shane (Yam ): S. D av id Urb anow sk l (Yam ). 30..: I . Michael Miller (Yam): 2. John P.-tsnld t (Yam); 3. Trent Johnson (Yam): 4. David J. ~xter (Yam ): S. Frederick M!trvau (Hon) . 35+: I . Victor Edgar (YlIm) : 2. Devid ~xter (Yam) ; 3. F~k Mervau (Han): 4. Jeff Beerbower (Yam): 5. Bart Newman (Hon) . 40. : I . ~I Behringer (Kaw): 2. Jeff Beerbcwer (Yam) : 3. Philip Peyton (Hon): 4. Craig BkJsaer (Hon): 5. Cary Sporin5ky(KTM) . SO 1. R ..: obm Miller (Vam) . NON-CUR; I. James Fuller (Hon): 2. Ryan HeI'tJ'nan (KlIW): 3. Keith Puckett (Suz) ; 4. Franklin Danku (Hon); S. Darla Hinkle (Han) . MX Whipple Squeezes Out a Win n front and too k the win by 12 seconds for the overall on a I-I score, over Penrod (9- 2 ), who recovered fro m a bad fir st moto to take fifth ov erall. Wrig ht (3 -3 ) rod e strong all day to take second overall, with Coe (2- 4) third overall , topping Ne ubert (5 -5) , who was fou rt h overall after Westo n's day ended wit h a DNF, vv s Derek 's start was only good enou gh for fourth place, Ahe ad of him were Hon da pilot All en Hunter, Yamaha-mounted Tommy Deuchars, and Honda rider Brandon Freistat. On lap two, Hunter, Deuch ars and Van O rder all m oved up a spot, leav ing Freistat to hold off the rest of th e pa ck , Laps thr ee an d four shu ffle d th e deck yet again, putting Van Order in second, behind Hunter. Van Order charged hard on the last la p, but Hunter still p rev ail ed at th e check ers. Making up th e rest o f the top frve we re Schw enke . Honda rider Eric Ha m me r and Yamaha m an Randy Nelson, Moto two dished out a thi rd- place start to Van Order , with Hammer betw een him and Freis tat t who was n o w two fo r two on th e ho leshots. The second lap put Hammer ou t in fro nt, with Van Order cha lle ngi ng Fr eistat . Midwa y t hroug h lap th ree, Hammer fa ded, allo wi ng Van O rder, Frei stat and Hunter to get by him : At t he checkers, it was Van Or der, Freistat and Hunter who made the grade, leaving Hammer and Kawa sak i j ock ey Brandon Gra y to round out the top five. In race eig ht, yo unge r brother A rth ur also had 2 1 othe r Beginners to deal with, but short Iy after the first turn he put his RM80 out in front and stayed there throug h all fi ve laps of the first moto, sailing to the checke rs uno pposed. Arthur's m ot o-tw o win gave him a per fect I -I fo r th e ove rall. Kawasak i j oc k ey s Jo h n S wangu en , Ju stin M organ . J eremy Stin ett and David Kenlon rou nded o ut the to p fiv e BOcc Beginn ers. eN Results Pee Wee T..-ck INTRO TO M){: 1. Alan Am pudi a (Kaw) ; 2. Brooke Cam po. (Kaw): 3. Nick Koons (KTM): 4. Cody Walletee(KlI w); 5. Aaron Smith (Kaw). ... FIT A : 1. Tanner Camarena (Hon); 2. Austin Brehm (KTM): 3. Mic hael Del Feute (KTM ); 4. 1.lIne Farner (KTM); 5. Brian Ta ylor (Y om). FIT B: l. Tyler 'Pavlick (KTM): 2. Daren SallWlr (KTM) : 3. Diego Rodriguez (Han): 4. Cirant Henderson ( Hon ); S. Clayton Crom well (Cob). P/W STK (0-6) : 1. Ryan Sanders (KTM): 2. Eddie Bustin (KTM); 3. Eric Yorbll (Cob): 4. Tanner Angel (KTM); 5. Cody RlIhder'S(KTM). P;W MOD (0.6): 1. Eddie Bustin (KTM): 2. TanneT" Angel (KTM); 3. En< V ""'" (Cob) . P/W STK (7-8): L Garrett Jackson (Pol): 2. Matthew QuIntanilla (Cob ): 3. Daniel O verton (Pol): 4. Nigel Johnson (KTM): 5. BJ ake Campos (Cob). P/W MOD (7 -8): 1. DlIl1te1 Overton (Pol); 2. Ganett Jackaon (Pol ): 3. Blake Cam po . (Cob): 4. Nigel Johnson (KTM) ; 5 . Aron _ CCob). 60 BEG (0 ·8) : 1. CaSl'Y Harries (Kaw): 2. Shawn Qul ntll nille (KlIW): 3. Tiffan y Neville (KlI w); 4. Stone Wilson (Kaw); S. CKiI Ogle (KlIw ). Main Tra<:k Baron a Oaks Van Orders Victorious Bv PE:rER G OLDEN RAMO NA , CA , MA Y 20 Brother s Derek and Arthur Van Order of Sante e , Ca lifo rnia , eac h won th ei r resp ecti v e Begin ner ~ c1 a ss rac es at round five of CMM C' s 2001 seaso n. Race six found older brother Derek straddling his YZ125 on the gate, next to 21 other ride rs. A fter the gate slammed, S/P/W : 1.lvlll1 Ramirez (Cob) : 2. Garrett Jock5on (Pol); 3. Bloke Campos.(Cob); 4. Oaniet Overton (Pol); 5. !von AmpudIa (Cob) . 60 (7- 11): l. Joshua Huerta (Ka.....): 2. ClItTIefOn Drown (KTM): 3. Fuller Reis (KlIw ): 4. Ivan RamIrez (Kaw): 5. Dakota Gamer (Kaw ). 80 (7-11): 1. Trevor Ret. (Ka.....) ; 2. Josh ua Huert a (Kaw ); 3. Albe rto Herecte (Hon ) ; 4. Timmy Thompsen (Yam ) ; 5. Cameron Drown (Suz ). 80 BEG; 1. Arthur ven Order (Suz); 2. John Swanguen (Kaw): 3. Justln Morgll n (Ka..... ); 4. Jerem y Stinett (KlIw ): 5. Dev id Kenlo n (KlI w). 80 NOV: I. ~tt ....dams (Yam ); 2. Trevor Reis (KlI w): 3. Cody Severs (Ka.....); 4. Alberto Hered a (Hon ). 80 1 NT: I. &bby Romero (Yam ). S/ Ml NI: I. Bobb y Rome ro (YlIm ); 2. Melt Adorns (Yam ): 3. Micheel H~nera (Kew). 125 ( 12- 15): 1.1lIc Wray (YlIm) ; 2. Larry Reese Jr . (Kaw). 125 (16- 25 ); 1. David Meyers (Yam ); 2. Salvlldo r H~mandel (y am) . 125 BEG: I. Derek Van Order (Yam); 2. ADen Huntet"(Hon): 3 . Brando n Freistal (Hon); 4. Enc Ham mer (Yam ): S. Be Sch wenke (Kaw). - -.-,-------------.,.=,..----------,z r----.,.----.,.= =---.,....... w o is a "; w tu Q. ~ ~ IE Barona Oa k s: Suz uki pi lo t A rt hur Va n Order (46) and Kawasak i j oc key J eremy St inett (55) do b attle In the 80cc Be gi nn er c lass In Ramon a, California.