Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier Daniel Boone Motocross Park Chisholm, Sipes, Stewart Excel B y SU SAN S . WILLIAN LONDON, KY, MAY 12-\3 R iders fr om 18 sta tes co nverged on Daniel Boone Motocross Park for the AMA/Loretta Lynn 's area qualifi er, and Kawasaki Team Green riders - F lo r id a ' s Kyle Ch isholm , Capitol Cyc le/ll :30- ba ck ed J am es Stewart, and Pod ium On e' s Ryan Sipes - domin ated the eve nt. In the f irst 80c c (12 -13) Stock moto, Chisholm was first off the gate, fo llowed by Suspension PIus /Adven ture Sports /Ryno Racing 's Justin Sipes . By th e first turn , Suzu ki /Pro Circu it's David Millsaps was in th e fron t of the pa ck , w ith Justin Sipes and Ma tt Bon i ne xt in lin e and Ch isho lm seve nth. O n lap tw o , Bonl : got by Sipes after Sip es made a slig ht m is c ue over a jump . Mi llsaps an d Boni tested each other througho ut the moto , bu t M illsaps hung o n f o r th e win , with Boni seco nd , Sip es t hird and Ch isholm fou rth. "I had the holeshot and I went a lit tle bit too far on the inside of the tu m and went down , " sa id C a p i t o l Cycl e/ O ak ley 's Chisholm . In the seco nd moto, Chi sho lm was unstoppable from start t o fi nish. Boni rode second until th e sec o n d la p , wh en Millsap s m o v ed b y in a n atte m pt to ca t ch Chi sh olm. Bon i fi n ished third , with Sip es fo u rth. Ch i sh o lm rod e to p e rfecti o n in both Sup ermin i m otos. Sip es tried to c atch him in m ot o one aft er Millsaps f ell o n t he second lap in a turn. PE /CTii s B on i ended u p ta k ing the runn er -up honors. while Dr ew Askew la nded th ird . with Sipes fourth. Millsap s reco vered fo r seventh. In the se cond moto , Askew t ook second wh il e Boni went fo r third. Matt Gaerbe r finished fourth . Sipes was fifth and Millsaps took another seventh . "My bike is not running very well," Millsaps said . " It is not set up like my regular race bikes." Chisholm was spectacular in the 80cc (9-13) Modified class . Bon i got the first-moto holeshot, but Chisholm m oved by him quickly . Chisholm was h o u n d ed throughout the mot o by Bon i, who was chased by M illsaps . Midway through th e moto, Millsaps reeled in Boni and tri ed to get by him everywhere on the course . Millsaps passed Boni but only held the spot m o m ent aril y , as Boni repassed him . Millsaps th en opened his throttle to r e p a s s B oni and tried to catch Ch i sh o lm , but the checkers fell for Ch i sh o lm , _with Millsaps settli ng for second , Boni third and Sipes fo urth . 70 .JUNE 27 , 2 0 0 1 • cue I e In moto two , Millsaps suffered bad luck, fi ni shing a disappointing 15th while Chisho lm ch alked u p another wi n. Sip es finished fo urth, with Boni t aking fifth . Competing in his sec o nd A -cl ass contes t, St ewart fi re d off th e ga te in round one o f the 125 c c A Sto c k class . Cycle Wo rld/Tom Mo rgan Rac ing 's Chad Ward placed second, with F&S Suzuki's Charlie Dunaway third . Stew art dom inated moto two , and Ward scored ano the r sec ond . Wa rd absconded with the ho lesh ot in the first 125cc A Modifi ed m ot o , with St ewart in six th . Stewart m oved up to second by the sec ond lap . "My bike bogged off th e gate and I got p in ched off ," Stewa rt ex plai ned . " On about the fifth lap, I messed up on a j um p and went off th e race trac k [and lost] about 10 seconds." Ward went down ov er a j um p , and, as Stewart had closed the gap, th is pu t Stewart in the front spot for th e moto. Ward pulled off the track for a DNF. "My bike bogged over the face of the j um p , causing my motor to di e, and I nosed in and went ov er front w ard ," Wa rd l am ent ed . "My ha ndlebars are gone." Stewart rode t he rem a ind er w ith ease for th e win . St ewart w as th e quickest off t he gate in the sec ond mot o , w it h Ward back (a fter repairs) in pu rsu it. B y th e fo urth lap, St ewart had pull ed away out of Ward's reach , and he cha lked up another win. Ward wa s second. Ryan Sip es had no p rob lem s win ning the first 2 5 0cc B Stock moto, but the second moto tested Sipes, as Ryan Ellerby snared the holeshot. Sipes passed t h e test, outjumping Ellerby on the "CanYou" for the lead on lap two and taking the win . "They dropped the gate before I was ready," said Sipes. "I wasn 't even i n gear. People were everywh e re . Ellerby was hard to get by ." The f irst 125cc B Modified m oto wa s a breeze fo r Sipes, as he led fro m start to finish with a huge lead over second -p laced Brian G ra y . In moto two, Sipes was fifth off the gate. Al ex Ga ines took the lead. A mish ap c a u sed a restart , but Gaines was again first off th e gate , w ith Adam Robinson , Gray and Sipes following . Robinson took charg e by lap two , while Gray and Sipes rode side by s id e . Gray took the lead as Sip es moved by Rob inson t o c h a rge f o r Gray . Sipes tried to get by Gra y on the final la p . American Suzuk i/BelRay /Dunlop 's Gray crossed the finish neVIl' s li ne first, wi th Sip es less tha n a b ik e length away, suffering his on ly m oto loss of the wee kend . Ro binson was third . CN Daniel B one Moto cross Part London,Kentucky Results: May 12-13, 2001 Sa turday 5 0 S HA FT : 1. Michae l Hall (Yam ); 2 . Ma son Gragg ( Yam ); 3. Ta yl or Perry (Ya m) : 4 . Harri son Whaley (Yam ); 5. Bryan Turpin (Yam) . 50 ( 4· 6) : J. Mi cha el Hall ( Po l ) : 2 . w ill Castleberry (Pol); 3 . Forrest Trent (Co b); 4 . Ta ylor Perry (Cob): 5. Mason Gragg (Cob ). 50 (7 -8) : 1. Kalen Fitzpatrick (Pol ): 2. Dakot a Matthew s (Cob): 3. Robby Huss (Cob): 4. Dylan Cox (Cob) : 5. Forrest Lane (Cob). 65 ( 7 · 9 ) : 1. Mad ison Hambright (KT M) : 2 . Arthur Co field (K2Iw) : 3 . Chase Couture ( KTM); 4 . Malcolm Stewart (Kaw ); 5. Bred Joh nson (KT M) . 65 (1 0- 1 1): 1. Ricky Renn er (KTM): 2 . Kyle Keylon (KTM) : 3. Les Smith (KTM): 4. Bobby Tiesler (KTM) ; 5. Ben Denton (KTM) . 8 0 (1 2- 13 ): 1. D avid Mill sap s (S UI ): 2. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw); 3. Matt Boni (Kaw); 4. J ustin Sipes (Kaw): 5. Cole Boutwe ll (Yam ). 80 (7- 11): 1. J ase Lewis (Hon) ; 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Dusty Rowe (Suz); 4. Dean Dyess (Suz); 5 . Donald Sulley (Yam) . 125 ( 12 - 15) SCHBY : I. James Stewart (Kaw): 2. Hutch Lee (Yam); 3. Ryan Warren (Kaw); 4. Kenny Dale Orr (Suz) ; 5. Shane O'Ba nion (Suz). 125 A: 1. James Stewart (Kaw); 2. Chad Ward (Yam ); 3. Tony Graham (Yam) ; 4. Ryan Davis (Kaw); 5. Josh ua Summey (K aw). 125 B : 1. Ryan Sipes ( Kaw) ; 2. Shawn Mayo (Yam) ; 3 . Adam Robinson ( Yam) ; 4 . Br ian Grey (Suz); 5. Michael Graham (Hon) . 250 A : I. Clark Stiles (KTM) : 2 . Chad Ward ( KTM ) ; 3 . Charlie Dunaway (Suz ) ; 4. Jo shua Summ ey (Kaw); 5. To ny Graham (Yam) . 25 0 B : 1. Ryan Sipes ( K aw); 2 . Br ian Gray (Suz); 3 . Michael Graham (Hon) ; 4 . Alex Gaines (KTM) : 5. Ryan E1lerby (SUl). WMr! ( 8 0· 10 5): I. April Hodg es ( Ka w) : 2 . Maris.a Hampsh ire (Kaw) : 3. Brianna Millsap s (Suz); 4. R k~1I McEvoy (Suz); 5. Patience Taylor (Suz). WMN 125: 1. Marisa Hampshire (Kaw) ; 2. April Hodges (Kaw); 3. Kayla Alexander. OIL MIN I: 1. Jase Lew is (Hon ); 2. Jesse Van Patton ( Kaw); 3. J ustin Ashburn ( Hon); 4. Harris Altman (Kaw); 5. Dustin Rowe (Sul) . OI L A lB : 1. J .T. Smith (Hus) ; 2. Tyler Morris (Han): 3. Gamet Tutt le (Han ). (Ill C: 1. James Mackey (Hon); 2. Matt Barrett (Ya m) ; 3 . Travis Wo rmsley {Yern) : 4 . Troy De rr (Yam); 5. Chuck Stewart (SUl ). U/L 0 : I. Ryan Ruff (SUl). U/L (16·24 ) : 1. J. T . Smith (Hus) ; 2. Michael Pray (Kaw); 3. Ryan Pawley (Kaw); 4. Matthew Gaunt (Yam ); 5. Joshua Aaro n (Yam ). OIL 25 +: 1. Matt Summers (Yam) ; 2. Scott Steffy ( Yam ) ; 3 . Garn ett Tuttl e ( Hon ); 4 . M ark Durbec k (KTM) : 5. Wade And erson (Yam). Sunday 50 (4 · 6) : 1. Will Castle berry (Pol) : 2. Michael Hall ( Pol) ; 3 . Braden Owens ( Pol ) ; 4 . Eddie Hart (Pol) . 50 (7·8 ): I. Andre w Langworth y (KTM): 2. Jesse Tu rn er (Po l): 3 . Clayton Rapp ( KT M) : 4 . John Reack ing (KTM ); 5. Craig O'Daniel (KTM) . 65 MOD: 1. Ricky Renner (KTM): 2. Les Smith ( KT M); 3. Benj am i n D en ton (KTM ); 4 . T aylor John son (KTM) ; 5. Cody Miller (KTM) . 80 D: I. William McKown (Hon) ; 2. John Deaton (K aw}: 3 . Tr ey Woo lum (Suz) ; 4 . Kaleb Anderson (SUl) . 8 5 (9 - 13) : I. Kyle Chisholm { Kew) : 2. Justin Sipes (Kaw); 3. Matt Bani (Kaw) ; 4 . Cole Boutwell (Yam ): 5. Billy Harper (SUl). 85 ( 14 - 15) MOD: I. D rew A sk ew ( Yam): 2. Kenn y Or r (Suz); 3. Levi Summons (Yam ): 4 . Jeff Jennings (SOl); 5. Harris Altman (Kaw) . S/MlNI: 1. Ky le Chisholm (KllIw); 2. Drew Askew (Yam); 3 . Matt Bani (Kaw); 4. Matt Geerber (YllIm) ; 5. Justin Sipes (Kaw). 125 ( 12 · 15) YTH: 1. James Stewart (Kaw); 2. Hutch Lee (Yam) ; 3. Bryan Johnson (Suz); 4. Kenny Orr (SUI) : 5. Scott Simon (Sue). 125 A MOD: 1. James Stewart (Kaw) ; 2. Devin Bank s (Ya m); 3 . Aa ro n Ste nct l (Yam) ; 4 . T on y Graham (Yam) : 5. Darby Fowler (Yam) . 125 B MOD : 1. Brian Gray (Suz); 2. Ryan Sipes ( Kaw); 3 . Ad am Rob in son (Ya m ) ; 4. J .T. Sm it h (Hus): 5. Alex Gaines (K TM). 125 C M.OD: 1. Sid Boughto n (Yam); 2. Brandon Stoo k sb ur g (Yam); 3 . Brandon Moor e (Yam ) ; 4 . Jared Lewis (Suz); 5. Doug Cassey (Hon) . 250 A: I. Chad Wa rd (KTM): 2. Cla rk Stiles (KTM): 3. Hans Neel (Hon); 4. Aaro n Stancil (Yam); 5. Tony Graham (Yam). 2 5 0 B : I. Rya n Sipes ( Kaw ) ; 2 . Br ia n Gray (SUl); 3 . Ryan Ellerby (Suz) ; 4 . Michael Graham (Hon); 5. Wade Anderson (Yam) . 25 0 C MOD: I. Sid Bough ton (Yam): 2. James Heckey ( Ho n ); 3 . Matt Barrett ( Yam ); 4. Ku rt Schnesser (Hon) ; 5 . .Jermeine Dunc an (Yam) . 25 . A : 1. Matt Summ ers ( Yam ) ; 2 . Wad e Ander son (Yam) ; 3 . Brad Cassada (Hon ); 4 . Heath Wilson (Yam ); 5. Kevin Cozadd (Kaw). 30. A: 1. Kevin Black (Suz) ; 2. Scott Meredith (Kaw) : 3. Scot Steffy (Yam): 4 . Bobby w iison (KTM). 30 . BIC: 1. Rodney Cavender (Hon); 2. Kenneth Stowe (Suz); 3. Hervey Hall (Hon ); 4. Tommy Myers Jr. (SOl) ; 5. Rusty Richardson (Hon). 40. : 1. Jeff Steinrock (Vam) ; 2. Tommy Myers (SUl): 3. Mark Guy (Yam ): 4. Dean Woulf (Yam) : 5. Sherry Critte ndon (Kaw) . 50 +: 1. Johnny Gibson. 4 - ST RK : 1. A dam Robinson (Yam); 2. Matt Summers (Yam) ; 3. Jeff Steinrock (Yem ): 4. Heath Wilson (Yam) ; 5. Chuck Williamson (Yam) . OIL MINI : 1. Jesse Van Patten (Kaw); 2. Dustin Rowe (SOl): 3. Trevor Dome (Suz); 4. Steve Houser (Yam); 5. Richell McEvoy (SUl). aIL B : 1. J .T. Sm ith (H us): 2 . J ustin Ingl e (Yam). aI L C/O: 1. Scott Callebs (Yam) : 2. Matt Gaunt ( Yam) ; 3. Rach Cou t ure (S uz) ; 4 . Rick McElvoy (KTM): 5. Jonathan Stabb (Suz}. International Cup Bel Ray WML Motocross Championship Series Round 2: Hangtown Laier Levels Hanqtown B Y STEVEN B O N N A U SACRAMENTO,CA,MAYI8-20 R ound number two of the Bel Ray WML Motocross Championsh i p Series rolled into Sacramento, Cali fornia. The event was actually like two races in o ne; it was the second round of the series , but also the International Cup. Th e Cup contest drew 24 riders , w ith eight countries being represented. There was a bu zz in th e p it s, and on e c ou ld hear sp ectators gos siping about German rider Steffy Lai er, talking abo ut he r performance at round on e and won dering if she was for real. In moto one, Ashley Boha m came out of the fi rst tu rn in t he lead , fol lowed by Heidi Henry, Tanya Sat chwell and then Laier , who was on the move early, and within hal f a lap she was in the lead . Henry and Satchwell followed her lead, both quickly m ov ing around Boham . Sat chwell was on t he g as and allover He nry , wh o couldn't hold back Satch well for lo ng, and she was overtaken before the fi rst lap w as over. As soon as Satchwell was around Henry , she made a mista k e and stalled her four-stroke , letti ng the entire field go by . Satchwell eventually got the b ike started , but not until she was a lap and eight rid ers down . Just when Henry started to settle into second , sh e came under fire from Shell y Kann and a very h a r d - c h a r g i n g She ena Patterson. K ann started to work on Henry, while Patterson managed to sneak up and pass Ka nn . Patte rson was now all ov er Henry, and wi thi n a few corners she m ade her move for second. Whi le H en r y was still trying t o figure out wh e r e Patt e r so n had come from , K ann p ut a wheel on her and ma de th e pas s stick. Kann now had her wo rk cu t out for h er , as Patter so n had checked out. Whil e th e battle for second was being