Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OMRRA Road Race Series 4120-22 Portland, OR 5/18-20 Portland, OR 6/10 Portland, OR 6f2!j-;j()-7/1 Portland, OR 9/21·23 Portland, OR 10/1~1. Portland, OR Info: 503/221·1487 or www,omrracom ~ FlllI1tai1, CO Denver, CO Denver, CO Denver, CO FlllI1tai1, CO 9/9 Mead,CO 9/30 ~,CO 10(7 T W T Denver, CO 7/1 7~ I I 5 II 11 12 IS II 15 II zs • And 2. Info: 949/367·1141. • FlORIDA DIRT TRACK· OCR Dirt Trad< Series, Orange Comy Raceway, BilhIo.Info: 407/851.Q125. • GEORGIA SUPERCROSS· TlIT18I' I'lllmolions, nighlrace, And 6, camesviIIe. Info: 7ll&'a86-5284 or • GEORGIA SHORT TRACK & • GEORGIA MOTOCROSS· Weeks Promotions, canon. Info: 7061468-9091 or 404f.l45.651'. • MISSISSIPPI MOTOCROSS· Rollin Thunder MX Pari<, night race, Pr<>Circuit, Champion Cyde and Bardwell Yamaha, Fernwood. info: 504/796.Q966. • OKlAHOMA MOTOCROSS - Dirt Bike M~e Promotions, Mid-South MX Championship, lillie River MX, Idabel. Info: 580/584-3920 or April 20-21 _,PO 7/22·22 BowmanvIIIe, ON 8IS-12 Shubena<:adie, NS 8/31·9/2 Long Tradl, ON Southwest Vintage RacIng Group Series 4/21 e:a-, CA 5/12 Gorman, CA Cartsbod, CA San Jacinto, CA Gorman, CA San Bemanlino, CA San Jacinto, CA 'TEXAS FlAT TRACKitlRAGlSUPER TT -AloIA. Kei1I1 Kim', StrightIIne Inc., Hous1on Raceway Pari<. ~ Info: 281fJ83.RACE. Fri. April 20 San Jacinlc, CA 7/14 8/4 ApriI2G-22 Portland 1 _ Raceway. Info: 503/221-1487 orWWW.omrracom. $;ol Jacinlc, CA 6123 CAUFORNIA TRIAlS - NATC, American Trials Assoc:iaIion, AloIA. Rnds 1&2, Reed VaJley/Aguange. Temecula. Info: 760(131·7207 or OREGON ROAD RACE - Oregon MoIon:yde _ Racing Assoc:iaIion, Southland Racing Products Dirt Track Series San Jacinto, CA San Jacinto, CA San JacinIo, CA San JacinIo, CA San Jacinlc, CA 9/22 CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· CMC, Nor1h SaUday Night _ ParI<, ~~~~, www,nmamx.can. 5/17·20 ShannonviIIe, ON 8/7·10 GaIgary, AS 8/1S.17 Ed~,AS C/28 612 I NEVADA MOTOCROSS· NMA 3OIt1 annual World Mini Grand Prix, 1.Bs Vegas MoIor Speedway, Las Vegas. Info: 909/657-6782 or 5821868-8112 or CMRA National Roadrace series 10/1. 2 I April 18-22 calgasy, canada calgasy, canada calgary, canada calgasy, canada 9/22·23 calgasy, canada 9/16 7 Classic, Dislrid 36, DIrt DIggers Nor1h MC Inc.. Sactamento. Info: 8OMiangtown or 5/12·13 6/s.10 7f7·8 8/4-5 8(.!1; I • CAUFOANIA SPEEDWAY· IntsmationaI Speedway, O!ange Comy Faitglclnjs, Costa Mesa. lmo: 714/492· 9933 or • CAUFOANIA MOTOCROSS - Chevy Truck AMA US MoIDcroos~, _ 1251250 NallonaI Hangtown CMRA Regional Roadrace Series 7121 S April 18-20 Inle: 3031530-5679 or www,mraracing,com 7~ f 1 ~,CO 8/19 II 17 II II 21 21 22 o.r-,CO 613 6/10 S 21 25 21 27 21 21 MRA Colorado Road Race series 5130 .-E 10/13 11/3-4 Info: 760/723-4006 or 909/307·9495 North American Hlllclimbers Association Hlllclimb Series • OHIO MOTOCROSS· CRAIPeIriat I'lllmolions, Wayne Comy Speedway, Orville. Info: 33lW4S-4613 or www.waynecght race, E.asl Bend. Info: 336/699-3629. • NORTH CAROUNA MOTOCROSS NAME RaIng Hills Cyde ParI<, ReidsviIe. Info: 336/342-4492. o YES! Sign me up for a I!JluenJbbon Coalnion Membershjp" 0 Business/Orgaillzation Membership $loo/year Contribution: 0 $50 0 $100 0 $250 0 $500 0 $1000 0 $5000 Other $ _ o Individual Membership $20/year BW my ... 0 VlSA 0 Mast.erCard _ Emai"l _ send 10: 4555 • CAUFORNIA SUPER TT - STTARS Super TT American Racing SerIes, Southwest Regiorl, Rnd 1, Willow Springs Kart Track, Rosanmd. Info: 949176s. 4626 or www.supef1lcom. Warrior. Info: 205/365.()870. FlORIDA MOTOCROSS· cantIIy 21 & _ Southeastern MX Series, West Florida MX Pari<, Milton. Info: B50(76&9505 or 912/872·3162IWNOIS HARE SCRAMBLES - lamoine Ramblers MC, AMA, Macomb. Info: 309/837·9436. WISECD YAMAHA ~~~~"'laeger. ~!NlIJJfFjf,~,g;:;p ~ cw,eW1> • LOUISIANA MOTOCROSS - DIrt Bike Mike Promotions, And 8, Mid-South MX Championship, ~ MX, Benfon. Info: 318/746-7398 or www.dirtbiksmIlce.can. Hurricane MJIIr,. ", April 21/22' (NHS) Lorella Lynn's GNCC 1-40 W01 NasIMk to Exit 143 to Rt 13 N The Spartan GNCC ~71to Exit 57 ~ SpcIrflI. /("f mile Wildemess GNCC CJatbbura. wv Exit 119 then SOW to S)'QI'IlOI't Rd. ScarecnIw GNCC UItticiIsvi,J., OH m to III 2SO to I'1cCUey Rd Exit (Crow Canyon) Mathews Farms GNCC TapIol1own.. M ~79 to Exit I I'1oln MorTis ~79to June 16/17 (Y) CAll 24 HOURS FOR RACE. PRACT1CEINFO 1oo'Y. PRO PAYBACK ~ S.,.. ~ Apr.22 WIlIlo Ilroo. World 4-5.... II)( ClwnpIonllllp Sun. CRC I ... ~ <66'1:» 272-aaa9 • KANSAS GRAND PRIX· KORR, Kansas Off Rood Riders, Odin. Info: 3161942-6527 or KENTUCKY HARE SCRAMBlES - AMA, Eagle Creek, Mason lJIne, 0wentDn. Info: 859/472-34-42. ~t ,,"'. Mastercard and VISA accepted. Free catalog available upon request. CAUFOANIA MOTOCROSS - AMP/GA Yamaha Conlingency Yamaha of _ Spring Series, And 3, HoIislIlr Hils GP Tradl, Holster. CAUFOANIA TRIAlS - B Trial de Espana, American Trials AstoQalion, Reed ValIey/Aguange. Temecula. Into: 760(131·7207 or MagaVn~ GOOD/i'EA 'TEXAS SUPERCROSS • AMNEA Sports Sopertross Series, Rnd 14, INing. Info: • CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS - Over The Hill Gang Motocross Bay Area, carnegie SVRA, Tracy. Info: 510/964-0001 or 619 8/10 7126 1-800-BLUERIB *Membership comes with J year (12 U3lU!).free Subscripticn to TN! Blue-Ribbon Ctio,_Aed_~Qcw PJ.JUJAMA MOTOCROSS -Ironman MX Pari<. AloIA. Alabama MX Spring Series, _ _ State_ _ Zip l:a1j01 Raceway. ~ 44O/254-l812. Sun, April 22 0 Check: Enclosed Exp. Date---l_ Phone ( ) OlIO MOTOCROSS· AMA. Disricl12 r:I CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS - Over The Hill Gang, Sierra Chapter NallonaI, ~, Rancho Cordova Info: 714/952-9675 or 582/924-4657. 0 Discover City • NORTH CAROUNA MOTOCROSS Dries Ridge Superaoss, TaytorsviIIe. Info: 82lW3S-8635. WISCONSIN MOTOCROSS - WISCXlflSil DIstrict 16, Northern Cup Motocross Series, Pine Ridge Raceway, AIheIstane. Info: 92lI'662-1104 or 0 American Express Card# Name (;ndudl! bU.J/"es.\'lorg. ijapplicabJe)' Address I EO n e _ os eo.-. • APRIL 25. 200t 57

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